"Damien! Like seriously?" A woman exclaimed in amusement which was mixed with a little amount of frustration as she looked around one of his offices which was destroyed now.
"What?" He grumbled under his breath while looking around to avoid his eyes.
"You are asking me that? You tell me what's this!" She exclaimed while showing the room with her hands. "This is the third destroyed office this month! You can't contain your temper for ten days straight!?" She stated while glaring at him playfully.
He looked away without answering her question. It's not his temper these days. It's his heart which he can't contain from wanting to see her every second. He was supposed to hate her only, yet her innocent smile and twinkling eyes are the only thing he wants to see. Her soothing voice and beautiful laughter is the only thing that he wants to hear.
Why is this happening to him?
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