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Chapter 71

"You're Mattie? Erm I mean Matt, Alex's brother right?" Keith immediately corrected himself when the Alpha scowled at him for calling his name with familiarity. He doesn't normally bother about someone else's opinion of him except for his wife but this man in front of him is another exception. Alex valued his brother to the core and it's not a good idea to be on this man's bad side.

"Yes I am Alex's brother and who are you?" Matt replied sternly to Keith's question. Matt grudgingly straightened his white coat that got wrinkled from Martin and Colin's restraining him. He glared at the two Alpha in retaliation.

"Ahmm Mattie this is Keith—

"Shut up Alex I'm not talking to you." Matt said to his brother who flinched as Matt rarely raised his voice against Alex.

"I apologize if my men were a bit rough. I wasn't aware you would be here." Keith replied, giving Alex a comforting smile as if telling him that he would handle this. "I'm Keith Andersen." Keith introduced himself, extending a hand towards Matt.

"Are you the reason my brother is in the hospital?" Matt asked, staring at the Alpha standing beside his brother's hospital bed, had he been a normal Alpha he might be intimidated by this man. However, his brother has been aggravated and even gotten himself pregnant and he feels like this man is to be blamed. There's no way in hell he would be intimidated by someone like him.

"Can you all cut it out, your pheromones are too much for an old man like me. I'm a Beta and yet I can feel how intense your pheromones are." Professor Lee interrupted Matt's questioning. The old man sighed exhausted as he sat down on the chair at Alex's bedside. "Are you okay?" He asked checking on Alex who's fidgeting but somehow for some reason is generally okay.

"I..I'm fine." Alex replied meekly, his hands were on the hem of Keith's shirt.

Matt, who's glaring at Keith, glanced at his professor. The older man's words got him thinking. He has been crazy mad since before the three Alpha came in and he's sure that his pheromones are all over the place. Blood relatives normally don't get affected by each other's pheromones but he and Alex are not blood related, thus with all those extreme pheromones he's been exuding, Alex should have been gravely affected already.

Matt's face darkens as his mind starts to process everything inside his head. The pheromones, Alex's bruised body, the pregnancy all of this came rushing through his mind that when he was done his body moved in a flash. He grabbed Keith's collar and dragged him away from Allex. Alex, who has been holding on to Keith's shirt almost got dragged off if Keith didn't remove his hand.

For the first time in his life Matt punched someone in the face. It hurts like hell, he can feel his knuckles throbbing but he couldn't care less. The only thought in his mind is that this man sullied his precious little brother.

"Mattie stop it. Keith! Oh my God!" Alex cried as he saw his brother hitting Keith. This isn't how it's supposed to be, he doesn't want any of them to get hurt. "Mattie! Please!" He then turned towards Martin and Colin. "Stop them! Please do something." Alex screamed at the two Alphas who just stood there watching. "It's all my fault. Mattie please!"

Matt could not believe Alex was defending this man. "You bastard! How dare you mark my brother." Matt said, throwing another hit on Keith. He really believes that this man used his pheromones to make his brother submit to him.

"Please stop them!" Alex cried for help.

Professor Lee just closed his eyes and sighed in resignation. An old man like him won't be of much help in stopping a fight against two Alphas, not that he could consider it a fight if it's only Dr. Fernandez who does all the fighting.

Colin is getting conflicted if he should help his boss or at least stop the fight. As a bodyguard his job is to protect his boss but he's not sure what to do as even his superior is not doing anything. He glanced at Martin and was confused a bit when he saw the other Alpha smiling.

Martin shaked his head at Colin's confused expression. He could tell that the doctor is not good at fighting or he may not even have been in a fight in his entire life. His punches are sloppy but still enough to hurt someone but not the likes of Keith. Keith is probably just allowing the other Alpha to hit him. Technically as Keith's bodyguard he should be stopping the fight but as his friend he knew that Keith wouldn't want him to intervene. Besides, it's not everyday he gets to see someone beat up Keith Andersen.

Keith was lying on the floor with Matt on top of him still clutching his collar while his other hand was gearing for another hit.

"Give me one good reason I should not kill you right now. You're a scumbag for forcing yourself on Alex. He's pregnant and badly beaten all because of you." Matt screamed as he grabbed Keith again, angrily shaking him.

"I'm sorry. It's all my fault." Keith replied, earning him another punch in the face.

Alex cried and screamed for his brother to stop but to no avail. Professor Lee is trying to calm him while ordering Matt to stop.

Alex tried to get out of his bed to stop the fight himself since Martin and Colin didn't want to intervene. However, he is struggling to do so because of the cast on his right arm. He tried to use his left arm to support his body but it didn't help as the needle eventually pierced deeper through his veins that the IV started to get bloody.

Alex cried out in pain as the two Alpha flinched upon hearing Alex's whimpering from pain.

"Enough both of you." Professor Lee bellowed as he saw the blood in the IV. "If you want to have a fistfight do it outside. This is a hospital room and there is a patient here." The old doctor pressed the intercom and called the nurse to help fix Alex's IV drip.

"I'm very disappointed in you Dr. Fernandez, no matter what the circumstances are you are still a doctor and we are here to see a patient. Our priority is always the patients." Professor Lee scolded his student. He then turned to Keith and said "Your Omega is pregnant and you have the time for a fist fight instead of caring for your him. And you two, you're supposed to be professionals but you just let your boss get beaten up." He then said to Colin and Martin.

The four Alphas bowed their heads like little kids getting scolded by their teacher. Colin felt a bit aggrieved as he was planning to intervene but was prevented to do so. Martin is chuckling silently, still having the time of his life from seeing Keith get beaten. Keith was worriedly looking at his wife while Matt is feeling apologetic towards the professor but is still fuming inside.

"Is my wife okay Doctor?" Keith inquired.

"What did you just say?" Matt frowned at Keith.

"Mattie, you see ahmm. Please don't get mad." Alex tried to explain the situation.

Matt felt like blood was rushing to his head. There was too much for him to absorb. He glared at Alex for today's revelations and before anyone could move, Keith was once again on the floor getting another jab from Matt.

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