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74.01% A second chance in Remnant. (RWBY Fan-Fic) DROPPED! / Chapter 94: Chapter 94. Yellow Spark

Capítulo 94: Chapter 94. Yellow Spark

Silva POV

I opened the door and saw both Ozpin and Glynda Goodwitch at my doorstep. Ozpin immediately said with a slight smile and calm demeanor.

Ozpin: I understand that some associates of mine are currently here at your rather impressive abode.

I opened the door all the way and gestured for them to come in. I lead them to the foyer and saw Qrow and Morgana pulling at each other's faces like a pair of children. I facepalmed myself while Glynda and Ozpin sigh exasperated at Qrow's immaturity. Qrow noticed his audience and pushed Morgana away, and kept her at bay with one hand as he greeted the two newcomers.

Qrow: Hey, Oz, Glyn, glad you could make it so quickly.

Ozpin got straight to business and asked Qrow.

Ozpin: Qrow, where's Amber?

I told him politely as I debated inwardly whether or not to gamble, peeking through his mind to uncover all his secrets. He has been around for who knows how long, so I would not be surprised if he has some defense against intrusions in his mind.

Silva: Follow me to the medical bay, and I will show you her condition.

A quick trip to the medical bay after sending Morgana off but not before she stuck her tongue out at Qrow, he replied in kind. I swear, leaving those two alone for a prolonged duration is not a good idea, with Qrow being a man-child at times and Morgana being a mischievous scamp. I better make sure Qrow does not get her interested in drinking because if he does, well, pray that he doesn't.

I noticed Qrow shiver for a moment, but he wasn't sure what caused it, so he shrugged it off. Ozpin quickly analyzed Amber's condition and asked Qrow.

Ozpin: Qrow, did you see her assailants?

Qrow shook his head and grimly stated.

Qrow: No, because when I looked at them, they were blurry, and I couldn't make out any details to help identify them.

Ozpin and Glynda shared a worried look. Ozpin then looked towards me and said.

Ozpin: I must admit I am impressed with you, Mr.Cloud, because while there are signs of combat on Amber's clothes, all her wounds are healed. Is this due to your semblance?

I nodded at his question and offered a polite recommendation.

Silva: I suggest you get her to a proper hospital soon because the damage she suffered is extensive.

Ozpin nodded at my suggestion then said.

Ozpin: I hope to talk to you at a later date, Mr.Cloud.

Ozpin then looked towards Glynda and Ordered her.

Ozpin: Glynda, please transfer Amber to the car.

Glynda silently complied and lifted Amber with her semblance, then walked off with her. Ozpin then turned to me and gave me a slight bow as he thanked me.

Ozpin: I thank you for your help in this matter, Mr.Cloud.

Silva: No problem.

Ozpin then turned to Qrow and told him.

Ozpin: Qrow, I need your full report on what happened as we take Amber somewhere safe.

Qrow took a sip out of his flask and replied.

Qrow: Sure, Oz.

They both left but not before I decided to take a chance and peek at Ozpin's mind. I met with some defenses that stopped me, and I quickly pulled back before Ozpin noticed my intrusion. It looks like any other secrets he has that were not covered in the canon won't be easy to get out of him.

Ozpin POV

As Glynda drove away from Mr.Cloud's residence with me, Qrow, and Amber in tow, I then explained how dire Amber's condition is to both of them.

Ozpin: Qrow, Glynda, Amber lost over half of the Fall Maiden's power somehow.

The two of them looked at me in shock, and Qrow asked.

Qrow: Oz, how is that even a thing to lose part of a Maiden's power?

I shook my head, feeling a deep sense of anxiety, and told them.

Qrow: I don't know; this has never happened before, but we need to be ready for whatever lies ahead as we can be.

Glynda then asked Qrow as she drove.

Glynda: Qrow, did you really not see any means of identifying Amber's attackers?

Qrow took a sip from his flask before replying.

Qrow: No, when I saw them, they were all blurry; my guess is one of them had an illusion semblance or something.

As I looked over to Amber to examine her once more for any clues, I commented.

Ozpin: I must say, Mr.Cloud is an impressive physician. While there is blood and tears on Amber's clothes, all her wounds are closed and treated.

If only he weren't Raven Branwen's adoptive son, I would've brought him into the fold because there is no telling what she told him about my and Salem's shadow war. I looked towards Qrow and gave him an order.

Ozpin: Qrow, I need you to find your sister and get her to provide all the information on Silva Cloud, as she is the one that raised him.

Qrow frowned slightly and said.

Qrow: That won't be easy, Oz; you know how tight-lipped she can be, especially if she can get something out of it.

I nodded at Qrow's statement, but I need to know Silva's stance on the war before approaching him to bring to my side of the conflict before Salem discovers him. So I told Qrow while transferring large amounts of Lein to Qrow's account through my scroll.

Ozpin: Just gather as much info as you can Qrow because healing semblances are extremely rare, and I have never heard of anyone capable of copying semblances like Mr.Cloud.

Qrow: I hear you, Oz, but don't expect too much.

I sincerely hope I can bring Silva Cloud to my side before Salem finds out about him because from everything Qrow has told me so far about him tells he is a great ally and dangerous enemy. Glynda also provided her thoughts on the matter.

Glynda: Ozpin, I think if you approach Mr.Cloud sincerely, you will likely get a positive response because he is close enough to Team CFVY to have them live with him at his castle.

While she has a point, I can't take any chances because of the recent attack on Amber, plus there is something about Silva Cloud that unnerves me for some reason that I can't identify. I hope it does not mean anything, but it seldom doesn't.

Raven POV

Another day, I was doing as I wish for the most part since I agreed to work for Silva. Currently, I am residing at one of his residences, enjoying a book with my favorite tea brand outside. I never thought that when I took him in that, I would work for him, and he became strong enough to deter even Salem and her forces.

I thought back on the few adventures he had when I checked him since he left the Tribe when he was 12 years old. Fighting assassins, facing giant Grimm, slaughtering a cult, and cannibalistic settlements in Anima's wildlands outside of Mistral. Then there are the women and girls he picked up to join his harem, and how he manages that is still a mystery to me.

He lets me do as I please without any restraint despite being under him, and aside from the occasional book, I have taken up bounty hunting to keep my skills sharp and provide him with a steady supply of what he calls Soul Crystals. When he let me in on his secrets, I have to admit I was surprised, and the fact I can bond with Soul Crystals with my Semblance is a happy bonus that I make full use of; only Silva can catch me now if I want to escape or have to.

An interesting thing about Silva is that he never really viewed me as a mother figure but as an attractive woman. I wryly smile at the thought, which turned into a mischievous one as I know what to give him on his next birthday and will definitely be surprised by it. He meets all the requirements I like to see in a partner, strong, unyielding, and a decent ruthless streak, though his harem is a minor annoyance but whatever, I easily outclass all those little girls and then some.

As I absentmindedly read my book, I heard a crow caw that sounded all too familiar. I then called out in annoyance.

Raven: Qrow, why are you here?

My brother transformed into his human form and, with a joking tone says.

Qrow: What a brother can't come to see his sister and her new digs.

I snorted at him and replied curtly.

Raven: Not when said, brother wants something as usual from his sister.

Qrow quickly dropped the friendly act and directly asked for what he wants.

Qrow: I need information on Silva.

I smiled and realized that Silva probably rattled Ozpin's cage a little, and the wizard is now hunting for information on him before inviting him to his little club. I felt like laughing when in fact, Silva is hoping for an alliance with Salem instead and will likely succeed because he is Salem's equal in the most critical aspect, time. He is immortal like Salem and is the better fighter, from what I saw in his confrontation against her in The Land of Darkness.

Silva, unlike Ozpin, lets me in on his secrets since he wants me to trust him as I work for him to run a few missions here and there for him. As I debated on how much I should let Qrow know about him, I then invited him.

Raven: Let's head inside for now and discuss a price for that information.

We quickly went to the living room, and I had the robot chefs Silva gave me to make some fresh tea. As we waited for the tea, Qrow started prodding me with questions.

Qrow: So you are willing to sell information on Silva?

He then scoffed and said with a fair bit of venom in his tone.

Qrow: Some mother you are, first Yang now Silva do you feel nothing for them?

His tone didn't bother me as he knows nothing about how things really are, so I told him.

Raven: Yang aside, Silva is his own man and can handle anything Remnant throws at him.

Qrow looked at me, shocked, and asked.

Qrow: Raven, is that pride I hear in your voice?

I didn't bother answering him and threw back his comment on me being a mother.

Raven: Are you one to talk to, since you have a daughter yourself that you know nothing about and before you ask, Silva was the one who found her and took her while you were nowhere to be found.

Seeing Qrow completely stunned was a satisfying sight, and the teas finally arrived. As I made myself a cup, I then asked my brother before taking a sip.

Raven: So what do you want to know?

Silva POV

A week has gone by since Qrow brought the Fall Maiden to me to heal after Cinder and her crew attacked her. I have been regularly going to Junior's club to keep my eyes open for Yang when is hunting for information on Raven. As I took it easy at the bar, I heard a voice I rather not deal with, Cinder.

Cinder: Well, hello again.

I sigh, seeing trouble coming a mile away from her, especially since she now has part of the Maiden's power. I decided to ignore her for now and see how far she is willing to escalate our encounter. As she tries to get my attention, I notice she is steadily becoming angrier and angrier at my indifference towards her.

I could kill her, but I won't because she is predictable, and that works in my favor in the long term and short term in the next couple of years. However, once she plays her part, she will die by any means necessary. Cinder's eyes let up with magic in anger at me, ignoring her, and she conjured a small flame in her hand then demanded.

Cinder: You listen here; you have no right to refuse me, and I could've gone to anyone, but I choose you. SO YOU WILL OBEY OR ELSE!

I looked at her and said.

Silva: Sorry you said something?

It took all my self-control not to laugh at her reaction; she went out like a damp match. However, her nearby crew was snickering at our interaction, and I quickly peeked into their minds and found that they weren't that loyal to Cinder. Gray was following Cinder because she treated her halfway decent, and the twins Axel and Alex were just in it for kicks.

Overall, aside from the twins, who were psychos, I have no problems letting them live because they will ultimately betray Cinder from what I am seeing. As Cinder created larger flames in front of me in rage and Junior's henchmen turned tail and run away from her. Just as Cinder was about to say something, I put out her flames with a casual way of my hands to send out a shockwave.

Cinder looked at me with shock at how easily I dismissed her flames, and I opened a portal behind her and kicked her through it. I soon followed after her, and my surrounding changed into a night shrouded Forever Fall Forest; I didn't want to destroy Junior's club in the crossfire. As Cinder examined her surroundings, I then told her.

Silva: You have no idea who you're dealing with B*TCH, and I tire of your antics.

Cinder looked at me in pure unbridled wrath and fired back.

Cinder: No, you have no idea who you're dealing with.

Cinder made herself float with magic and produced fireballs in both her hands, getting ready to dominate me, or so she thinks. I decided to see how far I could go with just my aura and semblances because otherwise, it will end far too quickly if I use magic, and that's no fun for me anyway.

I used Flash Step to shorten the distance between Cinder and me, then landed a vibration-enhanced punch on her gut. Cinder staggered back and then looked at me furiously, then unleashed a torrent of flames at me. I sent a shockwave at her, and it parted the fire. Cinder had a shocked expression as she was knock backed once more.

I let Cinder regain her balance and noticed she was a lot calmer now. She analyzed me with a serious look on her face, and I kept a casual demeanor while being ready for whatever she throws at me. Cinder took to the air and conjured her bow of volcanic glass, then started to fire arrows at me. I dodged all of her arrows with minimal movement.

As Cinder visibly grew frustrated, I grew bored of her uninventive uses of magic as some of her arrows exploded but did no damage to me as I counter the explosions with shockwaves. I then launch myself into the air with a speed that Cinder was not prepared for and slammed her back to the ground with an ax kick.

As I let myself fall, I summoned a part of the Jotuun I faced in Solitas, the foot. Cinder was crushed beneath my giant summoned foot, and as I unsummoned it, I saw her aura flicker as she was planted into the earth. The half Maiden pulled herself out of the hole she was in, she then looked at me dirty and a little bit afraid, then asked.

Cinder: Who are you?

I laughed at her with scorn and told her with every bit of venom I could muster.

Silva: Someone you should avoid from now, do I make myself clear you pathetic excuse of a Maiden.

She looked at me in shock, revealing that I know what she is, and with a look of unwillingness and a barely hidden promise of vengeance, she replied with a hiss.

Cinder: Yes.

I smirked at her and went back home for the night.

Cinder POV


Silva POV

Several days went by as I went to Junior's club almost every night, and I did take the girls out on individual dates to make up for my absence at home. Weiss, Blake, and Ilia occasionally get into spats with one another, but I continue to point out that for Weiss, she can't influence the SDC even if she wanted to and that Weiss should not be judged for her father's actions. Speaking of her father, Willow finally succeeds in divorcing him and is now repairing Jacques's damage to the SDC image, and she even quit alcohol with Klein's help.

Winter was more than happy to take her still unconscious father to a jail cell and enjoy the weight she did not even know she had disappeared from her shoulders with him behind bars with nothing but his first name. But back to the spats between Ilia, Blake, and Weiss. As for Ilia and Blake, I pointed out that their actions were every bit racist that they despise human racists' actions against Faunus.

They tolerated each other for the time being, which is fine for now, but I hope to amend their thoughts towards each other a little sooner than in the canon.

( One Night)

Another day at Junior's club and an interesting thing happen that was different than usual. Roman Torchwich showed up asking for some extra muscle from Junior, which means he will start collecting dust for Cinder soon. As Roman left, the large doors for the club open revealing Yang Xiao Long just like in the Yellow Trailer.

I smiled to myself, and Yang went to the bar to ask for her drink.

Yang: Strawberry Sunrise, no ice, oh and one of those little umbrellas too.

I felt wry amusement at her request for a non-alcoholic drink at a club's bar, and I then greeted her as I gestured towards Junior that she's with me so that he won't start anything with her. He shrugged and went off to handle whatever business he has right now.

Silva: So Yang, what brings you here?

Yang finally noticed me and replied with a smile.

Yang: Oh, hey Silva, long time no see, and you know me, I'm just YANG-ing around.

I suppressed the urge to sigh at her pun and asked again with a bit more seriousness.

Silva: Yang, people only come to this club for two reasons, one for a good time and two for information. So which is it?

That put a damper on Yang's smile; she then told me.

Yang: I'm looking for someone.

I then asked her, already knowing the answer.

Silva: Who?

Yang took out her scroll and showed a picture of Raven, her mother.

Yang: Her.

I then gave her the information she wanted after pretending to examine the picture for a moment.

Silva: Why are you looking for Raven Branwen?

Yang looked at me in surprise and demanded with urgency in her voice.

Yang: You know her!? Where can I find her?

I raised my hand to stop her and told her.

Silva: Tell me why you're looking for her first, then I will tell you.

She grabbed the collar of my shirt and demanded with her eyed now fiery red instead of her usual lilac irises.


I calmly looked into her eyes and said nothing as her breath heaved in heated anger at my silence. She calmed down after a few minutes and asked me in a more polite tone.

Yang: Please tell me, I need to know, Silva.

I sighed and told her in a fake annoyed tone.

Silva: Fine! But you better tell me why you are looking for her afterward because looking for her is a bad idea, and I consider you, at least a friend, and I don't want you to get yourself hurt looking for her.

I huffed in fake anger and asked her.

Silva: First, what do you know about her in the first place, so I know what to work with.

Yang to a sip of her drink and told me.

Yang: Only her name, really.

I then started filling her in on Raven.

Silva: First off, Raven Branwen is the Bandit Leader for the Branwen tribe and is infamous all across Anima.

Yang looked at me in shock and denied it.

Yang: No, that's not true!

I took out an old bounty for Raven before I hacked into Mistral's law enforcement data banks and removed her from it once she started working for me and took up bounty hunting for a hobby. Yang grabbed my scroll and looked at Raven's bounty, which listed her former crimes. Yang turned pale and handed me my scroll back, then jugged the rest of her drink in one go.

Yang then asked me, looking depressed.

Yang: What else do you know?

I then told her a bit of good news to cheer her up.

Silva: Well, for starters, if rumors are to be believed, the Branwen Tribe is no more, and Raven is now bounty hunting for a living after clearing her crimes.

Yang perked up a bit after hearing that and asked.

Yang: Really?

I nodded, and Yang's mood improved some more. As I answered her other questions like where to find her, which I vaguely replied to and gave her some clues to help track Raven down, we caught up with one another, and I walked her to the hotel she is staying at, and we meet Ruby along the way. Junior owes me one for making sure his club doesn't get destroyed by Yang.

And I owe Miltia and Melanie for letting me chat with Yang uninterrupted despite them shooting me glares that asked, why are you bothering with that bimbo when we are here. I need to make it up to them; the sooner, the better.

next chapter
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