Aira put her head on Xi's shoulder and said, 'Gege, I just got worried too much. Lots of bad thoughts come to mind when you get angry at me. I even think you would leave me again.'
'Oho, crazy, why would I? I promised you I won't leave you again. And I will stay by your side until my last breath. Don't we promise to get old together and die together? Stupid, why are you then thinking like that?' Xi asked.
'Gege, people will always forget their promises easily,' Aira said.
For a minute there was silence. Both Xi and Aira didn't talk. Because Aira said correctly we give lots of promises in our life depending on the situation. But the human's little mind always forgot the promises, and we just couldn't keep our words. It is the reality of real life. Promises are sometimes simply just a word that comes from our mouth to make the person happy. This is a wonderful definition we can give to the promises.