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48.64% Borderlands: Conquest / Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Aftermath (1)

Capítulo 18: Chapter 18: Aftermath (1)

- Alexander - 

After the death of General Knoxx life began to slow down and likewise campaigns soon followed after. 

People were now calm and the only issue that appeared to cause drama was the local bandit populace. 

A typical issue found throughout Pandora. 

Now and then, a random troublemaker would stir a ruckus and then be promptly jailed or executed.

Ironhold was safe and quiet - and the people were able to enjoy their lives with relative ease. 

Similarly, the crucifixions of Atlas soldiers also began to simmer.

The officers were abandoned by the atlas which had their allegiance lost with the wind.

The crimson lance had begun to defect from the Atlas Corporation, the many officers were forced to join the local bandits. 

Life was good.

Mostly everything had been going according to plan.

While the losses were unfortunate.

I wasn't weak.

I wasn't brittle.

I was him.

Today first began with a coffee, the latte maker 5000 an interesting machine created by the Atlas corporation.

It created the perfect coffee.

While perhaps exaggerated it had more positive qualities than it did negative. 

With the perfect ratio of milk and hot water, it allowed a smooth blend which made a subtle richness. 

Watching on with anticipation the machine began to work its magic, the flow of milk dripping into the coffee. 

Smelling the aroma of the latte, its brilliant hues created a wonderful atmosphere that filled the room. 

Taking a sip, I took a seat by my desk and looked over my to-do list.

The first action of today was to look over the legion captain's reports.

Their many actions were reported and filed in my mind.

Reading over each report I found the campaigns had dramatically dropped by eighty per cent. 

While large, it went to show the impact that General Knoxx had over the legion. 

Yet, he had been slain like a dog. 

A simple fool in the grand schemes of the universe. 

Expeditions and mining resources appeared to increase by eighty per cent, a sublime amount.

This was due to the needed manpower being fulfilled, and the safety of workers now confirmed.

With peace achieved, it also came with the roaches. 

Recruits were being trained under the captain's command, with many willing applicants now jumping to join due to Atlas's defeat. 

These soldiers were promptly given the harshest training and forced to make or break. 

There was no free lunch and the current legionnaires knew it. 

It all began from the top, the captains the highest rank of legionaries due to the low officer count. 

With the current total it neared around a battalion (1000), each Captain leading a large company of two hundred and fifty legionnaires. 

The Captains having been forced to be loyal under my command were under my influence.

My brainwashing merely altered the level of loyalty they currently had. 

Some were easy such as Xion who appeared to search for a king.

Others like Jeremiah took time due to their neutral personality. 

Each Captain was unique with their proficiencies and specialities slightly similar but ultimately different. 

For example, Captain Isaac Sato was an excellent fighter and skilled in close-quarter combat.

Although his main speciality was in reconnaissance and tracking, his previous profession was both as a marksman and hunter. 

His marksmanship was only second to Mordecai's, and his swordsmanship was also second to Xion's.

Similar to most he grew up on Pandora during Dahl's reign with his parent slaughtered under a bandit attack.

His quirks were that he was an alcoholic and sex fiend. 

While having a questionable personality, his loyalty wasn't.

Having protected Ironhold with Joshua previously he had been one of the first guardsmen who initially joined fyerstone during its conception. 

He had worked his way from the bottom and now held a respectable role within the legion. 

The respect instilled into his soul, my power ensuring so. 

While such habits appeared to get in the way of his duties it only served to increase his loyalty to Ironhold and myself. 

These ideals and habits would only serve to tie him down to the town, his escape null even if he wished to betray the legion.

Captain Xion D. Demillion was another person with unique capabilities, proficient with the blade and taming a pet Skagg he rode atop of it similar to a horse. 

With freighting endurance and strength, he stood tall and unflinching in battle. 

His swordsmanship was the finest on the battlefield and held considerable weight. 

if there were to be anyone who could wear my armour without dying it would be Xion. 

While human his tenacity was freakishly superhuman.

When found he was brutally tortured by Atlas forces yet remained alive, his soul screaming for survival. 

Although he lacked equal skills in marksmanship he made up for it in other areas. 

He was Ironhold's demolition expert and the reason why explosives were able to be made on base. 

Proficient in homemade explosives and swordsmanship ship he was proclaimed Ironhold's Lone Knight his personality one for theatrics. 

His background was that he was once the son of an old Dahl miner, his parents captured against their will by bandits.

Forced to do odd plays in dresses he eventually learnt how to create explosives under his father's tutelage. 

His only quirk was his persona, which often made conversation awkward. 

But other than this he was the perfect Knight. 

Captain Jeremiah Iga was an ex-Dahl employee, his old job involved overseeing the security of mining facilities.

Now, in the heart of Ironhold, he stands as the town's new Sentinel, a role he embraces with unwavering dedication and a stoic demeanour.

Large and tall, his imposing presence alone commands respect and instils a sense of security among the inhabitants.

Jeremiah's specialty lies in integrating advanced technology with traditional security measures.

He appeared to be quiet and without any social quirks which made him exactly unique which in itself was unique.

It was strange. 

But he was capable, no attack from Atlas or bandits had reached the border of the town. 

He was proficient and strategic.

A dependable asset. 

He was but one of many who migrated to fyerstone during its early days and worked as a guard. 

He eventually was selected from the many officers. 

Finishing my cup of latte I turned to face the edge of my room a sudden disturbance was felt in the atmosphere, a sudden crimson energy field appearing.

Forming a female figure it revealed the ex-lance assassin before me, her teleporter being utilised to transport over. 

"Have you made your decision?" I inquired, my hands lightly tapping the desk below me.

I waited for her decision, her eyes telling a story of conviction. 

It appeared she had reaffirmed her beliefs, the glint of hatred deepening. 

Yet her heart was cold as ice, she couldn't be easily manipulated now - a shame.

"I'll dance to your tune, Alexander. But I'm not joining the legion, I've been a part of a group for too long. I won't fight under your banner. I'll fight for myself. I only need a target." 

"A shame, truly... But, I can understand. I won't force my hand. Your situation can be arranged, numerous targets of interest are still present on Pandora," I stated, a holographic screen revealing numerous Atlas outposts. 

"Will you require a team?" I continued. 

Stoic she remained firm in her decision. 

"I'll work alone."

"I understand, but are you sure?"

"I'm certain." 

"Understood. I'll have you sent to the southern bases. If you find anything of use, communicate with Captain Iga. He'll be in charge of you from now on." I explained

"Affirmative." She voiced, her tone now stoic and dull. 

Now dismissed, she walked off her steps silent. 

Many plans had been placed on her, yet they felt short at her will.

I wouldn't be as foolish to break a usable tool. 

She was content with the position of mercenary, most likely fearing she would follow a similar fate as the lance. 

Too good at her job to be terminated, yet not respected enough to be 

I needed a new troop of assassins and one was present to train the others. 

A mere fraction of her abilities in mass would lay destruction on any base.

She was needed assets that required to be cultivated. 

Although it would take time I knew she would fold under pressure. 

She needed money to escape the planet, and knowing how she was it wouldn't take long. 

All it took was one lump sum and she'd be coming back for more. 

While the pay as a mercenary was satisfactory it wasn't equal to the captains who were paid almost triple the amount of ordinary officers. 

She had been offered the position yet declined. 

A shame truely, she would've made a lovely tool.

However, time would show her true colours once more. 

The thing with Pandora is that once you were here the only people that could take you out was the corporation and those monsters charged billions. 

Having searched the prices myself, I would only be able to afford my teleportation.

This was also the more affordable alternative, a spaceship would cost a trillion dollars on the low spectrum and a quintillion for the commercial ones.

This was factoring in the local currency.

Truthfully any other planet could've paid for the amount in lower amounts due to their dollar being stronger. 





"Ah, would this be Alexander, no surname? This is Jeffery Blake calling. I see you've requested upgrades regarding a Claptrap unit." Mr Blake voiced.

"That would be correct." I continued.

"As senior vice president of Mercenary Relations and Tourism for Hyperion, I would like to thank you for your email. Unfortunately as a manufacturer, we cannot disclose trade secrets and offer parts directly to customers." He apologised.

"So what can you offer?" 

"We as a company offer a sincere apology. We will require the robot to be sent to one of the nearest facilities to be diagnosed before being sent to the helios station for testing. Timing will vary, for that we offer complementary weaponry to be sent free of charge to your estate." Mr Blake offered.

The whole exchange felt foreign and too good to be true. 

Was the Atlas corporation an outlier to the rest or was Hyperion oddily kind today?

"I understand you may be angry, we at the Hyperion Corporation value loyal customers. We understand that the Claptrap units are not always... Up to our standard. We see you've made regular purchases and are responsible for eleven per cent of all trades on Pandora. As such the board has concluded to assist you with such an issue." Mr. Blake revealed. 

Although such purchases were high with the company it was similar to all manufacturers, their parts utilised by the twins for far more lethal combinations. 

The arming of the populace was also done and with Marcus facilitating such sales and transport on book it appeared so. 

"Interesting, give me a time frame of exactly how long it will take for my personal claptrap unit to be diagnosed before being sent off to your station.

"Currently our facility on Pandora is facing issues, we are unsure when it will be done."

"Issues?" I queried. 

"Ah, yes - that would be correct. Currently, our facilities have been overrun by claptrap units... We or I require assistance in handling such measures.

"I see why you called now," I commented.

"Don't be mistaken, you are a valuable customer but due to constraints and Hyperion's insistence on utilising mercenaries. I found it best to give this mission to someone of high calibre. We will compensate generously." He continued.


"I am currently held hostage within Tartarus Station. Should this mission be completed, I will personally hand your unit to our finest technicians free of charge. This doesn't include the capital I am willing to offer and likewise complementary weapons all worth above a ten-million dollars." He furthered.

"My men will be over. I hope you remember the Legion never forgets." 

"Trust me, the Hyperion corporation remembers all its debts. We'll be seeing your men soon." Blake voiced before cutting the call, his transmission ending. 

Opening another call I contacted another one of my captains his job usually demolitions of mines and expeditions of goods.

"Captain Xion." I voiced. 

"Yes, my liege." He voiced the man's previous job in theatrics. 

Xion D. Demilion: "For the Emperor!"

"This act of yours can be tiring, no?" 

"Not at all my lord, I find solace in knowing that my king is honoured!" Xion exclaimed.


"What beasts do require to be slain! Or perhaps a captured princess, hmm? I shall complete my duty as your sworn knight! I swear on my honour that the task given shall be done in swift stead!" He voiced.

Committed to the act, the man had somehow conditioned his voice and body to that of a knight. 

He trained every day striking his blade in a vertical angle before moving to horizontal strikes. 

His men usually trained in close-quarters combat regardless of weaponry, whether it is gun, blade or hands. 

Riding a skag around he fashioned himself a blade and 'bow' the weapon merely a gun spray-painted brown. 

"I require you to clear this area and escort claptrap to the facility now marked on your ECHO device. He is to be protected and handed to an individual named Mr. Blake. He will give further orders, once the mission is complete return promptly." I spoke.

"As you wish my liege, may you will be done!" He spoke standing.

He had been conditioned through brainwashing yet now and then I felt the man's antics slightly unnerving.

He truly believed he was a knight and it didn't take much effort.

Looking over the legion's new weaponry and schematics, they were now outfitted with new armour.

Mk I G11

Ebony and sleek in design, the armour allowed filtered breathing, increased endurance, increased strength, increased agility and increased senses. 

While not to the degree of my power armour, the technology still allowed the troops a better edge on the field. 

Having scavenged most of the technology from the corpses of the Crimson Lance and hidden armory the basic quality of life of every Ironhold citizen was increased.

Temperature control systems, Water Extraction and Purification Systems allowed many to live life without worry of the future.

Winter had been known to be treacherous the long season a lethal time for any without a home. 

Wanderers caught in the blizzard would often be lost in time, their bodies either resurfacing in the summer or eaten by the wildlife. 

This also meant I didn't need to smell the horrific scent of pandora. 

General Knoxx wasn't wrong in wanting to commit suicide. 

"I see you've finally started construction on the dome, sugar~." Moxxi smiled towards me, her lack of coverage and pheromones lethal to the horny.

"I am, it'll be completed soon," I answered.

"You always make things too hard, why can't your member down there like that~." She continued, her eyes peaking down below to my *missing* third leg.

I didn't exactly need one as of late, and if needed could be any size I desired. 

The perks of being Alien.

"You know, I've never seen your face. You ugly?" 

"Quite the opposite."

"Now ~. Why not prove it?" 

"I'm not interested."

"Such a shame, we could've given you a handsome junior~." She smiled.

"If you have nothing else to state, leave."

"Such a buzz-kill, fine. I'll see you around sexy~." 

How bothersome.

Looking over my ECHO device I looked at its objective, Franic's cache was still undiscovered.

Perhaps an expedition was in order.

Looking over at the hidden details in his notes, they were mostly empty except when going through its settings a hidden file was merged behind the screen. A list of coordinates pointing to an unmarked location on my map, a hidden Dahl facility most likely underground. 

Ensuring my men were alerted of my absence I sought out hidden treasure. 

Arriving at the sight, the facility was strangely uninhabited. 

The usual horrific wildlife and barbaric bandits were unseen.

"How strange..." I murmured, the echo of my voice barely audible over the faint hum of my ECHO device.

The noise seemed to grow louder, more insistent, as I ventured deeper into the abandoned facility.

Dust motes danced in the dim light, disturbed by my footsteps.

As I reached a rusted iron tile, I noticed a faint outline of a panel beneath it.

Breaching it carefully, I uncovered a hidden compartment containing an old ECHO recorder and a large, silver coffin with a complex code etched into its surface.

Curiosity piqued, I activated the ECHO recorder. An old voice rang from the device, Francis now speaking from beyond the grave. 

"If you're hearing this, then most likely I am dead. I am sorry, my son. I couldn't help you with your cause. The Dahl Corporation alongside Maliwan was too much for me.

"Forgive your foolish father for his sin. What you will find here is our people's legacy, a weapon forged of unknown material. Some people believe that the Eridians forged the weapon, but I like to believe otherwise.

"I like to believe that our ancestors were the ones who forged the weapon from a fallen star, our god gifting the metal to those worthy to be chosen.

"I don't know why, but the weapon was comically large and heavy. Only a giant would be capable of carrying it. I don't know why, but I thought I'd leave it here.

"To those who randomly stumbled across this ECHO recorder, good luck. I sealed the weapon myself. You'd have to be a monster to open the thing, and I doubt you'd be smart enough to find your way in.

"Inside is both the weapon and a list of immoral experimentations against my people. The people of Zeriphon will never forget what they did.

"To those working for such companies, I hope you know that a seat in the depths of hell is open to you. To my son, may God be with you, His grace guiding you in these troubling times.


As the message ended, I stood in silence, absorbing the weight of Francis's words.

The legacy of Zeriphon, a weapon of immense power and a testament to the suffering endured by their people, lay before me.

The silver coffin glinted in the dim light, its coded lock a final barrier between me and the secrets it held.

Unlike Francis's son, I felt no personal connection to the Zeriphon people's plight.

Their suffering was a distant tale, an unfortunate consequence of corporate greed that had little to do with me.

My interest was purely in the weapon itself, a relic of ancient power that promised unparalleled might.

I knelt beside the coffin, examining the code.

It was intricate, a puzzle designed to keep out all but the most determined. My mind raced, piecing together the clues Francis had left behind.

The combination was not just numbers and symbols; it was a story, a history etched into the very fabric of their culture.

After what felt like an eternity, the lock clicked open.

The lid of the coffin creaked as I lifted it, revealing the weapon inside.

It was indeed massive, a halberd adorned with mysterious runes that seemed to pulse with a faint, otherworldly light.

Alongside it was a meticulously kept journal, detailing the horrific experiments conducted by Dahl and Maliwan, a grim reminder of the atrocities committed against Zeriphon.

Holding the halberd in my hands, I felt its immense weight, not just physically but in terms of the power it represented.

This was more than a tool of destruction; it was a symbol of ancient craftsmanship and potential.

The journal's contents, while horrifying, did little to sway my focus.

I skimmed through it, recognizing the gravity of what had been done, but my primary concern was the weapon and its capabilities.

Using my powers it seemed to awaken the weapon's ferocity, a beast's soul hidden embedded within the core of the weapon.

As I focused my clairvoyance on the halberd, its form shifted and morphed before my eyes.

The runes glowed brighter, and a spectral beast emerged, its presence fierce and awe-inspiring.

The beast's soul, hidden within the weapon, roared to life, its energy intertwining with mine. It was a creature of immense power, forged from the very essence of a fallen star.

The halberd was not just a weapon; it was a living entity, a guardian bound by ancient magic.

Its true power lay in its ability to channel this beast's energy, unleashing devastating attacks that could cut through steel and stone as if they were paper.

"You belong to me now." I smiled holding the weapon. 

- Third person -

"Well, well, well. Look who it is. Enjoy your little holiday, John. Do you know how much stress I was under while you were out!"

"Please, honey. Call me Jack haven't we been through this Sarah?"

"What did you even need to do? Don't you know we're currently expanding the station!?" She exclaimed, her heart pounding at the pressure. 

"Hey, my daughter was sick, okay? Had to check up on her, she was feeling kinda down." Jack pleaded. 

"Is that why you took two weeks off? Don't think we don't know about that little satellite you kept up. If Tassiter finds out he'll kill you."

"Oh, please. The guy is an ass, he'll thank me before even knows it. So - did you change the colours to the one I requested?"

"Yes, the Hyperion yellow has been painted across the station. I don't get how you're getting away with this Jack." 

"Listen, when you're making the board money like this they tend to listen. Wasn't I the one who told them about the possible Erdian technology on Elpis?" He furthered.

"I get it, I get it. Whatever, you got lucky." Sarah voiced.

"Wasn't luck sweet cheeks, that's what you call being a smart badass." 

"Well try and get back to work, the RnD departments have been agitating me about how they need more rooms. Bloody nerds, one of their kids came into my office and threw a tantrum." 

"RnD you talking about the nerds doing cool stuff? Who was running that department anyway?" 

"Dr. Gladstone, he's currently on Elpis handling experimental technology he-." 

"Blah, Blah, Blah. I don't care, let's try and get back to work. Need me a bagel or something. You know where they moved the Latte machine?" 

"Fucking hell, Jack. Don't ask if you don't care about what I'm going to say! And it's down on your left." 

"Sweet, I'll be seeing you. Ah' before I go I need you to do something for me." 

"What is it, Jack." 

"I need to check on those body doubles I ordered. Perks of being, you know. In charge of the station now." 

"Ugh, why would you even need one Jack?"

"Just in case, I'm a wanted man you know. Never know if Dahl might come down kicking back. I'm a valuable asset to the company, they'll understand." 

"Is that all?" She furthered.

"Ah, one more thing." He smiled before slowly moving his hands by her inner thigh, his voice whispering in her ears.

"Meet me by my office sometime. Trust me, I'll make it worth your time~." Jack flirted.

Blushing Sarah readily agreed.

"Fine... I'll do it. Just get me those flowers you promised." 

"I'll try." He winked before leaving. 

Weaving back and forth past employee he eventually made his way to his office, the image of his daughter sat neatly by his monitor. 

Staring at it deeply, he didn't know if what he was doing was right. 

He was conflicted.

He wanted to free his daughter but the risks were high. 

If they found her she would be no better than Skagg food for the company's interests. 

Similar to Commandant Steele or Lilith they would either be used or hunted for the rest of their lives.

While he felt hypocritical here, he was doing it for a just cause.

Once he became CEO of Hyperion he would free her, that was a promise he made and a promise he intended to fulfil. 

He wasn't a villain he wanted to do right for the world.

While his life wasn't perfect he was trying his best, all for the sake of the greater good. 

There were a lot of things that were wrong with Hyperion and he aimed to change that. 

The numerous immoral experiments and trafficking of humans would all stop once he was in charge. 

He would save this company from moral corruption and fix Pandora for good. 

"One day, I'll save that planet. So that moment that happened that day never happens to anyone else again." Jack murmured looking at the image of his wife. 

While it had been years since her death she still kept a special place in his heart, her voice now forgotten in the wind.

Attempting to reignite a spark he found Sarah her smile similar to hers.

Yet he found her love to be purely lustfulness, it was unlike her warmth whose touch was gentle and loving. 

He knew he was broken but he missed her, he missed her warmth.

Looking at Angel he knew that he had to lock her away. 

it was the only way. 

The world had taken his wife, he wouldn't allow it to take his only daughter.

The only memory of his wife.

Back on Pandora

The barren landscape of Pandora stretched out before Xion and his legionaries as they rode swiftly towards their destination.

The sun beat down mercilessly, casting long shadows across the rugged terrain.

Their journey had been swift, propelled by the determination to fulfil their king's orders.

As they approached the coordinates provided by Mr. Blake, the sight of the Hyperion representative awaited them.

Mr Blake stood tall and thin, his pale complexion hinting at his involvement in clandestine dealings.

Xion dismounted from his skag, his gaze meeting Mr. Blake's with unwavering intensity."Greetings. I'm guessing Alexander has sent you to complete the task," Mr. Blake surmised, his tone neutral but tinged with curiosity.

"My King has ordered me to complete this conquest with swift deliverance. What is it you desire, merchant?" Xion inquired, his voice steady and commanding.

"I need all the Claptraps in the area destroyed," Mr. Blake stated bluntly, his words cutting through the desert air.

The sudden declaration caused Claptrap, who was strapped behind the Skaggs, to voice his concern. "Wait, you don't mean me as well, right?!" he exclaimed, his metallic voice filled with panic.

"We've been ordered to protect this particular unit. I fail to see how your orders impede upon the monarch's jurisdiction," Xion explained, his loyalty to Alexander evident in his words.

Mr. Blake paused for a moment, considering Xion's response. "Don't be so quick to jump to conclusions. I meant all except your unit. Your 'King' has requested that he be upgraded. You'll need to clear the area before we can fulfil his demands," he clarified, shedding light on the true nature of their mission.

Xion listened intently, his gaze unwavering as he absorbed Mr. Blake's words.

The Hyperion representative seemed intrigued by Xion's background, prompting him to inquire about his origins.

"Say, how does one such as yourself find themselves employed under The Iron Monarch command? You appear to be of theatre origins. I fail to see how the two correlate," Mr. Blake remarked, his curiosity piqued by Xion's unconventional background.

Xion's expression remained stoic as he revealed a glimpse of his past. "It was a hobby enforced upon me by an old Dahl captor. By the age of twelve, I had mastered the craft and murdered them all," he confessed, his tone devoid of remorse.

Mr. Blake's eyebrows raised in surprise, clearly taken aback by Xion's admission. "And so you sought a leader of some kind?" he prodded further, intrigued by Xion's journey.

"As a kid, I found the stories of old heroic and mystical. In such a world, I find my passion in not the act but the action. I'm not parading as a knight, Sir Blake, I am one. My blade is forged from real steel, my weaponry blessed by my king," Xion asserted, his voice filled with conviction.

Mr. Blake continued to question Xion, delving into his motivations and the rewards offered by Alexander.

"So what entices one to join the legion, I presume he pays well?" Blake inquired, his eyes gazing up and down the Knights armour. 

"You wouldn't understand regardless if I told you." Xion voiced. 

"So it would appear..." Mr. Black commented, "Although please, do disclose. I find your attire peculiar albeit impressive. Such craftsmen are flawless." 

"A Knight fights for honour, a mercenary fights for gold. I merely follow my role and my duty." 

"And they say Chilvery died." 

"Chilvery died when men explored the stars, I intend to bring them back down." 

"How philosophical..."

As their conversation came to a close, Mr. Blake instructed Xion to proceed with his mission, offering a reward for his services.

With a nod of acknowledgment, Xion prepared to lead his legionaries into battle, their resolve unshaken by the challenges that lay ahead.

"It will be done," Xion declared, his voice echoing across the desolate landscape as he embarked on his quest to fulfil his king's orders.

Advancing towards the corrupted Claptrap units, their voices rose in a chorus of desperate pleas.

Their pleas were cut short by the stoic Xion who merely gunned the units down, his rifle warming under the constant pressure. 

"Please, spare us! We beg of you!" one of the Claptraps cried out, its mechanical voice laced with fear.

"We don't understand! What have we ever done against you? Can't you free us? This is practically slavery!" another chimed in, its optic sensor flickering with confusion.

Shooting back towards the Legion they began to slowly retreat their wheels failing to gain distance. 

"You're all sinners." Xion alerted.

"Sinners? What sin could we have possibly done? We're just simple robots!"

Xion halted his advance, his gaze stern as he regarded the pleading robots. "Your sin is simple," he replied, his voice echoing across the barren landscape. "You were born on the wrong side of the battlefield."

The corrupted Claptraps exchanged uncertain glances, their processors struggling to comprehend Xion's words. "But we are only machines," one of them protested, its tone tinged with desperation. "We were programmed this way, we can't choose a side!"

Xion's expression remained impassive, his grip tightening on the hilt of his sword.


"Choices have consequences," he declared, his voice steady despite the turmoil within. "And you have chosen to stand against your owners. Today you shall meet your maker."

With a swift motion, Xion resumed his advance, his blade flashing in the sunlight as he prepared to deliver justice to the corrupted Claptrap units.

Despite their pleas for mercy, he knew that their allegiance to the enemy could not be overlooked.

As the battle raged on, Xion fought with determination, his loyalty to his king unwavering in the face of adversity.

With vertical slashes and stabs many of the robot's occuler processors were destroyed blind them. 

Their joints were slashed and removed from their bodies. 

Vulnerable he mercilessly ensured carnage on the poor units, his ferocity unparallel.

And though the corrupted Claptrap units continued to resist, their fate had been sealed from the moment they chose to oppose Hyperion corporation.

As Xion and his legionnaires pressed forward, the corrupted Claptrap units continued their desperate resistance.

The battlefield echoed with the clanking of metal and the whirring of machinery as the skirmish intensified.

While the claptrap units were unskilled to the typical soldiers and lacked the required mobility they made up for it with their almost aimbot targeting systems and unwavering ability to shoot back. 

"Stay focused! Take down those units!" Xion commanded, his voice cutting through the chaos as he directed his soldiers with precision.

The corrupted Claptraps, despite their pleas for mercy moments ago, now unleashed a barrage of gunfire and erratic movements.

Some attempted to flee, while others stood their ground, firing wildly at Xion's advancing forces.

Amid the skirmish, a larger, more menacing figure loomed on the horizon.

It was the elusive Fragtrap, its programming enabling it to deploy a massive behemoth Claptrap unit.This monstrous creation lumbered forward, its sheer size and firepower posing a significant threat.

Most likely created by the Claptrap unit's forces it appeared scavenged from the parts of other claptrap units. 

Xion's soldiers adjusted their tactics, focusing their fire on the behemoth Claptrap while Xion himself strategized for the best approach.

With a swift gesture, he signalled his soldiers to concentrate their fire on the joints and vulnerable spots of the behemoth, aiming to disable it quickly.

As the battle unfolded, the Fragtrap darted in and out of the fray, its agility and cunning making it a challenging adversary.

It unleashed devastating attacks on Xion's forces, forcing them to maneuver tactically to avoid its onslaught.

"Focus on the Fragtrap! Take it down before it causes more damage!" Xion shouted above the din of battle, his voice unwavering despite the escalating chaos.

With a coordinated effort, Xion's soldiers managed to overwhelm the behemoth Claptrap, their combined firepower proving effective against its thick armour.

The behemoth stumbled and finally collapsed under the relentless assault, its systems failing as it powered down.

Meanwhile, the Fragtrap continued to evade capture, its evasion tactics frustrating Xion's attempts to neutralize it.

But Xion remained steadfast, his determination unwavering as he pursued the elusive enemy.

"Surround it! Don't let it escape!" Xion ordered, his soldiers closing in on the Fragtrap from all sides.

With a final coordinated effort, Xion and his legionnaires managed to trap the Fragtrap, overwhelming it with concentrated firepower.

The Fragtrap fought fiercely until the very end, its programming pushing it to its limits.

In a burst of sparks and mechanical whirring, the Fragtrap finally succumbed, its systems shutting down as Xion and his soldiers secured the area.

The battlefield fell silent once more, save for the crackling of flames and the distant sounds of Pandora's unforgiving desert winds.

"Report back to Ironhold. The area is secure," Xion commanded to an officer, his voice resonating with authority as he surveyed the aftermath of the battle.

Sitting down he slowly cooled down, his blade dug deep into the ground. 

His soldiers sitting around him followed suit in rest.

"You have done well, my soldiers." He smiled a cigarette taken out and shared amongst his men.

"What's the go after this boss?" 

"I'll fancy myself a delectable meal before drawing it down with a fine mug of ale." 

"Ah, yeah. Heading to Moxxi's?" 

"You jest? The slag has more fallen soldiers under her swab than a devil in hell..." 

"She hot tho ain't she?"


"She is..." 


"So you're not telling me you wouldn't give it one night?"

Xion giving himself a moment to think, smiled. 


"What about that Ellie chick?" Another officer pointed out the many soldiers surrounding the Captain alarmed at the mention.

"You mean the fat one?" One commented.

"Ugh, don't tell me you're into that..." The first officer spat disgusted. 

"Hmm," Xion hummed.

"Wait boss not you as well?!" 

"Gross don't make me vomit." 


With the corrupted Claptraps defeated and the Fragtrap neutralized, Xion knew that their mission had been successful.

Yet, as he gazed across the desolate landscape, he couldn't shake the feeling that more challenges lay ahead for The Iron Monarch and his loyal subjects.


Author note:

Here's an extra chapter for today. 

Okay to be quite honest this whole section of Borderlands 1 was meant to be a prologue for the pre-sequel but I ended up getting caught up with all the writing.

The reason why it's fast-paced and not entirely focused on the characters present is that I wanted it to be over.

This is an alt account, can you guys guess which account is my main one? I wonder if you all remember my old fanfics. 

We'll go over Zombie Island and the Underdome purely to flesh out the characters. Feel like there's a whole lot of content that can be expressed but I held back due to me wanting to explore them in the pre-sequel.

Also, is the pacing too fast? I'll try and slow it down in the pre-sequel arc. I didn't want to stray too far from the protagonist. But do let me know whether to expand on the world-building and characters. Or focus purely on the MC, he's kinda anti-social so talking with people will be forceful because it's in his character.

Although it shouldn't be forceful with the others, I'll do my best to make the NPC's interactions more fluid and organic. 

We'll conclude in the twentieth chapter. 

next chapter
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