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Chapter 13

[Name: Izuku Midoriya

Title: Battle Maniac, Goblin Slayer, Bane of Arthropods

Level: 102 EXP: 37/100%

Mana: 3598/3598 (4678)

Class: Available

Str:117 (46)

Per:118 (165)

Vit:115 (34)


Int:120 (23)

Wis:119 (64)

Skills: Teleport, Fireball Barrage, Blinding Cloak, Reflect, Enhanced Weapon, EXPLOSION, Demonic Summon, Stealth, Sleeping Cloud, Summer Heal, Sunlight Beam, Solar Drain

Inventory- 23 Items

Live Stream: OFF


Dungeon Creation- Forest, Mountain]

I hope you like today's chapter I don't know if it is great but is a chapter so yeah I hope you like it.


Wave 1

I have been fighting for a while now most of the monsters are pretty weak just some monsters with acidic spit get annoying to dodge I started my stream a bit ago and equipped my equipment so I am just slashing through these monsters and I try to answer most of the question chat has been asking. 'Man, this is tiring holy shit when is this going to end I am getting so tired,' I thought as a valley of monster corpses lay in front of me as a few started coming at me.

Wave 2

Well, I was given a 30-minute break to recuperate and rest man this is hard work I better get a fucking cool and strong class. After the time ended the ground shook and giants along with the first monster started marching toward me.

PinkAlien: Now that is war!!!

RookieHunter: Wow you going to fight that by yourself man you must be strong!!!

PandLover24: Hmmmm~ You really strong human!!!!

Blue/Flamed\Exorcist: That is so cool!!

BoyWonder: Wow I never want to fight you!!!

SunRaku: What VR game is this!!!!!

As I fight I am just not doing good they seem to have good battle coordination if I am focusing on a giant most of the other monsters immediately start attacking me and vice versa. I cast |Sunlight Beam| a beam of constant sunlight burst from my golden gauntlet doing a 180 I killed most of the small monsters and made the giants shorter. " I am a lion and, I want to be free, Do you see a lion when you look inside of me? Outside the window just to watch you as you sleep, 'Cause I am a lion, born from things you cannot be," I screamed out as I got a burst of energy listening to music. Yeah, I have my phone blasting music in my pocket I starting to regret not buying a speaker.

Wave 3

Well the timer is going down now it was 25 minutes and that is what worries me sooner or later I might just not get a break but for the monster same once from the last wave but now some monster with wings I hate my life, to be honest. Again all I did was answer questions my chat had and played music as I slashed and cut down my enemies. "Gaah," I screamed as I was stabbed by multiple arms of the flying monsters pulling them out as I cast |Summer Heal| as I felt a summer sun shining on me mending my wound and I was glad my armor fixed itself. "Damn that hurt," I said as I continued slashing and smashing.

Wave 4

Yeah, I was right the break time was only 20 minutes this time fuck me. Holy shit I am so fucking pissed that have a big spider the size of a fucknig hound and they shoot fucking webs Man this is getting hard. Man, I wish I was just sleeping right now I am so tired I wish I could level up already but I have to wait until the end which is fucking stupid. "And if there's a reason in faith worth believing. The heavens ensured we would meet, Your ears and your eyes will see me as the bible that, Teaches you how to be free!" I yeah I am ow sing anime opening. These fucking spider webs are so annoying they're fucking everywhere.

BeelezebubParent: Man That is so badass!!

RedArmor: Your so fucking MANLY!!!!

BoyWonder: I'm glad you are a hero!

FutureHokage: Hey, Faint can you train me my sensei does nothing but read his book!!

ManSpider: I wonder if I can fight like you!!

Part-Timer: Wow you're super strong want to join me and defeat the hero!?

Looking at the chat, especially ^FutureHokage's^ comment gets me wondering if can I travel to their worlds I need to ask the system when this is over. I just got entangled by the fucking spider webs damn it I teleport away and fell in them as I tripped on a corpse. "Gah ah," Shit I am getting stabbed everywhere I cast |EXPLOSION| As the air around me erupted killing all the monsters near me I cast |Solar Drain| Casting a burning light on the monster far from me as they burn and I collect there life force then quickly cast |Summer Heal| I am in so much pain you do not understand fuck why is this so hard.

Wave 5

"Hu hu hu I am so fucking tired I only have 15 minutes to look at my armor as it repairs itself but I gained scars from the wounds that were too deep I sit on a pile of bodies as I look over at the Massive King on his throne as fear creeps up I don't look away looking at him in the eyes I see his face change from a blank expression to a one of interest and a wide smile appears along with a window.

[Hidden Side Objective Found:

Inpress ^Ș̷͔͖̻̜̊̌͋͛̾̈́̀̋̀͘ē̵̳̟̣̉̆̌̃̎a̸͖͔͆̆̋ͅl̷̡͙͎̜̺̦̦̠̔̌̀̇̔͑ę̸̖̱̙̊͂̈́͊́͌̃͠͠ḋ̸̢͇̬̩̭̭̻͑́̌̌̀̀͝ͅ ̸͇̞̣̻̹̼̍̀͐͛͜T̷̞͔̖̭̳̩̤͊̇̾̈̏͒̇̂̄̓r̸̥̠̀́̑̔̕̚͝a̴̲̼̱̲͙͖̣͂͛̋̒̐̿͋̑̒̈́͝n̵̡̹̘͎̲̣̖̺͓̆́̇̄͘s̸̫̫̺̕͜ç̷̤̻̪͖̈̎͂͜e̸̹͚̮͕͈͇̪̺̻͐͗͂͆͑͑̕̕n̶̻̹͐̒̎̇͂̊d̸̨̜͙̺͇̣̬̠͕̂̈́͋̈́̇̀͘͠͝e̸̠̻͉̦̥͂̏̈́̇́̓̂͜ṋ̸̦̿̈́̇́̍́̎͋̀̄͘ẗ̸̙͈͎͓̖́̃̎͒̎͆̕͠t̶̨̛̛̗͔̬͓̐̍͗̈́̀̑̓̽̀̀̑̅̃̈́̐̈̒͛͋͌̌͌͛̆̾̇̈̔͆́͊͒̀̇̂̒́̈͛̽͊͑̈́̿̔̋̀̽̈̈́̑̊͋̋̈́͋͗̇̈́̈̇͐̏͊̌͒͑̉͌͊̇̃̈̑̈́̓͘̚͠͝͠͝͝͝͠^

Reward: Compass of ̷͚̰̈́́̈́̎̃͋̄͐͛̂̓͘ͅd̶̢̙̭̞̯̑ȩ̷͇͖̤̲̭̹̥͎̞̝̱̰̅̅̇̕͜ș̸̨̢͉̩̲̫̼͔̳̞͍͚̳͋͋̽͂͊͌̒̍̈́̀̚͠͠͝í̸̡̝͎̣͙̥̭̼̲̰̆͑͊̀̓̊͜͝r̶̢͖͔͉̿͛̎͊́̑̒͘͠é̴͖̦̅̊̇̂̀̕̕͜͝͠], Ŷ̷̢̛̳̖̻͈̫͎͍̤͕͈̐͌ȯ̵̙̫̦̖̺̘͔́̑̒͗̕͝ȕ̵̟̝̤͖̜̜͉̼̰͙̘́͑͂̑̎̾̊͂̈́̓̑͋̕̕r̷̡̗̪̊̎̂̅̈́̂̉̚ͅ ̴̻̟̠̭̮͖̦̰̻͋̍͐̍̈͜ͅơ̵͈͙̆̋̎̉͂͝͠ͅw̵̨̖̥̱̬͔͔͎͊̉ṇ̶̖̳̮͎̙̝͌̌̓̒̑̀̈́̓͌̃̕̕͝ͅ ̷̮̝̤͖̖͐̽͋̓Ḏ̶͓͚͔̬͙̦̜̻͍͍̈́̆́͗͜i̶̧̖͍̗̘̜̬̤̪̊̇͐̾̇͆́͜͝͠͝m̴̻͉͔͖̪̭͙̫̖͛͗̚ȩ̷̨̯̝̰̪͇̗̯͙͑̈̾͗̄̏̾̾̐͘͠n̸̨̟͇͈̜̉̄̐́́̆͛̈́̿͒̽̽̕͝s̵̢̧͖̜̮̣̠̻̼̤̖̠̫̈́̌̌į̴̩̞̪̣͕̿̀͛͂͘͝͝ͅơ̸̳̖͈̩̼͎̫̏͗̕͠͝n̶͚͑̃̈́̔

"What the fuck," I said out loud confused as to why is so weirdly written or corrupted just looking at what is written gives me a headache System can you translate it, please.

[It will take some time since it is a very old language

Approximately: 12 hours]

Well shit, but I can wait the wave is about to start anyways. Looking up I can see a sky full of beautiful stars in many colors such a calm view is disrupted by a very loud cry as a beast bigger than the giant and faster than the spider comes into view from the horizon it jumps my way but not just one but an army of them along with another monster fuck me side way I have such a shitty life right now. I better get a really good class. Well, let's get back to it.

Wave 6

That last wave was fucking terrible I have so many cuts and bruises I am so fucking glad I have ^Ra^ or I would been out of commission a long time ago. looking at the time it showed 3 minutes left out of 10 I hope it ends soon how many waves can there be for just a fucking class selection or whatever it is I wonder how it picks my class. After a bit, I hear the roars again but this type I see huge flying beats that look like whale sharks as they get close they shoot beams of condensed energy at me I quickly teleport back a mile or so looking at where I was just standing a hole as big as garbage truck stood in my place like a laser just pierced.

Putting at the strength on my leg I jump cracking the ground below me as I cast |Fireball Barrage| at them badly burning a few as I slash on others with my daggers I then cast |Sunlight Beam| on the one I landed on as it gets Peirce in the head by m magic we fall I brace for impact as we hit the ground I barely feel it because if this monster. The whole time I could feel my smile grow, I mean I am tired but yet I am so fucking excited.

Wave 7

After five fucking minutes of looking at all the monster corpses I decide to make a throne for myself facing whatever he is looking up at him I see him not smiling anymore but that glim of interest in his still stands out. In three minutes I finish my throne as I rest for two I then see the same monster coming but along a new one unlike the other, I see only one of it and it has a chain around its neck a Chinese-looking dragon with snow white fur as it looks at me with hope. I see a person on its back A man with a cloak on and the chain in his hands. He starting make hundreds of magical circles in the air as they fired a flurry of spells at me standing in place until the last second I teleported behind him cut off his head throwing his body off the dragon and I cast |Sunlight Beam| destroying the chains on the dragon.

"How about you help me," I said to the dragon who seemed grateful. As it nods its head we fly down and it shoots a breath of Ice at the monster as I kill the ones above with my magic. After hours of killing we only have a few left she freezes them under my command. "so how were you caught you seem strong and he seemed weak," I asked the dragon as it rested next to me. "I was caught with a magic canceling chain so I was weakened it had a surprise attack and he underestimated you or he would have used the same thing on you," The dragon spoke back in a warm female voice I just sat dumbfounded. "you can speak sick how about you become my friend," I asked smiling. *Snort* "Yeah what can go wrong with befriending a dangerous masked man that could fight against armies of monsters so yeah let's be friends," she said sarcasm dripping in each word getting warmer near the end. Then a window appeared.

[Side Objective: Make a Friend 1/1 (Complete) (Image)

Friendship Pact complete]

Once I read it a burning sensation on my back suddenly happens. After a bit it goes away "So how about a name for me friend," she asked resting her head on my lap. "Sure how about Victoria that sounds like a nice name do you like it ooh and my name is Faint," I said as she immediately had a bright look and I suddenly felt weak. Now before me stood a girl a bit younger than me with bright blue eyes and snow-white hair wearing a traditional Chinese dress. "I love it Faint," she said smiling and jumping at me as she hugged me. I smile back but of course, she can see it but she can feel it "I am glad now let's finish this mission," I said casting |Fireball Barrage| at the remaining monsters.

PinkAlien: (FBI Open up MEME)

BoyWonder: HMMMM~!!!!


Blue/Flamed\Exorcist: Don't do anything to her you hear I call the cops just wait there!!

HonoredOne: Hmmm~ What did I join!!!!

"Shut up I am not going to do anything She is more like a sister," I screamed at the chat as she giggled to herself reading chat at all the threats my views threw at me.

Wave 8

I waited but nothing happened then the plane started to shake and I saw the massive king stand up from his throne sticking out a hand a huge sword with old Runes on it came flying from behind me as it landed in his hand got in a battle-ready stands. I quickly also get ready as I Victoria made ice blades all around her. Planning to end this quickly I teleport behind him as I am about to cast |Sunlight Beam| he disappears from view and I get swatted like a fly to the ground my arms are broken, my legs were cut off, and many fractures all around my body I cast |Summer Heal| on myself. "Y̴̧̧̰̳̬̲̌͜õ̷̟̝̍̒̔̃͌u̴̹̪̠̜̖̼̿͒̈́r̷̢̝͎͕̟͉͎̐͊́͠ ̴̢̢̯̹̠̟̭̾̈́t̶̤͒̽̆ȍ̴̱̦̱̙̤̄̎͘̕ ̸̙̙́͌͊͂̀̃w̵̝͚̞̦̫͓͎͠ę̶̨̹̓̐ä̸̠̲̘͔́͌̿͜k̶͚͐̍͐̀̌͝ ̸̢̢̛̲̎́̎̋t̸̢̘͕̖̱͕̦̓̀̃ò̴̱̤͕͕̇̿̔̆͝ ̵̲̝̼̻́͆̐̎̉̏͘ḛ̸̡̝͖̗̼̼̈v̵̙̻̭͙̏è̸̱̯̲͔̤̲̲̋̈̓͂̾̈́ǹ̴͈͇̬̜͍̉͝ ̶̛̦̺͋́̈́͂́͜͝t̷͚̱͉̞̱̦͎̆̂͆̎͌̓͝o̵̼̻͈͐ͅu̸̞̤͓͒̎͐̈̚c̷̣̟̻̯̠͈̠̔h̵̥̗̐̓̂̉ ̷̛̣̇̐̌̄̆͝m̴̪̙͉̄e̸͈͓͍̥̲̹͋̉ ̴̘͒̃̈̈́s̵̮͇̉̓̀͗̑͝o̴̙̼̟͇͎͒̎̄͝ ̶̜͔̪̦̠̗̼̋̎̆̽I̵̗͕͉̫͗ ̷̲͚͎̤̘̳̎̾̈́̑̓͘͜ṡ̸̢͚͇̪͑̅̏͗̂͠ẖ̸̮̣͑̀́̈a̸̻̦̦̹̯͑̌l̴̛̛̜̼̇l̸̰̹̪͉͎͖̈͌̉́̃ ̸̭̊ļ̴̫̘͎͚̬̋͌ë̶͍̙͇́̔͒̉̅t̶̫̞̬̹̰͌ ̷͈̈́͛̆̏͠y̴̲̹̖͇̖̔̒̄̎ǫ̴͍̤̳͙̎u̵̗͚̭̅ ̴͇͉͍̜̈́͛̕p̵̺͓̘̀͂́̐̄̕ͅa̶̖̟̥͋̓̾̈͜s̴̢̖̞͉͑ṣ̵͈͙̙̭͈́͑͊̒̎̀̕͜ ̷͔̮͐͑͂́̎͠ǒ̶̹͙̺̯͍͔ͅn̵̥̦͕͎͍̘̅̚͝ ̵̺̣͎̫͓̚f̷͕̈͑ọ̷̧̹̪̽͌͛̌͆ŗ̴̝̲̤̙̾ ̷̨̧̡̗̺̯͊̿͂̍͂n̴͇̮͇̊̂̈́̎̓̊͝ͅò̸̗̤̝̻̚͜͝ẁ̴͚̤͜͜ ̶̛̻̎̐̽̀̅a̸̻̞̋̔ͅń̸̛͚̟̫̭̥͈̦͛̌͋̀͝d̶̢̳͔̰͚̬͋͌͘͝ ̶̞̲̝̚c̷̙͓͗̑̄͘o̷̞̳͛m̶̬̽̈́͋̇̃̆̚è̴̯̓̐͠ ̵̤̞̃͆͋b̶̡̺̭͎̎͗͆̍̏ả̶̟̤̝̈̑͘ĉ̸̦̉̓́͑͒̚k̶͎̾͑͂͛͒͗ ̶̩͖̪̌̓ŵ̵̫̄͠h̷̯͍̅̾̾̅͋͘e̵̱̘͇̩̘̅ͅn̶̮̫͇̦͊̃ ̴̪̣̱̟͚̾̈́͊͋͘͠y̸̧̲͈͎͍̹̏̏ǫ̴͉͖͓̼̯͑̌̈́̾͠u̷̜̔̀͆͆͘̚ ̶̹̥̹͉̈́͂͜g̴̨̩̜͙̘̐̍̉̿͠e̸̡͉̦̟̩̓͒͝t̵̯̣͉͈̼̑̅̐ ̶͎͓̮̙̮̫̞̈́͒̈͠͝s̷̨͖̳̟̤̱̮̔͐̂̂t̶̻̫̣͈̑̈ȑ̴̗͕̿̓̍̒̕o̶̮͙͓͉̠̒̊̈́͜n̶̺͑̽̓͘ͅg̸̪͓̖͕̉͋͋̔̅̔͝e̷̡̼̎̀̌̇̋͗̋r̷̛̘͈̒͆͛̐́̈́," He said something that reverbeted in the plane as I blacked out.


Waking up I am in another plane with my head resting on a soft pillow I just want to go back to sleep. "Wake up sleepy your chat is going crazy," I heard Victoria say in my ear I teleported off as I coughed and asked for sleeping so long. "What happened anyway," I asked as I saw a bright sun overhead but a grassy plane with nothing I saw as I looked around. "I do not know if I was knocked out at the same time as you but I know that being let us live for how much time passed I do not know since we were asleep but when I woke up you slept for twenty minutes," she said standing up dusting her dress off.

I wish Raitha and Killua were with us I then got jumped on from behind I could feel a rough tongue lick the back of my head. "Hello Master I see you acquired your Dimension of some sort," he said leaving Killua who whined off me. "I see you want to decorate it," I heard Victoria say next to me as I stood up "Sure but let me check what I got for completing the mission," I said pulling up my system window.

[Class Selection Mission.

Description: You have two hoards of monsters, and you do get a break between each wave.

Main Objective: Fight to survive

SIde Objective: Make a friend 0/1, Hidden

Restrictions: No pets or companions, No getting out until completion or death.

Main Reward: New class, Skills, and New Tab,

Side Objective Reward: Friend (Rewarded), Hidden Unlocked

Main Objective Failure: Death

Side Objective Failure: No Friend

EXP Calculating

Level up x56

Class Roulette Spin



I clicked yes as the wheel with many classes spun after a minute of spinning it landed on ^Rune Master^Whatever so I checked my system.

[Name: Izuku Midoriya

Title: Battle Maniac, Goblin Slayer, Bane of Arthropods

Level: 158 EXP: 87/100%

Mana: 7464/7464 (7968)

Class: Rune Master

Str:173 (46)

Per:174 (165)

Vit:171 (34)


Int:176 (23)

Wis:175 (64)

Skills: Teleport, Fireball Barrage, Blinding Cloak, Reflect, Enhanced Weapon, EXPLOSION, Demonic Summon, Stealth, Sleeping Cloud, Summer Heal, Sunlight Beam, Solar Drain, Writing, Rune Making, Carving, Rune Language

Inventory- 23 Items

Dimension: Own

Live Stream: ON


Dungeon Creation- Forest, Mountain]

"System tell me about my new skill and class along with about this dimension," I asked out loud.

[ ^Rune Master^

Description: The user can now make runes from old to new languages from ancient times to just yesterday.


Description: The user can write on anything from liquids to air.

|Rune Making"

Description: The User can now fusion different runes from different languages.


Description: The User can carve/write runes on any type of material from Tungsten to Vibranium.

|Rune Launguage|

Description: The User can learn any rune ever created quickly.


Description: A dimension you can use to store anything or for pets you have you can use your imagination to create anything in this world from mountains to rivers and you can plant crops in it.]

"Cool, " I said looking up from my system window, and what I saw surprised me a cottage with trees around me and mountains far away and a pond next to the cottage I could see Victoria making improvements as I spoke and Raith was planting some kind of crops in the left side of the home and my right side. "Okay I hope you like the stream today but I have to go see you next time," I said waving them goodbye as I closed the stream. I then pull out what used to be my phone not all broken looking at my clothes/armor I see it ripped from everywhere taking off my mask I see cracks all over it but not a piece missing. "Damn it I need to buy new equipment and a phone," I said as I walk to the porch of the cottage and make a rocking chair to sit in as I rest I think about "Mom. . . . .MOM HOLEY SHIT HOW LONG WAS I IN THE CLASS SELECTION MISSION RAITH," I yelled for Raith he appeared "About one month and a half," he said I think Mom is going to kill me.

I get out of my dimension then teleported home but outside the front door calming down I knocked on it and equipped extra clothes. "Coming," I heard Izumi say as I heard footsteps on the other side.

To Be Continued. . . . 

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