The six clan leaders were usually cautious and conscientious, wholeheartedly thinking of the Chang Yue country. Most importantly, after learning of Ye Zao’s accident, the six clan leaders fainted because of it. How could he possibly betray ye Zao?
The five clan leaders raised their heads and looked at the stage, frowning slightly.
If things were really as Li Ziyue had said, then the wisdom of the eight great clans would all be ruined by the six clan leaders.
“Didn’t the Great Witch Doctor Die Long Ago?”
“I didn’t expect that the sixth patriarch, who usually looks like a dog, would actually be such a person in the hinterland!”
“If the sixth patriarch really betrayed Miss Ye, then the Great Patriarch wouldn’t be able to get away with it either!”
Everyone immediately pointed their spears at the sixth patriarch.
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