"____" are used for text
*____* are used for either background noise or time-skips
[____] are used to switch between POV
'____' are used for thoughts
"It is "Black Arm" Zephyr!" everybody except Luffy and Chopper Flinches, knowing who the person coming towards us is. the figure looks visible now, and Luffy, somehow realizing the stakes, Bites his thumb and breathes in-
"Gear-2-" but it is too late as Zephyr is already at attacking Range. my Brain Goes overtime, i hear the sound of expansion, but my eyes focus on Zephyr throwing a punch-
"ARGHHHH!!" Usopp screams in horror, his body getting violently thrown out of the ship, not just Usopp, but other members too such as Nami, Sanji, Zoro, Bentham and Luffy.
"HOLD ME!" Thankfully, My Mind is calm enough to formulate a plan for our current situation. i scream an order to Robin, who regains her composer and uses one of her hand to summon Petals which forms her hands, while the other hand is grabbing onto the Railing of the ship-
and as for the ship, it is flying in the air, riding the KnockUp Stream. The same second Zephyr almost threw a punch, the Knock Up Steam happened, Sending our ship flying in the air. but, since no one was ready for it as all of us were afraid (except Me, Sanji, Zoro and Bentham) of Zephyr coming and attacking us, they were not properly able to balance themselves when the stream hit, sending them flying out of the ship.
'Mana Rope'
MANA ROPE - ACTIVE - (Lv1) (EXP - 33.3%) (MP-2)
Mana Rope can be manipulated according to the user's wish, and since it is made of mana it can even affect objects or creatures of indeterminable form. Can only be used by those who have a talent in manipulating mana.
with Robin's arms grabbing me in the legs to keep my feet in the ground and my hips to balance me, i am able to move my arms freely, where i use my Skill <MANA ROPE> to send out Ropes made of mana to grab unto all the people who are out of the ship before they fall back into the sea.
"AGHHH- UGH!" Nami screams, her tears brushing past her while Her hand tries to reach the ship, also while Gravity is against her, pushing her back to the sea. She feels something attach to her and suddenly, she gets yanked to the side, colliding with the flying ship.
Similarly to her, Bentham, Chopper, Usopp, Sanji, Zoro and Luffy are all grabbed by the rope and then get yanked to the ship's side, colliding with it face-first. The weight of everyone makes me lose my grip, sending me tumbling forward. Robin tries to hold onto me, but she cannot concentrate on holding herself with one hand while holding me with another, so in a split second decision-
She removes her hold against Merry and crosses her hand, clutching it and spreading new appendages, grabbing me and stabilizing me. I look over in shock, before My Gamer's Mind comes in clutch, and along with <MULTI TASKING> Skill, create another Mana Rope and grab onto Robin who is thrown out of the ship due to the wind pressure.
"Ughhhh!" i try to pull all 8 people back into the ship, but I cannot do it since not only the wind pressure is making it difficult, Luffy's Giant Stretching Arm makes it near impossible for me to Lift Luffy.
"LUFFY!!! RELEASE THE AIR!!!" I scream at him, and at first I don't know if he is able to listen to me or not, but I feel a big weight being lifted on one of the Mana Ropes forming out of my hands, meaning that Luffy successfully removes the air he inhaled into his arms before.
Still, the Wind Pressure is enormous, making it completely difficult for me to pull all 8 of my crewmates back to the ship with my Current Strength-
'Put All Stat Points Into Strength-'
STR:- 87
Stat Points:- 0
I activate my <ONE-MAN ARMY> Skill, registering all 8 members and getting a 80% boost in my physical stats, raising my Strength to-
STR:- 149.6
Even after Reaching the 100 Mark In STR, I am unable to completely list them, but not panicking, I try a different method, something I never tried, but thought of before.
Mana is an energy That allows me to change the laws of reality, depending on the spell and the amount of Mana used. Skills Like Creating I.D. allow me to enforce a dimension upon reality that could stop time. so, The Potential of Using Mana is almost Limitless, but the way I use it matters. like this-
Remembering the feeling of Using Mana through My skills <LOW MANA AFFINITY> Which i got after reaching Lv50 In INR, i move the Mana inside my Body, from the core ( my abdomen) to all around the body. Mana seeps through my arms and hands, similarly it goes through my Legs and feet, my chest and through my pores, it seeps out.
The mana that seeps out of my body through various pores all connect with it to each other, making me covered with Mana. I feel the increase in strength, and knowing I am successful, I spin my arm while holding onto the Mana Ropes, tying myself with them, and pulling it towards me with all of my enhanced strength.
a pop up screen appears, but i ignore it while i put more and more mana into enhancing my strength, finally making progress as i pull all my crewmates near the railings. With a final pull, Zoro, Bentham, Sanji and Robin grab Onto the Railing.
Zoro grabs onto Luffy, Robin immediately sends more limbs to grab Nami, While Bentham Holds Chopper with his feet, leaving Sanji to try and grab onto Usopp, who is trashing in the air, giving his life up to the world-
Sanji kicks the ship to boost himself, making me lose the Rope grabbing him, he grabs onto Usopp, who frails madly, crying his eyes out while trying to pull himself with my Rope. While I don't feel the strain of pushing my body to the limits due to Both Gamer's Mind and Gamer's Body, it becomes doubly difficult to hold onto all the Ropes.
"CUT IT!" Zoro gives an order, and i deactivate all the ropes except the One which is holding Usopp, i put both my hands on it while Supplying Mana to it, while also enhancing my Strength at the same time. More appendages form from my body, holding me to the ship. I pull The Mana Rope with all of my Strength, and finally-
"Ughh!!" Sanji grabs onto the Railings, making me sigh in relief and deactivate My Mana Rope skill and whatever the enhanced ability is (i might have gotten it as a skill, who knows?) and turn to see all members grabbing onto the Ship with their dear Life. i look over to the other ship-
'OH YOU FUCKING MONKEYS' I Scream in my head, but knowing that these Monkeys are important to Cricket, so i activate my Mana Rope again and send it towards the Monkey's that are holding onto their Ship for dear life. I wrap the Rope around them and-
"THE SHIP IS GONNA FALL IF WE CONTINUE LIKE THIS!" Zoro screams while looking onwards, and as he said, the Ship is gonna shoot out of the Knock Up Stream that it is riding and start twirling back to the ocean below. I look at Nami, who in the canon timeline is the person who had the answer to-
"WAHHH!!" She is holding on for dear Life, crying her heart out. are you fucking kidding me? REALLY? AT A TIME LIKE THIS IS WHERE SHE WANTS TO CRY HER HEART OUT-
"RAI, DO SOMETHING!" Sanji Screams at me, and i snap back to the situation instead of cursing Nami, i look Upwards to the Mast, where the MainSail is located, i think for a moment on how to release it, and then look at Robin, who is clutching both The Railing and Nami too. She looks at me and I look at the Sail again, screaming my lungs out.
"ROBIN, OPEN THE SAIL!!" For a couple of seconds, Robin doesn't move, before releasing Nami and Clutching her hand, creating a supplementary hand to open the Main Sail in the Mast. She opens it, and the Ship takes up speed. I Notice the other two ships doing the same in just a couple of seconds-
"AHHHH!!!" Nami screams, almost losing her grip on the railings, Thankfully Robin Uses her 'hands' to grab onto Nami and connect her to the Ship's Railings-
"RAI, THE SHIP IS MOVING OUT OF THE STREAM!" Cricket, holding on a speaker shouts at us, making me look at him in shock, before i calm down and try to think-
"DAMN IT! OI OKAMA! GRAB THIS LONG NOSE FOR ME!" Saying that, Sanji tosses Usopp to Bentham, who is already hand's full with grabbing onto the Railings. Usopp screams in horror, but gets a Leg-Shin to the gut, making him almost unconscious while Bentham grabs onto him with his Legs, just like Chopper.
"RAI, GRAB LUFFY!" seeing Sanji run towards the front of the ship, Zoro seemingly gets the same idea as Sanji, and tosses Luffy at me before i could een react, making me miss him and Luffy goes back down and-
'ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?' I cross my hands, transfering my Roep to my Left while moving my Right hand towards the falling Luffy, extending a rope and thankfully, grabbing his shrunken Legs before he falls out of the ship.
both Sanji and Zoro reach in front of the ship, right near the Head of the Merry, they Jump, letting the wind carry them for just a second before yanking themselves down and slamming their foot into the Front Deck of the Merry, Pushing the ship downwards, right where the Stream ends, letting us connect back to the Stream and-
"YAHOO!!" Luffy, who is barely holding on due to me holding him using my Mana Rope, Screams in joy, his voice childish. Thankfully, I don't need to grab on the ropes any more as the monkeys are brought back to the ship while I use my strength to pull Luffy onto the deck, along with all of the other crew Members pulling themselves back to the deck.
Luffy stretches his tiny arms to the head of the Mery, slinging himself to its front and grabbing onto it, being in the front seat of this spectacle. He laughs excitedly, grabbing onto the Head of The Merry while all of us, me included, grab onto the Railings and see the clouds coming closer and closer.
'she should have been the one to do this' while i might understand why Nami couldn't take command of the situation, doesn't mean that i can't be annoyed by it. She comes through the situation in life and death, but Now she is a crying mess, well, WAS a crying Mess. She is just focused on holding onto The Railings.
"WE ARE REACHING THE CLOUDS!!" Luffy screams, before inhaling some air, which inflates his body to its normal size before holding his breath, and we all brace for impact, Usopp screaming to whomever can hear him to save his life. the Ships collide with the Clouds and come out of it, all hearing a cracking and breaking sound. the blast into the Clouds almost drowns everyone, but we eventually come out of it-
and each ship lands on a cloud which is hardened. my Brain being calm is a good thing as I can properly see around us, while the rest of the crew as well as the other members of the other two ships try to incorporate and get their brain working. After a minute, all of us (including the other ship members) finally are able to comprehend where we are.
"WOW!!" Luffy screams in excitement, while all of us look around excitedly, even Usopp, who almost drowned and Chopper has no other choice but to stop his sightseeing and give Usopp some much needed CPR, rejuvenating him.
"What kind of place is this?" Nami just couldn't believe her eyes, day after day, her common sense is getting mauled by the situation they are in regularly. She didn't believe there was a Sky Island since she never thought that Clouds would be hardened, but this breathtaking view destroys her senses. She looks over to the Log Pose, noticing it still pointing upwards.
"it....IT is real!" We all turn to look over to the other ship, where Cricket has the biggest smile we have ever seen him have. Luffy chuckles, while all of us smile, happy that Cricket got the peace he wanted. Since The Clouds are hardened, proving that Sky Island is real, that means that the other half of Jaya is also real, and as I said, it must be in Sky Island.
"Hey, it is still showing upwards." Nami asks me, finally calming down from her panic attack and showing me her log pose, i just shrug at her, giving a normal answer-
"it means we still haven't reached our destination" She nods, and then looks for the way out, instantly starting to figure things out. Usopp Chuckles, and all of us turn to look at him. Usopp is not wearing his shirt, letting us see his lean figure with Six packs. lol, Usopp being the weakest but still has 6 Packs-
"I wanna check just how similar this place is to the ocean." He gets ready to jump, but I stop him, knowing the outcome of what he is going to do.
"There isn't any ground here, if you start swimming, you will fall deeper into the Ocean and come from outside the cloud, and fall 7,000 Meters to the seas. you still wanna do it?" I raised my eyebrow, amused to see him literally teleport away from the railing in fear. Whenever he is doing something in fear, his physical stats rise up tremendously. The example being when he blitzed Kuzan to run away with Robin.
"Yeah, No Thanks." he tries to be brave, but fails miserably when his legs almost give out. Chopper uses the binoculars which he asks from me to look around the place, interested in any creatures that are able to survive in this atmosphere. while I notice something interesting.
I have two New skills, and 2 skill Level up screens.
MARTIAL REINFORCEMENT - ACTIVE - (Lv1) (EXP - 32.8%) (MP -10 Per Second)
This skill enhances the User by using his mana to reinforce his physical abilities, particularly his strength and durability. It converts his mana into raw physical power, enabling him to deal much more damage with physical strikes while also toughening his body to take less damage from incoming attacks.
10 per second? IF My Current Mana Regen is 400% of my base MP, then-
HOLY SHIT! I can keep continuing to use THis new skill endlessly as my Mana regenerates itself per minute. This skill is just a hack right now, with my MP regen Per Minute being more than My total MP itself.
I look over to My MP on my HUD, seeing it Completely full. God damn, I am OP as Fuck.
I check the other skill i got-
This skill passively enhances the user's ability to maintain perfect equilibrium in both stationary and dynamic situations, making it extremely hard to knock off balance and improving fluidity in movement. The ability allows controlled body position while performing a task, whether it's sitting, walking, or climbing.
A skill that passively fixes my balance whenever I slip up during a fight? This is awesome as shit. The biggest difficulty when fighting is focusing on your steps while dodging attacks. But with this skill, I won't need to focus on stepping on the downed enemies if I ever fight a group again.
My Footwork skill might raise automatically as my body automatically adjusts itself during a fight. Damn man, I am getting OP skills after OP Skills.
Anyways, The skills that have leveled up are:-
1. MANA ROPE - ACTIVE - (Lv9) (EXP - 43%) (MP-2)
Nice, free level Ups. Though, pulling my Crew back to the ship was a really difficult task, even with the 80% boost in physical stats-
Shit, I could have also added the Saruyama Alliance for my stat boost, but I kinda forgot about them for a second, but I still got two OP Skills in return. All is good-
"What is that?" Chopper speaks up, pointing to a smoke rising up in the air a couple of distance away, and that's when I feel Both BloodLust and Danger coming towards us.
My body shifts into a combat position while I think of a way to deal with- oh wait. The person that is coming towards us is-
A Man with a shield and a bazooka riding some kind of skates jumps upon Merry, Going towards our Strongest fighters, Zoro grabs his Sword and stands in a position to use his Flying slash-
"OI, DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE NAMED MONTBLANC NOLAND?" The figure literally puts the breaks in his 'surfing' and looks at me ( I think he is looking at me?) Zoro still grabs onto his sword, but Knowing me by now, he figures I have a plan.
".....How do you know that Name?" The figure points his Bazooka at me, and Luffy is ready to Pounce at the figure, but is held back by Sanji, who knows I can turn the situation around, since I seem to know what I am doing.
"So You DO Know about him huh? We DID read his Log Book which states that he met people who had Wings connected to their backs, similar to you." I point towards the Wings that are attached to the figure, but this doesn't get any reaction out of him, but I DID get a reaction-
"Wait, you mean-" I grin, and point towards Our own Montblanc over there, who is widening his eyes in realization. The figure looks over to Cricket ( I think?) and I speak up, continuing my 'act'.
"The person over there is the Descendant of Montblanc Noland, His name is Montblanc Cricket and he is here to verify if his ancestor was truthful after all." This causes the figure's entire body to shift. The figure completely ignores us and move towards Cricket, who is staring deep into The figure-
Ahh, what the hell. I can't keep saying the figure as the 'figure', I'll just call him by his name, Wyper.
Wyper removes his mask, showing his face to all of us, while he deeply stares into Cricket's eyes. Wyper is a tall, muscular Shandia, and as such, sports a pair of little wings on his back. He's covered by various tribal tattoos across his left shoulder and the left side of his face. He has very long dark brown hair arranged in a mohawk that follows into a segmented braid that goes slightly past his waist.
"You-" Wyper almost says something, before he looks up, along with Zoro, Sanji and Luffy, to see a new arrival to the situation. I look up too, to see something with wings coming over to us-
"I-is that a Horse?" Usopp is a little scared, but he grips his slingshot, while all of us keep calm, since no one can sense any type of Bloodlust from the being who is coming towards us.
The Person in question is Gan Fall, the previous God of Sky Island and riding a horse- thing. It looks worse than a horse could ever look. Gan Fall is an old man of average height with long white hair, mustache, and beard. He wears metal armor with a dark red shirt, and brown pants. He also has the knight's visor always pulled up and wears a long dark blue cloak that is yellow on the inside and at the back.
The horse that Gan Fall is riding is called Pierre, a large pink bird which ate the Horse-Horse Devil Fruit. The bird, in his hybrid form functions like a Pegasus, but is trash looking compared to a Real Pegasus. The horse-bird lands on the Ship, with Gan Fall Staring at Wyper.
"Wyper, leave them-" I interrupt him, while it might be rude to interrupt an elder, I don't want the situation to dissolve into chaos for no reason.
"Who are you?" Gan Fall looks at me and nods, acknowledging that my question takes more importance as Wyper hasn't made a bad move against us from what he has seen.
"My Name Is Gan Fall, And I am a Sky Night. A knight for hire for only 5,000,000 Extols per whistle." He brings out and shows us a whistle, which makes Nami Confused.
"What are Extols?" Nami looks at me, and I shrug. While Extols are the currencies of Sky Island, I don't know the exchange rate of it and Beris.
"Well, Extols are the currency of Sky Island. Where are you- wait. Are you guys from the Blue Sea?" He looks at us in surprise, and I nod, telling him how we came here-
"Hey old man, Get Lost before I blow you to smithereens." Wyper interrupts our conversation and points his Bazooka at Gan Fall, who doesn't show a hint of fear. The situation gets Tense once again, before Gan Fall opens his mouth to speak.
"I don't want you hurting Innocents Wyper." Wyper looks ticked off with this comment, and is happy to press the trigger, but he calms himself down, knowing that there is something much more important he needs to do than fight with the previous bastard God.
"I ain't gonna fight them, I have business with someone here specifically. Now, get lost. Last Warning." He clutches the handle of the bazooka which is laying on his shoulder. Gan Fall stares down Wyper without fear for a couple of seconds before he sighs, and tosses the whistle in his hand to me.
"I don't know what he is planning, but if you feel that you are in danger, blow the Whistle, my first service is free for you guys." After saying this, he looks back at Wyper again and touches his Horse-Bird, who takes off to the Sky to who knows where.
"That fucking Geezer." Wyper whispers, disappointed that he didn't get to blow the Geezers face off. But he then turns to me, staring me down, trying to intimidate me. I stare at him back, unflinching.
"Who are you?" Cricket, sensing the tension, asks Wyper, who turns towards Him, and answers him, with Caution in his tone.
"I am Wyper, a proud Warrior Of Shandora and... A Descendant of the Great Warrior Calgara." Wyper's tone suggests that he doesn't fully believe what I told him, but is willing to give Cricket the benefit of the doubt. Cricket Quotes that Wyper wants him to give an introduction, and even though he doesn't fully understand what Is going on, he realizes that somehow, his ancestor MontBlanc has SOME kind of relationship with these people, if the way Wyper is looking at him is any indication.
"Uhh, My Name Is Cricket, Montblanc Cricket from the 'blue seas.' I am the....Descendant of Montblanc Noland and have been trying to see if His words were true or not." Wyper looks surprised, mostly after hearing Cricket saying he wants to see the truth behind the words of the now deceased Noland.
"You.... What do you know about Shandora?" Wyper asks, and Cricket shrugs.
"Nothing. This is the first time I am hearing of the word. I think that's what your place is called. The only thing I know is from The Log Book that Noland left behind, stating he met people who had Wings on their back. And it seems that He was talking about you." He points towards Wyper's Wings. And for a couple of seconds, Wyper stays silent, not saying anything.
".....follow me." He explains, and then Jumps back into the white sea and surfs forward. I scream to call him, and he stops and turns back.
"Are we allowed too?" I give a peace sign, and for a couple of Seconds Wyper stares at us before Turning and continuing to Ride in front.
I look towards Luffy, Who has a bif infectious smile, making me Smile too while Nami sighs.
"YOU GUYS, LETS GOOO!" Luffy jumps to the Head Of Merry, Pointing towards Wyper's figure. Sanji shrugs and walks inside the ship along with Bentham to move the ship forward.
The Going Merry moves, along with the two ships of The Saruyama Alliance.
'Well, I certainly didn't expect us to meet the entire Shandorian people. And Knowing Luffy, he will decide to help them. We will Have to face Enel and his dumbass squad earlier. I gotta prepare for that.' I smile, even though planning might be hard, I know every person we are gonna fight, so it is easy to make a plan with information like that.
Enel yawns, bored out of his Mind. While he is ready to conquer The True Vearth, it is still boring to sit around waiting for His Arc Maxim to finish Construction, which might be done by either tonight or tomorrow morning.
With nothing much to do since his Ordeals are in their Positions, lazing around, He decides to take a peek in 'HIS' Territory. He is God After all, anyone who-
Enel gets up, sweating covering his body while he drops his Golden Staff on the ground. What the hell did he just sense right now?
"W-what is that?" He sensed something that should not be possible. Someone who feels Stronger than him, A GOD.
His Mantra Picked up someone in the Island Of Skypiea, where a person is on the ground, injured, though Just a little. Just a second of peeking caused the person to turn around and look at-
Enel looks again, this time confident that he is superior-
'w-wha-' he falls to the ground in terror, sensing the immense power that he sensed before. Someone Stronger than HIM, The GOD itself.
What kind of Monster arrived at the Island?-
my System shows me that it is stuck in HP sure recover, but when I try to restart, I am getting the same window over and over again. I am trying my best to fix my Laptop, but I don't know what has happened to it.
Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!
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"____" are used for text
*____* are used for either background noise or time-skips
[____] are used to switch between POV
'____' are used for thoughts
Enel looks again, this time confident that he is superior-
'w-wha-' he falls to the ground in terror, sensing the immense power that he sensed before. Someone Stronger than HIM, The GOD itself.
What kind of Monster arrived at the Island?-
"Woah!" Chopper looks over in pure wonder, along with Nami, Bentham, Usopp, Sanji and Luffy who look over to the cloud which has huts on it. After following Wyper, we reached the place the Shandorians lived for the past 400 years, right below the Upper Yard AKA Shandora/Jaya.
"SUGEI!!" Luffy, who was jumping on some clouds, comes back to the Ship, completely enjoying whatever is happening here. While I Look over the 2 screens which has appeared before me, a Skill Window, and An Observation window-
This skill allows the user to adapt to the environmental conditions of high-altitude areas where oxygen levels are low, and temperatures are colder. At higher levels, the user can resist the negative effects of altitude, such as reduced stamina recovery and impaired combat ability.
Reduces stamina consumption by 5% in high-altitude environments.
Slight resistance to altitude sickness.
damn, i am gaining skill after skill today, this might be my luckiest day i guess?
now, for the person whom i was observing-
Leader Of The Shandia Warriors
HP - ???
STR:- ???
VIT (HP):- ???
DEX (AGI):- ???
INT:- 83
WIS:- 102
LUK:- 33
Wyper is the leader of the Shandia Warriors and is well respected by them, even after knowing his violent Nature and his Will to fight. He fights for the Will Of His ancestors,Kalgara. His goal in life is to defeat Enel and Reclaim His home, Shandora and ring the Golden Bell to Prove to the descendants of Noland that Noland was telling the truth.
Emotions - Hopeful, Doubtful, Agitated, Annoyed.
'that's a lot of emotions.' With Wyper already reaching the temporary home of the shandians and waiting for us, it gives me time to think of a plan to deal with the Shandorians. Wyper, being the leader of their Warriors, is the most powerful of them. He fought on Par with Luffy when they faced each other in Upper Yard in Canon, and even fought against Zoro too. he had the highest durability in the arc including Luffy, who is injured by Impact dials, nevermind Reject dials-
"Do you know anything about Shandora?" I look back at the one who asked this question, and as it's to be expected, it is Robin who asks this. I shrug, (which I do most of the time when answering her) and give some kind of one-the spot made up story.
"Nope. not entirely, but if my guess is right, then this is the same island where a Poneglyph is located." Robin's eyes widen, and she looks forwards, determined. I look amused, but I know that the Golden Bell is located in some kind of Cloud near to the Upper Yard.
"We have arrived." Sanji speaks up from the Lookout, pointing at the cloud that has huts in it. In Front of the cloud stands Wyper, who is waiting for the three ships to arrive at his 'home'.
"...come with me." He turns, acting all edgy and starts walking into the make-shift village. All of us, including the Saruyama Alliance, get out of the ship, and with me putting Going Merry inside My Inventory, all of us walk into the village.
As we walk, I look over and notice that many people with a similar color skin tone and wings on their back look at us as we walk behind Wyper. These must be the Shandorians.
Along with Sanji, Bentham and Zoro, I look from side to side, all of us sensing a little hostility and un-trustiness (if that is a word). We don't respond, knowing that their behavior towards us is kinda justified. All of us go inside a tent where we meet the supposed Chief Of Shandians.
The Shandia chief is an elderly man with a gray beard and mustache, and long hair of the same color. He wears the standard Shandia attire, covered by a long robe, and carries a staff, with a tribal mask on the top, and white fur underneath it. On his head, the Shandia chief wears a canine head as a helmet, decorated with feathers.
"So, you are the person who is a Descendant of Montblanc Noland?" The chief looks at Cricket, and I sigh. Knowing this is gonna take some time, I decide to kick back and relax.
[1-Hour Later]
"- so, the Island protected a 'secret text' for its whole life?" Robin asks, her tone excited. Something finally interests her. She asked Me about the contents of it, but I wisely kept the knowledge quiet and told her about me not knowing what the Ponyglyph specifies.
I cannot possibly, in a logical sense, have information that disappeared 400 years ago. I give her an excuse that it was said that there is a poneglyph in the missing island.
"Yeah, that's what our Ancestors, even Older than the Great warrior Kalgara did for the past couple of centuries." The chief turns to Look at both Wyper and Cricket, who are talking with a smile on their faces.
I smile, satisfied that Cricket finally got the peace he tried to find, and Wyper finally fulfilled one of his dreams, which is to ring the Golden bell to the ancestors of Noland to give them proof that what he said was the truth.
Both Cricket and Wyper instantly clicked when talking and now, they are talking about their Life like long lost friends.
"Ahhh!" Chopper screams, running and trying to remove the little girl that is hanging on him. Aisa, a small shandian girl is grabbing onto Chopper's Horn.
Aisa is a small Shandia girl. She wears a fur dress and cap. In the manga, her dress and cap are yellow and in the lines are white. The side cloth of her cap is also green. She has short brown hair.her dress is brown, and her cap is yellow-white, with white cloth on the sides. And She also carries a tan satchel, with yellow buckles.
"Hahahaha" Aisa is having fun for the first time in her life, and she isn't gonna leave Chopper alone for quite some time. I also look at Usopp who is trying, but failing to make anyone believe his lies.
Nami is talking with a woman named Raki who is a tall, black-haired woman, with two large bangs parted to either side of her face on the front, and a long and elaborate ponytail on the back. She has dark green eyes, and her lips are apparently covered with pink lipstick.
"Oh, is that so?" Raki laughs at something Nami said. The rest of the crew is also interacting with the Shandians, who have become friends with us.
"Hey, Rai!" Luffy calls to me, and I get up and walk towards him, him holding the shooters. He tried to ride the vehicle that the Shandians use, but he fell so much that I think he suffered more brain damage than he already has.
"What's up?" Luffy has a gleam in his eye that I don't like. He is up to something that would force me to create plans and shit-
"Let's explore The Upper Yard!" His grin is annoying to me, since I figured he was gonna do some shit like this. I sigh, and shrug, letting him do whatever he wants.
"OI GUYS. WE ARE GOING TO UPPER YARD!" He screams, and all of our crew snaps their heads towards Luffy and Me. They look at me (Expect Zoro) and try to tell me to convince Luffy otherwise, but I shrug.
"Captain's Orders." They sigh, whispering something bad about me. I roll my eyes, knowing that they are cursing me since I kinda let Luffy do whatever he wants.
"Do you guys know what you are talking about?" Wyper gets up, looking a little angry. He and the chief explained their situation about the Upper yard to them before, but the fact that Luffy doesn't care much about it and wants to Explore Their Hometown like a tour is kinda making him angry.
"Well, Luffy also means that we will help take care of the people living in Upper Yard. In your words, we are going to war." Knowing that the time has come, I reveal my (disguising it as Luffy's) intention to deal with the situation.
Luffy looks at me confused, since he never even intended to get into the matter of helping Shandians. Before he could even object to it, Wyper speaks up, this time a little less angry and fired up.
"And how do you plan to do that?" His tone is sarcastic, and before I could even speak, Nami grabs my mouth and drags me, while all the other StrawHats, including Luffy, surround me in a circle
"What do you think you are doing?" Nami whispers in anger, knowing completely well that Luffy didn't mean what I said. She doesn't understand why I am involving ourselves in the matter of Shandians.
Well, the reason is-
Shandians have been fighting for 400 years to reclaim their land. Help them achieve this mission to put the spirit of the Great Warrior Kalgara to rest.
Time Limit:- 1 Day
Reclaim Upper Yard:- + 40,000,000 EXP, SKILL BOOK <WILLPOWER OF WARRIORS>.
Failure:- Death
Well, you can guess why. 100,000,000 EXP for this quest, plus all the individual quests I will create when I defeat someone in the Upper Yard, all that will accumulate in at least 4 level Ups. This isn't even the true reason why I accepted this quest-
Lightning manipulation being in the quest reward means that Enel is also included in the quest, which makes sense since my subconscious interprets freeing Shandora as Defeating the God, Enel. And if this is similar to the quest I got after saving Alabasta, all I need to do is 'help' Luffy Defeat Enel.
Luffy is guaranteed to win, and if he isn't guaranteed to win, I will MAKE sure He Wins.
"Well, if we help them, we can get the Gold that is supposed to be here." I grin at Nami, and as I expected, Her eyes turn to Beris, Hook, Line and Sinker. One down-
"Sanji, are you gonna let these innocent women continue to suffer just because you didn't want to have a fight?" Another victim down-
"You-" Zoro is shocked just how low I am, but next is his turn anyways.
"Who knows, there might be someone up there that could push you to new heights?" Zoro closes his mouth, deep in thought. I turn to Robin, who has a smile on her face, already knowing what I am about to say.
"Don't you wanna show the power of the Okamas to people who don't know what it is?" Bentham is delighted, to the point i think he might...cum-
"Luffy, Chopper, Bentham and Usopp, you don't wanna explore the unexplored place?" Even though Luffy is already in, this Hook, line and Sinker is for both chopper and Usopp, who easily fall into it.
"That's not fair." Nami whines, already knowing she is in this supposed fight, although she still would whine.
"NAMI-SWAN,ROBIN-CHAWN, I WILL PROTECT-" I decide to not hear Sanji's moanings and turn towards the Shandians, who have created a crowd and give them a thumbs up, giving our confirmation to enter the Upper Yard.
"We are coming too." Wyper, along with his Warriors all come in front, all geared up and ready to fight. A couple of seconds later, the Saruyama Alliance also stands up to join us.
" My Ancestor tried to prove this island till his last breath, if I cannot even try to save it, what kind of life have I lived?" Cricket gives his reason, motivating many other Shandians to also stand up and try to fight.
I scratch my head, thinking of using all of these people most efficiently, and a plan forms in my head, a look which makes the StrawHats realize that I have started creating a plan for our situation.
"Well-" I start to explain the plan, before a system window appears before me, with a new quest.
The tune of the Golden Belfry Bell signifies the bad relationship with the Shandians and the residents of Skypiea. It is said that the Ringing of the bell will conclude the 400 Year war. Ring the bell to help both the Shandians and Skypians.
Time Limit:- ∞
Failure:- Death
'item dismantle?' as in, dismantling items to reuse them? Is it a skill like that? This quest was made as I made plans to use the fodders (the Saruyama Alliance and the remaining Shandians) to go and find the Golden bell by giving them some 'hints.'
Giving them explanations like "there might be a chance that the bell might NOT be in Shandora, the turbulence might have thrown it off." Or " you guys can check the surrounding clouds, and if there isn't, when we reclaim Upper Yard, it might be there." Etc etc.
We decided to divide ourselves into 2 groups, one for fighting, and another for finding.
Team Fighting Contains Luffy, Me, Zoro, Sanji, Chopper, Robin AND Wyper.
Team Finding contains all the people who are NOT part of the group, such as Nami, Bentham, Usopp, The Saruyama Alliance and the Warriors of the Shandians. while the warriors wanted to come with us, i denied them and sent them to the finding squad.
"NOOO!!! I WANNA GO WITH THEM!" Aisa tries to release herself from the hold of Raki, who is trying to hold the running Aisa. Aisa wants to go with us, but she is held back. Now, similarly to our side-
"Why am I here?" Chopper is almost tearing up, knowing extremely well that this group is full of fighters. Not him. Zoro opens his mouth to give Chopper couragement, but I open my mouth before he could speak up-
"Because you are a monster. You are one of our Strongest, why wouldn't we add you to fight?" I look at him, acting confused. I know that Chopper has self-confidence issues, similar to Usopp, but knowing that this is the right time to address it, I speak up again.
"But what if i-" he has objections, negative thoughts, and I scoff, looking back at him with an amused grin.
"You WILL Win. Stand Tall, you are Strong." I smile at him, and he starts tearing up-
"W-what are these tears-" Chopper grabs his face, trying to wipe it-
"Don't get emotional." Zoro speaks up, grabbing his swords. We have all entered the Upper Yard through a way that Aisa told us about, while whining to come with us.
While having her would be useful since she has Observation Haki since birth, something that she alone has in the series, but the story is different now. Who knows When Enel is gonna arrive at our location?
"So, you know anything about GOD?" I raise my eyebrows at Wyper asking this question. He has a look of deep thought, before answering us, although hesitantly since he isn't really sure if what he is saying is facts or not.
"He has eaten a devil fruit and is a devil fruit user, I think. He has powers that he calls 'divine Judgment.'" I raise my eyebrows, acting like I am looking at Wyper doubtfully, while on the inside, I am trying to think of an excuse to bring up the powers of Enel.
Goro Goro Mi or the rumble rumble fruit allows its user to become Lightning itself. This is the devil fruit that Enel ate. I go into deep thinking, trying to find a way for me to explain the powers, and as I think on, the others look at my thinking face and realize that I am figuring the situation out.
This makes them walk forward with confidence, Wyper feeling the change around him. While he is confused on why the crew is confident all of a sudden, he doesn't put his mind into it and continues walking, his trusted Bazooka tied to his back.
The group eventually come across a sculpture that looks like an altar. Robin snaps me out of my thinking, pointing towards it, and I realize where we are-
The sacrificial altar.
Wyper looks amazed at the altar, and I summon our Ship. All of us board it and sail towards the altar. We reach it and start climbing the stairs (with me putting Merry back into the inventory) and Robin is ahead of us, reaching the head first and reading the symbols and words there.
I look over too, remembering my training with Robin on The ancient Script and i realize what it says-
"The sacrificial Altar." Robin whispers, surprising everyone (except me) with the content. Wyper is conflicted, since he doesn't know why there is a sacrificial altar in his hometown-
Me, Luffy, Zoro and Wyper look above, to see many people come towards us. A person who is round shaped appears, sitting on some kind of ball made out of clouds. Along with him, there are three more people, a dude with a straight mustache, riding some kind of animal, similar to Gan Fall. A person who is shooting clouds out of his shoes and is clutching his lips and staring at us without blinking, and the last, a bald glasses guy with tattoos on his arm riding a big ass dog-
Yeah, weird.
"You intruders, who do you think you are-" says a person named Shura. Shura has a thin, pointed mustache that splits into two parts; on his head there is an aviator hat decorated with wings, and a pair of goggles on the front. His attire is composed of an orange fur-lined jacket, loose orange pants held up by a belt, fur-lined gloves and boots, and a purple scarf around his neck. He's dark haired, and on his back there is a pair of downturned wings.
"How dare you enter GOD'S Domain-" the other person, Ohm, speaks up. Ohm is a bald and muscular man of relatively average height with somewhat tanned skin. He has a pair of small wings sprouting from his back which extend down to near his waist. He has a small mustache and beard around his mouth, and wears a pair of small sunglasses over his eyes. He also wears a green sleeveless shirt, gray pants with several pockets, and dark leather boots with bandages around the soles.
".....YOU-" exclaims Gedatsu. Gedatsu is a tall, dark-skinned man. He has an unusual hairstyle, with a row of upward-pointing tufts or rasta-styled dreadlocks from ear to ear. He has a typical pair of wings on his back.He is wearing a matching purple jacket and pants, black gloves and shoes, a pink shirt, and a blue tie-like scarf around his neck.
"You know~, it is against GOD'S words-" says the person named Satori. Satori was a round-shaped man with fair skin and long, dark red hair. He is clad in a white, full-body jumpsuit, which has a vertical line of golden rings that ru-
I 'teleport' right in front of Satori and, with Martial Reinforcement and One-Man Army active, getting a 140% (3 Shandians, 5 from my crew, 4 Ordeals, and 2 Animals) boost and Ram my fast into Satori's face, sending him off his ball of cloud, and falling towards the ground-
I again appear right above Satori, this time activating another skill, something that I tried to use before during my 2nd training arc (in Alabasta), but couldn't use it properly.
'Fissure-' I shoot out both my arms in a similar pose to Six King Gun from Rokushiki techniques and slam it into Satori's body-
"Ugh!" Satori spits out blood, his internal organs damaged, and crashes into the ground.
Now, why am I attacking without no warning-
Defeat Satori
Defeat Satori of the Ordeal Of Balls as he is the weakest and super annoying.
Time Limit- ∞
Failure:- Death.
i immediately 'teleport' again, landing on Satori and ramming my enhanced strength along with <FISSURE> in His gut, making him spit more blood out-
FISSURE - ACTIVE - (Lv2) (EXP- 52%)
The user channels mana into the ground, or any surface, creating a fast-moving crack that spreads outward in a targeted direction. The more mana channel, the higher the damage done. If used against Humans, it can deal internal damage.
I 'feel' Bloodlust and danger from behind me, but without freaking out, i 'disappear', along with Satori who I am connected to through my leg on his chest. I grin, ramming my fists over and over in his chest, cracking it and creating so much internal damage that after 15 hits-
Defeat Satori
Defeat Satori of the Ordeal Of Balls as he is the weakest and super annoying.
Time Limit- ∞
I smile, excited about having Observation Haki. I open my inventory, and remove the skill book.
I decide to absorb the skill in the skill book, letting it disperse in air, letting the particles absorb into my body-
My senses explode, or at least that's what I think. My brain calms down, and I feel that I can sense everything in my vicinity.
'is this observation Haki-'
'huh? Why is all my 3 skills combined-'
'WHAT THE FUCK! Hell yeah!' If Observation Haki, which is a sixth sense ability that Uses WILLPOWER to sense others intentions and allows them to read someone's own willpower, figuring out their strength.
But, a question appears in my mind, how in the absolute fuck is Observation Haki gonna-
My senses explode again, this time overwhelming me so much that I get knocked up.
'ugh' my brain hurts for a second before I calm down. It seems that I deactivated my skill after getting knocked out. I shake my head, trying to remove the dizziness that would have occurred to me normally.
Observation Haki is the ability to sense the presence, emotions, and intentions of others. It is an advanced manifestation of willpower, allowing users to expand their awareness beyond their physical senses. Observation Haki relies on the user's willpower and can allow the user to sense emotions, sense the opponent's strength, and sense the intentions of the user.
How did an ability that allows me to use my Willpower to read other people's Willpower and react according to it mix with The Map of all things?
The information dump I got when I let it happen overwhelmed me so fast that it knocked me out. And from what I remember, I was able to sense... My surroundings? I don't know how to properly explain it.
According to Rayleigh, ""Haki" is a power that lies dormant in all the world's creatures... "Presence", "fighting spirit" and "intimidation"... It is not different from the things that humans can naturally sense such as these... 'The act of not doubting'. That is strength!"
Haki is dormant in every living person, but most people around the world never even learn about the existence of Haki, let alone how to utilize it. But, the thing is that Haki is only dormant in living beings, not any other things.
The fact that I can sense things around me, non-living objects like Rocks, sands etc when it is used corresponds with the Map. Not only that, My Range Of Observation Haki is drastically increased if I let it interact with The Map. This....
Overwhelmed so much that I got knocked out before my Brain could catch up with the information. Whether it be My Passive Skill GAMER'S MIND, if my brain gets overloaded with information and I get knocked out, the skill becomes Useless.
This, the information i received are me able to feel the vibrations in the air and the ground, like it is a part of the world and interacting with-
Wait. Mr -NOTHING- Said that The quests are created through my subconscious formatting the situation and the rewards are selected by the system based on the information it receives from-
This World is Alive. It has a will of its own, and the overwhelming information I received was by accidently reading its strength, overwhelming me.
similar to how the Goro Goro No Mi enhanced Enel's Observation Haki by allowing him to sense the electromagnetic waves from the air, through the Map, my Observation Haki has also enhanced by allowing me to sense anything within which is visible to the Map. not only that, but as my Observation Haki increases it's range as a side-effect of interacting with the Map, more and more paths are cleared in the Map.
So, IF i use Observation Haki to scan the area, My Map will update itself to reveal new areas.
I sigh, calming down. Not the time. There is no point in thinking about The World- No. gaia, having a will of its own. I can't do anything even if I want to, and I don't really want to honestly.
I look over to the dead Satori, noticing that the guy is naked, most probably gotten Looted by My Auto-looting option. I shrug, not really caring much about it.
I look at my status screen, seeing New information right now.
huh, either my discovery about Gaia having a will gave me this status increase, or the information that overwhelmed me had a side effect, but I don't really care to be honest.
But, another question arises, why was Mantra combined with Sense of Danger and Sense of Bloodlust to create Observation Haki, isn't it the same? Maybe it just changed the name after adding the other two skills or something?-
'Too much monologue. The Readers might get annoyed, so let's continue' I crack my neck, ready to continue on-
Before stopping and thinking of a plan to bring Enel into this SlugFest that is going to happen the moment I come out of my I.D.
I Have an idea, and that is to hurt the Ego of the Supposed GOD.
I grin, confident in my plan, and escape my Timeless I.D., appearing a little distance away, alone alone.
"YOU BASTARD! WHAT THE HELL-" Shura screams in anger, confused and angry at the fact that not only did I supposedly attack a Priest, but also did it in a way that cannot be explained no matter what. it might be a devil fruit power, but it is so effective against their Mantra that No one of the ordeals were able to sense him.
He was that fast.
"OI FAKE GOD! GET YOUR PATHETIC ASS HERE, WE DON'T HAVE TIME TO PLAY WITH YOUR WANKING TOYS." I Scream upwards, 'knowing' that Enel is listening to us using his Observation Haki. And while it might seem an idiotic thing to call upon the so-called god as he can attack from a distance that i Cannot dodge, I have a weapon.
I have the ability to Let My Skill Observation Haki interact with My Map, so if I wanted, I wouldn't need to interact with My Skill with the Map.
I activated my Observation Haki, my pupils having a distinct red color to them, showing that I have activated it. inside my body, my.....Spirit, or my 'willpower' extends outside my body, forming a transparent area around myself that only I can see and feel. my brain receives images of people near to me, a silhouette of their Will, and i can finally sense the strength of both my allies and my enemies.
Willpower is the spiritual power of a person who wants to achieve their dreams. their inner resolve, their determination, and their ability to push through adversity is all part of the power that a person has. This is the 'will' of a person.
a DING sound charms in my voice, most likely my Skill <OBSERVE> has leveled up several times, but i don't let it distract me-
i 'teleport' to the side, reaching near Zoro, and the next second, Ohm's Extending sword crashes into it. and with that, Zoro, Sanji, Chopper and Robin along with 2 of the shandians (Except Wyper) all jump into the fray, deciding to deal with the Ordeals.
I Look up, not being able to feel Enel's presence. He should have appeared by now, but why isn't he here? I don't know, and a bad feeling envelopes me.
'Shit!' My plan was to talk shit to Enel, but it isn't working. I speak up once more, trying to discredit and talk shit about Enel, but he isn't responding at all. this worries me, before i calm myself and decide to take a risk-
I don't know what is happening, but Enel is not coming to us, and this bad feeling, like something we have never dealt with is gonna appear, is making me even more worried. but, knowing what to do, i steel myself, and grit my teeth-
since this is gonna hurt like a bitch.
i Activate my Observation Haki once More, this time letting it interact with MY Map, overwhelming my brain-
I exhale a lot of air, finally calming down. While the rush of information almost consumed me and knocked me out, this time me being ready saved my ass, and Gamer's Mind was effective in stopping the overload of my brain.
I looked around in wonder, the details I received before being knocked out were both beautiful and overwhelming, but now. i can See the beauty of the earth, the vibrations surrounding us, the leaf in a tree moving from side to side due to the air, the air being moved and shaken due to the clashes of the Ordeals and My crew-
Oh yeah, I got distracted. I focus on my Willpower, 'willing' it to extend beyond the range of my visibility. a normal human can see 3 miles clearly, but me, a superhuman can see at least 4 miles-
and that was before i unlocked this skill, which allows me to read the will of my surroundings, getting data for my Map to upgrade itself. the Range of my Haki increased in a tremendous rate, easily covering the entire island in the matter of 10 seconds and i-
huh? I feel two- No, three Willpowers being able to 'feel' my Willpower. One is near to us, but it's willpower is weak, but more refined than anything I have ever seen, until now. comparing this Willpower to someone like Zoro, who has third highest refinement of Will in our crew (except for me and Luffy) right now ( i checked ), the person with the most amount of willpower between the two is Zoro, but in terms of refinement, the little one is-
Wait, little one who can interact with my Haki? That's Aisa. what is she doing here-
i sense the second willpower, and there is one thing that it makes me feel-
Power. The person is so powerful that he is able to directly 'look' at me by interacting with my Haki.
'Oh, So You Have Observation Haki huh? Interesting-' the 'person' who was interacting with my Haki, somehow was able to speak to me through it, which should be impossible since Haki is just willpower which can be manipulated, how can-
the third person who has a willpower which is interacting with mine is-
Scared? Panicked? terrified? I don't understand what these 'emotions' are. the third person turns to 'look' at me, at first extremely terrified before calming himself down and having a confused feeling. but the biggest feeling i can 'sense' from the third person is fear-
I noticed something. The Willpower that the third person has is enormous, even higher than Zoro, reaching Luffy's Willpower. This person has a feel to it, an electric feeling-
'is that Enel?' Why is Enel terrified so much? it doesn't make sense. The feeling of using Observation Haki is all over the place. it is impossible to have conversations using Haki, it is impossible to find electric feeling using Haki, what kind of Haki-
I Notice Enel Spreading his Haki's 'range' all over the place, but the focal point is a single person. the 'second' person who somehow talked to him. The moment Enel's Haki Contacted him, Enel's Will starts behaviouring erratically, and the same feeling of fear encompasses Him. with ME having My 'Range' on Him, this fear somehow transfers to me, affecting-
My Gamer's Mind protects me from being feared. I Notice that Enel is moving further away from his initial spot where I sensed him for the first time, and he seems to be going....up?
'Arc Maxim!' I realized this a little bit too late. since Enel is already reaching near the 'will' of a huge tree, Giant Jack. He is escaping this place. scared for his life due to the pressure he feels from the 'second' person, similarly to the pressure i feel, but am negating due to the Gamer's Mind.
I create an I.D. and go inside, deactivating my observation Haki to try to think of a possible explanation.
Enel is running in fear from the 'second' person, something that he never did in Canon as the 'second' person didn't exist. if he did, Enel would have run away in Canon too, meaning that something has changed. mostly because of me, the butterfly effect is gaining speed.
what- No, Who is the 'second' person? i try to think. Kaidou, I Don't think so. While he might have jumped from Sky Island in canon, that was later in the series, and he doesn't have much reason to be on the Paradise side of Sky Island. Doflamingo, Hell Nah. i made sure we didn't mess with Belamy and his crew, so there is no need for him to be present in Jaya-
I realize who it is, the 'second' person. the way he acknowledged me, in interest, and the only possible person to be here, logically.
'we have Zephyr in our hands' why the hell did he have to come to Sky Island with us? and why the hell did he even find us?-
....Fucking Enel and his fetish to use His observation Haki to spy on conversations. I can guess what happened. it seems that Zephyr got blown away by the Knock up and somehow arrived at Skypiea, and during the regular checkup of Enel let Zephyr catch on to someone on the island, and he might have come here to check it out, coincidently with us-
ain't no way this is all coincidence. this is planned-this is all Planned.
"The Plot Thickens- i mean-"
i had the thought of introducing Enel in this chapter and letting him fight Luffy as i introduce Zephyr as the boss in the end. but, i decided to scrap it when i realised that i made Enel scared of Zephyr, and according to Enel's persoanlity, there are things which terrify him, like the reject Dial and Luffy being immune to his abilities. Zephyr being so strong that Enel could not possbily find a suitable way to defeat him made him run away from the Arc Maxim (which is 98% completed).
Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.
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