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56.34% A True Beginning / Chapter 111: Ch.13

Capítulo 111: Ch.13

The next big problem occurred while Ichabod and Katrina were out on their first date. They'd run into a serial killer from their times that had been trapped in a panting by her old coven.

I was a bit busy on helping her finish the spells required to separate Henry from the horseman of war. When I put the final finishing touches on it, they'd returned to the armory after a successful end of the guy.

I showed her the spell and she agreed that it was worth a shot. I took out Henry in the cell that they'd held death with and we began. I could feel him struggling and fighting the spells while we forcefully yanked the horseman out of him and put it's essence in the Turricula Ignis.

I sealed the Turricula Ignis in a box and dropped it in the middle of the ocean just over the Mariana Trench. The box was made special to prevent others from summoning it or it's contents. It was magic resistant and even cloaked with enochian sigils so they couldn't even scry for it.

With that disposed of, it would take a great deal of time for either the demons to make another or the humans to eventually find it and end the world. Well, God could always find it and start the apocalypse but barring that only I could bring it to me as I was the only one who could sense it and knew how.

As it was I was a bit busy now as I performed a spell I'd spent thousands of years in hell working on with my devil body. I reverted Henry, Jeremy Crane I guess he was going to be called, back into an infant.

When I finished that, I erased his mind completely and cleansed his soul of all the trauma it's been through and as a sin eater it was a fuck ton. I was a bit surprised he didn't change colors as all the blackened use poured out of him.

Katrina was a bit shocked and absolutely terrified of my methods but then Jeremy was indeed boiling in holy oil under a living flame. As gruesome as it looked, I was in fact the one taking on the pain for him through a temporary linking spell.

It looked gruesome and sounded it when I first started but after they saw the affects as he was purified, they calmed down. Katrina even thanked me for giving them a chance to start over. Smiling, I gave her all she needed to know of the twenty first century and everything in between.

When I finished I gave her the birth certificate and her and Ichabod's marriage license along with her own identity information and cards. I'd been planning this for a while so I was a bit over prepared. That along with a Lincoln town car and her bank account info with a cool million was the last I'd do for her specifically.

She and Crane were more than happy with that though. I was a bit busy for the next little while preparing a sting against the hellfire club. When the vitala attacked the armory for the Kali statue, I didn't hesitate and turned her into ash.

Hawley was a bit shocked and sad but he didn't show much more than that as he'd realized she was a monster. When he asked why I didn't let her just use it to become human again I told him plainly. "The Kali statue only does one thing, it turns humans into Vitala through a dark spell. There is no way to reverse it even with the statue. It's a one way sort of deal. I'm sorry if she told you differently but it was a lie. As powerful as I am, I can safely tell you she had no way of becoming human even if I added her with all my considerable resources."

He went numb by my words and sat down. I passed him a bottle of rum Ichabod kept in the armory for his own purposes. He drank while I mentioned a job I had planned for him and what I was willing to pay. The risk was high as it required him to come within a hairs breath of the SWAT and FBI team I was working with.

He agreed of course and I put the final touches on the plan. We raised the hellfire club two days later with three other FBI agents and a SWAT team. I'd used my nature god body to teleport all the Hessian into the warehouse where the hellfire club was located.

There they had their guns and little other than their ritual pieces of dead bodies they used to contact Moloch before when we breached. I placed a replica axe of the horseman's in with them dripping blood from the three hessian soldiers that were killed when they freed the horseman of death.

It was one of the biggest cult busts ever. Sixty eight hessian's died during the bust and two swat members to boot. It was a fire fight that lasted hours and ended with Hawley sneaking off with the tablet they were studying.

The hellfire club was nearly wiped out as well by the time we were finished. We'd arrested forty two surviving hessian soldiers and three hellfire club members. They were more than cooperative with the truth compulsion spell on them.

The cult objects were stored and I had a shit ton of paperwork ahead of me. The field office in New York received my report that night and damned if I wasn't rewarded. I'd recommended Abby, Jenny and Joe Corbin for Quantico field training for the FBI and they were each immediately accepted as I'd pawned off most of the praises on their efforts.

I had to take a trip to the HQ for a briefing and to be asked where I'd like to go to next. For now I'd told them I'd work out of Sleepy hollow as I suspected there were more of the group hiding as sleeper agents. My proof was that most of them were average people on the surface and ended up being seriously hard core cult members.

Hell, all of them had cyanide capsules in their mouths when we captured them and ten had actually managed to use theirs by the time we'd stopped them. The director agreed for a short term period while I hunted for the rest. Abby, Jenny and Joe left for Quantico a week later.

I however went underground to find the chamber Thomas Jefferson left for the witnesses. It took nearly a month before I found it and that was when three humans nearly ran across it. The Damn thing was well hidden.

I sent them on their way before they could screw with it and planted the thought in their mind that it was unsafe and that their was a possible fault line that they couldn't build on. The city project would be shut down after that and my company would buy the rights to it.

I took out my blades and shadow traveled to the nest of hidden warriors. I slaughtered them all before heading up to see the projection of the third president. His hologram activated as soon as I entered the room.

He asked. "Why have you killed the protectors of this chamber?"

I snorted. "Your protectors were little more than rabid beasts after so long. They'd have killed your witnesses if I hadn't done so. Now though I'll be able to send the witnesses down here to learn from you."

He seemed shocked for a projection. "So there are finally two?"

I nodded. "Ichabod Crane and Abby Mills. They've already faced the first tribulation, Moloch. The horseman of war is gone and the horseman of death is weakened and bound to the night as he's missing his head still."

He seemed relieved before asking. "Then who might I ask are you good sir?"

I smiled. "My apologies, I am Wraith Morningstar. A federal agent, immortal witch and current task master protecting the witnesses."

He looked me over as something seemed to click in his gaze but he didn't speak. I steady he pointed to a book on a shelf. I went and picked it up. I read the first page when a letter fell out. The book itself was in Greek about Kronos.

The letter though was in my own hand writing. It read: To myself, I know you're experienced in time travel so I'll make this quick. You must go with Abby into the Catacombs. There you will meet our next wife Betty Ross and help her. Once she's returned to her time you must help Abby return before going back in time for her. There you'll know what to do next. Burn this letter and tell no one of it.

I grunted and eyed Thomas Jefferson before lighting the letter on fire with a thought. He seemed relieved and nodded to me saying. "You may not know this, but I to was a son of a Greek goddess. Athena was my mother and I had many trials because of it."

I sighed. "Tell me about it. By the way, do you know why the Gorgon didn't disappear into dust when I slew it?"

He nodded. "There are several instances of such things in my time. The magic the witches use infused the monsters with a sort of power to prevent their return to Tartarus. It's not all good as it means they're stronger than normal monsters but it prevents their rebirth until the body decays to bones."

I agreed that it didn't sound like a definite plus as stronger monsters meant your odds of survival weren't that great. I thanked him for the information before asking. "If I waited, where is mine and Betsy's bodies? I'm pretty sure I would make her immortal."

He shook his head. "I'm sorry my friend, but I can't say. What I can say is that you looked older and different when I met you. Probably due to a spell as you were far more relaxed all the time I knew if you."

I shrugged it off and decided I'd figure it out myself when the time came. It'd been a really long time since I'd had a wife with me and the chance of having one share two centuries with me was very appealing to me now.

I wondered what sort of women Betsy was to have caught my interest so much and decided to find out the fun way, by living it myself. I'd no need to worry on her and Ichabod's relationship as I already knew that after she only ever kissed him once otherwise Ichabod would be dead already.

When I came back up to the surface a blood warlock was in town looking for me with spells. I killed him without blinking and watched as he faded away in ashes like all other witches in this world. His soul appeared in hell moments later and he received his own room like all the other guests.

For the next nine months after that I worked at the headquarters in New York City. Ichabod was busy doing his own thing by learning from Thomas Jefferson and visiting his family estate in Scotland all while helping Katrina raise little Jeremy.

I'd bound his powers until Katrina decided he was ready for them which her and Ichabod said would be when he turned sixteen. While working at the FBI HQ, I'd gained a reputation for being flawless in my arrests.

My record was shining and I'd received a promotion and was in charge of a team. Specifically, Abby, Jenny and Joe who'd graduated from Quantico three months back. I gave credit for the busts fairly and we took down seven major drug operations and nearly a dozen serial killers in those three months.

We were all rising stars of the FBI and we were an unstoppable force. When shit started to get weird in Sleepy hollow again, I had us transferred back to put a stop to it. This time three people were killed from a Yao-Quai.

While we were there we took down a major drug dealer and his operation in the first three days after we arrived. The demon was killed by Ichabod and Jenny so it wasn't hard to divide the efforts.

While we were here for an extended stay, it was now Abby's turn to learn from the third president of the United States. She'd known about it before but I'd promised her she'd have the time to learn from him when the next big bad showed it's face.

I'd spent some time making storage rings for the team and even Captain Irving as he was determined to help. Each ring had a feather in it that could heal any wound so long as the subject wasn't already dead and plenty of potions and sliders for healing. It also acted as a stasis so they could store food and drinks in it as well.

I'd bought an armory map worth of guns and ammo along with spelled talismans and enchanted objects as weapons and healing aids. Everyone was required to have them for protection and a just in case policy. I'd taken a trip to a Wholesale store and bought them all enough food and water to last an army a decade.

I'd nearly emptied the store out, not that the cashier was complaining. They'd made a shit ton of money as it'd costed me nearly five hundred grand. That plus the necessities and toiletries was enough to have the group asking questions.

I shrugged it off as an always be prepared sort of thing and grew all sorts of plants for magical spells and potions and left them for Katrina to use. With that I gave the lead agent position to Abby and left Sleepy Hollow for a time as things played out.

They were a bit shocked but it was for the best as I had my own things to do and I really shouldn't be tempted to interfere in what's to come of their future for now. I headed to the main HQ to make her position as lead agent of her team official. There they informed me of the field office in Sleepy Hollow having a new head agent transferring in.

I let it be as I'd worked it out to where so long as there were cases, the team would be left with free reign to do as needed. I'd armed them all with demon killing bullets and blades along with several mystical artifacts and the kindred and kindress in the tunnels with Tomas Jefferson's hologram as back up in case they needed it.

The kindred would only follow the teams orders and only if they're in danger. The rest of the time they were to be left alone. Abby and the rest agreed to those terms before I'd left. I'd imagine even a god would have a rough time harming them and would have to put some serious effort into killing them.

Not to mention they were both wearing a set of cursed beads that would repeatedly bring them back unless they were completely destroyed, a last laugh to piss off anyone that tries to destroy them. With my transfer I was sent to DC where I became a fugitive recovery agent.

They had much less rules and my first bounty was set by Dr.Temperance Brennan who found me just as I transferred. She took one look at my badge and asked. "Are you currently after a target?"

I shook my head. "I just transferred from special agent to get my license as a federal bounty hunter. Much less rules and I can take side jobs from government employees."

My words seemed to surprise her before she made a call and asked for her job back at the Jeffersonian. I heard her conversation as the female on the other end agreed with conditions that she agree to at least a years worth of work before she attempt quitting again.

As soon as she agreed she hung up her phone and told me. "There, I'm a federal employee now. I have a bounty I want you to find, it's my husband, former special agent Seeley Booth. If it's about money, I can pay."

I shrugged. "As it's my first bounty and I've just arrived in the capital, I'll charge you a meal. Do you know a place we can eat and talk at the same time?"

She agreed easily before asking. "So if I pay you'll find him?"

I nodded. "All I'll need is a picture and a full name. I don't need anything else after the meal and you'll have your husband back by nightfall. You have my word."

She took me to a small diner where I ate a decent burger and she showed me a photo of a man that looked like Angel, Buffy's ex-boyfriend, only older. When she told me his name while I ate my fries, I closed my eyes and used a silent locator spell for him.

When I found him I told her. "This'll be easier than I thought. He's wounded and not more than fifty miles from here. There's three other men with him."

She frowned. "How could you possibly know that?"

I shrugged. "Magic."

Her frown deepened. "If you're indicating that some superstitious mystical power gave you the answer I can honestly say you're lying."

I chuckled and pointed at the salt shaker and it floated in the air, then tipped over and spilled a lot of salt out before fighting itself and setting back down while the salt whirled into a mini cyclone on the table.

No airs was produced even when it fought fire without smoke and crystalized into a sort of glassy white tornado figure. I told her evenly. "Do not assume because you cannot measure or see something with your current technology that it doesn't exist Doctor. Magic is like life force or the aura of a being amplified and molded to someone or things whim. If it helps though, I'm probably the only one who would willingly prove it to a human not in the know already. Odds are any other magical being you've met would've rather died than shown itself to have magic."

I stood up and thanked her for the meal while she stared at the crystal like structure. When I went to leave she turned to me and said. "Magic or not please bring Booth back."

I nodded and stepped into the shadow of the awning outside before shadow traveling before her very eyes. It only took me one hop to find booth and his team. I waited in the shadows before sliding on my cloak and walking to him.

He was injured and away from the rest of the group so I went to his side and whispered in his ear as I healed him. "Agent Booth, don't react to my words-"

He reacted and turned to face me but I was invisible to him so he only looked more confused. The others looked to him and he grimaced, holding his side more. One asked if he was going to make it but he didn't reply.

When they continued talking I told him in a whisper. "I said don't react, sheesh. Anyway, I've been sent by your wife to find you. I need to know, are they enemies? If so, nod your head slightly."

When he did so I sighed and healed his wound some, causing him to wince as his wound stitched together at a rapid pace. When it was just at the skin level, I spoke in a whisper once more. "No need to act, just watch."

I moved silently and beat all three of them unconscious in seconds before deactivating my cloak. Booth looked surprised to see me as we'd seen each other in passing when I originally transferred to the New York HQ. I told him. "Don't worry, I've not killed them. They're only unconscious. As for your wind, it's no more than a scrape now so you can stand up slowly if you've got enough blood still left in you."

He did so as he asked. "How?"

I shrugged. "Would you believe me if I said trick of the light?"

He shook his head and I smirked. "Come now, you can guess how then."

He frowned. "Are you an angel?"

I chuckled. "Well, while you're close I appreciate the gesture. I used magic of course. A healing spell for you wound and this-"

I held up my necklace for him to see. "Once activated it turns into a sort of invisibility cloak, like those Harry Potter books that's been going around. Only magic is a lot more dangerous and there's more than one type of death spell out there. Dangerous stuff that. Unless you're properly trained magic could be seductive and all consuming."

He frowned before saying. "Prove it."

I nodded and held up my hand as a piece of coal floated off the ground into it. I did a pressure and fire spell as I poured tons of magic into it and it began to turn into a fire ball of pressure until the coal compressed and heated up enough to bond on a basic level into a diamond.

When it finished and cooled, I tossed it to him saying. "Keep it. Everyone should have a remembrance from their first encounter with magic."

He grunted. "So you're a witch then?"

I shrugged. "I'm many things, but you can call me that I guess. For now though, I'm the bounty hunter your wife sent to find you. Just got my license and everything."

I pulled zip ties out of my ring and cuffed each of them until a text came on one of the guys phones. I showed it to Booth and he looked happy. "Good, the deal is on, they're selling the list."

I asked. "What list? I was only here to get you and catch the bad guys, if you're busy I can just wake these guys up and leave."

He shook his head. "Someone stole a list of undercover FBI agents and these guys are buying it from them for two million to sell for forty million. I intended to get the list and bust these guys. It cost my brother his life."

I sighed. "I'm sorry for your brother but if you're after this list, there's an easier way. I can use the cell message to track the seller and you can send in the calvary. It shouldn't take but a minute."

I pulled out my laptop and pinged the cellphone before tracing the text message's IP address. All cell phones have internet nowadays so when they send things like text messages or phone calls it pings off a wireless tower as it send it out. With that ping I can find the general location and hack every cellphone in that vicinity for the specific text sent to the phone I started the trace with.

Once I found the phone all I had to do was search through it's data which includes camera and audio access then run a trace for the specific audio and profile to find the perpetrator. With a ping I had it all. I showed the image of the person who was responsible for it all, Dr.Benjamin Metzger.

He asked. "Who is he?"

I shrugged. "He's a digital forensic scientist that works with the bureau. Odds are he's the man behind the curtain. There's a ninety nine point nine percent possibility that he started all this."

He frowned. "And the .1 percent?"

I shrugged. "Another witch more powerful than me that I cannot detect could be involved using an illusion or he has an identical evil twin whose currently masquerading as himself."

He nodded less confused now. "How likely is the first one?"

I smirked. "You'd practically have to be a god to be stronger than me magically. I can sense all witches this side of the hemisphere and none are on my level. To be able to do so and keep it hidden from me, well, let's just say the odds are the reason the percent is so low, and that's a world wide tally."

He nodded. "So baring an evil twin, this guys responsible for my brother's death and all this-"

He waved a hand to his wound and the men unconscious on the floor. I nodded. "Yup. So, shall we go now? I'm getting bored and these guys are going to wake up soon."

I waved a hand and made them float as I held out a hand. "Shall we?"

As soon as he took my hand, I shadow traveled, dragging the unconscious humans with us and dropping them on the floor of the lab in the Jeffersonian. When booth saw where we were I told him. "Relax, your wife is here. I did a small locator spell to find her."

He frowned. "Aren't you worried about cameras?"

I shook my head. "I shorted them out as we entered. The building is flying blind."

My words were expressed by the alarms that suddenly went off. He gave me an annoyed look and I shrugged. "I don't have to tell you to keep quite about magic do I? Not that people would believe you anyway, but if word got around and people started looking for me I'd have to release minds and leave the city and I just got here."

He shook his head. "No, we're good. Besides, it's not like you killed anyone with magic."

I shrugged. "No one human. There are other beings out there of a darker nature that tempt humans for their souls."

He looked shocked by my revelation before asking. "Are you talking about demons?"

I smiled. "Oh look, you're wife is coming. She must've suspected it's me. Do be sure to remind her to keep quite as well. The battle of good and evil goes deeper than those you deal with and it'd suck if the witch trials happened again. A lot of good witches died because of it, well they were all good witches that died."

Before he could answer his wife entered the room with the security guards and a bunch of other people. The lady who appeared in charge asked. "Who are you and how did you enter this far into the building unhindered with three unconscious mean and a clearly wounded one?"

I shrugged. "I'm that good. You'll find your security cameras working again. Now, Mrs. Brennan, your husband as promised. It's not even lunch time yet. I consider this job finished."

She agreed easily while hugging Booth. I kicked the three unconscious men saying. "Agent Booth said these men were bad guys so you'll have to excuse my manners if I leave them with you all. They don't have any bounties I can collect unfortunately."

I tossed a flash drive to Booth saying. "All you asked about for the case your working."

I pulled a book out and handed it to him. It was a copy of the mind arts. I smiled at his confused expression. "In case you ever want to learn something new. Think of it as the first step."

He looked to me and smiled wryly and I nodded before leaving them there. After I left the Smithsonian. I headed to a local coffee shop where I went online and signed in to get the updated FBI most wanted list. Smiling I went to scry for each of them one at a time. When I had them all, I decided to make a name for myself.

I bought a used prisoner transport van from the federal auction block and fixed it up before putting it in my ring and shadow traveling to North Carolina where I picked up my first Vic-ahem, bounty. My hapless prey was then mysteriously knocked unconscious and put in stasis before being shoved in my inner realm.

Then it was a matter of hopping from North Carolina to Florida then Texas, California, new mexico and finally mexico where I rounded up the rest of them. All in all it wasn't a bad four days and when I returned to the FBI HQ in DC, I turned them all in at once.

Boy was it loud and very annoying but the press had a field day with it. I pushed it all off on the FBI and they announced it as a secret task force as good PR. In the end the people that matter knew who to thank and that's all I cared about. Next I took on the cyber crimes top ten most wanted and that one took me nearly a month because damned if they weren't all over the world.

When I turned them in though, I donated the money from the first big break to the orphanages around the world. I didn't need the money and I already donated to all the legit orphanages so I figured what was a few million more to the tens of millions I already donated each month.

I was looking over the white collar crimes when I saw a name and face that made me still then grin with excitement. They weren't on the current list but I sure was happy to see someone I could hang with on the former list. One forger and alleged con artist by the name of Neal Caffrey.

I stopped by headquarters once more to see if Agent Peter Burke was working and they sent me to the FBI's white collar crime unit in New York. It looked to me like I'd be heading closer to home sooner than I thought.

I headed there immediately and while it took me an hour as it was day time and shadow traveling while the sun was out was a pain in the ass. When I arrived, I scried for the agent and found him in the field with Neal Caffrey.

Wanting to make a decent impression I went ahead with my plan and scoured the globe for the top ten white collar criminals at large. It was a bit difficult, more so than the most wanted but less than the cyber division as they didn't all have real names or sometimes pictures but I found and captured all but one in a week. I left him for Neal to eventually find.

When I turned the rest into the New York HQ, another big celebration was held as I returned their priceless stolen artifacts as well after making lists of what each had at their place and where they were staying when I found them.

The FBI task forces could scour for more and interrogate them as my word was as good as gold at this point. Then I met with Special agent Peter Burke and Neal Caffrey along with the division head.

When the division head asked why I wished to meet with them, I only said. "I've heard about the unique duo that's been taking down my possible prey and I wanted to scope out the competition. I've been thinking about setting up shop in New York for a while and now that I'm here I'd like to not step on anyone's toes."

Peter waved his hand. "By all means step away. With as many bad guys that are out there I wouldn't mind some help thinning the herd."

I smirked and asked. "And you Mr.Caffrey? I mean, if I take all the big names odds are you won't get any breaks later. That'll probably leave you with very little to do. Or worse, very boring cases."

He raised an eyebrow. "If you see it as a competition, then why haven't you brought the last guy in? You've only cleared nine."

I chuckled. "Try twenty nine. I cleared the cyber division and most wanted before going after the white collar criminals. Besides, I left you a chance to complete it if you can. Think of it as a challenge of sorts. If you succeed in capturing the last man of the top ten white collar criminals, I'll pay you the bounty of the other nine. More specifically, I'll put it in a CD to be collected when you're no longer under FBI jurisdiction."

Peter was a bit offended. "Wait wait wait, old up, you're saying you'll give him nearly a hundred million dollars if he can find one man?"

I shrugged. "It's a hard man to find, certainly more challenging than the rest I've hunted so why not?"

The special agent looked offended but I held up a hand. "If you weren't forbidden from taking the money, I'd pay you the bounty for the top ten cyber criminals I hunted. It's not much different cash wise but I'll tell you what, if you help him find the last guy I'll donate the money for the cyber bounties to a charity of your choice."

Neal asked. "What do you get out of this? You clearly don't need the money if you're willing to give so much away."

I smiled lightly. "I'm bored. I've hunted men, terrorists and cartels when I worked with the LAPD and when I was a special agent like Peter here. Now I've hunted the most wanted and found them all lacking. Only the last one has some amount of skill, not that I couldn't find him if I wanted to anyway, but I need a challenge. I'm twenty years old and I've already found hunting the worlds worst criminals boring. I'm hoping to find a kindred spirit in you all."

I turned to the head agent of the division. "Including you. If you're all successful, I'll donate a billion dollars, separate of the money promised to the charities and Neal here, to the white collar division here. I've already checked with legal and found it perfectly above board. You'd have to divide it amongst the division and only use it on equipment and resources to further the goals of the department, but it's legal."

That got him raising his whitened eyebrows now. "How long do we have to find him?"

I chuckled. "Considering how well hidden he is, I'll call it at five years. If you can't find him in five years, I'll retract my offer and capture him myself. Until then I'm going to be working up a deal for Caffrey here. He needs more leash room so I'm willing to trade five of the worlds most valuable lost treasures still out there for him to loose the anklet and be given free reign."

Peter went to speak but I waved him off. "I know he'll want to search out his long lost love Kate, but I've an interest skill set of my own. I can find anyone, anywhere on the face of this earth. If he runs to a non extradition country or island, I'll drag him back here anyway and you can tack on more years to his sentencing."

I turned to Neal now. "If you haven't found Henry Dobbs there that is, then I'll be very displeased with you. I'll make you a side deal Neal, you make your next month interesting by catching everyone without messing with anything, and I'll tell you where the music box is and even retrieve it for you. You get the music box and you can trade it for Kate. Your life will be so much simpler with her in it from then on."

He gulped before asking. "How do you know about Kate and the music box?!!"

I waved him off. "I've been in town for a day and I've done my homework. I know what each and everyone of you want, or more specifically, what you crave. Yours is freedom and Kate, well that and having fun with Peter on cases but you'd probably not admit that. Peter's is to catch bad guys and to please his wife, along with having a kid. As for you boss here, well, his wants aren't for me to speak out loud but a craving is to go out with a spotless perfect record and be remembered by those who worked with him."

The old man shrugged. "I'll give you that but I'm not yet ready to retire."

I chuckled. "Neither am I."

Peter backed up a bit asking. "How are you planning to cash out the billion dollar check you'll have to write?"

I smirked as Caffrey answered for me. "He's the owner of Frosthaven enterprise. They just went international last year and they've already grown into a titan amongst the clean energy and environmental friendly technology. From what I've estimated he's work a hundred billion now."

I chuckled. "You really do pay attention. Yeah, I started the company when I was sixteen and it's grown a bit since then."

Peter snorted. "A bit?"

I ignored it and Caffrey nodded finally. "You have a deal."

I stood up and sighed. "Too bad your old mentor didn't make the top ten when I went after them. Perhaps I'll chase him down sometime and see what he's up to. Now, I'll see you all later. I've some priceless treasures to recover and at least one of them will require a boat."

I left the white collar division and searched for Peru. It took me a week to get there and another two days to find the Incan treasure of Atahualpa. It was several great buildings worth of gold and silver in all sorts of objects. I collected it all before heading to Guyana where I recovered the lost jewel, the Florentine Diamond.

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