"Wa.. water… water…" Arabella mumbled in her unconsciousness. She wasn't totally unconscious, more like she was coming back to consciousness slowly.
Her eyes were closed as she didn't even have the energy to open her eyes, forget about sitting and getting the water on her own. She was feeling so light of herself. Her world was spinning and there was an irritating sound ringing in her ear. She was feeling like she was dying. What she felt at that moment was worse than dying. Her heart was beating so slowly as if it would stop beating any moment.
Damien turned toward her in a swift movement and reached her in one instance while putting the phone down from his ear, inside his pocket. He kneeled down beside her and held her left hand tightly in his right one. He kept his left hand on her hair and started to caress it softly and soothingly. He was looking at her worriedly.
"Arabella.. Arabella, can you hear me?" He asked in a soft tone.
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