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14.28% Asking For It (Original Superhero) / Chapter 2: Star Child Pt. 2

Capítulo 2: Star Child Pt. 2

A/N: Hey guys, if you're interested in seeing the reference images used for the superheroines, I'll be providing those images over in the version of this thread! Look for it on that website if you want!


Making his way through the office, Adam does his best to ignore the glances and the lingering looks sent in his direction. He doesn't make eye contact with anyone until he reaches his destination, stopping in front of the secretary's desk outside of the corner office situated on the far side of the workspace floor. Clearing his throat, he gets the attention of the man sat behind the desk who looks up and blinks at him.

"Dr. Anderson, here for my appointment with Ms. Star."

Glancing back over at his computer, the secretary nods after a moment.

"Right, she'll be with you as soon as possible, Dr. Anderson. Please, have a seat."

Irritated at having to wait but doing his best not to let it show, Adam goes and sits down. He ignores the pitying looks that the secretary sends him every few moments, as well as the craning necks taking him in from all over the office floor, people looking around and over cubicle walls, all to get a good look at the man who had fallen so far from grace.

It was a… sore point for Adam, that Anderson Incorporated had barely made headlines back when it was business as usual and he was putting out inventions that were capable of saving and bettering lives, capable of changing the world. But when one of the most successful male-run companies was bought out by a Fortune Five Hundred Heroine-ran corporation like had happened between Anderson Inc and Star Industries, THAT became headlines. Everyone loved to see someone else fail, he supposed…

In the midst of his stewing, the door to Stacey Star's office opens and the woman herself stands in the doorframe looking in his direction. Clad in a blue suit jacket with a popped collar, a pencil skirt that showed off much of her long legs, and a pair of stiletto heels, it wasn't inaccurate to call the blonde CEO sex in heels. Of course, saying as much out loud would be grounds for a dismissal, and likely a publicly disgraceful one at that.

Giving him an apologetic smile, Stacey sweeps her hand back inside.

"Dr. Anderson, sorry for the wait. Please, come in."

"Of course, ma'am."

It rankles, but he says what's expected of him, following Stacey back into her office. Truth be told, he's only really able to relax once she closes and locks the door behind him, and then goes a step further by flicking a switch that very clearly puts the room under a comms blackout, giving them near-total privacy.

For his part, Adam walks forward, pulling a small device out of his pocket as he goes, and activates it before setting it down on her desk. A low-pitched hum fills the room, his own method of securing an area against… unwanted listeners.

Stacey follows him over to her desk but raises no complaint when he sits down on HER side of it, taking her seat for himself. But then, of course she doesn't. He owns her.

It's been about six months since he found out that Star Child was a mind control loving slut who wanted nothing more than to be his hypnotized sex slave for the rest of her days. The superheroine had attacked him in one of his secret labs, but in the end not only did he turn the table on her, but he also found out just how bad she had it for him. Or rather, for the concept of glorious, mind-controlled defeat that he, with his genius and inventions, represented.

But of course, Star Child was just her heroine name. Her real name was Stacey Star. Her identity was public knowledge to be fair. Not every superheroine went around with a public identity, but when you were as powerful in both of your identities as Stacey was, it didn't really matter. Everyone knew Star Child was Stacey Star, everyone knew Stacey Star was Star Child. There weren't any laws against the extremely powerful superheroine running a fortune five hundred company as Stacey did, no laws against her having as much financial power as she had to go along with her personal power.

No, Adam wasn't bitter. Why do you ask? He'd long since come to terms with living in a society that was built to support the ultra-powerful women at the top of it, rather than curtailing their influence over his and everyone else's lives.

Still, he can't be too upset. Not least of which because Stacey is now adopting an incredibly needy, slutty, flustered face as she leans over her desk towards him, whimpering and moaning, one hand clutching at the bottom of her incredibly short pencil skirt as the other grips hard at the edge of the desk.

"P-Please sir… please…"

He barely glances her way as he logs into her computer using his special override access, giving him even more control over her company's computer system then Stacey herself has. He's the admin of the entire system, these days. Once he's properly logged in, only then does Adam look in the direction of his fuck slave.

"You kept me waiting for five whole minutes, bitch. The least you can do is wait just as long."

Stacey whines, a stark contrast to the usual icy exterior that she exudes as one of the world's most cutthroat businesswoman. She comes across as incredibly dangerous and highly capable usually… but right now, she looks more like a pornstar in heat instead of the femme fatale businesswoman the rest of the world is used to.

"I'm sorry sir! I didn't… I couldn't get to you any earlier! I had a call I had to take with The Team! If I'd blown them off, they would have gotten suspicious!"

Right, 'The Team'. Probably one of the most pretentious team name for a group of heroines that Adam had ever heard. But then, it was made up of some of the most pretentious (and unfortunately powerful) superheroines Adam had ever heard of as well. The Team was the end all be all of superheroine teams. The best of the best when it came to superpowered women. The cream of the crop, if you will.

No wonder that Star Child was counted among their number, given her impressive level of power. And Adam could understand how she might feel that she needed to keep up appearances… after all, she actually had a pretty big secret to hide from her comrades, these days. She was now the hypnotized fuck toy of a supervillain, by all accounts.

All of this, everything that he'd done these past six months, had been about covering their tracks. Star Child hadn't actually told any of her teammates about her investigation into him, thank fuck, but that didn't mean none of them or any other superheroines wouldn't catch wind of the same things she had and begin investigating him.

He needed protection. He needed accountability. He needed a cover as strong as possible so he could continue his work without having some superpowered broad dropping in on him at any given moment just like Star Child had. That was where the plan to combine their two companies had come into play. Unfortunately, there was no world in which Anderson Inc got to buy out Star Industries that took the heat OFF of him. No, having Stacey sell him her company for a sum that Adam could have afforded would have had the entirety of her precious 'Team' coming down on his head almost instantly.

But an influential and successful megacorporation like Star Industries buying out his sizable but still small in comparison Anderson Incorporated? Well, that was just regular business. Oh sure, it'd made a couple of news headlines, especially in business media in particular, but only in the way that it was 'to be expected'. After all, a man couldn't possibly run a company as well as a woman. Adam, as he was often referred to in an infantilizing manner in those articles, rather than Dr. Anderson, had 'tried his best'.

In the end, they'd all given their backhanded compliments towards his 'strong effort' and ended their articles by 'wishing him well in his new position as Stacey Star's Head Researcher. Some had even insinuated that becoming Head Researcher at a company as wealthy and powerful as Star Industries was a step up from being CEO of Anderson Inc.

Regardless, he-

"Pleeeease sir. Please, Master, pleasepleasepleasep-!"

"Analysis Mode."

In an instant, Stacey's flustered needy face vanishes, washing away to be replaced by her empty, vacant, hypnotized expression as she straightens up, hands at her sides. He looks at her for a moment, annoyed that she managed to irritate him into giving her what she wanted. This was what she'd been begging for after all, like the fucking addict she was. She couldn't survive long without another dose of hypnosis, despite being incapable of remembering her time in trance.

Staring at her with something akin to disgust and embarrassment on her behalf, Adam shakes his head.

"Take out your tits and play with them for now."

"Of course, Primary."

And so, she does, while Adam gets to work. Her tits come popping out of the tight top she's wearing under her suit jacket, and she begins to fondle them, softly moaning. Not too distracting though, and so Adam is able to enjoy the relative peace and quiet as his hypno-slave fondles herself for his amusement while he checks up on things and makes sure everything is still on track, still going according to plan.

Technically he could do plenty of that from his own computer and workstation, but some of the things he was doing right now would have been flagged by Star Industries' security if they'd gone through this machine. Thus, he and Stacey Star had a weekly appointment on the books with each other, ostensibly because she was being a hardass and grilling him constantly on what he was doing.

There were all sorts of rumors around the office, ranging from her looking for an excuse to fire or demote him now that she had his company folded into her own, all the way to him being her little gimp bitch, the submissive to her dominatrix. Because of course a woman like Stacey couldn't possibly be submissive, couldn't possibly have a fetish based around having her agency and mind taken away from her.

Finishing up, Adam sighs and sits back in his chair. Technically her chair, but what was hers was now his. That was the only thing that made this whole situation tolerable, the fact that one of the most powerful women in the world… belonged to him.

"Get down on your hands and knees and crawl over to me. Once you're here, take out my cock and put it between those massive tits of yours."

"Yes, Primary."

As emotionless and vacant as ever, the hypnotized CEO drops to her knees, her giant breasts hanging beneath her as she crawls on the floor around her own desk in her own office to make her way over to where he's sat in her chair. Turning in the chair to face her, Adam steeples his fingers together and watches as she mechanically extracts his cock from the confines of his pants and sticks it between her warm, soft tits.

When she starts to slide her breasts up and down his length, Adam smiles.

"Snap out of it, Star Child."

And so, she does, Stacey blinking owlishly before looking down to see what she's doing. A familiar flush travels down from her face across her neck to her tits as she moans wantonly and spasms, cumming on the spot just from the knowledge that he'd had her under his hypnotic control, that for some indeterminate amount of time, she'd been doing whatever he told her to do.

Smirking, Adam turns her computer to face her as well, and brings up the recording of her own vacant, mind-controlled actions. Even as she continues to give him an astounding titjob, much more enthusiastic and organic now rather than mechanical, she's watching herself play with her tits in front of him, that dumb look on her face as he works away leaving Stacey Star whimpering in abject ecstasy and happiness.

"T-Thank you, Master. You… you're too good to me."

Snorting derisively, Adam places a hand atop Stacey's head, sliding his fingers through her hair as he plays with her short blonde locks.

"Sure I am. I suppose it's the least I can do for you, given the opportunity you've given me in return."

Sensing what he wants, Stacey leans in close and begins to suck on his cock as it pushes up out of the top of her cleavage. One of the most powerful superheroines in the world, and one of the most powerful CEOs as well… and here she is, kneeling in front of him like the submissive hypno-slut they both know she is deep down inside.

"I'm getting close you know."

Her beautiful blue eyes snap up to him at that, widening slightly in surprise. He just grins.

"Yeah, bet you thought it would take me a little longer. But no. With your resources and my intellect, I've finally made progress. Progress built on the backs of centuries of unappreciated male scientists who came before me of course, their work fragmented and destroyed by scorched earth policies implemented by YOUR kind… but progress all the same. Soon enough, I'll have the key to unlock powers. I'll be able to depower superheroines… and more importantly, empower anyone else that I so chose."

His blonde hypno-slut hasn't stopped sucking his cock, but she has stopped moving her tits up and down his shaft, instead staying absolutely still as she hangs off of his every word. As well she should. What Adam is talking about doing… it will revolutionize the world. It will change everything. He could give out powers to men, even the playing field and be the savior of mankind. Or he could take away all powers for good the world over, bringing everyone back down to earth and making sure no one ever had powers again.

Or he could keep the secret of empowering for himself, selfishly hoarding all of that potential power. He could become not just the first, but the ONLY male superhero, and from there, take the world and its misandrist values by storm.

But none of that meant anything if… well, if Stacey wasn't going to let him get away with it. And okay, yeah, Adam didn't think this was STILL a ruse or anything like that. He didn't think Stacey was fucking with him, not six months and hundreds of sexual encounters later. By this point, Adam had checked and double checked his technology. The mind control device he'd used on Stacey in her heroine identity as Star Child had worked. More than that, she really was as desperate a mind control fetishist with a defeat kink that she presented herself to be.

And yet, there was fetishes and kinks… and then there was the way the world truly worked. Adam was under no misconceptions here. Stacey had let him run roughshod over her and her company behind the scenes. She'd allowed him to continue his research and given him access to ALL of her corporation's considerable resources to unlock the secrets of superpowers and find the answers he'd been desperate to locate all his life.

She'd even provided him a shield against her fellow heroines, obfuscating his actions and effectively running interference all this time to give him the room and space he needed to not just breathe, but succeed.

But would she allow him to finish his work now that he was so close? Would she allow him to do what he wanted when it meant handing him not just the keys to herself but the entire world? Adam was suffering under absolutely no illusions. He might have given her some commands under hypnosis, but a woman as intelligent as her, with a mind as structured as hers was, should have been able to isolate those commands and tear them to shreds after all this time. His control over her… it had to be a facsimile at best… right?

Staring down at her, Adam can't help but smile, having grown a little fond of the blonde as he brushes his knuckles against her cheek.

"Well, Star Child? Are you going to just let me upend the whole world order? Or are you going to finally do your job and stop me?"

Blinking, Stacey pauses for a moment and then pulls back off of his cock with a pop, beginning to move her tits up and down his cock again as she stares at him, confused.

"I don't… I don't understand, Master. You own me. I'm your slave. I couldn't apprehend you, even if I wanted to. I'm nothing more than your property."

Adam's smile drops, turning into a frown. His knuckles on her cheek flip back over as his hand grabs somewhat roughly at her hair.

"Truly? You would let me take over the world, just to satisfy your mind control fetish? What about your little friends? What about The Team? They'd try to stop me. You'd have to fight them."

To his surprise, Stacey's response… is to moan wantonly as she eagerly humps the ground.

"I-I've been waiting for you to ask, Master. All this time and you haven't even mentioned it. I bring them up in every conversation we h-have and you just gloss over them like it's nothing! I'd give you them in a heartbeat if you asked it of me, Master. The Team… all of us would look wonderful at your feet, serving you, each in our own way."

Adam's breath hitches, his mouth going instantly dry as he imagines it. Shit, he almost cums right there at the mental image. But then he grits his teeth and snarls, tightening his grip on Stacey's hair even harder.

"Don't… don't be ridiculous. I told you before, back then… I'm no rapist."

"T-That's the best part, Master! You don't have to rape them… any of them! Not truly! They want it, j-just like I did. Or, well, not quite like-!"

"Analysis Mode."

He can't believe his ears, so in the end he puts Stacey back under. Her face goes vacant as she enters the trance, and her titjob once again becomes mechanical.

"Tell me the truth, right now."

"Of course, Primary. Every member of The Team shares a similar secret to my own. Each of them longs for defeat in their own special way. Each of them wants nothing more than to be beaten, broken, and fucked by a man who can defeat them in the way they most desire."

"No… no, there's no way. I can accept that you've got a mind control fetish. But the ENTIRETY of The Team? That doesn't make sense."

"I have evidence on my computer, Primary. I would have likely shown you it soon enough, had you not put me in a trance. Please, follow my instructions."

Letting the hypnotized heroine help him navigate through her computer, he eventually finds the files. He hadn't known she was keeping these from him, but from the sound of it, it was more like she was keeping them FOR him. Just waiting for him to ask. He'd been too caught up in unlocking the secrets of powers to care though. To him, The Team were just a bunch of superpowered cunts who would happily put him in prison if they caught wind of what he was doing. But as he starts clicking on Stacey's video files… well, he gets a better idea of just what he's dealing with.

The Team is comprised of six to seven members at all times. Star Child is the current defacto Team Leader, though it would be more accurate to say that no one in The Team has total control. They work together, more as equals than anything else. But with her company and her personal power level, Star Child definitely commands influence wherever she goes, including with The Team.

The only member of the current Team lineup that can even hope to match Star Child in physical strength is Amazonia. Hailing from Greece, the raven-haired, bronze-skinned beauty was… well, she was a warrior to say the least. She couldn't fly like Star Child could, but she was strong enough to jump skyscrapers, and her prowess with her sword and shield was unmatched.

But more than that, Amazonia loved to wrestle. She loved to grapple with her opponents, turning EVERY single fight she was involved in into a wrestling match whenever she could. She dominated each and every time of course, and Adam had always taken it to be an ego booster for Amazonia, her need to prove she was the best. The fact that she constantly did exhibition matches with both men and women on the side, wrestling all challengers without breaking a sweat, be it for fun, for money, or for charity, only reinforced that belief.

However, from the evidence that Star Child had gathered, Adam quickly discovered… that wasn't true. It was the exact opposite, in fact. Amazonia's internet search history was filled with porn. But more specifically, wrestling porn. And even more specifically than that, she watched a LOT of intergender wrestling porn where the man defeated the woman and then proceeded to sexually dominate her.

Dozens of videos of men fucking women on wrestling mats filled Amazonia's search history. But the smoking gun in Star Child's file on her fellow superheroine? Was the simple fact that Amazonia, apparently not finding ENOUGH good maledom wrestling porn, had anonymously commissioned an entire catalog of the stuff, going so far as to fund the start up of an entire niche of the porn industry that had generated dozens if not hundreds of unique videos in which male stars with big cocks fucked female stars with tight, muscular bodies into the mat again and again.

It wasn't like it was some big thing, Adam had never even heard of the wrestling domination fetish before now, even if its existence did make sense. But the fact that Amazonia had all but created a market for that type of porn all on her own was… ridiculous and amazing, to say the least.

And she was just the start. After Amazonia was Roadrunner. The Australian Superheroine was The Team's speedster, as it were. With short, spiky brown hair, she'd once been a fighter pilot. She was actually one of the women born with a latent super gene, causing her powers to manifest later in life. Now, she was so fast that it seemed like she teleported, and she absolutely loved teasing her opponents with her super speed, making sassy comments and calling them out, only to leave villains choking on her dust when they tried to lash out at her.

She'd always been the jokester of The Team, and honestly, Adam found her to be more tolerable than most. But at the same time, he'd had nightmares about her being the one to try and apprehend him, and having that sarcastic, sassy wit of hers directed in his direction. It would be undeniably painful to have her ripping him to shreds verbally, when he was just trying to make things fairer…

But as it turned out, her acerbic wit was just as much a front and cover as Amazonia's exhibition matches. Roadrunner had a defeat fetish as well, just as surprising as Amazonia's. The evidence starts out a little flimsier, but only grows as time goes on. First, there's Roadrunner's obsession with watching Discovery Channel videos featuring predators chasing down prey.

She absolutely loves those chase scenes if her search history is any indication. Loving the chase doesn't necessarily mean anything though… until one realizes that every chase scene she watches ends with the prey losing, when the Discovery Channel makes a point of showing a spread of different outcomes to such scenes. As well as that, there's the simple fact that bookending every list of Youtube video watches in her search history is a series of porn video watches as well, all of them featuring a sexual chase and the man pinning the woman down and having her at his mercy.

Roadrunner is too fast for anyone to catch her… but it's clear, tragically, that she wants nothing more than to be caught. The nail in HER coffin is a literal recording of the Aussie in question, leaned back in her computer chair with her shirt pulled up and, in her teeth, as she fingers herself to the sight of a man sprinting a woman down and slamming her into the ground, fucking her almost violently.

Humping her hips up into the air in time with the man in the porno's thrusts, Roadrunner squeals into her shirt and squirts all over her monitor in the same moment he creampies his fellow porn star. The video ends with a slightly panicked Roadrunner moving at top, superhuman speeds to clean up her monitor before anything can be broken by her squirted pussy juices, but Adam is already moving on.

After Amazonia and Roadrunner is the group's… resident demon expert. Madame Night is a mysterious woman said to be half-demon herself. With dark hair and gray skin, Adam has never known what to believe in that regard. It's entirely possible heaven and hell exists. Certainly, Madame Night's powers are an intense amalgamation of shadow energy and demonic forces that she harnesses to do battle with, taking down her opponents nonlethally, but certainly with some lifelong trauma each and every time. You didn't escape from an encounter with Madame Night unscathed, that was for sure. Though Adam had always noticed she saved the shadow tentacles and the horrors they could manage for the female villains, never forcing them upon any of her male opponents.

At this point, he's not even surprised to find out that the demonologist's entire shtick is tentacle rape. As in, she desperately, DESPERATELY longs to be tentacle raped. Her search history is just like Amazonia's and Roadrunner's, chalk full of all sorts of animations involving women getting taken advantage of by tentacles. Even better is the fact that Madame Night goes by a pseudo identity online under the name 'SunshineTentacles', where she actually produces an excessively large amount of tentacle porn in her free time using animation programs like Source Filmmaker.

She's developed quite the following as SunshineTentacles as well, not least of which because she uses her own likeness in a lot of her works, constantly churning out animations of Madame Night being taken advantage of by her own shadow energy, with SunshineTentacles' fans unsure whether to praise her for being so brave or tell her off for toeing the line and possibly bringing a powerful and influential superheroine down on her head.

If only they knew… that very superheroine they were so afraid of, was the one making the art in the first place.

Shaking his head, Adam moves on. The fifth member of The Team doesn't have a search history to speak of. But then, of course she doesn't. Queen Oceania is the very literal Queen of the Seas, the undisputed Monarch of the Waves. The underwater kingdom that she rules has been around for longer than superpowers, but only after the advent of superpowers (and modern-day industry) was it deemed necessary for relations between the surface dwellers and the underwater civilization to improve… or else.

Queen Oceania had joined The Team as a sort of truce slash alliance that basically meant so long as she was part of The Team, humans needed to do better regarding the oceans, or there would be war. She was a no-nonsense red head who strutted around in a glorious green-scaled, form-fitting suit that left nothing to the imagination regarding her beauty.

… And apparently, she had a desire to be treated like a sex slave and used rather harshly. Not hypnosis like Star Child, but something more… visceral and brutal. Rather than an internet search history, what Star Child had on Oceania was clearly clandestine videos taken from a hidden camera that had somehow been snuck down into the Monarch of the Waves' throne room.

At first, it was normal enough. Two of her guards were called up and ordered to spar with one another. The men did so, fighting long and hard until one was finally victorious over the other. Afterwards, everyone except for the victor was sent out of the room… at which point, the male guard had walked up to where Queen Oceania was still lounging on her throne and grabbed her by the throat with one hand while backhanding her across the face with the other.

The fear and horror on her face seemed almost too good to be feigned, but as time went on, as her royal guard called her all sorts of names, putting a collar around her throat with the word 'SLAVE' imprinted on it and fucking her all across her own throne room in a way that suggested this happened often, it became obvious that Queen Oceania was having the time of her life being his slave. She loved it, she loved submitting, she loved just being taken and used and abused.

Mind boggling to be sure, but Adam can't deny what's right in front of his eyes. And then… and then, of course, there's All Seeing Eye. The sixth member of The Team is shrouded in mystery on purpose. She's not a front-facing superheroine. She's an intelligence gathering super-sleuth who, from what Adam knew, spent all of her time holed up somewhere, basically living the life of a NEET as the Japanese would call it.

No one knew who All Seeing Eye was or what she looked like, and those who interacted with her had only ever seen the stylized Egyptian eye staring back at them as they communicated with her. Rather than there being anything from her search history or anything like that, there's a simple video link… and Adam leans back in shock when instead of more lewdity, he's greeted with that stylized Egyptian eye and All-Seeing Eye speaking right to him.

"Hello, Adam Anderson. Welcome to my parlor, said the spider to the fly."

Stiffening, Adam's jaw clenches. This was it. This was the trap, wasn't it? A glance down at Stacey shows her just as hypnotized and vacant as ever.

"Oh, don't worry about her. She has no idea that I know about you. This little conversation is just for the two of us. You see… I'm the one who anonymously tipped Star Child off to you in the first place. I'm the one who set you up to hypnotize your first heroine and make her into your bitch. And let me tell you, Dr. Anderson, you haven't disappointed one bit."

What… what even was this?

"I'll cut right to the chase. I like what you're doing. Your research is necessary. Our society is too unequal to last this way forever. We're on the brink of something, and I've decided your work is critical to making sure that we all turn out okay, in the end. So yes, I made sure you were in a position to be able to use that excellent brain of yours to show Star Child what you could do for her. I made sure you were in a position to get all of her resources and all of her power for yourself. I even ran interference for you both when the rest of The Team began to get a little… suspicious."

Adam blinks at that.

"I hope you didn't think you'd covered your tracks so well you managed to fool ME. Oh no, I was with you every step of the way. And… as smart as Stacey is, she can be dumb in some ways. Her acquisition of your company wasn't a bad way to go about things, but it still raised some red flags. Red flags that I happily squashed. Everyone trusts the All-Seeing Eye, after all."

There's a pause, as Adam just stares at the screen in silence. Then…

"Well? Cat got your tongue?"

He jolts, not having realized that this was an actual communication, rather than a recording. Rapidly adjusting his expectations in the face of this new information, Adam swallows nervously.

"What… what do you want?"

"Ah, now that, Dr. Anderson, is the right question. I want you to succeed, plain and simple. I want you to finish your work on powers. I want you to develop the technology that will both depower and empower people… and I want you to use it as you see fit."

She must have a camera in the room despite all of their precautions, because his silent gobsmacked expression nevertheless garners a reaction from her.

"What? Is that so hard to believe, Dr. Anderson? After all that you've seen so far, are you really so shocked to think that I might want to see you succeed? My comrades are a right mess of fucked in the head, aren't they? Star Child is bad enough, but the others?"

There's a brief pause, and then a laugh before she continues.

"Amazonia is practically bankrolling a larger and larger section of the porn industry to get wank bank material, while getting less and less careful about keeping her identity a secret from her suppliers. Roadrunner gets more and more childish and reckless the longer she goes without getting the chase and fuck she needs. She's starting to make mistakes in the hope that something bad happens to her. Honestly don't know if she wants a chase to end like one of her pornos, or one of the Discovery Channel hunts at this point, if you know what I mean."

A sharp intake of breath from All Seeing Eye, even as Adam's nose wrinkles in disgust at the grisly mental image of Roadrunner turned into roadkill or something gory like that.

"Meanwhile, Madame Night is very nearly at the point where animations, even animations made by her own hand, won't be enough. At which point, she might start breaking her own rules and surrender to her inner lusts. Do you want an incursion of demonic tentacle beasts on Planet Earth? Because that's how you get one of those."

Another pause, and then a sigh.

"Queen Oceania is probably the most well-adjusted of The Team simply because she's getting her needs taken care of. However, she's not getting them taken care of by the right people. Her guards have started to plot against her, and it won't be long before they decide to make her status as a slave permanent in a coup that might start a war between the oceans and the surface world."

That was… wow. That was a lot.

"So yeah, Adam. I need your help. Frankly, we need your technology. Powers can't be only a biological thing anymore. We need a balancing agent. And maybe… maybe we need the world's first male super while we're at it. You up to the challenge?"

Swallowing thickly, looking down at Star Child's vacant face as even now, she continues to mechanically stroke her tits up and down his throbbing cock, he allows himself to imagine it. Him, with powers… and The Team, all at his feet, subdued but happy, each in their own way.

"… Yeah. Yes, I am."

"Great! Then let's get started!"


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