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74.66% A Snake's Obsession / Chapter 56: Chapter 56

Capítulo 56: Chapter 56

Yugito looked around the Hidden Leaf Village and found nothing appealing about it in the slightest. The trees were too tall, leaves too green. The people lacked discipline, too relaxed for a military installation. A surprise attack would likely lead to a great deal of chaos. Even the air bothered her. It was too plentiful? Too easy. In the mountains of Kumo the air was thinner, you fought to breathe easily but at this level everything was simply given to you.

"Here we are," said the voice of Konoha's weapon. He'd led them to where they'd be staying, pointing to the single level dwelling of wood and brick. "It has all the standard amenities, functioning utilities and a fully stocked kitchen. Since you are a guest of the Uzumaki clan, it only made sense you reside on our land," he explained.

Yugito detested how at ease he was around them, as if two of Kumo's best couldn't possibly pose a threat to him. He even removed the seals he'd placed on them in a show of supreme arrogance. That thought triggered the memory of her being breathlessly paralyzed in the deserts of Wind Country. She tightened her fist as she willed the memory away.

"As guests you'll have access to all the public areas within Konoha and if you want to train we have private grounds or I can arrange something if given enough notice. Of course, you are to stay away from any restricted areas and avoid general mischief. As an added gesture of goodwill, Tsunade-sama will be assigning a team of ANBU helpers for you."

"Helpers?" Yugito asked in disbelief.

"Yea, if you need something and I'm unavailable they will help. We're a friendly bunch in Konoha, Will of Fire and all that," Naruto answered with a smile. Yugito found it offensive, like everything else connected to this village. They were hostages, pretending otherwise wouldn't fool Kirabi or her.

"9-0 wants to befriend the Killa, Killa. Include Miss 2 and it's a bigga thrilla; fool, ya fool," B said, slapping his bicep for emphasis.

"See, Kirabi gets it. Well, you two settle in," Naruto spoke and then shunshin'd away. The two guardians of Kumo entered their temporary dwelling, Yugito thoroughly checking the place out while Kirabi simply hopped on the couch and laid down. However, before he could fully relax he was engaged by Gyuki.

"What's up, Mr. 8? Feeling great?"

"[No, not at all. What do you know of that boy, Kirabi?]"

"Not much but he respects the funky flow, what else I need to know?"

"[I spoke to the Kyuubi as we traveled back, Nibi and I both. The boy's chakra reminds me of someone, someone that predates the shinobi era and was incredibly powerful. I also believe he has my brother's full cooperation. He's dangerous, Kirabi.]"

"Maybe so but if we don't start none won't be none."

"[And what's the likelihood your brother will change his course?]"

"Big bro will see the light; to protect Kumo he'll do what's right. War with the Leaves ain't the vibe so why vie via jutsu or weapon grippin'? New tricks up new sleeves, new beliefs is what we need."

"[Good luck convincing Ay of that because if it comes to a fight I'm not sure we can defeat Kyuubi's container.]" As B continued to speak to Gyuki, Naruto was conversing with his own bijuu.

'So, how did speaking with Nibi and Hachibi go?' Naruto asked as he strode along his lands.

'[I believe my message was conveyed but both have grown arrogant over the years with their incessant backtalk.]'

'That isn't very nice, Kurama. They are your siblings, not your subordinates and it wouldn't hurt to be a little softer, 'ttebayo," Naruto lightly admonished. Kurama huffed before responding.

'[Maybe but they needed to understand the futility in attacking us and if I have to be unpleasant now to avoid greater unpleasantness later I believe that is a worthy sacrifice.]'

'Granted,' Naruto said as he approached the Uzumaki Manor, 'but I just don't want you to push them away if you don't have to. If Kirabi and Yugito try anything then that's just what it is. Did you three discuss anything else of note?' Naruto asked and heard a pause. 'Kurama?'

'[... There is something I need to tell you, something that insufferable squid noticed though I had hoped he wouldn't.]'

'Ok, what's up? Whatever it is, we'll handle it.'

'[You know of my father Hagoromo, you know he created us. What you do not know is that he had two real sons,]' Kurama said and was swiftly cut off.

'Kurama, you and the other eight bijuu are his real children. That's not decided by biology but the bonds you forged,' Naruto relayed and while Kurama would never admit it, he was incredibly pleased with those words.

'[Fine, biological sons; Indra and Asura. Indra was considered a genius, creating the hand signs you still use for your modern day ninjutsu. So gifted, he started to rely solely on his own problem not trusting or seeking the help of others. The younger brother, Asura, was a screw up early in life, seemingly untalented in all Hagoromo tried to teach him. However, Asura was a natural in making friends and truly never met a stranger in his life.

When it came time to choose a successor to Ninshu, Hagoromo gave his two sons a final test. Asura passed, Indra didn't. Indra became angry and resentful, instigating a feud between brothers that would go on for generations, only stopping when the two prime abortion candidates of Madara and Hashirama created this village.

Indra was the progenitor of the Uchiha, Asura of the Senju and Uzumaki. As Indra and Asura both died before resolving their feud, it is possible each would leave an imprint on one of their descendants,]" Kurama explained.

'Like reincarnation?' Naruto asked.

'[Transmigration, as the influence of either is more like an echo than each brother fully inhabiting another body and the effect is most evident when each transmigrant interacts with the other. Do you recall when you learn to accept your darker self? The door you couldn't open?]'

'Yes,' Naruto answered. The special process the panthers subjected him too was extremely memorable and just what he needed after the Land of Iron and his blow up with Jiraiya. 'My father said the reason I couldn't open the door was because the time hadn't come and it never may.'

'[I believe that door to contain Asura's echo and your father would be correct that it would require more to untap it than a simple ritual or training,]' Kurama said.

'Ok, so how can Hachibi tell this? And why didn't you tell me?' Naruto asked out of curiosity not anger.

'[All of the training you have undertaken, pushing your chakra in ways none before you have had the effect of increasing its potency and signature closer to Asura's own. Not only is it incredibly potent but in near perfect balance, that is more than a rarity in this age, Naruto, it doesn't happen.]'

'But doesn't all that disprove your own thesis? You said Asura was a screw up but I've been ahead of the curve since I started seriously training myself. Yes, I struggled but I was attempting things that should have been beyond me at that age,' Naruto argued.

'[Ah, the wrinkle. You did, initially, struggle at the academy. The lectures were too long and slow, explanations simply not worded in the way you absorbed knowledge. If you had relied solely or primarily on the academy I believe you'd only be unlocking much of your potential now and even then, it may never reach the levels you have obtained. Hagoromo trained Asura, if not always personally, he instructed his attendants how he wished them to proceed. My father was a great man but it was not a perfect one. Just like your academy instructors didn't understand what you needed, Hagoromo may not have understood how to truly train Asura.]'

'So… if I am this transmigrant then everything I can do is because of that? All my work and boasts that anyone could have broken these barriers was a lie?' Naruto asked, sounding genuinely disappointed.

'[No, you fool!]' Kurama yelled. '[Your mate proves that subelements can be learned or have you forgotten that?]'

Naruto chuckled, 'Yea, I actually had, 'ttebayo.'

'[Idiot. You had your advantages, of course. You were born with higher than average chakra reserves, my presence enhanced that so you could train longer. But having me meant your chakra was tilted toward yang so all the bookwork you did was a real struggle until you started balancing your chakra. You earned your breakthroughs, Naruto. Minato, Asura, nor I can claim credit for that.]'

'Thanks, Kurama,' Naruto said and Kurama huffed in response. Naruto was learning he did that when he was moved or pleased and didn't want to admit it. 'So, if I am this transmigrant that means what for Nibi and Hachibi?'

'[Indra and Asura made Madara and Hashirama look like children in comparison. For you to give Hachibi even a hint of a familiarity suggests you'd be powerful enough to defeat him and Nibi. That we were able to freely communicate means you have my full cooperation. Hachibi knows his bothersome container couldn't defeat us and that worries him.]'

'Ok, that all makes sense but you still haven't explained why you didn't tell me you suspected this,' Naruto reminded the bijuu.

'[It didn't seem relevant. If you were Asura's transmigrant you'd demonstrated you couldn't access whatever lay within you and I have no idea how to either. Also, you had no relationship with any of the existing Uchiha so the rivalry was either settled with Madara and Hashirama, as who else could it have been so there was nothing to look out for, or something veered you off the course and it is still moot.]'

'So, you're saying there's a reality where I'm super obsessed with Sasuke or some other Uchiha instead of being mind-blowingly awesome? That would have been a waste.'

'[If that's how you choose to interpret that I won't argue but I will never agree with it either,]' Kurama retorted.

'You know you love me, Kurama!,' Naruto teased but continued before the fox could get indignant. 'I do understand why you never told me, while interesting it isn't the most actionable of intel. I'm Naruto Uzumaki, the Crimson Maelstrom and I chart my own path.'

'[Sure you do… tomato head,]' Kurama teased back knowing it'd make his idiot container irate.

'Why you! Take that back or I'll come into the seal and beat your whole ass, dattebayo!'

'[I'd like to see you try, pipsqueak! I'll use you as a chew toy!,]' Kurama barked.

"Kukuku, having a private conversation, Naruto-kun?" Orochi said from behind. Naruto turned toward with a beaming smile. He'd been so wrapped up with talking to Kurama he'd stopped at the door and stopped fully paying attention to his surroundings.

"Something like that," he answered before thinking, 'We'll finish this little exchange later, Kurama.'

'[I look forward to it, whelp,]" Kurama replied before going silent.

The discussion with his lifelong companion ended, Naruto scooped Orochi in his arms and gave her a kiss. "Hey," he greeted as he let go of her and opened the door, "I wasn't expecting to see you so soon."

"Well, we need to talk, do we not?" Orochi asked rhetorically. Naruto nodded and led her to the front room. The two snuggled up on the couch, a habit of theirs. Naruto sat in silence as he watched Orochi had a pen and pad, having seemingly materialized from nowhere.

"Ok, a few things. One, I'll be showing soon enough and if anyone tries to touch my belly I'll kill them," she explained.

"Could I negotiate you down to a maiming? Maybe a severe beating?"

"I'll kill them, Naruto-kun, so you'll have to see to their protection if you care to. Secondly, all of my lab equipment is at my manor but I'd presumably be spending a majority of my down time here."

"I can run some tunnels to your labs or dedicate some clones to building you some labs here," Naruto said.

"An addendum, our housing situation. We have two. I doubt many people want to buy mine and I'm not keen on selling it."

"Uh huh… well, and this is wholly dependent on you but there can traditionally only be one heir. Should we have more than one child, the second born might like to have their own space to inherit. Like hey, not the heir but here's a big ass house!"

"Kukuku, trying to leave me barefoot and in the kitchen, Naruto-kun? I never knew that was your type."

"I think you'd agree I do some of my better work in the kitchen, Orochi-chan," Naruto responded.

"Indeed but regardless, I won't become an Uzumaki baby mill. Speaking of, how many kids do you want?" Orochi asked and felt Naruto shrugged.

"Honestly, I don't have a number in mind as I didn't think we could have one. So, I don't know." That surprised the Snake Sannin.

"But you've wanted a family, why didn't you think I'd figure out a solution?"

"Because not having children wasn't a problem and knowing your age I'd accepted being with you presented some realities. It just wasn't some grand sacrifice. I could take on students, adopt or whatever else. And while I am so excited we are having a child together, it was never a dealbreaker. I want you, Orochi-chan. We could have figured everything else out when the time came." Naruto was awarded a quick kiss on the cheek for his answer, it happening so fast and going unacknowledged that he could have been forgiven for doubting it happened.

"I would like some yuzu trees. I like the fruit and the smell they give off. My feet get cold at night, I will be putting them on or under you for additional warmth and expect no complaints. Anko and I have tea twice a week and once you let her in your home she'll be impossible to get rid of. Treat her kindly."

"Those are doable. Anything else?" Naruto asked.

"I'm sure there will be but we'll have a lifetime to figure them out," Orochi said as she retrieved the ring box from inside of kimono, opened it, and slipped the ring on.

"I look forward to it," Naruto said, gently pulling his wife-to-be closer. The two shared a quiet moment, each looking forward to their future together. The moment ended when Orochi felt a rumble in Naruto's chest and heard a chuckle. She turned to her fiance and saw him smiling brightly.

"Since you said yes, I guess it is time to pay your bride price," Naruto observed.

"Not even the Daimyo still do that, Naruto-kun; besides, I don't think you have enough to afford me."

"Well, let's call it an engagement present then," he said as he retrieved a scroll from his kunai holster. Naruto unfurled the scroll and unsealed a single item. He placed it in Orochi's hand and laughed at her confusion.

"A water balloon?" she asked in disbelief.

"This is only step one, Orochi-chan. This is a gift but it's one you have to earn; however, once you do you'll have this," Naruto said as he formed a [Rasengan] in his hand. As soon as Naruto ended the jutsu he was mounted, Orochi's tongue invading his mouth and her hands in his sanguine locks. She felt herself being pulled closer as Naruto wrapped his arms around her slender frame.

"Eww, get a room," said a deep voice from an entryway. The newly engaged couple broke apart, though Orochi never left Naruto's lap as she glared at her fellow Sannin.

"Technically, Jiraiya, every damn room in this house is my room," Naruto said.

"Yea, whatever. Look, I didn't scar my psyche with the sight of you with her but your Nara teammate is coming to the door-" a jittery and fast knock was heard just as Jiraiya announced Shikamaru's arrival.

"Ok, that's weird. I'm probably going to have to go," Naruto said while gazing up at his wife-to-be. "Can we continue this later?" She nodded as she slid off his lap and another vigorous knock was heard.

"Jiraiya, can you walk her through the first step of learning the Rasengan, please?" Naruto requested and to Orochi's surprise Jiraiya didn't refuse.

"You move faster than even your father and he wanted to marry Kushina after their first date," Jiraiya replied wistfully.

Naruto shot him a smile before saying, "Counter clockwise, Jiraiya," and then departed.

"Well, are we doing this now?" Jiraiya asked with zero enthusiasm.

"What did Naruto-kun mean by counter clockwise?"

"It's the orientation of your chakra, when you start forming the Rasengan it should go counter clockwise," Jiraiya explained.

"How could he know that?"

"Easiest way to check is to see the direction the hair grows at the crown of your head. Naruto see the top of your head a lot, Orochi?" Jiraiya asked suggestively.

"Infinitely more than you've ever seen Tsunade's," Orochi shot back. Knowing he'd lost this one.

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