Hello, how are you? It's been a while, hasn't it?
I hope you've been doing well in these two months that have passed since the last update. Personally, my life has been a bit complicated, but that's life, isn't it?
I've been going through a period of change in my life. It's been chaotic to adapt and say "How stupid I was when I said that school was boring and that I wanted to grow up so I could be an adult with my own house and decisions."
But oh well...
Leaving aside my personal life, which is not really very important here, I'm making this announcement mainly for two reasons: Myself and the readers who are still waiting for the novel to be updated once again, aside of how few they may be.
I plan to continue writing, but I also plan to rewrite this novel and leave this version here. Why?:
-My inexperience in the field led me to add too many things to the novel. I mixed a lot of ideas, some of which turned out great and others not so much. As well as the characters themselves.
So, in this new version, many things will be the same, such as Freya's past story, the plot of the abandoned world, Orion and Odr, the encounter between the comet and the dragon, the plot of the Dark Age, and many other things like that.
Main changes without too many spoilers:
1-Mikhael: I plan to soften his personality, I will leave it very similar to the current one, more lively and jovial than in the version where he was a "living dead", but not so immature, I want him to be "wiser", more "soft" with his general character.
I will change a little his abilities or when he obtains them so as not to make the mistake of writing myself into an alley again, also, his "true identity" would change, the twin's thing remains but the duality is not so much.
His origin (Idealism) attributes (Imaginary) and race will change. His past a little too. But the general essence that makes up "Mikhael" will remain the same, I am not looking for a new character.
His appearance will change a little, mainly because I came up with a very interesting plot, also, I think that the image I chose does not do justice to "Mikhael", so for now I will leave his appearance to the imagination of the readers based on the traits described.
(Spoiler: Mikhael will shout "I already said I'm not an elf!" and "For the tenth time, I'm not a half-elf!", which says it all, but he really won't be an elf~)
2-The plot of his past life, Rebellion: I have a lot, a lot of plans for this, I already have dialogues, general plot lines, and almost everything planned, but this is only coming in volume 1.5, I'll just say that I'm going to change the worldview in general and give the "Irregulars" (Now "Awakened") a lot more power.
(There will be a lot more drama and character development, but only revolving around the tragedies already in place in this version. I'll also put a LOT of weight behind that "strongest" title.)
3-Kurma: What can I say? Kurma is a bit of a complicated character, I can't decide whether to make her a fun-seeking brat or a dommy mommy, so I said to myself, why not both? I'll make Kurma in her main body have a more "mature" personality and she in her smaller avatar form will be more childish and adorable. (Let's call it "The Avatar's disadvantage and Why Double Digits Need "soldiers" to fight in their "little" games.)
4-Chaos and The Oldest Dream: These are definitely two very important plot points, so this time I thought very carefully about what I wanted to do with them. So I already designed their pasts and characters, and I already created a background for both of them (it will be shown in the first chapter of the new version, I think you'll like it)
5-Future vision: It will still be present in the story, but when the story has progressed further, this time I will connect it with the abandoned world and "the sword". I mean, Monado gives the power of future vision to the seers and Shulk when they touch it, so it's considered relatively normal that it's the same here, right?
6-"The Maid": I'm still looking for a name, but I think it will be "Elena" (I suck with names), I can only say that her personality will change a lot, her relationship with Mikhael a bit too, and she will be inexplicably connected to "the oldest Dream of this particular story".
7-The Void: With this I'm not going to say much beyond "Let me Cook", I've already got everything pretty much prepared and I like how it's turning out in the plot planes.
8-Smut and Romance: This is still the same, don't be afraid, I'll just try to write everything better. Some relationships will be quick like Freya's and others, but others will take their time like Hestia's.
In general, I'm looking to improve the descriptions and psychological processes of the characters without complicating them too much. (After all, the protagonist's new identity, or rather, his incomplete spiritual essence will help a lot in these matters.)
9-Luck: Mikhael's luck will be much more balanced, as well as other matters, I can only say that "The fateless is cursed to attract both fortune and misfortune alike."
There's not much more to say specifically, I've already more or less planned the following arcs with the coliseum, the Ishtar Familia (this will be better written and with more combat), the well, the damn well that never got to be written, (Now called Abyss) as well as the return of Aurelia, aka "The best girl", at the end of the first volume.
I already have a general plan for the whole story, I'm just missing subplots and not ruining it along the way 😅
Lastly, I'd like to apologize to the readers who were still waiting for news, I noticed several of you, those with whom I talk in comments sometimes and I sincerely thank you for the support and because you liked this story.
Although I see writing as only a hobby, I still have a certain affection for several characters in this novel and it comforts me to know that some of you do too. (Just out of curiosity, who was your favorite character from this version and why? If you want, I'd like to hear your opinions and answers.)
I understand that a second attempt at writing can be demoralizing for many, but I think it's for the better in the sense that there is now better planning for the plot and characters, the first version was bland and this second one was too "packed and rushed."
Finally, I wish you all a good day, right after posting this announcement I will begin to finish the first chapter that I already have half done and I will create a new novel, this version will remain as a memory as they say.
So that's all, I wish a good day to anyone who takes the trouble to read these ramblings of mine, sincerely, thank you.
Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.
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