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5.26% A World belongs to the Black / Chapter 2: An exotic character and his exotic life and death (R18)

Capítulo 2: An exotic character and his exotic life and death (R18)

São Paulo, Brazil, 2019

Aleesio was preparing for college. At 17, he finally finished the 3rd year of high school, remaining studying for the National exam that would guarantee his future. The young man was an electrical engineering prodigy and his determined mindset was not easily shaken by ordinary pettiness. For example, he never forgot to study at least 4 hours a day (outside school hours) and to exercise properly in favor of the so-called common fun among young people.

Do not fool yourself. He watched movies and read books and similar genres (novels and light novels), but he had a policy of using such distractions as a reward for a job well done.

Want to read Suzanne Colins' Hunger Games trilogy? Finish this essay on using carbon fiber first. Want to watch the new Avengers movie? Read the article about Oscar Niemeyer's work and life. And so he went on with life. Not being an otaku, not being someone with a dick.

Aleesio's youth allowed him to learn quickly and he wouldn't waste it. The human brain should be trained and although he wasn't a genius at the Sheldon Cooler level, he was still someone to take himself seriously.

So that's how Aleesio lived. Studying properly, eating properly, distracting your mind properly, exercising properly.

If his life was to be summed up, the proper word was what represented him. So it was no surprise that he was bored. Aleesio realized that he no longer learned with the same intensity as before. Not that building it wasn't fast, but that there wasn't enough satisfaction anymore. He no longer enjoyed absorbing knowledge. There was no animation at all.

Even going to university wasn't something he found exciting. After all, it would not be difficult for him to pass the ENEM (National High School Exam) and enter a good university. For the simple reason that he had already completed his instruction in the field he wanted to study. He could have finished high school at 13, but his parents insisted that he should continue to follow the proper developmental path. Ironic, the fit was such that it was even limiting his advance. But that didn't stop the young man from taking courses and more specialized courses.

At seventeen he was a technician in several areas. Electrical, mechanical, electromechanical, chemical. He also took professional courses in logistics, maintenance, IT and mass communication.

He was also interested in languages. English, Japanese, Mandarin, Modern and Ancient Greek and Latin.

His learning schedule was extensive because of all the courses he had taken in the last 4 years, but he still completed them adequately. Some he had to do from a distance, after all he couldn't be in two places at the same time. But all the certificates and diplomas accumulated would make any new individual into the workforce embarrassed.

But after all that, after learning so much and developing so much, he began to wonder why he was doing all this. Wealth? His parents were rich enough. Glory? He didn't give a damn about that. Satisfaction? Maybe at first but it didn't last long before he got boring. Everything felt so easy now. And that's because he didn't even consider himself the most efficient tool in the box.

But that day Aleesio was a little excited. He was about to reward himself. And with a girl, no less. A really beautiful girl, if anything needs to be said.

Carina was one of her classmates at school and was considered the ultimate bitch. No, it wasn't because she cheated on everyone, but because of her ice queen personality. She acted like a bitch to anyone and everyone and the only exception was him and just because she thought he was suitable. Again that word.

No. Aleesio was not a simp. He wasn't in love with the girl. He was just horny. It was normal at his age after all and he'd kept his virginity so far. It was time to take advantage of the fact that her male body was functioning properly (look at the word again) to fuck up a little. And he had also finished the new software he was working on. One that was currently running on the smartphone now in his pocket.

The program was basically a library. It basically connects to the network and steals all written information about anything and everything while analyzing, computing, sharing and simplifying all the acquired knowledge. Knowledge that would be read and assimilated by the young man after a night of wild sex with a snobby girl.

Well, Aleesio finally arrived at his colleague's house and rang the doorbell. The house was beautiful. Typical upper middle class house with an extra floor above the ground floor. There was a simple garden and tall graduated gates protecting (or he thought) the property.

It didn't take long for the girl to answer the door. She had invited him several times before and the young manhad refused. Not because she didn't want to have a nice evening, but because she hadn't done anything to deserve a reward. Although Aleesio got bored with his way of life he wasn't really ready to change.

"Good night Carina, may I come in?" He asked politely and she opened the door with a slight smile.

"Of course." She said and opened the gate to grab the young man's hand and lead him inside. "You are thirsty? Do you want something to drink?

"Water." She answered.

"Okay, sit here." She pointed to the sofa and went to the kitchen to get the liquid. It didn't take long to come back with the clear glass cup filled with water. Carina gave him the cup and he drank.

There was an uncomfortable silence in the room. She didn't say anything. He did not say anything. He knew she wasn't experienced at things like that, but the same could be said for him. A virgin and a virgin intending to have sex. A joke now that she thought about it.

"Perhaps I should reward myself in a pleasure house instead," he thought with a little trepidation.

"How should we start?" she asked with apparent nervousness.

"Can I ask you something first?" It sounded after hearing it.

"Of course."

"Because I? I mean, I don't see much reason why I'm so attractive to you. Even her suggestion indicated that she doesn't want a later relationship so there's no difference between me and any other boy in our class. Unless you have feelings for me, giving virginity like that... It's not very common for girls to do that."

The girl looked at Aleesio with some disbelief. She didn't understand his question for a very specific reason. In fact, she just needed to use a question to counter the young man's reasoning.

"Why not? You are smart, handsome, educated and, as far as I know, a virgin. I don't want to do this with someone who has had experience so it's one more point in your favor. Most other colleagues aren't aesthetically unappealing. You are on the contrary, quite handsome and from what some of my sources say, quite muscular as well." She said focusing on the covered body of the young man. Aleesio always wears a lot of army but he always wore clothes one or two sizes too big just to disguise it. He didn't want to draw attention and be distracted by girls so it wasn't really a bad thing for him.

"I see." That made Aleesio happy. He was afraid of being called more 'appropriate' by the girl and hearing the compliments kind of heightened her ego.

"So, how do we do?"

"I think…go to the bedroom and take off your clothes? Although in most adult literary works they start with kissing and snogging for a period of time before actual sex. From what I've read... And I've heard from some people, foreplay is necessary."

"What foreplay?" the girl placed her pointing finger on her soft chin. "Blowjobs and stuff like that?"

"Well I think? There was something about erogenous spots in some works, but they change from person to person. Although, I think men are simple and Blowjob works well enough." The young man said.

This strange conversation was happening right now with a lot of indifference on their part. Sex was a hot topic among teenagers, but our hero was an OCD scholar and the girl was the ice queen who never had any friends to talk to about it. Any knowledge they both had about sex was either literary or learned from other people.

"So let's go." She said and took the boy to his room. Aleesio stripped off his pants and shirts, putting on black boxers as he waited for Carina's next action. She didn't take long to do the same, keeping only her panties on. He expected her to keep her bra on but she took it off without much shame. Then they both stared at each other for a while before laughing.

"We're not good at this."

"I agree."

"Maybe I should start sucking you." The girl spoke and knelt down, her head aiming for the boy's groin. She used her hands to pull on his underwear and released his partially hard cock. "He should be more strict, no?"

"I masturbate before coming." She admitted the boy unashamedly to admit it. It was normal wasn't it? Masturbation was a common topic among the boys' conversations at school. Some talked about how long they lasted, most of them during the 9th grade boasted that they finished fast and out of nowhere in the 2nd year of high school they started saying they lasted too long.

This confused him a little, but he was busy with an English course project and paid no attention. The girl didn't think it was weird either so he didn't suspect he was wrong to be direct.

"I see." She said and put the cock in her mouth, eliciting a low moan from the young man. She didn't know why else it felt so good to hear that. It was deep and throaty, like a cat's purr. The girl started to lick the member even more while it was in her mouth, realizing that it was growing and hardening rapidly.

"This feels good."

"Good to know." She retorted and went back to work. Alesio waspleasantly surprised. He thought this would be a fiasco after all. Two inexperienced virgins, trying to fuck. It should be bad or unpleasant. But even…ah, the feel of her tongue circling his pole, the movement of her thrusting in and out… It was just too nice. Compared to his hand... It was honestly hard to go back to masturbating after that.

He remembered there was something called friendship with benefits. The term had become popular after a movie with a famous singer…Justin Timberlake, if he remembered. Maybe he could convince the girl to be his benefits friend? She didn't want a serious relationship, so it was a valid alternative.

But she quickly forgot her plans when she felt the common shiver she felt before ejaculating.

"I'll come in no time." He warned. In most of the books he read, men warned that they were going to come when they received Blowjobs. He didn't know why and didn't care now. He just said why there were no cases read where the man came silently.

Upon hearing what he said, the girl began to lick even more fiercely. She took the pole out of her mouth and began to lick the pink head quite skillfully. That further accelerated the boy's construction of orgasm. He instinctively grabbed Carina's head and made a member of her go almost to her throat. He was excited but he wasn't an idiot. Some of his books specified something called a deep throat. Apparently some women could get sticks up their throats without choking or choking, but he didn't think Carina was one of those women. So that alone was good enough and he ejaculated his seeds into her mouth. The jet was even bigger than when he jerked off and the feeling was so much better he almost fell on his ass.

Shaky legs were the result of that orgasm. The girl was still kneeling. Her lips smeared white and her full mouth was struggling to swallow. That made the young man feel even more excited.

"Sorry. I didn't think it was hard to swallow." He spoke now realizing the reason for the warning.

She still took a while to speak, but when she did she looked annoyed at his face.

"You should have come out of my mouth!"


"No hehehe... now what next?"

"If I read that right…I should give you oral sex. But most guys said they didn't like it. I don't understand why but there must be a reason.

"Are you going to give me a Blowjob?"

"I guess? But can the name be different? Anyway... it would be better if you lay down or sat on the bed."

"Okay." She said and lay down with her legs slightly apart. Aleesio moved toward her and pulled on her lacy panties. It was white but he didn't mind it so far.

The girl was a rare piece of beauty. He admitted that. Straight, well-groomed black hair, smooth, smooth body. Full breasts. He always wondered what reasons there were for men to get bogged down so much. They were just piles of fat weren't they? But seeing them awakened a kind of animalistic instinct in him. And it was following this instinct that he took her breasts and squeezed. She moaned at having her mounds touched and the moan only deepened when he squeezed. That triggered a curious trigger in Aleesio's mind and he brought his mouth to her nipple, sucking lightly before increasing the intensity.

The texture was so good he didn't even know how to describe it. The softness and elasticity of the breast as a whole made him unwilling to stop. Her moans of approval only added to the desire.

Of course, he didn't like it when she held his head preventing him from escaping her mounds. He wouldn't leave them so fast if it wasn't for that.

'The nerve'

She tried to stop him but Aleesio was physically stronger so it was useless.

"Let's get on with your pussy now." He spoke as an apology.

"I'll do what I want, not what I want," he thought selfishly.

She nodded at this, eager to experience more sensations. Then the young man spread his legs and looked at the vaccine curiously. It was honestly normal. Not unlike what he saw in pictures in biology textbooks. There was a clit above the entrance. External and internal lips. It was beautiful, yes, but... That was it. The same way he had a penis she had a vaccine. Nothing more, nothing less. Why those guys were so excited about it was a mystery to be revealed.

"I'll start." He warned and brought his tongue directly to the opening that led to the deep cavern. He had read about how the clitoris was important for female orgasm and wanted to experience it in the end. Then he stuck his tongue in, digging and digging until she started to happen and moan loudly. Her screams were pleasant for him and her pussy began to tighten her tongue, it didn't take long for her to ejaculate too so he could taste her nectar.

It was salty. She had a non-unpleasant pungent taste but not something he walked with. although thesmell was making his desire go crazy. His tongue had experienced the tightening of his caves and he was barely waiting to bury his cock there. .

And it was with this in mind that he guided his cock to the wet, hot entrance and entered it quickly and decisively. . This time eliciting a painful scream from her.

But Aleesio didn't care. The grip was divine. He felt the girl wrap her arms around her neck, pinning her. But that didn't stop his hips from starting to hit her.

pak pak pak pak pak pak pak pak pak pak

The sound of meat pounding sounded through the room. Moans and loud screams spread as the scene of pleasure unfolded. The girl spoiled more and more in the young man's body as he increased more and more speed.

17 minutes later Aleesio painted the girl's interior with his seeds. He was still caught up in the haze of pleasure and continued in it when he decided to start a new session without even taking his cock out of her. . Carina had already accepted her fate and she didn't complain either. Her mind lost to sexual pleasure only thought of one thing. More. More. More. Give me more!!!


An hour of pleasure later they both went out. Aleesio untangled himself from her before bed, placing his cell phone on the dresser beside the bed, plugged into the charger while the software ran. He hoped that when he woke up he would already have something to read. He took advantage of the proximity to play relaxing music and plug in his headphones.

Unbeknownst to him, a piece of frayed cell phone cord was hit by the sexual juices of the two and in a slight short circuit that screamed his brain and began to catch fire and spread to the bed where they slept. That night Aleesio died.

At least her lack of planning that day ensured a perfectly suited offspring for both her family and the young woman, who became a mother at 18.

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