Zhou Zuolong was very angry.
Although Zhou Jinbei was his son, his character was not like him at all. He was unfaithful and unfilial. When he was a teenager, he was very angry and made news that he ran away from home. The outside world almost spread the rumor that he and Xie wanqiu abused their young son.
Xie Wanqiu’s reputation was ruined at that time.
But even so, Xie Wanqiu did not blame Zhou Jinbei. She even personally helped to find Zhou Jinbei.
What about Zhou Jinbei?
What did Zhou Jinbei Do?
He was the same as Zhou Xiang. He had no gratitude at all. Xie wanqiu was so good to him, but Zhou Jinbei did not even want to call her mother.
Not only did he not want to call her mother, but usually, when Zhou Jinbei saw Xie wanqiu, he did not even have a smile on his face.
How many sons in the world were like Zhou Jinbei?
It was true that dragons gave birth to dragons, Phoenixes gave birth to Phoenixes, and rats’sons knew how to dig holes.
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