If ye Zao had not mentioned it, Cen Shaoqing would have almost forgotten about it.
In a moment, CEN Shaoqing took out a small chip from his bag.
“When was this?”Ye Zao picked up the chip.
CEN Shaoqing said, “On the day you came back.”
“What did you find in the chip?”Ye Zao asked.
Cen Shaoqing shook his head slightly.
These robots had very clean hands and feet. There was no trace of them at all.
Cen Shaoqing twirled the Buddha beads and continued, “However, I feel that the core robots this time are different from the previous ones.”
Ye Zao studied the chip and slowly said, “They are indeed different, but they are all from the General Alliance.”
“Can you tell where they’re from?”Cen Shaoqing asked.
Ye Zao took out the device and installed the chip inside, then said, “If I’m not wrong, this core robot should be from the Wang family.”
“The Wang Family?”
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