Was what Qiu Di said true?
Qiu Di walked all the way to the door.
Ye Han was still standing outside.
Seeing that Qiu di seemed to have cried, ye Han frowned slightly. “Miss, did Shangguan Zhi Bully You?”
“No.”Qiu di said, “Don’t be rude to the Shangguan clan leader in the future.”
With Qiu Di’s words, even if ye Han was angry, he didn’t dare to act rashly. He could only nod and say, “Yes.”
After Qiu di left, the head chief immediately gathered everyone and held a meeting.
After learning of Qiu Di’s words and actions today, everyone discussed animatedly.
“What if what Qiu di said is true?”
“What Qiu di said is indeed very reasonable. Miss ye is so powerful. Other than her own willingness, who else can force her?”
“In that case, Miss ye personally changed ye Han’s memories?”
At this moment, the fifth clan leader stood out and said, “Other than Miss Ye, there’s another person who can also alter ye Han’s memories.”
“Who?”The first clan leader asked.
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