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1.33% A Snake's Obsession / Chapter 1: Chapter 01
A Snake's Obsession A Snake's Obsession original

A Snake's Obsession

Autor: Moon_Lord_

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Chapter 01

The Forest of Death looked like a warzone. The two boys watched as their third teammate had a duel with an S rank nukenin. They knew it was hopeless, even the most prodigious in the shinobi world rarely reach this level by the age of twelve. There was no shame in his defeat, it was inevitable. Even if they all had attacked nothing would have changed, and only a pact between summoners assured their safety while damning him.

They knew Naruto was different, he'd only been with them at the academy a short while as he'd opted to graduate three years early. But his push seemed to be more about how disliked he was by the instructors than any natural genius. However, three years of field experience is a gulf and while they were still fresh faced, even if more serious than the average rookie genin, they weren't battle hardened like him. It was shown in his display where he demonstrated a level of kenjutsu skill they didn't know he had and was utterly ruthless, attempting to to maximize every advantage but it wasn't enough. Even when he called upon that potent and frightening red chakra, his kenjutsu style becoming more feral as a result, it still did nothing. He couldn't touch her and she toyed with him until she'd gotten her satisfaction. But she was also, weirdly, complementary and encouraging.

Two strikes, one to the stomach and another to the face hard enough to instantly concuss him while also making him drop his sword ended the ominus chakra cloak. She picked up his sword and approached him, grabbing the redhead by his neck. She whispered something in his ear and promptly stabbed him with his sword, channeling raiton chakra once she impaled him causing the boy to scream. Their strongest member was done. They were surrounded by enemies and standing in front of Konoha's greatest traitor. Bleak was the only way to describe their situation.

"Nara-kun, Aburame-kun, come here please." It sounded like a request but it was clearly an order and both boys obeyed. She handed them a scroll to their confusion. "I know you'll report this to my former sensei when you make it to the tower but if anyone other than Naruto should receive this scroll I'd have to kill both your clans in their entirety. Do we have an understanding?" Both boys nodded while Shikamaru accepted the scroll. She departed soon after and the boys collected Naruto and his sword; Shino opting to carry him on his back after they patched up his wound. They made haste to the tower and luckily ran into only lite opposition, nothing the two couldn't handle. They arrived to the tower, greeted by their sensei, whom wasted no time getting Naruto to the medical center while having them debrief in front of the Hokage.


He made his way up to the familiar gate guards. A team of four was now only one but he'd changed. His eyes were harder and he was sporting a scar above and below his left eye. He was not happy to know raiton chakra delayed his healing ability but was assured the scar would be temporary, fading in months. He checked in as was protocol and made his way to the Hokage Tower to give his mission debrief. Given this was supposed to be a simple courier mission, lasting no more than a week and it lasted a month and a half it was of the utmost importance to know why so the Hokage spoke to him immediately. Naruto gave the mission details, only the facts and then presented the Hokage with four scrolls; three containing the bodies of his fallen comrades and the fourth the final words of the Chunin in charge.

The old man quickly read over the final words of Chunin Yagami, taking a deep pull from his pipe. "Naruto, do you know what is contained in this scroll?"

"No, Hokage-sama."

"Chunin Yagami stated you deserved a field promotion for what you did on the island of Ishval. He said you were directly responsible for defeating Kushimaru Kuriarare and Raiga Kurosuki. He said you even dealt with his initial bias professionally and have shown the qualities a shinobi needs to become a Chunin. How do you feel about that?"

"I am honored by his words."

"As you should be but unfortunately, I cannot promote you at this time." Of course he wasn't going to be promoted. People who'd graduated after him, done less than him and were less skilled were promoted but not him. "Any questions, Naruto?"


"I know you're disappointed but it just isn't time to promote you. I had plans for you, Naruto and you graduating early threw them off but I will not abandon them. I want you to get closer to what should have been your graduating class, it is for the best. Do you trust me?"


"Maybe I deserve that but if you become connected with this upcoming generation of clan heirs it'll go a long way in providing you political protection from those who'd want to see you hampered."

"Hampered like not being promoted when it is deserved?"

"Like not being treated as a shinobi at all. There are those who would seek to weaponize you and I don't want to see that."

"Then kill them. You're the Hokage, you employ an army of assassins. If someone is a risk to your rule why not remove them?"

"A lot of reasons, Naruto; the largest one being that's the path toward tyranny. It'd make Konoha be something it was never meant to be. But sometimes to uphold that ideal, I have to accept less than ideal outcomes for those that don't deserve it."

"As long as you can accept it, Hokage-sama."

"That's not what I meant, Naruto. Just understand, I'm not holding you back out of malice."

"If that's all, Hokage-sama."



When Naruto regained consciousness he relayed all relevant information to the Old Man, including that his chakra felt chaotic. Fortunately, the application of a seal over his existing one was discovered and remedied. This allowed Naruto's wound to heal faster and he was near 100% at the end of exam two and the start of the unexpected preliminary matches. All three of the sole Suna team passed. The fan user beat the weapons user from Team Gai. The puppet user bet some older Konoha genin that could dislodge his joints. The sand user defeated Kiba when the Inuzuka had enough sense to forfeit and likely saved himself from being killed. Sasuke Uchiha defeated another older genin, one that could absorb chakra through touch, it was a fast match. Sakura Haruno and Ino Yamanaka had a match, it was long and seemed to offer some moments of self-realization for both girls so that was cool. Neji Hyuuga defeated his cousin but it was harder than he'd suspected and the boy seemed irate he didn't get to do more damage to his cousin. Choji lost to the sound genin Naruto prevented from attacking Kabuto. His two teammates defeated the others, Shikamaru knocked the girl out while Shino crippled the other boy.

It was time for the last match, him versus Rock Lee. He'd heard about Rock Lee, unable to use nin and genjutsu but still passed (and given a team) at the behest of his jounin sensei. It was difficult for Naruto not to resent the boy, only by creating his clone technique did he manage to pass the ninjutsu portion of the graduation exam. No one was there to advocate on his behalf because he had too much chakra but someone who couldn't mold theirs properly got the personal approval of one of Konoha's premiere Jounin? It's one thing for life to be unfair, it's another for it to be a complete asshole about making it clear. Naruto normally didn't dwell on who got things he didn't. It was a waste a time and with no ability to change it, it felt self-defeating and pointless. He wouldn't ignore the unfairness but harping on it just wasn't useful. However, since his humiliatng defeat, he's been in a sour mood. He knew he couldn't win, she was better than him in every way and yet it still felt like his pride had been shattered. He didn't understand why, it didn't make sense. But it did piss him the hell off.

"Are fighters ready?" the sickly proctor asked, both boys give an affirmative response before settling into their fight stances. Lee in his gouken stance, Naruto with his right hand on the hilt of his sword. "Hajime" he said and both boys sped toward each other. Naruto got the better of the exchange, rotating around Lee's punch and hitting him, with his blunted sword thanks to seals, in the neck with enough force to send him into the wall. Had the sword not been dulled, Lee would be dead. Naruto stopped, fighting his instinct to press the advantage. This is a Konoha nin and he was hit pretty hard so Naruto would allow him to give up as he may be injured or knocked out. To his mild shock and sincere annoyance the green clad boy got up and resumed his stance. Naruto sped toward him again, this time hitting him in the left shoulder with an overhead strike and kicking Lee in the stomach, sending him back into the wall. It was weird, while not his fastest he could see that Lee could track him but couldn't move fast enough to counter.

"Take them off Lee" Gai shouted and the boy asked if his sensei was sure. The man gave him a thumbs up and Lee speed up to the balcony where the genin were observing. Naruto quickly put it together, the boy had been wearing weights and saw reason to change it. Before Lee could remove his weights, he was hit with another sword strike, hard enough to potentially break a few ribs and was sent careening to the floor.

"Sorry, Rock-kun, but if you willing disadvantaged yourself I can't allow that to change."

Gai's protege was on the ground, holding his ribs. The three attacks he's absorbed having taken a toll but he refuses to back down. "I-I won't let this end here. I will show-"

"I hate to interrupt you, Rock-kun but the only reason you aren't dead is because I haven't wanted to kill a fellow Konoha shinobi." Naruto said before biting his finger and running across the sealing array on his sword, removing the barrier from the edge. "You've taken advantage of that by not yielding and stepping on my mercy. Normally, I'd likely overlook it but you've caught me on a bad day. This is your only warning, if you get up again I'll come at you with the intent to kill."

"I won't give up, Naruto. I will show hard work can trump a genius like you." Lee said, managing to make it to his feet. Before he even took a stance, Lee was surrounded by cherry blossoms. Their fragrance was so alluring to the battered genin. It put him in a peaceful state, so peaceful he momentarily forgot he was in the middle of a fight. That is, until he heard a snap and the cherry blossoms seemingly attacked him, then Lee felt pain all over and fell to the ground in a bloody heap.

Most of the genin saw what Lee saw, him being surrounded by cherry blossoms. The Jounin knew it was a genjutsu but didn't dispel it so as to not interrupt it for Lee. While he was distracted, Naruto sent a series of wind blades toward Lee but it appeared as if the cherry blossoms suddenly grew sharp and attacked. Once Naruto dropped the illusion all saw Lee cut at various spots on his body. The cuts weren't deep but were numerous and appeared to be quite painful. Naruto waited for the proctor to call the match when, astoundingly, Lee tried to get to his feet once more. Even in mind numbing pain, the boy wouldn't give up. Many would find it admirable, more so foolish. Naruto found it offensive.

"Why?" the redhead questioned.

"B-because, I want to prove I can become a splendid shinobi with nothing but taijutsu." Lee said, finally standing again. Naruto didn't know why but this angered him. This wasn't his only chance at the Chunin exams and even if the boy couldn't use chakra techniques he could pick up a weapon. But more than that, he was being an asshole. Even if he won, what would it prove? That Naruto was an idiot for being merciful? Because until recently, almost no one gave a shit if Naruto became a splendid ninja. This toolbox had the nerve to call him a genius. What does he know about burnt out tenketsu from performing an original jutsu? The research, the notes and diagrams. When something doesn't work, going back to the start, going back to chakra theory or what hand signs do? Figuring out the elemental manipulation exercises by himself? Doing all of that and self-training his physical skills. The torn muscles in his legs trying to perfect the basics of his kenjutsu style. The cracked knuckles from improper punching technique. To be diminished as a genius, to be setup as this asshole's foil when all he'd known is hard work. It was infuriating.

"You know, they say a shinobi is judged not by how they lived but how they die. I'll make sure you'll be remembered as a splendid shinobi, Rock-kun." The Uzumaki said with menace and then blurred once again, intent on cutting down this arrogant boy that dare label him. However, his attack never reached Lee as Naruto was met with a powerful force and sent into a wall himself by Lee's sensei, Gai. Naruto's back hit the wall with a thud and he was seeing double, however he was coherent enough to make out Gai standing over his fallen student. This only enraged Naruto further as in the moment, he truly believed Gai wouldn't have attacked any other genin in attendance. But he openly attacked the sacrifice, likely not fearing any repercussions. But that's where he was wrong. Getting up, shakily to his feet, Naruto started to perform a sequence of hand signs; going a little slower do to the effects of his Gai's attack and his impact on the wall. However, the Hokage and Kakashi both knew what that jutsu was and with Gai distracted it could kill both his student and him. Hiruzen made to Naruto first, chopping him on the back of his neck, knocking the boy out. He had the candidates draw for their position in the finals, Kurenai drawing for Naruto. As they were dismissed she made her way to Gai.

"If you ever attack my student again, I will kill you, Gai."

"There's no need for that, Kurenai-san. I had to protect my student."

"Then you should have ordered him to concede the match but you encouraged him to continue on. What, Naruto was supposed to continually hold back for his and your ego? No, I don't care why you did it, never attack my students again." She said before she walked out. Gai knew she had a point and started to question if he'd given Lee some bad habits because he overidentified with the boy. Before he could leave the tower he was greeted by Kakashi. He knew his longtime rival was angry by the subtle cues in his body language, ones most would miss but the two had been friends long enough that it was obvious to the taijutsu master.

"Kakashi before you say anything-'

"Mah, mah, Gai. What needs to be said? You couldn't abandon your student to his fate. You had to intervene lest Lee be killed."

"Yes, but I went overboard. I'll apologize to Naruto-san promptly."

"You can but the damage has been done. He likely believes you wouldn't have done that to anyone else. You want to guess why?"

The green clad man looked stricken. "I hold him no ill will, Kakashi. You know that."

"Of course, I do. I know you. He doesn't. He just knows you attacked him in front of the Hokage and a team of foreign ninja with impunity."

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