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17.25% A True Beginning / Chapter 34: Ch.33

Capítulo 34: Ch.33

After disposing of the body Buffy asked from behind me. "What do you do all day, when you aren't disposing of bodies and casting spells, I mean?"

I shrugged. "I study magic, different aspects of it. Write and compose music, hunt for demons on occasion with the girls and sometimes I go to the bronze to sing a bit or grab a drink. Why do you ask?"

She shrugged. "Giles was asking me about what I'd like to do now with my life and I wanted a good example to go off of."

I nodded. "Well, Alice paints, writes music for a few girl bands and sometimes does charities in between the shopping and demon hunting. Faith's more of a hands on girl. She likes training and dancing. A bit of a foodie and likes to watch tv shows with Alice on downtime's. Other than that she did a community teaching thing in LA that's about teaching women to defend themselves."

Buffy nodded. "Sounds better than just going back to school."

I chuckled. "You have all the knowledge you need for college classes. If you want you can finish your Psychology degree and maybe go into child psychology and become a counselor when they reopen our old high school. I hear it's a year off but under reconstruction. It's right over the hellmouth so you'll be in the perfect position to help out there."

Her eyes bugged out. "They're opening up another school there?"

I smiled and nodded. "Yeah. I'm gonna work there as a Gym teacher to help keep the demons low while it's open. Alice is getting prepared to be the art teacher while Faith's wanting to be the biology teacher. Something about describing mating habits to kids makes her laugh each time she mentions it."

Buffy was a few minutes from hyperventilating when I stopped and told her. "Relax. With us in a more authoritative role it'll be easier to manage. I hear the company Xander's working part time for is bidding for the rights. If it pans out I've a few designs I'm gonna slip into his paperwork that he's ready to make sure happens. It should help suppress the evil to a manageable degree for a while at least."

She calmed down now and asked. "Councilor?"

I chuckled. "If you want that is. You have enough time between now and when it opens to cram the work in for a masters degree at UC Sunnydale if you want it. There's not much in the way of job competition either way. To be honest you could choose other professions and still have a good chance of being hired there."

She smiled and asked. "So, what do you do with the girls when you aren't making music or magic?"

I smiled with her now as I pulled her close and whispered in her ear. "Making sweet music and sexy magic."

I released a tingle of energy that hit her like a shot of tequila. She swooned a bit before asking. "And where exactly do you make this magical music?"

I moved, taking her with me as we vanished by the human perspective. We moved faster than most being but something like glory could see as I took her next door and shook the rafters so to speak.

When we finished she was a bit bruised and my back was bloody even with more durable skin. During our music making I felt something more than before. She had more of the slayer essence in her than before. More so was that she was more durable as well.

When I mentioned it she asked. "I'd that a bad thing?"

I shrugged. "Not necessarily, but you're less human because of it. I'd say it's more like how I've grown more god than less human when I ate the hell bitch. You're the same, when you were brought back it must've put more into you, like double slayer with the human soul in between."

She frowned but nodded at my words and I warned her. "Spike May be able to hit you now without getting a migraine. Something to think about at least. I guess time prepares us all for our roles to play. As I grow so do my counterparts. Alice has been getting more and more visions as of late while Faith has mastered most of what Giles has set out to teach her before we left. With your upgrade, I'd say it's about even in the growth to mine all together."

Buffy sighed into my chest before going to get up. I saw her stand up and moved like lightning, taking her up against the wall and bed. Again we were like fire and oil as we burned throughout the day.

It wasn't all me either as she would simply bump my hip and instantly stratal me wanting to go again. I didn't complain as I was always ready for more but her body wasn't usually able to take this much before and it worried me that she'd injure herself trying.

That didn't stop us but it did make me more aware of her every move. When the sun started going down again she finally stopped us as she said. "I have to go make sure Dawn doesn't get into trouble, rain check?"

I chuckled and told her. "Love, all you need to do is tell me you need release and I'll give it to you. If it wasn't clear before, it should be now. There is no wearing me out when it comes to sex. Just make sure this isn't all physical alright? I want you outside of bed as well. This isn't just the monster but the man in here now."

She looked at me long and hard before nodding and I sighed. "In that case Alice and Faith will want there time with you as well. Just try not to freak out when Alice takes you shopping then has her fun in the dressing rooms or when Faith simply strips you on the dining room table and well, you get the picture."

She hesitated now but continued. "It's a package deal love. Believe me, it'll take some getting used to and it'll be odd at times but if you aren't comfortable with something just say so. We aren't savages or evil, it's all voluntary and takes some adjusting but it's nice as we learn and adjust to what we each like. If you feel you can't with them they'll understand and back off as will I if you ever feel I'm doing something you don't like."

She blushed before saying. "That, well, everything, was amazing. I liked it all."

I chuckled and kissed her before handing her her panties. "Scamper off to the shower now, Dawn can wait a few minutes to see you, Alice and Faith are there right now babysitting. Willow and Tara went out for a couples thing since they were available. Not to mention Giles will be back in a couple minutes from the magic shop."

She grinned and tapped my chest saying. "In that case, join me will you?"

I smirked and chased her to the shower where I ran us a hot bubble bath instead. Our time together lasted a bit longer but it was time well spent by any means. She learned I could hold my breath through a couple orgasms at least now.

She was a bit surprised the first few times I came inside her as she hadn't expected the same bulging without the beast in control. I had to explain it to her that it was a wolf thing.

That had her questioning Willow and Oz's sex life to which I may have suggested that's why Oz ruined men for her. Once females felt something unique like that they tended to not want regular stuff. She told me to prove it and to that we'd spent the next several hours doing just that until she admitted men seemed rather tame by comparison.

I burst out laughing when she said that and told her to relax as I showed her something else Faith herself admitted to liking. Hence when she was getting out of the bath she was walking a bit funny now. Not that she hadn't enjoyed it with the lubrication spells and extra attention it gave her but it was still her first experience with that.

I helped her out with a small healing spell to ease her discomfort. She thanked me with a show of her own as she dried off. I got out of the tub as well and if she hadn't slid on her panties in a hurry I swear I wouldn't have made a mess of them tearing them to the side and showing her how she affected me.

When we finished I made sure the clean up was easy before helping her get dressed the rest of the way. Even then we almost didn't make it out of the bathroom as she wanted more touching. Faith showed up to stop us as Alice had told her if we continued she wasn't getting home tonight.

Buffy pouted but agreed and followed her out. I slid on my own clothes in a blur and met them at the door, heading over with them. I smiled as I saw Faith grabbing Buffy's ass and whispering something in her ear. I could've overheard but I didn't want to pry and be too intrusive. Besides, it's more amusing to find out when it happens anyway.

We arrived back at her house with a hop skip and a jump as it was literally next door. When we arrived Giles and Alice were sitting in the living room with Dawn, watching tv. Faith mentioned ordering Pizza and it being on its way.

Buffy went over and sat down wincing a little at the abrupt sting. I hit her with another healing and small pain relieving spell and she smiled my way as if to say thanks. I nodded and turned to Giles. "You can stay next door if you'd like. It's got all it's utilities and several free rooms to use. There's a key in clam change bowl next to the door that goes to the house."

He seemed like he was going to turn it down until Buffy told him. "Go ahead Giles, our couch isn't that comfortable anyway, besides, it's not far away so we'll still be close by if need be."

Alice mentioned. "Plus the cupboards are stocked with that fancy tea you like and you won't have to wait for a hot shower."

File was ready to give in at Buffy's words but upon hearing Alice he immediately got up saying. "I-I'll see you all tomorrow then yes?"

He didn't even wait for a reply before he was gone. A few days later Buffy got to experience Alice in action as she needed clothes and school supplies for the classes she was going to audit till next semester.

I will cherish the surprised look on her face when Alice went down on her in the changing room at Macy's. Alice had given her a bet to bite as not to scream or moan to loud. I'd been doing some online magic book shopping in the dark web when it happened. I'd had to drop out of a bidding war as Alice had inadvertently sent the images to me.

Faith herself found me moments later and we broke the bed in our frantic passions. When Buffy and Alice got back Faith and Buffy had their own moments in the back yard whilst Dawn, Willow and Tara were at school. Alice had sipped some blood I brought over to satisfy her sudden thirst she was feeling from me.

For me it was a primal lust to mate but it translated into hunger and lust for her vampire mind. When they finished in the back yard I brought out drinks and some bite sized sandwiches they could enjoy with their post coital glow. Buffy was embarrassed a little still but Faith was used to it so she followed her lead.

When I noticed the tension I chuckled and told her. "Get used to it. Sex, good food and pampering is only the beginning. Wait till Alice gets it into her head for makeovers and spa days, then you'll really be in for a treat."

She smiled more at that and Faith must've noticed her tension as well because she told her. "If it's about the girl on girl thing just don't think about it. Really, who cares what you sexually define yourself as. As long as it feels good does it matter what others think?"

Buffy seemed to get it as she sighed. "No, I guess it doesn't does it? I mean, it's not like I'm giving up on men either so I guess it really doesn't matter."

Faith snorted. "Way to break a girls heart, but then, if it meant giving up Ryan for only girls I have to agree. Has he done that thing where you end up on the ceiling and it feels-"

"-like you're getting him so deep you'll break if he doesn't let you cum?" Buffy continued giving her her answer with the same question.

Faith smirked and went to lite a cigarette and I took it from her saying. "I'll not be having you die of lung cancer thank you. It'll be eternity for us if I have my way but even still magic can't cure cancer. As for actually finding the cure for cancer, while I'm sure it's possible, it wasn't even done in my first life and we were hundreds of years more advanced than this world."

She snorted and took the blunt she had in her wallet out. I shrugged. "Smoke it all you want but you're not driving or doing it around Dawn."

Buffy nodded and asked. "What does it do to slayers?"

Faith shrugged. "Same as humans I guess. Gets us mellow and hungry and after that the hornyness sets in and we need a bit of-"

Buffy blushed cutting her off. "I get it."

Faith smirked. "I know you do, and it's good too. So, what have you decided on after schooling I mean. Have you picked another hobby because slaying is for nights and homework while it's a lot, isn't enough to cover the rest of the day when you already know everything you're doing?"

Buffy shrugged. "I was thinking about a part time job to pad out my resume like Xander's doing. He's already a top guy at his job and he hasn't even finished his college courses yet."

I shrugged at that. "I gave him the download as it were for what he wanted to learn but the promotions he's getting is just good work ethics and his soldier training he's relying on for structure. He's already thinking about buying a home and settling down with all that he's accomplishing. Anya and he have gotten close and I suspect any day now they'll announce an engagement or pregnancy at the rate their going."

Buffy nodded slowly before asking. "Speaking of pregnancy, should I be worried or are you like all vampires?"

I chuckled. "Relax, while I'm far more potent than any vampire or even human, I've been doing a sterility charm each week or so to keep from getting you or the girls pregnant. Oh, and vampires can really have kids, it's just very rare as it usually involves higher powers fucking around with their lives."

Alice came out and spoke up. "Even in our old dimension it wasn't unheard of for vampires to have kids. In fact it actually happened in our coven. Our step brother you could say, had a kid with his human mate before she was turned into a vampire after the birth. Our skin was tougher then and we were about as strong physically as Ryan is now in his human form."

I picked up a piece of a stone from the back garden and crushed it in my hand all the way to dust. I wiped off my hand before saying. "Our skin was as hard as diamonds and our vampire strength was strong enough to throw cars like tonka toys. We were faster than the human eye and for some odd reason we glimmered or sparkles in the sunlight."

Faith and Buffy snorted before Buffy said. "Like twilight vampires!"

I frowned and turned to Alice who replied. "Exactly. That was our previous realm, I was called Alice Cullen, and this was Ryan Cullen, my mate."

Buffy frowned. "Wait, you can't be Alice Cullen, she was with some moody dude named Casper or something like that."

I sighed. "Jasper, his name was Jasper Whitlock and he was my friend. I changed his fate that day we were delivering news to the battlefield. I was already a vampire and werewolf hybrid with many years of experience when we ran across those three human drinkers. I killed them all and watched his back for another decade before he found his wife and settled down."

I looked to Alice with sadness seeping from me. She shook her head saying. "You did the right thing, I don't regret my life with you for one second."

I sighed. "But you'd be alive and happy for a lot longer if I hadn't interfered in his and you're destinies."

She snorted. "We may see the future but we cannot know that. We are not gods, not yet at least."

Buffy and Faith looked at us with fascination and a little bit of confusion. I turned to them and with a thought summoned the books they referred to. Then I did a bit of impromptu magic making books of my memories of events.

I set them down on the sunbathing table saying. "This is what would have possibly happened if I hadn't interfered and this is what happened because of my medaling. Make what you will of it, but know that this is the honest way I've seen things since my birth in that reality."

I turned to Alice who looked almost mutinous by the sight of them. She refused to meet my eyes but then I expected as much as I could feel the palpable hurt coming from her in waves. Sighing I rubbed my face haggardly saying. "All I ever wanted was to protect and make you happy my pixie. Now because I've pulled on strings better left alone you'll die-"

I couldn't continue so I left to calm my raging emotions elsewhere by killing everything below the city hiding in the sewers. There the very first group of beings I ran across was a group of vampires and a Bro'os demon.

His power suit and shark like features gave him away. I growled as I began shifting. "I wander if you'll taste like sushi."

That was all he knew as I'd bitten his head off with my large maw. The vampires tried to flee but I was simply quicker and ripped them to dust in moments before finishing my shark fin sushi. I traveled the sewers killing everything in my path trying to beat the idea out of my head of her dying.

When I stopped for the last nest I could find I was already near the old high school where the hellmouth lay. I stilled as I felt a wave of raw anger and promise of dark power wash over me. Growling I moved and buried my claws in the stomach of what appeared to be Buffy.

The difference was it smelled nothing like her and wavered a little as my claws buried in the wall behind it. She smirked and I roared in her fake face, shaking the very earth as my roar carried throughout the tunnels. "That's not very polite lover."

I attacked even knowing I couldn't hurt it in this form. I wrecked the tunnels sending shockwaves the locals thought were earthquakes throughout the town. When I turned to see her smiling again with folded arms she asked. "Are you about done? Dramatic much?"

I roared again and charged at her as the roots and plant organisms all over moved to hold her in place. Even with them passing through her constantly she was a bit weary now. After one last earthquake I stopped and shifted back into my now nude human form.

Fake Buffy asked. "Giving up already?"

I snorted. "What is it you want First? Trying to free your trapped brethren inside me?"

She shook her head in disgust. "Not remotely. They'd just ruin my fun for your girlfriend and her kind. Brutish lot that they are they wouldn't even thank me for the efforts before trying to end me as well."

I growled as my vision shifted red and opaque for a moment. I turned my gaze inward and saw thin lines of their power reaching out from their cages trying to get at the fake Buffy. They wanted to consume it and grow strong again.

I cut off their strings of power and returned to the outside where fake Buffy had merely growled inhumanely before smirking. "See? One moment after noticing me and they want to devour me."

I growled as I felt my stomach rumble. "They're not the only ones."

She snorted. "You really don't want to try that. They might be able to digest me but you're a different story, especially with your holier than thou magic purification. See I'm chalk full of dark power and I'd be worse for you than your friend Willow's magic's."

I grunted before asking again. "What is it you want then? Because if you think I'll stand aside you're dead wrong. I'll be right beside her during that battle you're preparing for."

She smirked. "And my minions will enjoy your flesh just as much as hers. I know my bringers are no match for you as you are now, but my pet follower is another story entirely. Just like your mother I've blessed him with some of my own strength."

I growled and she shook her head. "Now now, you don't want to cause the town to collapse do you?"

Reached out with my magic's to force her back into her weakened state like she'd been when she went after Angel, relying on her bringers for power. It didn't exactly go as planned as she was ready for me and doused my magic's with dark hellmouth taint.

I felt the backlash and taint seeping in immediately and roared as my eyes turned black. Fake Buffy smirked. "That's What you get for being rude!"

I reached further and slammed all the magic's I possessed into her wavering form causing her to turn into a horned beast that roared before disappearing. I sent a brief communication to the girls and took off in a blur towards the house.

I needed to get the taint out immediately before it set in and ruined my magical foundations like Willow's. The First had used my anger to distract me and the hellmouth's energy's to wound me probably in the hopes that I'd end up like Willow will eventually, too afraid to use magic without a dark magic's backlash.

I arrived minutes after they'd completed the holy oil bath and jumped in not waiting. Oil splashed and boiled over as my skin was boiled away. The oil seeped below causing the living flames to heat up and creating a looping effect that nearly completely skinned me alive.

On the bright side though the taint was removed but the downside left me red as a lobster and bleeding all over when I finally got out. Alice was the first one to wrap a towel around me while Faith asked. "What the hell happened?"

I grunted. "The First. It pissed me off and I reacted like any pissed of male, I lashed out. It used the taint of the hellmouth to flood my magic with it and I brute forced it into a weakened state temporarily. FYI the earthquakes were me trying to tear at it in my beast form and using plant powers to try binding it as well. The damn thing is immune to them obviously but apparently not so much to magic itself."

Buffy frowned. "The First is back?"

I nodded. "It's posing as you FYI. It can only pass as dead people or creatures. Either way I can smell the difference and the lack of heartbeat gave it away."

Faith passed me the blunt and I took a hit before shivering as my new skin started to grow back rapidly. Buffy wasn't at all pleased. "How bad did you injure it?"

I shrugged. "It shouldn't be able to become visible for a while at least. I weakened its foothold in this dimension but it's not gone completely either. With time it will recover. It doesn't have bringers in town right now if that's what you're wondering. It's foothold is more secure than before and it no longer needs help once it's recovered. Another price of your resurrection I'm afraid."

She looked more and more worried even so far as to say. "It's here because of me?"

I shook my head and pulled her into my arms. "Not at all love, it's here because a bunch of foolish people thought they knew better and plaid around with magic's beyond their control. Besides, with its acolytes already here it was only a matter of time before it found a way back into this dimension."

She frowned. "What is it then? An old one?"

I nodded. "Yes and no, it's the first old one to step foot in this dimension and one of the only ones to have ever been banished from it before the slayer came to be. It was so evil and manipulative that the others banned together to kick it out. Hence it's weakened incorporeal state."

She frowned. "How do you know that? Giles said it wasn't really talked about."

I stilled and frowned as well before growling and going inwards again. There I found those same strands I'd cut still linked to me from the side I hadn't disconnected. I went to remove them but something else entirely stopped me. A woman's hand to be precise. I looked up at the being stopping me before bowing. "Gaia, moth, er my goddess, what brings you hear? To this lowly dimension?"

She looked amused by my reaction though a little bit disappointed as well. She moved her hand away saying. "Don't remove the connection entirely. Their knowledge is useful to you even if you despise them so."

I nodded slowly and she continued. "You've been hesitating for far to long in becoming more than you are and it's got me worried. I gave you my son, my direct son, to fuse with and raise your status in these lower realms and to one day join me in the higher realms but you've been hesitant and that's not like the man I met only a little while ago."

I sighed. "You've given me so much but Alice, I-I can't loose her. I can't loose any of them it would break me more than those years I spent with the Romanian's."

She snorted. "Oh hogwash, the Romanian's never broke you. Even the human spirit inside you never faltered this much after receiving all they'd done to you and my child all at once. No, that is not what is happening, you're to afraid of what you've seen in those visions you see."

She looked me up and down before saying. "You shouldn't believe in them more than you believe in your mates or even me. Do you really think I'd injure my child so soon after he's just started learning to walk?"

I shook my head. "You're right, I should never have put so much stock in subjective and fluid things that change at a moments notice but what I saw, before, when we were in Devon."

She nodded once more saying. "As my son you're a creature of nature like all others before you and after you will be. Nature is destruction and creation. It encompasses everything in the cycle of life and even death. As nature is really eternal. What you saw was a possibility of tampering with your own nature. As you are you are set to become a full nature god much like I am. But if you take away something as crucial as mortality, well, you get eternal death. Half of the cycle instead of the whole."

I didn't really understand it all but I knew enough not to attempt it. She sighed. "Trust your mates, trust your heart and above all, trust that I'd never willingly harm my son without reason. After all I am Mother Nature to all but just mother to you."

She faded away and I knew she'd be watching even if she wouldn't interfere again. I opened my eyes and saw they too had their eyes closed. When they opened them I sighed and understood that she'd talked to them all especially Buffy and Alice who were smiling though a bit sadly.

Faith though looked more happy going so far as to ask. "So, your mother isn't so bad."

I shrugged. "If you're referring to the human mother I had no, she was just dealt a bad hand. But if you're referring to Gaia, then I guess all I can say is that everything has a season. If she decides I need tough love then I'm hell bound until otherwise. There's a reason they say Mother Nature is a bitch. I'd follow her anywhere and I worship her to this day but she to has her moments."

Faith chuckled. "Definitely the goddess mother. She said I reminded her of a wolf and proceeded to show me a wolfs den and it's inhabitants. It's not so bad I guess. A bit dirty but sometimes a girls gotta get down and dirty to please her man."

I chuckled at her innuendo before turning to Buffy and Alice. Alice stayed silent while Buffy told us. "I know where I was now. It wasn't heaven exactly but a home she promised I'd have if we get that far in life."

I tilted my head but sighed. "Probably a higher dimension where she rules. It's most likely where she wants us to end up. She mentioned me hesitating to take that step and becoming a god because of my fear. She said she was waiting for me to join her in the higher realms."

Buffy nodded slowly. "She said I'd been taken back without an answer to her question and I know why now, she said I'd had my answer but wasn't willing to say it for fear of being locked out. She said I'd have a home there no matter when I arrived as it'd be our home."

She looked at me with a smile that sent my heart pumping a mile a minute. Sighing I turned to Alice but she shook her head saying. "I have a decision to make and a path I can follow if I go that way. Other than that she only said my hesitation will only make you worry more."

I nodded slowly and looked finding her mind closed to me. She shook her head telling me. "Until I've made my decision my mind is closed to you. I know it's not fair but-"

I put a finger to her lips saying. "It's ok, I get it believe me. Take all the time you need. It will take me a great deal of time and effort to prepare for my final step either way. When you make your decision I'll be there ready to hear and respect it like always."

She nodded and a single tear fell from her lips. I wiped it away sadly before saying. "No need to cry pixie, I'm not going anywhere."

She nodded and I turned to the slayers who were both feeling uncomfortable. I took them by the hands before banishing the tub filled with skin and purified dark magic residue to the back yard next to the shed of motor bikes I'd kept.

We spent the next couple hours simply holding and comforting each other while watching charmed reruns and eating comfort snacks. The next day Buffy had her time lapse experience and tried working at Xander's construction job before being attacked by demons.

I as actually at the magic shop when someone tried to attack it with temporal distortions. The wards flared up and the shops usually invisible magical runes became visible as they defended from the malevolent spell.

Outside a black van smoked and drove away as it caught fire a bit. I found the hidden camera and tossed it on the table in front of Giles and the group. "Someone was in here before to plant this and prepare for that attack. The wards handled it but if they try again they'll find it's not all defensive magic's. They'll kill the next attacker at that level of power. It seems whoever is messing with Buffy just tried to take it to a whole new level."

Giles took off his glasses and asked. "Can you tell what spell they used?"

I snorted. "It smells like a temporal distortion spell. Someone wanted to put us in a time loop."

Buffy tossed her hands up. "See? It's not just me! Someone is out to get me!"

I nodded. "And from what I can tell they drive a black van."

Anya asked. "How can you know that? Do you just pull facts out of thin air now?"

I shook my head. "When whoever was casting the spell gave up a black van outside started smoking really badly in the back before speeding off. Odds are they're the ones casting the spell as temporal spells usually require some amount of burning spell parchment. You should know I believe you tried to get Willow to do something similar if I remember correctly."

She looked a bit stumped before nodding. "I guess you're right but still, buy something at least!"

I snorted. "Anya, I'm the magic shop's biggest customer to date and one of it's biggest suppliers of free ingredients if I might add."

Xander told her in a hushed voice. "Try not to piss off the suppliers honey. And he's right from what I can make out. Half the shelves are filled with his ingredients and their selling like hot cakes."

I ignored them now as I turned to Giles who was grim now. "Do you think they'll try again?"

I shrugged. "I've no idea but I do know I'll be moving the ward stones from the frat house to Buffy's. There are simply to many things that could go wrong if something nasty tried to get inside. They aren't as powerful as the main ward stone here so they won't fend off that level of power but it'll at least give us a warning and enough time to fight back. Alice and Faith will patrol tonight with Buffy."

I turned to the slayers and vampire I mentioned saying. "Sorry girls, but if it makes you feel any better I thinned the herd considerably last time I went out. I've cleared out most of the underground demon population in Sunnydale so you'll only be facing whatever vampires and demons nested above the sewers. Saves on the smell at least."

Buffy nodded. "And my shoes thank you for that."

Alice raised a glass of blood. "Here here. I have to burn my wardrobe every time I enter those places. At least it'll save time for shopping for less important items like jewelry and shoes."

I looked bewildered with Giles as Buffy responded. "Wait, shoes are so important!"

I turned to the old watcher and shook my head. "Never jump into a conversation like that. It's a death sentence for any man."

He smirked and raised his glass of cheap bourbon. "I'll bloody well drink to that."

Anya asked after winning whatever argument she was having with Xander. "What'll you be doing then if you're not hunting with the rest of them?"

I froze on the spot before telling her in a calm voice. "I'll be spending the next few days moving ward stones from the frat house to Buffy's, if I wasn't clear enough for you. That and placing spell traps all over the sewer system to keep the demon population low. As for the camera I suggest giving it to Willow to work on as it's something she's good at and non magical in nature. Perhaps she'll figure out which witch or warlock is plotting against Buffy and perhaps us all from it."

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