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Capítulo 2: Chapter 2


"... I accept."

And then, there was silence. The air between them seemed to thicken as Megumi observed Maruo with an expression that grew increasingly weary. Relief visibly washed over the doctor's face, softening his tense features. Maruo let out a deep sigh, his shoulders gradually returning to a neutral posture, as if the weight of the world had been temporarily lifted from him.

But for Megumi, any burgeoning confidence he might have felt quickly began to erode as the reality of his decision set in. He had just agreed to take on the responsibility of safeguarding Maruo's five daughters, a task that seemed, at best, overwhelming, and at worst, a catastrophe waiting to happen. The sheer magnitude of what he had committed to felt like a looming shadow, pressing down on him with the weight of his past failures and the fragile state of his own mind.

You're my best friend, Yuji... But you always manage to screw me over.

Doubt gnawed at him. Was he truly the right person for this job? Could he, someone who had failed so many times before, be trusted to protect them? The thought of letting Maruo down—of failing yet again—gnawed at his insides like a relentless parasite, feeding on his insecurities. What if he couldn't fulfill this duty? What if, despite his best efforts, he let those girls down as he had so many others?

Such a weakling...

But then again, Maruo was desperate. With Gojo gone, there were few people left in the world who could offer the kind of protection Maruo sought. And Megumi, sorcerer or former sorcerer, was the only one Maruo knew who might be capable of it. In the end, Megumi once again didn't really have a choice; the situation had forced his hand.

"Excellent, Fushiguro-kun," Maruo said after a brief pause, his voice carrying a mix of seriousness and relief. He reached for the other folder, the one that Megumi had barely glanced at, flipping it open. Megumi watched silently, his shoulders sagging slightly under the weight of what was to come.

"However," Maruo continued, "my daughters are completely unaware of the jujutsu world and the existence of curses." This revelation didn't surprise Megumi. He had expected Maruo to have kept his involvement in the sorcery world hidden from his daughters, shielding them from its horrors. But this also introduced a significant complication.

Maruo's voice took on a more measured tone as he retrieved an envelope and placed it in front of Megumi, who stared at it with an emotionless expression. "I ask that you refrain from disclosing your true role unless absolutely necessary," he continued. The request, while perfectly reasonable, stirred a mix of unease and frustration within Megumi. Would he really have to hide the truth? How could he possibly manage that?

If Megumi were to act as their protector, he would need to be close by, always watching over them. Yet, the thought of constantly hovering around without offering any explanation gnawed at him. It was bound to draw suspicion and questions he wasn't even allowed to answer.

But then, an idea flickered in his mind. He didn't need to be physically present all the time. As a shikigami summoner, Megumi had the ability to protect them from a distance. His shikigami could watch over Maruo's daughters without him needing to be directly involved, without him needing to socialize or be around them constantly.

In some ways, this seemed ideal. Maybe accepting Maruo's request on impulse wasn't as reckless as it initially seemed. It offered him a purpose, a way to fulfill his 'promise' to Yuji without compromising his need to stay withdrawn.

But that fragile hope was quickly shattered by Maruo's next words. "To them, you will simply be a tutor."

Silence descended once more, this time deeper and more intense. Megumi's eyes widened slightly, disbelief etched into his features as he processed what Maruo had just said.

What the fuck?

"A... tutor?" he echoed, his voice barely above a whisper, as if saying the word out loud might make it any less absurd. He looked at Maruo with an expression that teetered between incredulity and mild irritation. Was this man serious? Protecting the girls was one thing, but acting as their tutor? Playing the role of a teacher? It was absurd—utterly ridiculous. Maruo had to be joking, but the man's unyielding expression suggested otherwise.

The thought of Megumi as a tutor was almost laughable. The mere idea of taking on such a role felt insane, especially considering he had been disconnected from the academic world for two years. Even if tutoring wasn't his official job, the idea of disguising himself as one felt like the height of madness. How could he possibly be expected to fulfill that role? The very thought was laughable, if it weren't so deeply troubling.

"Nakano-san... I—" Megumi began hesitantly, but Maruo quickly raised his hand, signaling for him to remain calm.

"I understand this isn't your speciality," Maruo began, his voice steady and composed, "but I'm also aware of your intellect." He emphasized the word "intellect" as if that alone would convince Megumi that he was suited for the role of a tutor. The implication made Megumi frown, feeling as though Maruo was oversimplifying the task ahead.

Maruo retrieved the folder that Megumi had left unopened, flipping it open himself and pulling out a plain envelope. He placed it on the table in front of Megumi, gesturing for him to examine its contents. "Take a look," he instructed.

Megumi, sensing he had no choice, opened the envelope. As soon as he saw what was inside, a deep regret welled up within him—he should never have gotten involved.

Inside was a report card, detailing the academic records of the five sisters from the previous school year. Megumi's eyes widened in disbelief as he scanned the document. The results were nothing short of catastrophic.

The first quarter was a disaster, with failure dominating nearly every subject. However, the grades weren't entirely beyond redemption at that point; there was still a faint hope that things could turn around. The second quarter, unfortunately, followed a similar trajectory, showing little to no improvement. Yet, even then, there was a slim chance that a strong final quarter could salvage the situation.

But that hope was utterly dashed. The last quarter was a complete catastrophe. The results were nothing short of pathetic. Each of the sisters had failed nearly every subject, their grades plummeting to an unprecedented low, an inexplicable and steep decline from what had already been a dire situation.

This level of stupidity was beyond comprehension. He hadn't even known it was possible for someone to perform this poorly, let alone for five people to do so collectively.

He knew the twins were technically considered the same person, but still, seeing five sisters with the combined intelligence of a stone was almost laughable. How could Maruo expect him to teach them, to somehow improve these deplorable grades?

"This is..." Megumi began, staring at the paper with a barely concealed grimace. But his voice trailed off, the weight of the situation rendering him speechless.

This is deplorable.

Maruo watched him intently, waiting for Megumi to continue. When it became evident that Megumi had nothing more to add, the doctor spoke up, his voice heavy with a father's sorrow.

"As you can see, my daughters failed their previous school year," Maruo began, the weight of his words evident in his tone. "That's why, at the start of this semester, I had to transfer them to a new school so they wouldn't be held back." He paused, his tone now becoming nonchalant. "I've made sure they're enrolled at the same school as you."

... What?

Megumi frowned, shooting a glance at Maruo. Had this man really orchestrated everything in advance, even without knowing whether Megumi would agree to his proposal? The thought unsettled him. Either Maruo had an extraordinary amount of faith in him, or the man was grasping at straws in his desperation.

As these thoughts swirled in his mind, Megumi noticed another document tucked beneath the report card. Curiosity piqued, he pulled it out, revealing a photograph of five nearly identical girls. Well, almost identical.

His eyes scanned the image, taking in each of the girls' features. They appeared to be around his age, suggesting the photo was recent. Despite sharing the same facial structure, pale complexion, and dark blue eyes, their individual hairstyles and hair colors distinguished them from one another.

The first had short, tomboyish hair dyed a pearl pink. The second sported long, hot pink hair adorned with butterfly-shaped twin ribbons. The third had medium-length brown hair, with a fringe that partially obscured her left eye. The fourth wore her shoulder-length orange hair with a green ribbon, while the fifth had long red hair, punctuated by an expressive ahoge and star-shaped hairpins.

Megumi had known they were quintuplets—Maruo had mentioned them briefly during their previous conversations—but seeing them in the photograph, so similar yet distinctly different, was unsettling. The prospect of dealing with all five of them at once felt overwhelming.

He made a mental note to memorize the cursed energy emission pattern of each girl to distinguish them more easily, but the thought quickly faltered. That approach wouldn't work—twins, or in this case quintuplets, share the same cursed energy pattern...

Well, it wasn't the end of the world. As long as their hair remained dyed, he wouldn't have much trouble telling them apart.

"These are my daughters," Maruo commented, noticing the photograph in Megumi's hands. "From left to right, they are Ichika, Nino, Miku, Yotsuba, and Itsuki."

Megumi stared at the photograph a moment longer, committing each name and face to memory, even though he probally isn't going to remember it that easily. This was his new reality, a world where he was not only a protector but also a tutor—a role he was far from confident he could fulfill.

"Each of them has their specialties and difficulties," Maruo continued, his voice tinged with the hope of a concerned father. "I ask that you be patient with them."

Megumi remained silent, his expression unreadable. Patience. He'd need more than just patience to endure this new responsibility—a responsibility that felt more like a burden.

I should stop being so grumpy... He thought, grumpily.

The clock in Maruo's office read 5:34 a.m. School would begin soon. The man continued; "Considering your new responsibilities, your compensation will be ten times the standard rate: five times for tutoring and five times for protection."

Yeah, so what?

The thought barely registered, doing little to alleviate his concerns or indecision. Sure, ten times the usual rate sounded impressive on paper, but it hardly mattered in the grand scheme of things. It was just another pile of money destined to gather dust in his empty apartment.

Megumi already had more than enough to live comfortably for the rest of his life without ever needing to work again. His previous earnings as a sorcerer had been substantial, and the additional savings from the Zen'in clan only added to his financial security. The extra money Maruo offered was just that. Extra. It wouldn't fill the void inside him, and it wouldn't change the reality of what he was about to face.

The only reason he even considered taking on this job was a knee-jerk reaction to Yuji's persistent memory haunting him, along with a desperate attempt to combat the crushing sense of pointlessness in his life. Money was the least of his concerns; he already had more than he needed. What drove him was the possibility of finding some semblance of purpose, of making even the slightest difference in a life that felt increasingly meaningless.

... How melancholic.

A few moments of silence passed before Maruo spoke again, his voice gentle but firm. "So, Fushiguro-kun, may I count on you?"

Megumi took a moment to register the question before he lifted his gaze to meet Maruo's. "Is the tutoring part really necessary?" he muttered, not even trying to hide his lack of enthusiasm for the idea of teaching five girls whose intelligence he had already dismissed as pitiful.

Maruo nodded with the same calm demeanor, as if he had anticipated Megumi's reluctance. "I believe you will be able to perform both roles masterfully."

"I'm not exactly a tutor," Megumi responded, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Don't you think you should find someone more qualified for that?"

Maruo studied him for a few seconds before letting out a weary sigh. "You are the only plausible choice at the moment, and it's also a way to cover up your real work," he explained, his tone laced with a tired resolve. "I have confidence in you."

Megumi's thoughts were dark as he considered Maruo's words. You should be careful who you put your trust in, he thought bitterly. Yet, he knew that turning back now wasn't an option. He had already given his word, even if Maruo had conveniently omitted a crucial detail of the agreement.

After a brief pause, Maruo reiterated, "So, Fushiguro-kun, can I count on you?"

"... Yes, Nakano-san," Megumi replied simply, letting the photograph slip from his fingers back onto the table. He caught a glimpse of what might have been a relieved smile on Maruo's face, though he couldn't be sure if it was real or just a trick of his mind.

"Excellent. I'll release you now, Fushiguro-kun. I know you have classes to attend," Maruo said, his tone formal but warm. "I am indebted to you. You can keep me updated on your progress and that of my daughters through my cell phone number."

Megumi nodded, weariness settling into his bones as he stood and moved toward the exit. Just as he reached the door, Maruo called out to him one last time.

"You must teach them twice a week," the man said calmly, his voice carrying a sense of finality. "And you should start after school today."

Without turning back, Megumi nodded once more and stepped out into the bleak hospital corridor. He took a few deep breaths, trying to steady himself and push back the rising tide of dread that threatened to overwhelm him.

Just when I thought things couldn't get worse, they have. Now, five lives were depending on him—five lives that, in his current state, he doubted he could protect. Well, that's a shame for those five lives...

Anyway, all he could do now was return to his apartment and prepare for what promised to be a long and exhausting first day at school.


Megumi felt an overwhelming fatigue as he prepared himself for the school day ahead. The exhaustion seemed almost tripled by the weight of his own disillusionment. He had no grand expectations for the day but hoped for at least a smooth start.

He pondered the possibility that the job might turn out to be unnecessary if the security guard's death was nothing more than a tragic coincidence. Perhaps he could resign, retreat to the monotony of his life over the past few months, and avoid the additional burden of this new responsibility.

How thrilling...

As he crossed the streets in silence, the unusually cold air cut through his coat, a reminder of the chill that now seemed to permeate every aspect of his pitiful life. With nothing else to focus on, Megumi's thoughts drifted to the profound changes he had experienced over the past few months. Less than half a year ago, he had been a dedicated jujutsu sorcerer, driven by the desperate need to accrue points in a perilous game across Japan to save his sister. Just yesterday, he had been a mere student returning to school after years of absence. Today, he found himself as a covert bodyguard masquerading as a tutor. The absurdity of it all almost made him laugh. Almost.

But then again, everything felt like a cruel joke. Deep down, Megumi knew he would have to use his powers at some point, and perhaps this new role was just the beginning. Of course, returning to the jujutsu world was always an option as well, especially now with the scarcity of sorcerers following Sukuna's shenanigans. He was certain they would welcome him back with open arms, but the thought was repulsive. No way in hell he would do that.

If the jujutsu society had been a chaotic mess before, it had devolved into a complete shambles now. The special grades had been wiped out, along with Master Tengen, leaving the entire system in disarray.

So who should address this catastrophe? The higher-ups, naturally. But they were utterly incapable of remedying the situation for two reasons:

First, they were nothing more than conservative, fearful old men who hid behind younger sorcerers, showing no real desire or capability to resolve the crises.

Second, they were all dead.

Megumi wasn't entirely sure who had taken up the positions of the deceased higher-ups, but he did know of one: Yoshinobu Gakuganji. In truth, the only reason Megumi had managed to extricate himself from the jujutsu world was because Gakuganji had taken pity on him.

What he did know was that members of the three great clans had been selected—or had chosen themselves—to fill the void left by the old higher-ups. Of course, when he spoke of the three great clans, he really meant two, as the Ze'nin clan had dwindled to the point of irrelevance.

The Gojo and Kamo clans, despite their elevated status, were not cooperating to address the dismal state of the jujutsu world. Long-standing historical rivalries between the two families rendered any form of collaboration impossible.

As the nominal leader of the Ze'nin clan—a clan now reduced to just two members—Megumi theoretically should have been considered for a higher-up position. However, there were two reasons he had no intention of stepping into such a role:

First— He didn't want to.

Second— No one would heed the orders of a 16-year-old anyway.

So Megumi had chosen to remain detached from the jujutsu world's current turmoil, which significantly limited his understanding of the situation. He could always reach out to Maki, who was still active, but it had been so long since he last contacted her that he had no idea how to reach her now.

In any case, he would have willingly embraced—not really— a normal student life if not for Maruo's proposal.

His reverie was abruptly interrupted when Megumi spotted Asahi High School coming into view. The school was a large, modern, and imposing structure, its grandeur standing in stark contrast to his disinterest in the upcoming day.

Despite his lack of enthusiasm for his first day, Megumi understood that his personal feelings were irrelevant. He had a role to play, and his apprehensions did nothing to change that reality.

He quickly scanned his surroundings, noting several students milling about. Checking their uniforms to ensure he was at the right place, Megumi adjusted his backpack with a tired motion before stepping into the school.


Megumi moved through the school corridors with an air of detachment, taking in little more than the lockers and the students engaged in animated conversations. He blended effortlessly into the background, just another face among the many.

Upon reviewing the schedule, he noted that the cafeteria was bustling with students, not only during breaks but also before classes began. Many students arrived early to enjoy a more satisfying breakfast than what they might have at home.

With a few minutes left before classes were set to start, Megumi decided to head to the cafeteria. He aimed to find a spot to sit and formulate a plan for the day. His mind was already racing with possibilities as he mentally prepared for the tasks ahead.

His primary focus was to do his job effectively, setting aside any insecurities or doubts. His duty was clear: ensuring the safety of the Nakano sisters. How he would accomplish this was a matter he needed to address.

Typically, one would expect a bodyguard to be in constant proximity to their charge, but Megumi's role differed. He was not a bodyguard; he was a protector. The distinction mattered, even though the roles overlapped.

One advantage that could make this job more manageable was Megumi's ability to discreetly monitor the Nakano sisters using his technique. Despite not summoning any of his shikigami for over six months by choice, the time had come to utilize them. One of them, actually.

Rabbit Escape were ideal for this task. They could replicate, allowing him to have multiple eyes on the sisters simultaneously. Even though the rabbits were physically weak, their ability to be in multiple places at once made them perfect for ensuring the sisters' safety. By keeping them close, Megumi would always know their locations, thanks to his ability to sense where his shikigami were.

Of course, ensuring the safety of the Nakano sisters was just the beginning. This was only a starting point for his responsibilities.

As for the tutoring aspect, Megumi felt woefully unprepared. His most memorable teacher had hardly been competent, and his own lack of experience in teaching others only compounded his apprehension. But if tutoring was part of the contract, he would try to fulfill it. But his true concern was, and always would be, their protection. And it was likely Maruo shared this sentiment.

Lost in thought, he continued his path toward the cafeteria.

Upon entering, Megumi was met with a cacophony of noise: students chatting, laughing, and eating. The clamor was almost overwhelming, and Megumi winced, struggling to suppress a grimace.

The noise was unbearable, a stark contrast to the silence he had grown accustomed to. A silence broken only by the relentless ticking of a clock or the sound of his own breathing in the stillness of his room.

School life seemed far less daunting when Tsumiki had been by his side. But again, her presence had always made everything more bearable.

With a quiet sigh, he began searching for a secluded spot to sit and collect his thoughts. Avoiding the bustling canteen, he sought a solitary table.

After a brief search, he located an empty table and hurried toward it. However, just as he was about to claim his seat, a student jostled him by bumping into his shoulder, causing him to lose his balance momentarily.

"Gee... I'm sorry!" the student exclaimed. He was a tall young man with slicked-back brown hair and tan skin, his face betraying a delinquent's demeanor. "Wasn't my intention bumpin' into ya," he added, struggling to stifle his laughter.

Megumi regarded him with a dispassionate stare, quickly assessing the student's demeanor as potentially troublesome. The mockery and lack of decorum hinted at a possible delinquent.

But Megumi was no stranger to such interactions. Instead of engaging, he chose to ignore the boy and refocused on the table, which, suddenly, was no longer as empty as he had hoped.

As Megumi reached out to pull out a chair for himself, his eyebrows lifted in surprise when he noticed another student already seated at the table. More specifically, a girl. She glanced up at him, her expression carefully maintained as she set her tray down.

"I'm sorry," she said, her voice calm but firm. "But this seat is taken. Would you mind finding another table?"

Megumi studied her intently, feeling a vague sense of familiarity as if he had seen someone like her before. He quickly took in her features: long red hair, ahogue, dark blue eyes, and pale skin. Most notably, she wore a pair of distinctive stair-shaped hairpins that adorned her hair.

From his brief assessment, it was clear she was one of the Nakano sisters. He couldn't recall which one specifically—Maruo had mentioned the names of his daughters, but the details had escaped him.

He hesitated for a moment, weighing his options. The best course of action would be to ask if he could join her and try to build a rapport, which would make his future efforts more seamless. But how should he approach this situation?

Megumi realized he might be staring too intently, as her previously neutral expression was gradually shifting to one of increasing self-consciousness. Sighing internally, he decided to adopt a more considerate approach.

"I'm sorry, but it seems this is the only free table in the cafeteria," he said, trying to keep his tone as gentle as possible. While it was likely not the only available table, he thought it better to focus on the result rather than the truth. "Would you mind sharing?"

The girl hesitated for a few seconds, her initial apprehension giving way to a quick scan of the room. Indeed, no other empty tables were visible. She looked back at him, then down at her tray, clearly uncertain. After a brief pause, she finally spoke.

"Okay..." Her voice was softer now, and she took a seat with a slightly less composed demeanor. She seemed to be grappling with a hint of embarrassment.

Megumi observed her for a moment before settling into the chair opposite her. He wasn't sure if the idea of sharing a table with him was causing her discomfort or if he had simply unsettled her. Regardless, this was his chance to interact.

But then he remembered how much he'd rather avoid social interactions altogether.

Once again, Megumi found himself at a loss for what to do. He briefly studied her face before his gaze dropped to her tray, which was overflowing with an impressive array of food. It was clear that she had not skimped on her portions.

Realizing that staring was impolite, he averted his eyes, silently hoping that she would take the initiative and start a conversation.

The girl watched him for a moment before shifting uncomfortably in her chair and looking down at her food. Her eyebrows lifted in surprise when she noticed that Megumi had no tray of his own.

"Oh..." she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper. Her eyes met his, curiosity piqued. "Don't you have anything to eat?" she asked, her tone laced with genuine concern.

Megumi hesitated, momentarily unsure of how to respond. Then, he remembered something he'd once heard—conversations often start in the simplest, even silliest, ways. Maybe this was his chance to break the ice.

"I already had breakfast at home," he replied, his tone deliberately casual, though his voice trailed off awkwardly at the end. He briefly considered adding something more, but realized with a sinking feeling that he had no idea what to say next.

Well, damn it. This wasn't going as planned. He cursed inwardly at his own awkwardness.

The girl across from him continued to observe him, her expression a mix of curiosity and uncertainty. She fidgeted slightly, picking up her chopsticks and eyeing one of the shrimp on her tray. As she bit her lower lip, she seemed to wrestle with the decision of whether or not to offer him some of her food. After all, he might find it offensive, and the boy didn't exactly exude a welcoming vibe.

"Uh…" she began, glancing up at him as she tried to find the right words. Then, she seemed to remember that she didn't even know his name. "You… what's your name?"

"Megumi Fushiguro," he replied, taking the chance to introduce himself. "And you?"

She appeared momentarily surprised by his name, which seemed to carry a more feminine connotation. However, she quickly regained her composure. "Itsuki Nakano," she said, and he nodded in acknowledgment. So, this was Itsuki.

Megumi made a mental note to remember her more distinctly: Itsuki was the girl with the red hair and the distinctive ahoge.

An uncomfortable silence settled between them, growing heavier with each passing second. Megumi's expression darkened, and he couldn't help but wish he were more like Yuji, who would have known exactly what to say to break the ice.

Itsuki, in contrast, was silent not due to social awkwardness but because she was flustered. This was her first time sitting at a table with a boy, and while it wasn't the presence of a male that made her shy, it was the way Megumi's intense gaze seemed to scrutinize her. There was something about his demeanor that made her swallow nervously.

Her sisters, especially Nino, had warned her that interacting with boys would be challenging for them, given their background at an all-girls school. However, she hadn't expected that simply being in the presence of one could leave her feeling so off-balance, as if the air itself had thickened, making it hard to breathe.

Itsuki's eyes flickered up to meet his for a moment before quickly returning to her tray. She hadn't expected to encounter a situation like this on her first day at Asahi. The boy before her had a demeanor that made her feel uneasy—his striking green eyes, though beautiful, seemed almost too penetrating, as if they could see right through her. It reminded her of how she felt around her father, a feeling she hadn't anticipated experiencing here.

Though Megumi's demeanor suggested he wasn't particularly friendly, he hadn't commented on the amount of food on her tray, which hinted he might not be entirely unfriendly either. Still, Itsuki was unsure how to handle the situation.

After a few seconds of silence, it was Megumi who finally broke it. "Are you new to this school?" he asked, his tone lacking genuine curiosity but carrying the weight of a conversation starter. He already knew the answer, but it was the only topic he could think of to initiate dialogue.

Itsuki took a moment to process his question before nodding shyly. "Yes," she replied softly. "I was at Black Rose before."

Megumi gave a noncommittal hum in response. Her uniform—the black shirt, white tie, and white skirt—was distinct from the more casual Asahi uniform he wore, making it clear she was from a different school.

"I'm new here too," Megumi said casually, prompting Itsuki to glance at him with a hint of surprise.

"Really?" Itsuki asked, her eyes quickly scanning his uniform before meeting his gaze again. "Did you receive your uniform in advance?"

Megumi simply nodded, and Itsuki slumped into her chair, a bit disappointed. "I see..." Her lack of an Asahi uniform was due to her father's last-minute decision to enroll her in the school.

With that exchange, the conversation seemed to stall. Megumi sighed internally and looked away, observing the flow of students moving through the cafeteria. He heard Itsuki quietly murmur "Itadakimasu" before she began eating, but his attention drifted away from her.

Truthfully, Megumi wasn't eager to continue the conversation. He could have introduced himself as her tutor, but given their apparent similarity in age, that information might have seemed dubious to her.

He noticed that several students were casting glances in Itsuki's direction. It could have been due to her elegant uniform, her undeniable beauty, or perhaps the fact that she was consuming an unusually large amount of food. Yet, Itsuki remained absorbed in her meal, oblivious to the attention.

Megumi rested his chin in his hand, waiting for her to finish in silence. He was unsure of how to proceed and could only hope that she would take the initiative to break the ice once more.

After what felt like an eternity of silence, punctuated only by the soft clinking of Itsuki's utensils, she finally finished her meal. She wiped her mouth with a napkin and then turned her attention back to Megumi, who seemed engrossed in his own thoughts.

A pang of guilt struck her as she recorded that Megumi didn't have a tray. It was hard for her to fathom that someone could deliberately choose to deprive themselves of something as comforting and magical as food. The idea of skipping a meal was almost unimaginable to her.

Perhaps she should have been more insistent in offering him some of her food, but she worried that he might find her persistence irritating or intrusive.

"So… Fushiguro-kun," she began hesitantly, trying to reengage him. "Do you know which classroom you're assigned to?"

Megumi took a moment to recall the information before responding. "Second Year, classroom 1C," he said succinctly.

Itsuki's eyes lit up with recognition. "Oh… that's my classroom," she said, a hint of uncertainty in her voice. "It seems like we'll be studying together." She wasn't entirely sure how she felt about that prospect.

Megumi regarded her in silence, giving a brief nod. He thought that sharing the same room with Itsuki might give him a chance to observe what she struggled with and potentially help.

Just as Itsuki seemed ready to speak again, her gaze shifted to something in the distance, causing her cheeks to flush a bright red. Unbeknownst to Megumi, a girl who looked exactly like Itsuki—except with short, pearly pink hair—had walked by.

The pink-haired girl flashed a mischievous grin at their table and made a suggestive gesture towards Itsuki before strolling away. Itsuki's reaction was immediate and unmistakable, drawing Megumi's attention.

"Is something wrong?" he asked, turning to look but seeing nothing significant.

Itsuki quickly waved her hands, a little too forcefully. "No, it's nothing!" Her voice carried a note of desperation, and she swallowed hard, attempting to regain her composure.

The last thing she wanted on her first day was to be embarrassed by her older sister in front of a classmate. She cleared her throat awkwardly and tried to explain.

"It's just… just my sister," she said, her voice tinged with residual shame despite her attempt to sound nonchalant.

Sister? Which one? Megumi thought, sighing without much interest as he looked back at Itsuki. "Are you sure everything is alright?" he asked, noticing her continued discomfort.

Itsuki hesitated for a moment, then said, "Don't worry about it…" She tried to sound reassuring, though the discomfort was evident in her tone.

Before she could continue, the loud clang of the bell signaling the start of classes interrupted her. Itsuki let out a small sigh of relief and looked at Megumi with a nervous smile.

"Uh… well," she said, picking up her tray. "We should head to our classroom, shouldn't we?" The girl offered the suggestion with a hint of nervousness.

Megumi gave a slight nod, his observation suggesting that Itsuki might be easily embarrassed. He stood up, slipped his hands into his pockets, and prepared to follow her.

Itsuki cast a furtive glance at him from the corner of her eye before looking away, her cheeks tinged with a blush. "Do you know where our classroom is?" she asked, her voice tinged with embarrassment. "I… I don't think I was informed of that."

Megumi paused for a moment before responding, "I do."

Itsuki waited for further instructions, but they didn't come. A frown threatened to crease her forehead until she remembered that if she simply followed Megumi, she'd find the classroom location.

As Itsuki left her tray at the designated spot and began trailing behind him, Megumi remained silent. He wasn't sure if this awkward beginning was a good omen, but one thing was clear: he was already feeling worn out.


Stress was something Maruo knew he would have to deal with as soon as the body of one of his security guards was found in one of the pentagon's bathrooms, after all, what father wouldn't be worried when a man's dead body is found inside a bathroom stall in the same building where his precious daughters live?

This concern led him to contact Fushiguro Megumi this morning. Even though the boy was no longer involved in jujutsu, he was still the most powerful sorcerer of today (by process of elimination).

It seemed only natural to choose him as the bodyguard. The second job as a tutor served merely to cover up the Ten Shadows user's real purpose, and Maruo seized this opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. His daughters would be taught and protected simultaneously.

Of course, there was a chance this could go wrong, but desperation drove Maruo to make such an important decision so quickly. He was confident that Megumi would at least be able to prevent his daughters from getting hurt. He hoped so.

"Nakano-san?" He is brought out of his thoughts by the voice of his assistant at his office door. "Your patient has arrived. Are you busy?"

"Oh, no, I'm not. Tell him to come in."

As his assistant left to fetch the patient, Maruo took a deep breath and straightened his tie, trying to shake off the lingering anxiety. He glanced at the family photo on his desk, drawing strength from the smiling faces of his daughters. They will be fine. They need to.


Itsuki's hand hovered uncertainly over the door handle of Classroom 1C, her expression betraying a mix of apprehension and anxiety. Starting at a new school, with unfamiliar faces and an entirely new environment, was already daunting enough. Coming from an all-girls institution like Black Rose only compounded her unease about mingling with the opposite gender.

She was slowly adjusting to the idea, but the presence of boys in her school was still an unsettling change. This was partly due to her encounter with Megumi Fushiguro, who was currently observing her with an unreadable expression.

Itsuki had little experience with Megumi, and her impressions were mixed. On one hand, she found him somewhat intimidating. It wasn't just his gender; it was the sheer intensity of his demeanor. Unlike her own seriousness, which was marked by a certain warmth, Megumi's seriousness was characterized by an almost oppressive silence and terse, blunt speech.

On the other hand, he wasn't actively unpleasant or disrespectful—just distant and unengaging. Despite her initial fear, Itsuki had found that he wasn't actively hostile. Her anxiety about him had somewhat eased, though she still found his lack of warmth unsettling.

The real issue, though, wasn't entirely Megumi's fault. What concerned Itsuki more was the prospect of her sister, Ichika, out of all people, seeing her sitting with him. Ichika's reaction suggested that the next few days would be rife with teasing and provocations.

"We're going to be late for class," Megumi's monotone voice broke through her thoughts, causing Itsuki to realize she had yet to open the door.

"I'm sorry," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. Taking a deep breath, she turned the doorknob and opened the door, stepping into the classroom and bracing herself for this new chapter in her life.

She paused for a moment, adjusting her posture and donning a serious, polite expression. Megumi, on the other hand, exhibited no such pretense, walking into the classroom with a detached expression and his hands casually tucked into his pockets.

The teacher, a short, bald man with slightly oversized front teeth, immediately noticed their arrival. "Students, please welcome your new classmates," he announced, gesturing toward Megumi and Itsuki.

As the two newcomers stood at the front of the room, their contrasting expressions were unmistakable. Megumi's face remained impassive, his gaze distant as if he were elsewhere, while Itsuki tried to mask her nervousness with a neutral expression.

"Please introduce yourselves," the teacher prompted, his eyes shifting expectantly between the two.

Itsuki hesitated for a few seconds, half-expecting Megumi to step forward and speak first. When it became clear that he had no intention of doing so, she forced herself to gather the courage she needed. She straightened her posture, trying to project confidence she didn't entirely feel.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all," she began, her voice measured and polite, despite the fact that many of the students were already whispering among themselves rather than paying attention to her. "I'm Itsuki Nakano," she added, and with that, the room fell into a sudden silence.

The mention of the Nakano name seemed to command attention. Heads turned, eyes sharpened, and a heavy silence settled over the room. Itsuki felt a wave of discomfort wash over her as she realized just how many eyes were now fixed on her. Her heart skipped a beat, and she instinctively swallowed, trying to keep her composure.

"Nakano?" she heard a few murmurs ripple through the room. "Like the owner of those hospitals?" one student whispered, barely audible but clear enough to reach her ears. "She's pretty." another student remarked.

She had expected the surname Nakano to be recognized, but the intensity of the reaction still caught her off guard. Feeling the weight of their stares, she glanced back at Megumi, hoping for some unspoken reassurance, but he remained distant, not even meeting her gaze.

Realizing she was on her own, Itsuki took a deep breath and forced herself to bow slightly, despite the growing anxiety gnawing at her. "I-I hope we can get along," she stuttered slightly, the words slipping out awkwardly as she struggled to maintain her composure.

The murmurs that had filled the room continued for several seconds, a low hum of curiosity and speculation. The noise gradually faded away when the teacher cleared his throat with a deliberate sound. "Enough," he said firmly, his voice cutting through the chatter. He then shifted his gaze to Megumi. "Feel free to introduce yourself." he instructed calmly, suggesting his desire to move on from the distraction.

Megumi took a brief moment to gather his thoughts before muttering, "Megumi Fushiguro." His voice was simple and unadorned. As he spoke, Itsuki glanced at him one more time, searching for any sign of emotion, before turning her attention back to the room.

While Megumi's introduction barely registered with most of the students, there were a few sidelong glances, perhaps drawn by his undeniable attractiveness. However, these looks were fleeting and soon replaced by an undercurrent of low, dismissive comments from a group of boys.

"Megumi? Really?" whispered a red-haired boy. "That's a girl's name!" he muttered to a friend, who chuckled in response.

The comments about his name were barely audible, but Itsuki watched Megumi one last time, half-expecting a reaction. Yet, he remained impassive, as if he hadn't heard a thing. Itsuki couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy at his calmness.

The teacher, noticing the shift in focus and the ongoing noise, cast a critical eye over the class and raised his hand to signal silence. "Very well," he said, his voice firm yet composed. "Feel free to choose your seats," he continued, addressing Megumi and Itsuki.

Itsuki's gaze swept across the room one last time before it settled on two empty seats fortuitously positioned next to each other. This meant she would be sitting beside Megumi.

Her mind raced with the implications of this arrangement. On the one hand, it was reassuring that Megumi already knew her name and hadn't acted hostile. Furthermore, he was the only person she had spoken to at this school, and he hadn't looked at her in a predatory way like some people had. This was a small comfort.

On the other hand, his complete lack of response was disconcerting. His indifference left Itsuki unsure of how to engage with him or interpret his behavior. The lack of any visible reaction from him made her uneasy.

Despite this, Itsuki found it preferable to deal with someone who was merely distant rather than someone who might be inappropriate. With a nervous breath, she walked alongside Megumi toward their seats, her fingers anxiously fiddling with the hem of her skirt.

Once they were seated, Itsuki stole a quick glance at Megumi. He remained aloof, deliberately avoiding eye contact. She quickly shifted her gaze to the board, trying to ignore the occasional curious stares she continued to attract from other students. Adjusting to the presence of boys in her classroom was going to take some time.

As the class began, Itsuki arranged her materials with meticulous care, reminding herself to stay focused. She was determined not to repeat the mistakes she had made at Black Rose. Her goal was to excel academically, and she knew that achieving high grades was essential to reaching that dream.

She began arranging her materials, reminding herself to stay focused during class. She was determined not to let her past mistakes at Black Rose repeat themselves. Her goal was to excel academically, and she needed to achieve the grades necessary to reach that dream.

As the class progressed, Itsuki tried her best to pay attention, though her gaze would occasionally wander, sometimes landing on Megumi.

And, at that moment, he seemed so unaffected by everything...


Megumi was seriously affected by the looks Itsuki sent his way.

After spending months in isolation, conversing only with the illusions of his own mind, the attention from a real person felt particularly disconcerting. He couldn't shake the anxiety that perhaps his aloofness had unsettled her. The thought of having already made a negative impression on one of his future students before he even began tutoring her was unsettling. It felt like the kind of misstep only someone with his social ineptitude could manage.

On the other hand, Itsuki had not fled or seemed particularly disturbed by his presence, which made him hope he hadn't completely failed in making a good first impression.

Megumi knew that if he had indeed made a poor first impression on Itsuki, he would likely have ample opportunity to rectify it. The issue, however, was that fixing things would likely require interacting with her, a prospect that did little to excite him.

As the class continued, Megumi observed Itsuki more closely. Contrary to his initial impressions, she didn't appear to fit the profile he had expected from her grades. In fact, she seemed dedicated and serious, jotting down every detail the teacher mentioned with meticulous care, regardless of how insignificant it might seem.

This made Megumi wonder whether Itsuki had always been so committed or if she had adopted this focused demeanor after fumbling in her previous school.

Setting aside his concerns about future interactions with the Nakano sisters, Megumi turned his attention inward. He was struggling to reconcile his feelings about the school environment. Since his days studying with Tsumiki, his view of student life had soured, especially due to his experiences with bullies who preyed on weaker students.

As a jujutsu sorcerer at that time, his drive was to protect those who were vulnerable. This often led him to confront and deal harshly with troublemakers. But in this new setting, he knew he couldn't act with the same freedom.

His mind drifted back to his core philosophy. He despised those who exploited others because it was inherently unjust. The harsh truth of his philosophy was that the world was inherently unfair. If it weren't, Yuji and Tsumiki would still be alive, not him.

Megumi pushed his troubling thoughts aside and attempted to focus on the class material. However, it quickly became apparent that he didn't need to concentrate too hard—the content being covered was well within his grasp. Megumi's intellect was decidedly above average, and he had long mastered the basics being reviewed.

Instead, he shifted his attention to observing the teacher's methods, hoping to glean useful techniques he might apply when he eventually had to manage the five girls. Despite his reluctance to take on this responsibility, he recognized the necessity of preparing for it.

Well, either way, this is going to be a pain in the ass.


The class dragged on painfully slowly for Megumi, each passing minute making him feel increasingly disinterested and questioning his decision to return to student life. Everything felt dull and devoid of meaning, and with every tick of the clock, his exhaustion deepened.

He realized that his attempt to observe the teacher's methods was fruitless. The material covered was basic and uninspiring, and the teaching techniques were nothing out of the ordinary. They didn't manage to capture his attention or offer any valuable insights.

When recess arrived, Megumi opted to stay in the classroom. He had no intention of getting anything to eat, and without any money, it would have made no difference anyway.

"…Are you staying here?" Itsuki's hesitant voice broke the silence, drawing a brief, uninterested glance from Megumi.

"Yes," he replied flatly, clearly not inclined to engage in conversation.

Itsuki stared at him for a few seconds, her brow furrowing as she sensed his disinterest. The awkwardness of being ignored made her uneasy, but she couldn't summon the courage to address him directly.

After a moment of silence, Itsuki sighed heavily, deciding to leave him be. She stood up and glanced at Megumi one last time before heading toward the door and making her way to the cafeteria.

Megumi barely registered Itsuki's departure, his mind drifting through a haze of memories and thoughts. With a weary sigh, he rested his head on his arms and closed his eyes, hoping for a brief nap. He had woken up early that morning, and a bit of rest seemed like a good idea.

However, the incessant ticking of the clock soon proved a formidable obstacle to sleep. The sound was relentless, and Megumi found himself questioning whether he was simply using the noise as an excuse for his restless mind.


When the final bell rang, signaling the end of classes, Megumi stifled a sigh of relief. He gathered his belongings with a sense of detachment, slinging his backpack over his shoulder as he prepared to leave.

"Fushiguro-kun!" Itsuki's voice called out to him, halting him in his tracks. He turned to see her struggling to collect her materials, her expression a mix of frustration and confusion. "Aren't you even going to say goodbye?" she asked.

Megumi regarded her with an emotionless stare before glancing around at the students who were leaving the classroom without so much as a farewell. He couldn't quite understand why he was expected to make a fuss over saying goodbye, but he resigned himself to it.

"See you tomorrow, Itsuki," he said in a nonchalant tone, before turning on his heel to leave. The girl huffed in frustration, but Megumi was undeterred. He knew he might be brusque, but with the prospect of having to deal with her—and the rest of the Nakano sisters—frequently, he was content to enjoy his brief moments of solitude.

As Megumi made his way toward the school exit, he tried to block out the cacophony of retreating students around him. The constant clamor of footsteps and chatter was grating on his nerves, and with every passing second, his desire to be home grew stronger. The thought of the upcoming visit to the Nakano residence weighed heavily on him, amplifying his weariness.

Navigating through the sea of students, he barely noticed someone approaching until a hand clamped down on his forearm. He stopped abruptly, his eyes widening in surprise as he turned to confront the person who had grabbed him.

He was met with... Itsuki's face, and his frown deepened as he took in the sight of her distinctive hair. The girl's playful expression and the way she raised her hands in mock surrender caught him off guard.

"Calm down, I'm not a threat!" she said with a cheerful smile, clearly amused by his startled reaction.

Megumi took a moment to scrutinize her. Her hair, cut short and a pearly pink in color, seemed a bit familiar. It didn't take long for him to realize she was another Nakano, but her name eluded him.

"Do you like my hair?" she asked with a hint of mischief, twirling a strand between her fingers. "I certainly liked yours!"

He merely stared at her, his expression impassive. He was puzzled by her sudden appearance and found it hard to believe that a Nakano would approach him out of the blue. The encounter seemed too coincidental, especially given his recent interactions with Itsuki.

"Who might you be?" he asked, his tone more curious than warm.

She leaned in slightly, her grin widening. "Your sister-in-law," she said with a teasing lilt.

Megumi's frown deepened, and he could barely contain his confusion. "... What?"

Her laughter bubbled up as she pointed to herself with a flourish. "Ichika Nakano! It's a pleasure to meet you," she said, her tone light and almost disarming, which softened his frown just a bit.

So, the one with the pearly pink tomboyish hair is called Ichika.

"...Megumi Fushiguro," he responded curtly, and Ichika nodded in acknowledgment.

"Female name, huh?" she remarked with a hint of amusement, though her voice held no hostility. "It suits your pretty face~"

From her demeanor, it was clear that Ichika was a provocative and playful personality. Megumi wasn't particularly fond of that type, but he resigned himself to dealing with it.

"It's nice to meet you, Megumi-kun," Ichika greeted him warmly, her smile bright as she extended her hand for a handshake. Megumi hesitated for a brief moment before giving her hand a quick, almost reluctant shake, letting his hand fall back to his side immediately afterward.

Ichika noticed his silence, sensing his discomfort, and decided to take a more relaxed approach. She adjusted her stance, offering him a casual smile. "So... you made friends with Itsuki-chan?"

Megumi nearly winced at the word "friends." That term felt too strong, too personal. But he knew better than to voice that, so he gave a noncommittal response. "Kind of."

Ichika chuckled lightly, her gaze drifting around as if searching for her sister before returning to Megumi. "You can't imagine my surprise when I saw her sitting together with you!" she exclaimed.

So, this must be the sister Itsuki had mentioned before. That explained the unexpected encounter.

"Anyway, do you know where her classroom is?" Ichika asked, smoothly shifting the conversation. "I need to escort my little sister out of school—gotta be the responsible big sister, right?" she added with a playful wink.

So Ichika is the eldest. Not that it mattered much, but any information about the Nakano sisters might come in handy later.

"Classroom 1C," he replied succinctly, expecting that to be enough. Ichika nodded but lingered, her amused expression suggesting she was waiting for something more.

"Is that all?" she teased, her question drawing a faint sigh from Megumi as he realized she wanted directions.

He nodded forward, his voice deliberately slow as he explained, "Go straight and turn left. Third door in the hallway."

Ichika's smile widened as she gave him an appreciative nod. "Thank you, Megumi-kun~" she sang, adding a wink before turning on her heel and heading in the direction he had indicated.

Megumi watched her retreating figure in silence, then turned back toward the exit, his mind already shifting gears. Ichika and Itsuki—two down, three more to go.

Can't wait...


Anyone observing from a distance would see two nearly identical girls walking side by side, distinguishable only by their distinct accessories and hairstyles.

On the right walked a girl with hip-length reddish-pink hair that flowed freely, accentuated by her square bangs and piercing dark blue eyes. Her expression was far from friendly, a constant scowl etched into her features. But what truly set her apart were the twin butterfly-shaped ribbons that adorned either side of her head, giving her an air of defiance.

To her left was her twin, mirroring the same striking features but with a starkly different demeanor. This girl had medium-length hair of a similar red hue, though it carried a subtle brownish tint, and her expression was as blank as a mask, emotionless and unreadable. Dark blue eyes, identical to her sister's, observed the world with quiet detachment. Resting around her neck was a set of wireless headphones.

Both girls were dressed in identical school uniforms: black shirts paired with white ties and skirts, their legs clad in long black socks adorned with two white horizontal stripes near the top. The uniformity of their attire made them almost indistinguishable, save for those subtle yet telling differences.

These were Nino and Miku Nakano.

Nino's voice filled the space between them, her tone sharp and irritated as she rambled on about something that had clearly gotten under her skin. Her sister, Miku, listened in silence, her expression unchanged, as if she was accustomed to this kind of rant. The source of Nino's frustration was apparent—her first day at the new school had been far from satisfactory. If given the choice between Asahi and Black Rose, she would choose Black Rose a thousand times over. At least at Black Rose, she wouldn't have to endure the presence of boys.

"Can you believe that?" Nino fumed, her voice sharp as she crossed her arms tightly over her chest while walking alongside Miku. "He asked for my number! On our first interaction! Who does that?!" The sheer audacity of the incident seemed to have struck a deep nerve with her, her irritation palpable in every word.

"I don't know what kind of signal I supposedly gave that idiot, but there's no way he got that idea from me!" she continued, her voice escalating as she repeated her complaints over and over, unable to let go of the perceived slight.

Miku, on the other hand, was trying her best to tune out her sister's ranting, but it was impossible. She couldn't just switch off her hearing, and if she dared to slip on her headphones to drown out the noise, it would only make Nino angrier—something Miku wanted to avoid at all costs. So, she walked on in silence, enduring the tirade with the same stoic expression.

"But that wasn't even the worst part of the day..." Nino's tone darkened further, her frustration palpable. "The worst was the way they reacted when I mentioned my last name! Those whispers and stares... when I said I was a Nakano, they looked at me like I was some rare species of animal!" Her voice cracked with exasperation as she described the unwelcome attention.

Miku stopped walking and turned her gaze toward her sister, her own frustration mirroring Nino's. "You too?" she mumbled, her voice barely audible.

"Yeah..." Nino confirmed with a scowl, her irritation still evident. "A bunch of idiots were whispering behind my back!"

Miku sighed quietly, the sound almost lost in the background of Nino's ongoing complaints. She had experienced similar reactions herself from the moment she had revealed her last name. Whispers, curious glances, and even some dismissive gestures—she had faced it all, and it had been almost overwhelming.

As they neared the school exit, Nino's complaints shifted topics without losing any of their intensity. "Ebata-san is coming to take us home, and they haven't shown up yet!" she huffed, her irritation now directed at their absent siblings.

By 'they,' she was, of course, referring to their other three sisters, who were nowhere in sight. But just as if the universe had heard her mounting impatience, a third identical girl approached them, her long strides closing the distance quickly. This sister shared the same facial features as the other two but had shoulder-length red-orange hair, accented with a cute green bow that gave her a cheerful appearance.

"Heeey!" the newcomer called out excitedly as she reached them, her voice bubbling with energy. "Sorry I'm late! I was helping a teacher with some paperwork! And then I passed by the cafeteria and saw the janitor cleaning up a puddle of juice that a student spilled. I couldn't just leave an elder to do that alone, so I stayed to help—"

"Enough, Yotsuba." Nino raised her hand, cutting her sister off mid-sentence with an exasperated gesture. "You saved the world again. Who cares? Let's just wait for the other two in silence!" she said, her tone a mix of impatience and dismissiveness.

Miku couldn't help but narrow her eyes at her sister's hypocrisy. It's not so enjoyable when you're the one stuck listening to the yapping, is it?

The interruption left the newly arrived sister, Yotsuba, momentarily deflated, her enthusiasm visibly waning under Nino's dismissive tone. Her face fell into a pout, and she began to protest, "Aw...but—"

"No buts!" Nino snapped, cutting off any further attempt at explanation.

Miku rolled her eyes at the familiar interaction. This was nothing new. As her gaze wandered, she spotted the last two sisters approaching. Ichika and Itsuki walked side by side, though it was clear something had transpired between them. Itsuki was hiding her face in her hands while Ichika walked with a sly grin, clearly up to something.

Miku's eyebrows raised slightly as she observed them. It was only their first day at the new school, and it seemed Ichika had already found a reason to tease Itsuki.

As Ichika drew closer, her grin widened, and she called out to the group, her voice dripping with amusement. "Hey, Itsuki found a boyfriend!"

The accusation made Itsuki groan in frustration, her face flushing red as she pulled her hands away from her face to defend herself. "It's a lie!" she shot back, her voice full of exasperation. She turned on Ichika, jabbing a finger into her older sister's chest. "Ugh, you got it all wrong!"

No matter what explanation Itsuki tried to offer, Ichika's smile only widened, clearly reveling in her sister's distress. The amusement that lit up her face was in stark contrast to the sudden shift in Nino's demeanor, whose attention snapped immediately toward the newcomers.

"A what?!" Nino exclaimed, her voice tinged with disbelief as she glanced between Ichika and Itsuki. "A boyfriend? Are you kidding me!?" She marched over to Itsuki, her eyes blazing with protective fury.

"Oooh, really!?" Yotsuba's reaction was the complete opposite of Nino's. Her face broke into a wide grin as she bounced over to Itsuki, though her enthusiasm was driven by a different kind of excitement. "That's awesome! I'm soooo happy for you!" she exclaimed, wrapping Itsuki in a bear hug, her joy bubbling over.

"No, no, no! I don't have a boyfriend! I barely know him!" Itsuki tried to clarify, but Yotsuba's grip was so tight that her words came out strained, her breath hitching. "Uhh, Yotsuba! I can't... breathe!"

Yotsuba quickly let go, her expression turning sheepish as she realized what she'd done. "Oh! I'm sorry... I got a little carried away," she apologized with a nervous smile.

Itsuki huffed in frustration, then turned to Ichika, pointing a finger accusingly at her chin. "And you, shut up!" she demanded, though her attempt at anger only made her look more flustered.

Meanwhile, Nino's fists clenched tightly at her sides. The thought of a boy—any boy—getting close to her precious little sister was too much for her to bear. "Who is he?!" she demanded, gripping Itsuki's shoulders and forcing her to meet her gaze.

"I'm serious, Nino! I barely even talked to him!" Itsuki protested, trying to wriggle free from her sister's firm hold.

Nino narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "That doesn't matter! If he's a boy, I need to know who he is. Is he from this school?"

"Of course he is. Where else would he be from..." Miku muttered under her breath, her quiet voice barely cutting through the tension.

Ichika, not missing a beat, chimed in with a teasing grin. "He's suuuuuper handsome! You should at least give him a chance, Itsuki."

Itsuki's frustration only deepened as she clenched her teeth, glaring at Ichika. "You haven't even seen his face!" she snapped back.

"Who said I didn't?" Ichika's mischievous grin only deepened, causing Itsuki's eyes to widen in shock.

"You... you..." Itsuki stammered, her face draining of color as realization hit her. "You talked to him!?"

Ichika giggled, her expression one of pure amusement. "Jealous, are we?" she teased, her tone light but with an undercurrent that only further rattled Itsuki.

Itsuki's face flushed an even deeper shade of red as she struggled to maintain her composure. "Are you really going to embarrass me in front of a classmate on the first day of school!?" she snapped, her voice rising in pitch as her frustration boiled over. "Give me a break, Ichika!"

Ichika raised her hands in a gesture of surrender, though her expression was far from serious. "Woah, calm down!" she said, still smiling. "I just introduced myself to him, no big deal~"

"You—" Itsuki was on the verge of launching into another tirade when Yotsuba gently placed a hand on her shoulder, pulling her away from Ichika's teasing grasp.

"Calm down..." Yotsuba murmured softly, her voice soothing as she tried to diffuse the tension. "She's just teasing you."

"She always does that!" Itsuki protested, her glare fixed on Ichika, who merely laughed in response, clearly enjoying the situation. "She dragged me out of my classroom and pestered me about it the whole way here!"

"Calm down, don't be so mean to me~" Ichika said with feigned hurt in her voice, though the playful grin on her face undermined any sincerity. "You're going to hurt your big sister's feelings!"

Nino, however, wasn't about to be distracted by Ichika. Her eyes narrowed as she leaned closer to Itsuki, her voice dropping to a menacing whisper. "You still haven't told me who he is. Spit it out."

Itsuki gulped, the intensity of Nino's stare making her fumble over her words. "...He...uh..." she began, but Nino's piercing gaze only made her falter more, her confidence crumbling.

"Nino..." Miku interjected softly, her tone carrying a hint of exasperation as she gave her sister an unimpressed look. "Do you really think Itsuki would find a boyfriend on the first day of school?" She didn't seem to take the entire situation seriously, her calm demeanor contrasting sharply with Nino's agitation.

"Well, she's pretty, isn't she?" Nino shot back, crossing her arms defensively. "No matter how much she eats..." she added in a lower voice, hoping Itsuki wouldn't catch it—but she did.

Itsuki's face flushed with a mix of anger and embarrassment, her eyes narrowing into a fierce glare. "Hey!" she protested loudly. "I don't eat too much!"

"You do." Miku replied matter-of-factly, not even bothering to look up from whatever was occupying her attention. Her blunt response hit Itsuki like a slap, making her squeal in indignation.

Itsuki's hurt expression only deepened as she turned to Miku, her voice tinged with betrayal. "Miku!" she exclaimed.

Miku merely shrugged off Itsuki's frustration. It was clear this conversation wasn't going anywhere productive.

Their bickering was abruptly silenced by the sharp blare of a car horn.

The Nakano quintuplets turned their heads in unison toward the sound, their gazes locking onto a sleek limousine idling just outside the school gates. Behind the wheel sat an elderly man with neatly parted gray hair, his warm, welcoming expression seeming to beckon them home.

"Ooh! Ebata-san is here!" Yotsuba exclaimed with her usual enthusiasm. Without wasting a moment, she grabbed hold of Itsuki's and Miku's hands, her boundless energy propelling her sisters along with her. "Let's go home!"

Miku and Itsuki exchanged resigned glances, their earlier frustration melting away as they allowed themselves to be pulled along. Yotsuba's infectious energy was difficult to resist, even after a tiring day.

As they approached the limousine, Nino's protective instincts kicked in once more. She cast a wary glance at Itsuki, her concern still evident. "Just remember, if that boy tries anything—"

"I know, I know," Itsuki interrupted, rolling her eyes in mild irritation. "You don't have to keep reminding me."

Despite Nino's persistent warnings, the idea of Megumi doing anything inappropriate hadn't even crossed Itsuki's mind. Though she had barely spoken to him, she could already sense that he wasn't the type to step out of line.

Ichika, however, couldn't resist one last jab, nudging Itsuki with a mischievous smirk. "Maybe you should ask him to sit with you again tomorrow."

Itsuki's face flushed with a mix of frustration and embarrassment, her voice coming out in a sharp, strained hiss. "Stop it!"

Yotsuba giggled, trying to defuse the situation. "Come on, let's not ruin the ride with more talk about boys!"

Itsuki huffed in annoyance, while Ichika's grin only widened, clearly relishing her sister's discomfort. As they climbed into the luxurious vehicle, Ebata greeted them with his customary gentle smile. "Welcome back, ladies. How was your first day?"

There was a moment of silence as the sisters hesitated, each lost in their thoughts. Their experiences with their classmates had been far from ideal, and it was clear that none of them had enjoyed the day.

That is, except for one sister.

"It was fine!" Yotsuba exclaimed brightly, her face alight with a cheerful grin that contrasted sharply with the other sisters' expressions.

"Fine?" Nino echoed, her voice tinged with disbelief as she crossed her arms. "You call it fine when your sister's being harassed about a supposed boyfriend?"

Miku sighed and shifted her gaze out the window of the limousine, her headphones slipping on as she sought refuge from the conversation.

Ebata-san chuckled softly, his weathered hands steady on the steering wheel as he started the engine. "Ah, the joys of school life..." His voice held a hint of nostalgia, as if he were recalling his own distant memories.

As the limousine smoothly pulled away from the school, Itsuki found herself staring out the window, her thoughts drifting far from the playful banter of her sisters.

How could she sum up today? Problematic, definitely, and strange. She wasn't sure if it was the best start to the school year, but she couldn't say it was all bad either.

Nino, however, wasn't quite ready to let the matter drop. She shot a few sidelong glances at Itsuki, her curiosity clearly still piqued. Leaning closer, she began to whisper, "You—"

"CUT IT!" Itsuki snapped, her voice sharp and tinged with impatience. All of Nino's probing about the 'boy' was starting to grate on her nerves.

Nino huffed in response, her expression one of reluctant acquiescence as she crossed her arms. She settled back into her seat, choosing to remain silent.

And with that, the conversation among the Nakano sisters came to a close.

For now.


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