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71.42% Asking For It (Original Superhero) / Chapter 10: Randy Rain & Amazonia

Capítulo 10: Randy Rain & Amazonia

A/N: Just a reminder, reference art for all of the female characters mentioned in these chapters can be found over on the QQ (QuestionableQuesting) thread of this same story!

So if you want to know which characters are ripoffs of who, go there. (you will need an account)


Randy stiffens as she slowly begins waking up, the raven-haired reporter more familiar than most with coming out of a state of forced unconsciousness. She was even fairly familiar with waking up in rope bondage, and indeed that was precisely how she found herself as she slowly lifted her head, blinking her eyes rapidly to try and clear the hazy fog from them so she could take in her surroundings.

"Wha-? Where am I?"

"Ah, Ms. Rain. It would appear that you're finally awake."

Stiffening, Randy puts her game face on. She'd been expecting something like this. For a gal like her, kidnappings like these were a dime or dozen. Villains loved to take her hostage to prove a point or something, and Randy didn't mind it much herself. In fact, she'd always… well, she'd always kind of liked being tied up.

But it was more than just a simple bondage fetish for her. Randy Rain loved to be helpless, she loved to have all semblance of control taken away from her in the bedroom. But more than anything, she got off on being the prize. On being the damsel in distress. The trophy that both heroines and villains fought over. She'd been won a hundred times, and secretly Randy wished that the victors would take advantage of her state of distress and use her for their own pleasure.

It didn't even really have to be the villains who did it, but Randy could admit that they were more likely to rape her like she secretly wanted. The heroines had saved her every single time, but never once demanded anything from her for the numerous rescues. It was to be expected, they were the good ones, they were on the side of angels… but still, all things considered, it left Randy somewhat frustrated.

Which was why she had gotten so excited when she saw that video of Amazonia getting manhandled by an actual man. Going home and watching it with audio on had been just the sort of treat to get Randy going. She'd ruined her sheets that night, and then ruined several more sets of sheets over the next several nights. Fuck, she'd taken to going to bed listening to Amazonia's grunts and groans and eventual squeals and moans as she was beaten down, wrestled into submission, and then properly fucked silly.

Obviously, she'd started investigating the video and where it had come from. She was a damn good reporter too, the kind that didn't leave any sort of rock unturned. But ultimately, Randy's plan wasn't to actually write a hit piece or anything like that… it was to make all the proper waves and motions to make it look like she was going to write a hit piece, so that she could in turn get the attention of the man in the video with Amazonia.

Surely, the first superpowered man in the world had some sort of organization behind him. Not to mention whatever his connection was that he was able to give Amazonia a private one on one session like that. So, Randy figured that if she made enough of a fuss, kicked over enough ant hills, and rocked enough boats, she would eventually get caught.

She'd had high hopes that that was exactly what this was, but as she looks up, she can't help but be a little disappointed. Because there's absolutely no way her current captor is the man from the video… right?

The Luchador stands there in full garb, his stereotypical wrestling attire hugging his beefy, bulky frame quite well. His hands curled into fists and resting on his hips, he smirks easily at Randy as she wiggles a little in her bondage.

"We meet again, Ms. Rain. But this time… will go differently!"

… Yep, that was The Luchador, she was pretty sure. Ugh, this was a total bust. The Luchador was a villain who claimed to be the strongest man in the world. For all Randy knew, he might very well be. But in a world of super-women, the title of Strongest Man didn't exactly mean much. The Luchador had been Amazonia's self-proclaimed nemesis for a while now… but the guy was a complete joke of a villain. He definitely wasn't a threat to Amazonia.

This was the sixth time that he'd kidnapped her. Every time was the same. Randy would wake up, The Luchador would grandstand to her, his lackies would alert him to Amazonia's arrival on the premises, and all of the sudden Luchador would have somewhere else he had to be very urgently. The so-called strongest man in the world still had yet to actually engage in a fight with Amazonia. Probably because he knew she would paste him all over the floor.

With that in mind, Randy smiles sweetly.

"Luchy, baby… do we really have to do this song and dance AGAIN? Please, spare me this tripe. We both know you're just going to run away with your tail between your legs the second you catch even a whiff of Amazonia."

"Not this time! For I, The Luchador, have a secret weapon! Two of them, in fact!"

Randy raises an eyebrow at that, perhaps a smidgen more interested as she leans forward as far as she can without toppling over onto the floor.

"Yeah? And what're those?"

Without missing a beat, The Luchador lifts his arms and flexes them one after the other as he claps his hands down upon his biceps one at a time.

"These guns are new and improved, Randy Rain! Bam! Bam!"

Despite herself, Randy lets out a giggle. While the Luchador was incredibly hammy, he was never purposefully so. He just came across as overly dramatic because he WAS overly dramatic. Still, usually he didn't reply to her caustic comments with jokes. Rather, normally calling him out on his cowardly fleeing would result in him dropping the good natured act and getting mad at her.

Randy would usually taunt him until he got within inches of potentially striking her for her insolence, and then right in the nick of time before he could act on his urge to hit a woman, one of his lackies would come running in and let him know Amazonia was in the building, or what have you. It was like clockwork, but for some reason, The Luchador was going off script?

And indeed, his breaking of their monotony and usual exchanges has startling results, as the door on the far wall suddenly blasts off of its hinges, flying across the room and hitting the wall behind their heads. Instead of one of The Luchador's lackeys running in, it's Amazonia herself who steps through the opening, a thunderous expression on her face as her eyes alight upon Randy and the Luchador.

"There you are, you little fucking gnat. After all this goddamn time, I've finally got you right where I want you. Can't run away now… I'll just chase you down."

Amazonia looks pissed, Randy absently notes as she feels a pang of pity for the Luchador, perhaps brought on by his strange and humorous one-eighty in personality. He'd actually been a little funny this time around… but Amazonia was right to be aggravated, given the last half dozen times he'd run away before she could get her hands on him.

Still, Randy hoped that the superheroine wouldn't hurt him too much… and if she did, Randy would make sure to spin it the right way to look positive in the paper. She certainly wasn't going to ask Amazonia to go easy on him, regardless of his jokes.

But far from getting scared, The Luchador lets out a bark of laughter and… continues grandstanding, even in the face of eminent bodily harm?

"Haha! Amazonia, my archnemesis! We finally meet face to face! With this battle, I shall prove once and for all that I am the Strongest Man in the world! With Ms. Rain as my witness, I shall finally lay the great and powerful Amazonia low!"

Both Amazonia and Randy give the masked wrestler villain incredulous looks at that, Amazonia even stopping short for a second as her nose wrinkles in confusion and shock.

"Uh… what? You've been the reason we haven't met face to face. You've been running from me for years! Did you hit your head or something? You can't seriously believe you can defeat ME!"

Randy finds herself nodding along enthusiastically with Amazonia's points. But The Luchador just crosses his arms over his chest and scoffs.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

The brazen balls of this man… it honestly makes Randy feel even worse for him. Wincing as she sees the telltale signs of Amazonia about to blow a gasket and do some serious damage, Randy finally makes a half-hearted attempt to defuse the situation, namely by calling out to The Luchador specifically.

"Hey, uh, Luchy? Now would probably be a great time to surrender and beg for mercy. You know, before the bonafide superheroine and member of The Team breaks every bone in your body."

If Amazonia's vicious smile in the face of Randy's threat fazes the Luchador even remotely, he doesn't show it. Instead, he lets out a booming laugh.

"Your concern for my well being is appreciated, Ms. Rain… but I'll get back to you once I'm done with Amazonia! Today is the day you both face your comeuppance!"

… Huh? Randy was the victim here! Sure, she liked to make mean comments, but only because he was LITERALLY kidnapping her! Comeuppance… tch! Gritting her teeth, Randy finally makes eye contact with Amazonia, giving her a nod.

"Kick his ass, Amazonia."

Smirking easily, Amazonia claps a fist into a palm and grinds it there noisily.


And then she flies forward, battle to be joined. Not that Randy expected much of a battle. In fact, she expected it to be over before it could even begin…




Unable to help herself, Randy lets out a dismayed cry as she pulls against her bonds. The… the barbaric display taking place in front of her isn't nearly as fun as she'd thought it'd be. Amazonia… Amazonia is bleeding. She'd been right, it wasn't much of a battle… but not because Amazonia ended it fast, but because The Luchador did.

He WAS in fact the superpowered man from the video. Either that, or the world was in for a shitstorm and there was more than one man out there with enough power to beat Amazonia. Neither option was good, but at least the first option was more palatable because it meant… what? What did it mean? That Amazonia had set this all up, just like she must have set up the encounter Randy had watched?

Except no. Amazonia had looked surprised when The Luchador's fist had buried itself in her gut that first time. Her eyes had bulged out of her head, her face going red. Then, she'd yelped and even outright squeaked when he'd grabbed her by her neck and the waist of her costume and lifted her up into the air, only to slam her down onto the ground.

Ever since, he'd been wailing on her… and the superheroine hadn't been able to defend herself. Even now, she was limp and looked to be quite bruised and bloodied as The Luchador pulled her body up off of the ground by her hair. Her limbs were dangling in a way that horrified Randy, and as he winds up his fist for another punch, she can't help but call out.

"W-Wait! Please! Please stop!"

Thankfully, he does. Randy finds herself breathing heavily, panting and out of breath as he slowly looks up at her, still holding Amazonia, still cocking that fist back.

"Stop? Why should I, Ms. Rain?"

Eyes wide, heart pounding… and thighs rubbing together, the reporter says the words she's been dying to say for quite a long time.

"B-Because… because I'll do a-anything. I'm… look, I'm s-sorry for making fun of you, Luchador! I'm sorry for doubting your s-strength! Why don't you… why don't you come over here and let me apologize properly, hm? W-Why don't you let this weak little reporter take care of your n-needs, you big… strong… man."

The sultry and seductive qualities in her voice are only mostly faked at this point. This is her fantasy after all. She just never expected losing to look so… nasty for the superheroine in question. She was so used to Amazonia being able to tank almost anything, so used to heroines of all sorts being able to defeat the bad guys and save the day, save her.

Now, face to face with the reality of her deepest, darkest desire, Randy Rain was experiencing severe shame and guilt alongside her immense arousal. The sight of Amazonia, beaten and broken, would haunt her nightmares for some time to come.

But it works at least, thankfully. The Luchador cocks his head to the side… and then after a moment, drops Amazonia to the floor. She lands with a meaty thump that makes Randy wince, but it's not like the raven-haired reporter can spare time to worry about her friend, not when The Luchador is striding over to her.

Sat in her chair, still tied up, Randy can't do much more than tremble as she looks upon him and for the first time realizes what he could do to her. If he could do all of THAT to someone as tough and durable as Amazonia… he could kill Randy with a single finger, if he wanted to. He could cripple her with one punch. For the first time, Randy gazes upon Luchador and sees him as the threat he is, rather than the joke she always perceived him to be.

Standing in front of her, the wrestler villain works open the crotch of his costume and a moment later, a thick, massive, throbbing cock falls free, right atop her face. Randy's eyes go wide at the sight of it, her pupils shrinking to pinpricks as she begins to breath rather shallowly. She's terrified, she's horrified… and she's hopelessly turned on.

But when she tries to open her mouth to worship the exemplar of a male specimen right in front of her, The Luchador pulls back, taking his cock just out of reach of her questing tongue.


"Heh, did you think it'd be that easy, bitch? I want you to beg, Ms. Rain. I want to hear how bad you want my fat fucking cock in that mouth of yours. Convince me that you NEED to use your mouth for something other than your oh-so-witty jokes and maybe I'll let you suck my dick."

Holy fuck, she's never been wetter. It's like he knows every button to press. Gazing up into his masked face, Randy can't help but let out a rather hopeless-sounding mewl… before doing as she's told.

"P-Please… please sir, please let me suck your cock. I want it. I want your dick in my mouth so, so bad. I want to blow you with all my heart. I NEED someone to shut me up with a good, fat dick like y-yours so I can't r-run my mouth anymore. Please, please, please put your dick in my-mmph!"

She must have said something right, because he does it, shoving forward almost too fast for her to follow, right at the apex of the word 'my' when her mouth is as wide open as it can get. Her teeth come back down on his dick for half a second before she pulls them away as fast as possible, but honestly, Randy gets the impression that she'd be more likely to chip a tooth on his cock then actually manage to break his skin, even the sensitive skin of his member.

Placing a hand atop her head, the Luchador chuckles as he slides his cock in and out of her slack-jawed mouth, Randy fully letting him take control of the oral exercise as she goes as still as possible, trying to be as relaxed as she can be for him. Utilizing that, he begins to thrust in and out of her mouth at a languid pace, causing Randy to choke and gag a bit as his cock hits the back of her throat.

"Glughk! Gagkh! Gurghk!"

And then everything changes. The Luchador's whole demeanor, and even his voice, is suddenly altered.

"This is good. This is a better look for you, Ms. Rain. And judging by how aroused you currently are, I'd say you agree."

Randy's eyes widen and she looks up just in time to see him take off his mask and reveal… Dr. Adam Anderson?! Choking in surprise, Randy sputters around his cock as the hand atop her head keeps her in place. He grins down at her, inclining his head in greeting.

"Hello Ms. Rain."


Watching Randy Rain's blatant shock is undeniably amusing, and Adam basks in the grand reveal for a moment before slowly letting up on her head, relaxing his grip and allowing his cock to slip out of her mouth. She coughs and sputters for a bit, before gazing up at him in complete and utter bafflement. Except, she's a smart cookie. She knows her stuff. His grand reveal… it's enough to get the wheels turning in her head.

Of course, there's no reason for him to wait for her to connect all the dots when he can just explain it to her.

"That video you were sent was of me, to be clear. The Luchador, cowardly strongman that he is, is just as weak as ever, at least in comparison to Amazonia. But after all of your snooping, it seemed appropriate to… play around with you both, at least a little while."

"You… Dr. Anderson, y-you didn't just play around with Amazonia! You m-made her bleed!"

While true, Adam just smiles and steps back and to the side, clearing Randy's line of sight so she can see past him to where he'd left Amazonia. Indeed, he'd beaten Amazonia black and blue. When she'd doubled over that first fist to the gut, Adam had known she would immediately realize it was him rather than the real Luchador. So, he'd whispered to her and only her that he was going to make it look good, and that she better not give the game away early, or he wasn't going to so much as touch her for the rest of the night.

But the thing was, Amazonia was at least partially a masochist. She was also a regenerator. When he'd left her, she was bleeding from a split lip and her nose, and one of her eyes was half-swollen shut. Now though, as both he and Randy looks over at her… Amazonia's face has already mostly healed, and the superheroine herself is currently frantically frigging herself in the somewhat humiliating position of downward dog, reaching back under her body and fingering her cunt as she watched him take advantage of her journalist friend.

She freezes up when their eyes fall upon her, but it's much too late for her to hide what she was doing… and from the look of things, Amazonia's humiliation fetish is going strong as well, because she stiffens and spasms a moment later, orgasming explosively from nothing more than her fingers in her dripping quim and their eyes upon her humiliating figure.

Looking back at Randy, Adam grins.

"Amazonia is just fine… but who's to say she will be, if you don't continue giving me what I want, hm?"

Randy blushes at the overt admission that he knows exactly what she likes. Averting her gaze for a moment, the journalist smiles a little, no longer quite as terrified or horrified, which was half the reason that Adam had sped up the grand reveal in the first place. He could tell that as aroused as she was, she was also downright petrified by him… and that just wouldn't do.

"I-I guess I don't really have a choice… we're both completely at your mercy, Dr. Anderson."

"Quite right, Ms. Rain. Quite right."

In a display of super speed that makes Randy's eyes widen and her pupils shrink to pinprick before she hyperventilates just a little bit, Adam unties her and then divests her of every last scrap of her clothing in under a second. By the time the world stops spinning, the naked reporter finds herself bent over, her knees knocking together, and her arms pulled behind her back as Adam's cockhead presses against her sopping wet slit from behind.

"Look at each other, the both of you. Look what your perverse desires has wrought. Look at what you've done to one another."

Adam's voice is more amused then condemning as he begins to fuck Randy from behind, plowing into her while Amazonia goes back to fingering herself and watching. While it's true that they've led each other to this point, neither woman can really bring themselves to care all that much, or even feel much shame beyond the shame that then feeds back around into pleasure, like a loop that they can neither escape, nor actually want to.

For the intrepid reporter Randy Rain, it's certainly a new experience, getting manhandled by a man in front of one of the strongest superheroines in the world. For Adam, it's an exercise in patience and caution, as he has to be just as careful not to go too hard with Randy as he did Emily. Honestly, it's slightly frustrating… but it doesn't stop him from fucking her through orgasm after orgasm, until finally her pussy is able to milk him of his release.

Pulling out at the last second, Adam cums all over Randy. He might have bred Emily, but that didn't mean he was going to start knocking up everyone who's defeat fetish he found himself satisfying. Rather, he covers Randy Rain in his cum, knowing full well that the hidden cameras controlled by All Seeing Eye would get the best angles of Randy's downed naked form as he drops her to the floor and steps over her.

Amazonia… he doesn't have to hold back with Amazonia. And so, the two women exchange positions, with Adam going over to where the female wrestler is all but presenting herself to be fucked and crouches behind her. Angling his cock downwards into her sopping cunt, he thrusts in one time… and then pulls back and slams home into her ass instead, a surprise anal move that takes Amazonia completely by surprise and provokes quite the exciting and interesting squeal from the downed woman.

Across the room, Randy is watching with lidded eyes, her own hands having slid back along her body by this point as she masturbates to the sight of the superheroine that was supposed to save her, being fucked by their mutual conqueror. Amused by how well the two ladies compliment each other with their tastes, Adam yanks Amazonia's head back by her long raven-black hair and calls out to Randy as he fucks into Amazonia with all his might, even making the floor shake under them both.

"You know, Randy… it was Amazonia who sent you that video of me defeating and fucking her in the first place. She knew you would go looking for me, she knew you would stick your nose where it didn't belong. She knew exactly what you wanted. I wonder… did you have even an inkling of her desires?"

Blushing up a storm, biting her lower lip, Randy eventually manages a shaky nod as she moans wantonly.

"I… I h-had my suspicions. I think, s-some part of me deep down inside knew it could o-only have come from her… I knew you were a s-slutty, horny b-bitch longing to be defeated, Amazonia…"

In response to her friend's words, the beaten superheroine just moans wantonly. Snorting, Adam decides to have a little fun with things. In a split second, he's behind Randy again, thrusting into her. He gives her cunt a few thrusts before moving back over to Amazonia and fucking her ass. To the perception of the two women, it's almost like he's fucking the both of them at the same time.

It's not quite like that for Adam. For him, he's pretty much walking back and forth between them, albeit at a very fast pace. To make it easier on himself, he starts moving them each closer to one another, until eventually Randy Rain and Amazonia are mere inches apart. When they look up and see each other, staring into one another's eyes as he speeds back and forth between them, fucking Randy's cunt and Amazonia's ass respectively, they do what comes naturally to defeated bitches staring one another in the eye… they kiss.

Moaning wantonly, Randy and Amazonia make out rather heatedly with each other, the two raven-haired women perhaps finally letting their unresolved feelings for one another come to the surface? It was only a theory, but it was telling that both Randy and Amazonia were single after all this time. Neither had an SO, neither had a girlfriend or a boyfriend for that matter.

Well, now he supposed they had him… and each other. No more lies, no more secrets. It was all laid bare now, and Adam is all too happy to help them finally come clean to one another, even as he makes an utter mess of both of them.

He ends the double fuck by sliding his cock right between their lips, and a moment later cumming all over their bodies as they moan and kiss his cockhead and each other at the same time. With a contented sigh as he fists a handful of their hair apiece, Adam smiles down at them both… before yanking Randy's head back in particular, forcing the lust-drunk reporter to focus on him as he in turn focuses on her.

"I hope that head of yours is still screwed on straight enough to put two and two together, but just in case, I'll spell it out for you. If you tell a single soul about me, if you even think about writing a story about me… you're going to be in a world for hurt. You might be able to expose me, but then again, if you haven't realized it already, I have the backing of The Team behind me. Amazonia, horny needy slut that she is, would side with me over you in a heartbeat if you forced your hand."

Randy glances at Amazonia at that, but the superheroine just averts her gaze, all but confirming his statement.

"And of course, if you tried to expose me, then that would mean exposing you. And there's a lot more material showcasing your secrets then there is mine at this point. I like to think you'd be smart enough not to force me to ruin you… but there is a little bit of carrot, to go along with the stick."

When Randy refocuses her gaze on him, Adam grins.

"Be a good girl, and we can see about setting up another… outing like this one. I might even have a way to make it feel real again, without having to resort to dressing up in a disguise. The three of us can have our fun, and the two of you can get your itch scratched… so long as you don't betray me."

Cocking his head to the side, Adam lifts an eyebrow questioningly.

"Can I count on you to be quiet, Ms. Rain?"


Despite the stutter in her voice, Adam's super hearing detects nothing but truth. It's still a power he's practicing with and it's no way foolproof, being one of the more esoteric, underused, and underdeveloped powers he's copied from The Team, but he's getting better at it. Which is why Adam has no problem grinning wickedly and shaking his head.

"Yes… what?"

Blushing up a storm, knowing immediately what he wants, Randy ducks her head, looking much more submissive then anyone would have ever thought the audacious reporter could be.

"Yes… s-sir…"

Yeah, he'd liked it when she'd called him sir earlier. No reason not to keep that going. Pulling his cock away from the two of them and letting go of their hair, Adam steps back, his hands on his hips.

"I'll leave you two to it then. Talk, clean yourselves up, whatever else. I'm sure we'll be seeing each other again very soon."

And with that he leaves. His job is done, his satisfaction secured. In less than five minutes, he's back in his laboratory in Star Industries, just in time to push Angie's feet off of the counter where she'd just hesitantly put them up. The girl had obviously been fighting with herself over whether to do it or not for some time and had just begun to relax and think he was gone, and she could get away with the blatant disrespect.

But then Adam arrives, and his push sends not just her feet off of the counter, but her ass out of her chair as she lets out a yelp and begins to fall, only her ability to fly allowing her to catch herself before she hits the ground.

"W-What the fuck?! You asshole, I- what… what the hell are you wearing?"

He could have changed out of the wrestling costume, but he hadn't. In fact, his dick was still out at this point… and there was a reason for that.

"You've been bad girl, Angie. And bad girls get punished. Luckily, I have just the thing for you. Get down on your knees."

Stacey's younger cousin blushes a little at his authoritative voice and the suggestion inherent in his command… but ultimately obeys, shuffling down to her knees nervously. Adam, for his part, steps forward and slaps his cock down upon her features.

"Clean it. Tongue and mouth only. Hands behind your back."

"You bastard, I-!"

"You what? Going to go crying to Stacey? Or going to go home to your parents, who are so weak and powerless they sent you here, to me."

They'd done so unknowingly of course, but that didn't really lessen the point in Adam's eyes. And it didn't lessen it in Angie's either. Her glare weakens a fair bit as she slowly opens her mouth and sticks out her tongue. Her work is tentative, slow, hesitant, and completely lackluster… and so Adam takes control, grabbing a fistful of the young superheroine's blonde hair and shoving his cock into her mouth hard and fast. As he begins to saw in and out, knowing that Angie can take it, she nevertheless chokes and gags, struggling against him but to no avail as he uses the bratty eighteen year old's mouth as a personal onahole to clean his dick.

Still, he stops well short of blowing his load, pulling back with his cock now rock hard as Angie coughs and sputters, her glare losing even more power with how watery her eyes now are.

"Good enough for now. I'll have your cousin handle me the rest of the way. Since you're such shit at doing it yourself."

For a moment, Angie Star opens her mouth, possibly to refute his words. Then, she seems to realize exactly what she would be refuting, and her mouth clicks shut as she just kneels there, watching him saunter out of the lab, cock swinging back and forth like he owned the place. He sort of did, since he owned her sister… and in due time, Angie would learn just who was in charge around here.


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