My name is Xalvual Evilian. I am the Demon Lord. People cower at my name and bow at my feet, but in reality I don't want any of this.
Think of all those overpowered heroes in fiction, do they want to be basically worshipped? No! It's embarrassing to say the least. All I want is to live a peaceful life on the mountains of China…because yeah. I was originally from earth.
The origin of me is very simple. I was a highschooler who gained a lot of power…and a big ego. And just like that people started to hate me and really soon after that I got sealed away. Only to come back again being reincarnated into the body of a boy named Kagero Hirako. And although he is secretly very smart….he lacks motivation to do well, anything.
And so, slowly I would give a bit of my charisma into Kagero until he wanted to do exactly what I regretted doing…taking over the world.
But wait…taking over the world again might not be so bad…it might be kinda fun.
And that's how all this mess started.
"Kagero…you look different."
Well no wonder I look 'different' numbskull, I'm a completely different person. Next time you say I look like this loser I'll filet your head. Instead of course, I said, "Oh, my dear Cilictia. You are quite mistaken….Me and that swine, Kagero Hirako…are different…I am Xalvual Evilian. Bow before me, swine."....and there I go again. Telling people to bow to me and all that. It really is just a bad habit ok? All I really want is the best for everyone!
To my surprise Cilictia bowed, "I..I'm not bowing to you because I like you…I'm bowing to you because…why not!!!!!!"
…And that makes literally no sense. What is she saying? Why would one bow to someone she doesn't want to bow to? Pure rubbish if you ask me.
"Very good, underling." Underling!! What sort of name am I even calling her. I don't even understand myself! Why can't I just say what I actually want for a change! "Excuse my behavior, instead I would like to be king."
There. I said it, I tried to stop myself but it's part of my instinct. Wanting to be king is who I was raised to be.
Cilictia looked around awkwardly, "Uh….I think you just said that. No need to repeat yourself."
Oh, how could I forget to clear this up. I can't really hear what Kagero Hirako is saying I can just see what he's doing. So it's very not useful for…anything!
"Are you sure you're ok… you look different, your black hair is white now…and your face is more angular and all that…plus you just repeated yourself…" Cilictia started to panic, this wasn't good at all.
"H…hey! I'm fine! Seriously! C'mon, I'm just feeling a bit…sick? Either way I'm perfectly fine to become king. Haha!"
All my charisma has disappeared, instead I am just an awkward nerd.
"Oh..alright. Follow me. You were saying something about a meeting with all the officials?" Cilictia said, attempting a smile. Maybe Kagero was better suited to this than I am…but hey, I didn't want to spend my entire life being the second personality of some loser kid.
"I was?" I asked hesitantly, then I noticed Cilictia's look, "Oh…I was!"
I strode towards the castle and kicked open the doors, "Officials! I am your new king!"
I was talking to a group of old men.
"Um….Kagero-kun…those aren't the officials those are the servants." Cilictia said eyeing my oddly.
"Of course they are! I…knew that!" This was starting to become…interesting.
"The officials are this way." Cilictia walked towards a much fancier door, motioning me to enter.
I was starting to get a bad feeling about this. It seems like Kagero was much better at this than me…that means I'm probably losing my touch at being the most terrifying leader… that doesn't bode well.
I walked into another room and looked at all of the old people, this time they looked a bit more fancy.
"You, peasants. Bow before your king."
Cilictia immediately bowed, a smug smile on her face.
But…all the other people did not.
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