Rhaella was pretty and nice and courteous, but it didn't take much of a genius, I.e. me to know that she wasn't at all that hanged up on me. In fact, I doubted she was all that fond of me.
Mind you though, because I was sort of Aerys yet at the same time, not really Aerys, I wasn't all that fond of her either. Sure, I liked her as much as my sister, but not of the like that would mean spending the rest of my life married to her.
That was another thing.
I didn't want to marry her. At all.
Fuck that.
She was my sister! What sort of sick fucks thought it wou-. Oh right, I was now a Targaryen. Had forgotten about that.
Still though, didn't stop me from going green and emptying my stomach contents onto the floor when I realized who the pretty girl with the platinum blonde hair which actually turned out to be silver was. Somewhere in my retching, I must have woken her up as she had sat up in the bed we had been sharing.
Thankfully, we were both clothed. Her in a nightgown that didn't really try and hide the figure that she was certainly developing. Another thing I figured dear old daddy must have figured would be a good idea to make her wear so that our relationship could hurry along and blossom and for us to discover that we wanted each other and all that nonsense.
"Aerys, what's wrong?" She asked. Like I said, me and her weren't all that fond of each other, but she was still my sister and I was still her brother, so some sort of alarm must have crept into her mind when she had seen me retching, "Do you need me to fetch someone?"
I fell of the bed, surprised at her sudden awakening and scrambled as far away as possible from her. I realised I looked silly before I stopped and got to my feet. Though it was night, our shared chambers had the benefit of feeling the full breadth of silver light from the moon.
I cleared my throat, "...We are not married are we?"
Rhaella blinked for a moment before frowning, "No." She said to me simply. She held the covers tightly to her body, "I intent to go to our wedding bed a maiden, Aerys. At least let me have that."
So we were still betrothed? I did a little miniature victory pump with the hand. Then I tasted the bile that was in my mouth and on my lips. I wiped it away with the back of my hand, "I don't plan on marrying you."
She frowned some, "I never planned on marrying you. Father wills it and it shall be done."
Father was Prince Jaehaerys, future King Jaehaerys the Second of His Name. From my recollection of the World of Ice and Fire, he was a sickly king, a bit more conservative than what King Egg would have liked, what with marrying his sister and everything.
"Grandfather wished that Father married Celia Tully and Mother wed Luthor Tyrell, and we both know how that ended up."
A frown came across that pretty face of my sister and it was scary how I thought of actually marrying her wouldn't be so bad. I certainly wouldn't go as bonkers as Aerys did. Probably.
That was probably the Aerys part of me. The part that thought marrying his sister was fine as long as he could still sheathe his sword in other sheathes that did not belong to his sister. I felt the urge to throw up again at the thought of boning my own sister.
"What are you saying?" She eventually asked, her eyes narrowed some but a light behind that suspicion.
I grinned widely in the little light that we had, "Mother and Father defied Grandfather in their choice of husband and wife...so why can't we? You can marry that Ser Bonnifer you are so smitten with."
Rhaella had the grace to flush and look struck at the same time, or maybe that was nothing more than a trick of the light, "Ser Bonnifer is merely a landed knight. No fit consort for a princess!" It sounded as if she certainly believed that, but still seemed like she would prefer to marry the man if she had the choice.
"Then some Dornishman, then." I said with a throw of the hands into the air, "They are pretty laissez-faire to the whole paramour thing. Marry one and keep Ser Bonnifer to yourself. Like a sworn-shield or something like that."
She looked at me strangely, "What? Laissez-faire? What does that even mean? And what are you talking about?"
Huh, it seemed as if French was not a thing here. Who could have known?
"Don't give me that look. You know how the Dornish feel when it comes to having lovers...I suppose though, that whatever husband you wish to have, must be open about that part of the relationship." I edged towards the bed once more, "Come on, think about it. We've never really liked each other Rhaella and Grandfather would actually love for us to marry outside the family, to at least help him bring along his vision and reforms he has for the realm."
"Why should we marry? Because some funny old woman that Jenny of Oldstones had brought to court had said so? Our family is embroiled too much into the readings of prophecies and the likes. I like to think that it's best we leave them alone and try not so hard in bringing them to fruit. Aerys, you know him right? The person I'm named after? He read somewhere that the prince that was promised wouldn't come from his line and therefore never bothered to see to his duty. His Hand ran the kingdom for him and I doubt he even knew what his cock was for, other than pissing."
Mind you though, I might have been disparaging of prophecies and the whole lot since I knew that some of them held some sort of sliver of truth to them. But see, I was of the same mind as Tyrion when it came to prophecy; it was a half-trained mule. It might look useful at first glance, but more often than not, it would end up kicking you in the face.
That, and the fact that I knew quite a bit about the future from the books and everything. Who the prince that was promised was, I didn't know and I particularly didn't give a damn. The Others could still die even without the help of some idiot with a sword that glowed and was on fire.
If I was going to live in this world and be fighting ice demons in the future, I would do so because I know there are going to be ice demons and zombies coming down from the north. I wanted to see how they would fair against rudimentary flame throwers.
Mind you though, that was if I didn't go mad or didn't end up getting killed because of this or that.
This was Westeros after all. Someone, eventually, was going to try and kill me, even if I do an absurdly good job as king.
...I just realised that the Tragedy of Summerhall was going to have to be a thing.
Or not.
Prince Duncan was already out of the running for marrying a commoner for the throne and dad was now heir to the Iron Throne. He ruled for three years and didn't really make much for an impact apart from the whole Ninepenny-holy shit, the Ninepenny kings! Have they already taken over the Disputed Lands and Tyrosh? Fuck me, that was something that would need to be addressed.
Oh yeah, then there was the Tarbecks-Reynes as well.
"Are you saying we break our betrothals?" She asked silently, "That would dishonour us...Father would be angry at us."
"Fuck Father. He married Mother for love, why shouldn't we do the same?"
She eyed me with a certain kind of spark in her eyes, "The Lady Joanna? Is that who you wish to marry?"
Joanna? Who the fuck was she-oh. Joanna Lannister. Cousin to Tywin Lannister, one of my two best buddies, which was really surprising. Tywin having friends.
A best friend at that.
Why oh why, Aerys thought of screwing with Tywin after everything he had done was beyond me.
Then when I thought of Joanna, I started feeling all tingly and everything. Butteflies were flapping in my belly, when her face came to mind, it was all smiles and sunshine and all that crap. It seems I had a thing for my sister's lady-in-waiting. Well, not me, per se, but Aerys. Aerys had a thing for Joanna and I was now Aerys, so I had a thing for Joanna.
Problem was, even though Tywin rarely showed any form of emotion, it didn't take much of a genius to see that his eyes softened some whenever he talked about her or looked at her or whenever she was in the same room as him.
A feeling that Joanna seemed to share with Tywin as well.
Something that Aerys had started noticing and becoming rather jealous about.
Did I want to marry Joanna? Probably could, me being prince and second in line to the fucking throne after Dad. Ser Jason Lannister would more than likely beg me to take his daughter to wife.
But I wasn't going to screw Tywin like that. No need to make the man hate me before he had even started his job of being Hand of the King when I come to the Throne. This Tywin was still reasonable and less prickly. Needed the guy to you know, like me since I doubted I would rate all that high when it came to administration.
"I believe Lady Joanna has her eyes set on someone else." I replied to my sister evenly, "It wouldn't be very gentlemanly of me to try and take her eyes away from the prize that she wants."
"You are giving up on her? Just like that?" Rhaella asked, incredulous.
"Then who, then?"
That was actually a good question? Who did I want to marry, that was not Joanna or Rhaella?
It had to be a lady of good standing and that would come from one of the Great Houses or a powerful one. My mind went north, why? Cause I liked the Starks.
That, and the fact I wanted to see if I could get another Brynden 'Bloodraven' born again. That would be awesome.
I scratched at my chin, "I wonder if the Starks have any daughters at hand." If I remembered my timeline correctly, Rickard was either the Lord of Winterfell as of now and already married or was still a teenager being groomed for the position.
GRRM had never been rather accurate to some of the ages of the characters.
"You would marry a northern barbarian?" Rhaella asked, appalled.
I looked at her strangely. Did her words surprise me? Yes they did, although in truth, I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised. "I really wouldn't say that to their faces. They are one of our vassals. That and the Starks are honourable and true."
"But a northerner as your future queen?" She asked, "That has never happened before. Most people would be shocked more often than not. The Starks don't even follow the Seven."
"Grandmother doesn't follow the Seven. She follows the old gods like the rest of her family." I scratched at my ridiculously silky smooth mane of hair sitting atop the scalp that was not mine, but yet was still sort of mine, "I don't think anyone has brought up that little thing for people to make a fuss over."
That seemed to take her aback as she realized that was actually true. Queen Betha Blackwood or commonly known as Black Betha followed the old gods. Sure, her children had been anointed in the Faith of the Seven, mostly because it was smart to do so and stupid not to do so.
One of the titles of the king was Protector of the Faith. It would be rather weird if the Protector of the Faith didn't actually follow the Faith or was anointed in it.
It was sort of how the British throne could only go to a member of the family who followed the Anglican Church. If not, you were considered out of the succession. I'm sure it was probably more confusing than that, but that was the best of my recollection when it came to that particular subject, despite being British myself.
Actually, I was Westerosi now, wasn't I?
"Father will be angry at us." Rhaella eventually breathed out. I was almost sure that she had whispered that due to the fact that she had spoken so quietly.
I found myself rolling my eyes. Again, "Just as Grandfather was mad at Father and Mother for disobeying him and marrying each other against his wishes and for the betterment of the realm. They were rather selfish in that regard."
Half of the problems that could be said to have plagued the Targaryens in the future could honestly be placed on Jaehaerys' shoulders. If he had actually done a political marriage that would have garnered supporters for Egg to go about making the lives of the smallfolk better, the Targaryens could still very well much have been in power in the original timeline, because honestly, my presence here was going to crew the timeline up so badly it wasn't even funny.
The butterflies were already flapping their wings, after all, I did plan on breaking my betrothal to my own sister no less.
Rhaella frowned and pursed her lips, "B-But..." She seemed wholely intent on keeping up this charade. Why I didn't know.
I knew she didn't want to marry me just like I didn't want to marry her.
So why the hold up? To be fair, the hold up was starting to get slightly annoying. I started dressing myself, "You can just sit there and question whether what I'm about to do will make father happy or not. Me? I'm going to go find myself a bride. You are my sister Rhaella. And that's all I intend for you to be." I shook my head as I put on a pair of boots that I had found lying about, "The whole Targaryen incest thing. It's really strange and weird and not at all that helpful considering what it has done to our family. Contrary to popular belief, we are not above the laws of gods and men. We still die, don't we?"
I didn't give her time to answer as I quickly left the room, closing the door behind me. As I went through the castle, heading towards some of the guest chambers to find two people I was on friendly terms with, I had completely forgotten about the puddle of sick that I had just left in the company of Rhaella.
That, and the Kingsguard knight that had suddenly started shadowing me the moment that I had walked out of that room. To be honest, I didn't care much about him. He was sworn to obey, wasn't he?
And what exactly was he going to do? Stop me from going north and finding some girl to marry because, why the hell not?
I liked to think that this plan was far better than the one of me marrying Rhaella. At least we could be cordial with each other knowing that we didn't have to share the same bed.
I would have honestly thrown myself out of a window if that had come to pass. Damn whatever part of Aerys thought that the notion of sharing his bed with Rhaella wasn't so bad.