As Soren heard the approaching footsteps towards his location after spending what time he could to prepare his first (and he suspected not final) meeting with the Winchesters, the man went over his plans with the group in his head.
Firstly, he had to make absolutely sure that none of them could suspect his true nature. Soren recalled that in later seasons Dean and Sam would get more powerful than what they currently are due to the Angels and tons of experience hunting. Considering that their only angelic ally Castiel won't be making an appearance for some time until after Dean goes to Hell, Soren was adamant that the only true cheat the boys had now was their father's journal. It was the only thing they will have of their father once Azazel takes his soul to Hell.
Secondly, he had to keep in the act to prevent any significant changes to the future. Soren knew that the power of the System along with his Paleblood nature will prevent the Angels from messing with him and his timeline, but it is better safe than sorry to stay as quiet as he could temporally.
Lastly, he had to survive long enough to get out of this scenario. While this can be easy to accomplish since some events back in his previous life were roleplay-oriented, it will be vastly more difficult to stay in the act and not indulge in blasting the Wendigo with a flurry of spells or using his Hunter's Axe. As fortune had it, he suspected the Lamp would give him a specialized instance to repeatably fight against the Wendigo once he survives this scenario.
As he finished going over the key points of his plan in his mind, Soren could see the main cast of the episode appear. Despite knowing how both Jared and Jensen played the characters, it was fairly obvious to Soren to see how Sam--being more taller than his older brother--could be confused with a moose and Dean looking like a man hellbent on revenge. They were also not very convincing to Soren considering he knew they played off being park rangers to Roy (the old man with a rifle gun), Hailey Collins, and Ben Collins.
"I mean come on," Soren thought to himself as he kept an eye on the brothers, "you both could at least attempt to be more convincing to these idiots."
He even thought very poorly of Hailey and her group for believing in the Winchesters' lies in the original timeline while things were just as bad in person. Soren nearly sighed out and gave away his position before he was ready to act out as a helpless magicless human.
Just as the group neared his position--which was roughly about 3/4ths towards Tommy's campsite--Soren soon came out of the brush and began their first interaction.
"Hello?" Soren asked the group as they approached him. It was fairly obvious to the group that he was merely an observer in these proceedings.
"Hello," Hailey replied—her being the leader of this group. "Who are you?"
"I'm Soren Hawker, young miss," he introduced himself to her and the group. After a moment of observation, he said "What's going on?"
"Missing boy," Roy replied back in a succinct way, but it served Soren's purposes just fine.
"Oh, do you mean the campsite up ahead?" Soren inquired—making Roy flinch a bit as if he was used somehow. "I looked there when I looked for a good spot to camp last night."
"You camped here last night?" Sam was the one to ask this question. He looked very confused about how Soren managed to survive with the Wendigo out and about, but he only gave him a confused look back.
"Why shouldn't I, young man? The only things I need to worry about here is bear," Soren responded inquisitively.
Before the conversation went into an awkward direction, Soren was invited by Hailey to come along with them under the pretext of "the more we have, the better." While this was part of Soren's plans, it was a welcome hook into the scenario of episode 2.
It did not take too long for them all to reach Tommy's campsite and for the episode to play out as expected.
Back from my Montana trip and now I have a chapter for you! We will soon be wrapping up the second episodes plot in a few more chapters!
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