Shang Tian looked towards the dazzling Red Moon above the sky as his surroundings were utterly silent.
On each side of his body were two people, one was his best friend Theo
Theo was a dark skinned man who was always thinking about food while keeping a bright smile on his face, instead now he was lying on the floor while his eyes were eternally closed.
On the other side was the Human-proclaimed Goddess of Wisdom and Shang Tian's best friend, Veronica, an American girl who had silver hair and sparkling eyes.
She was always the one who calmed down the fights in the group, a girl who struggled in her training with her sword and who had promised that after this battle everyone would go for a drink later
Yes, childish words ... Childish when they themselves knew they were about to fight the Demon Generals
But were they really not allowed to dream? They dreamed of defeating the demons and saving humanity
They who were called the Five Human Emperors, sadly two of their members died and they were also following them now.
"Don't you think it's sad?"
A soft voice was present at this moment as a night-black haired girl materialized in front of Shang Tian.
Dazzling jet black hair and a jet black dress, dark eyes that housed stars, and huge dark feathered wings
"Humanity gave everything to win, since the arrival of the undead beings, Monsters and Spirits, you humans created all kinds of miracles to ensure your survival"
The dark-winged woman was watching Shang Tian with a soft smile as she continued with her words.
"Few of you grasped the sense of 'Dao', making great strides, they became so strong that they soon managed to eradicate those Monsters and Spirit ... Unfortunately for you the Demons were interested in your Earth, how unfortunate"
Even while her tone sounded melancholic, the smile on her face didn't fade, it was as if this situation had nothing to do with her.
Shang Tian stared at her blankly as his heart stopped beating over time, in his eyes that woman was present at all times
When Shang Tian died that woman looked at her body before diverting her gaze to that Red Moon
"Humans ... will your future change with this?"
When he finished his words, his body became particles before disappearing into the night sky.
The Demons who won the War let out screams as they raised their weapons
Oriental China University
A twenty year old man was looking towards the Campus as he clung to his weak body, his pale countenance was turning color as he breathed slowly
The sweat on his body fell with every breath, his muscles contracted from the pain were easing.
But his thoughts were racing
"Did I get back? ..." Shang Tian muttered to himself as he looked at his chest
There in the center of his chest was a tattoo of a Dark Dragon
"HA ... HA..HAHA!" Inadvertently Shang Tian started laughing
He couldn't help it, this tattoo on his chest was actually about the Inheritance of the Dark Dragon
One of the requirements to be able to cultivate them was to have the opportunity to experience the cycle of Life and Death
However, how could a human experience the Life and Dead cycle? Only the Phoenix were the ones who revived from the ashes, not humans ...
But miraculously, Shang Tian defeating a Demon General managed to rip an Immortal Tool from him, the Spear of Space-Time.
This Spear allowed the user to reverse the wounds on the body of its bearer, granting the possibility of using the Life Cycle and dying at will.
"Why did I go back to the past? I used a lot of my power?"
Yes, Shang Tian was confused, why did he go back to the past? Even if the Lance was an Immortal object ... could it really make it go back to the past?
If so, why did that Demon General still die at my hands ...?
Confused, he looked at his surroundings clearly and then inspected his body, detecting no abnormalities except
"Did I lose my Life Energy? I have really gone back to the past and even my Cultivation disappeared"
The only thing that remained in evidence that comes from the Future was his thoughts
Frowning he sat on the ground while trying to integrate some Vital Energy into his body.
But he couldn't gather anything
"There is still no Vital Energy within this world, if things follow the rules then it will take a year for it ..."
Averting his gaze from the window to the clock on his table, he managed to visualize that it was six thirty in the morning.
Just thirty minutes from the Great Cataclysm
The Start of the Great Cataclysm claimed countless lives, the undead drove humanity to despair which caused large-scale murder, robbery and rape.
Humanity was destroying itself, that happened until some of the humans decided to stand up and eradicate the Zombies by themselves.
But that was far away now, Shang Tian frowned at his surroundings, his chances of get a weapon inside the University were zero.
Looking at her slender arms, she sighed, her body at this time was too weak as it could defend itself from two to four of the no-dead beyond that it would be suicide.
"At least there is still the escape with Professor Arima"
Yes, in his previous life he managed to survive because he met Professor Arima who managed to save sixteen students
"... If I follow Professor Arima's escape plan to the letter it means that I will be able to save myself, but Joe will try to take the lead by having Professor Arima die saving that young lady"
Thinking to himself, Shang Tian was formulating an escape plan from the university, however time was gold.
The sound of the clock was present as Shang Tian watched that now there are only five minutes to go
Sighing as he patted his thighs, he went to his closet from where he took out a red sweatshirt
He put on gloves and boots before standing in front of his bedroom door
"... We will come back to this"
I will continue it if I see comments
When Shang Tian opened his bedroom door only silence was in the air
But he was very aware that this silence was only the warning of the approaching storm, without waiting long, a bloodcurdling scream could be heard throughout the hall
Yes, the zombies had already made their first victim inside the male dormitory
Without wasting time he ran to the right where the stairs were
"Shang Tian where are you headed?"
"What about your clothes?"
"Damn what was that scream?"
The dormitory doors each opened, inevitably many of the male students saw Shang Tian run towards the stairs
Even so, Shang Tiang didn't stop, he knew that every second was important.
As for saving these people?
Even right now he was aware that saving himself was the best plan.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
"What the hell?!"
"What is happening?!"
The sound of gunshots suddenly echoed when Shang Tian was coming down the stairs, without hesitation someone had fired at the Zombies
The unfortunate thing was "Shit, I didn't make it on time!"
Shang Tian couldn't help but mutter with rancor, his plan had been to go down to the ground floor to steal the gun from the student who had started the shooting.
Yes, in his previous life a student who was the son of an Officer had a weapon in his possession and thus managed to defend himself from the first zombies
Unfortunately that was what happened next ...
"Argh! Help!"
"No! Ryuji!"
"Somebody help him!"
Yes, due to the shots the zombies around were attracted
A dull sound resounded as a muscular man in the hallway of the male dorm slammed a bat over the head of one of the zombies.
This student was Cheng Yuan, a man from the track team and a survivor from his previous life.
"EVERYONE! Behind me, go upstairs, now you can fight, take what you can as weapons!"
Without hesitation Cheng Yuan gave orders as he tried to ward off the remaining Zombies
His muscles were bulging while his physical condition surpassed the first Wave of Zombies, without a doubt he was invincible in his current state
"In my past life, Cheng Yuan managed to get out of college alive by gathering a small group and a few months later he established an Anti-Zombie Shelter ..." Shang Tian muttered to himself while frowning
While escaping with Cheng Yuan might save him brief troubles, he was actually more interested in escaping with Professor Arima.
Did he want to save Professor Arima when Joe tried to take the Leadership? That was a clear no
Only among Professor Arima's Group was someone that Shang Tian was quite interested in.
Without hesitation, he jumped on the railing of the stairs while he passed quickly among the zombies.
"What the hell are you doing? -S-shit!"
Someone inevitably screamed as Shang Tian launched himself towards his own suicide.
But the following words will stay in his throat as man witnessed the following actions
A zombie pounced on Shang Tian, even so without showing fear, Shang Tian moved slightly to the side and managed to dodge while grabbing the arm of the Zombie on his left.
As if it were an Aikido demonstration, breaking the Zombie's arm before launching it into the air in a 360 degree turn.
The first Zombies barely had the strength of adults, their intelligence was a definite zero
Therefore overwhelming them with techniques was more than enough, Shang Tian immediately jumped back before sending a side kick to the legs of a zombie causing him to lose his balance.
Without hesitation he ran through the bedroom doors, his escape was successful
But the real dangers were outside, although the Zombies were a little weak and without intelligence if there were many even for Shang Tian it was undoubtedly dangerous
"Expect us!"
"Don't leave us here!"
The students who witnessed Shang Tian's movements tried to ask for his help, yet he ignored
They had Cheng Yuan with them, so why save them himself?
Also, although Shang Tian managed to defeat the Zombies, he could not kill them, after all he did not have any blunt or sharp objects with himself.
While Shang Tian was running around the campus he could observe many students running towards their cars or some struggling to survive.
Some were even already being eaten by small groups of Zombies and among those there were those who have just turned into Zombies.
"No ... No! Help me!"
"Yuji run now, I can't take it anymore!"
The screams sounded everywhere, Shang Tian was running towards the Teachers area where he could see how a cute girl ran from the corner of the building
His steps were hurried and his face was pale in his hands she carried with him a small bag
"Help me, Shang Tian!"
Shang Tian looked at her carefully as he made his way towards her, save her?
Although many years had passed since this event happened in her memory, she was still just as beautiful.
The most beautiful girl in Arts at the University, undoubtedly in the Golden Age many men courted her
Now why was she alone?
It was at that moment that hurried footsteps were heard and in the same corner from where that girl came five zombies came running
"Uh ..." Shang Tian frowned as he moved slightly to the right.
At that moment the beautiful girl passed by her side, she did not stop as she kept running desperately
Shang Tian felt somewhat laughable before sighing, after making that decision to decide to help her ... Was she thinking of leaving him like this?
"Isn't she a bit of an idiot?" Shang Tian taunted before he zigzagged through the zombies without touching them.
The zombies were chasing that girl, because Shang Tian did not make any sound or contact with the zombies they only felt a small breeze by her side
Inevitably they kept running after that girl
Shang Tian did not look back and only ten seconds later he could hear the screams of that girl
He regret? No, Shang Tian was not going to be the savior of any ungrateful
Maybe that girl thought it was impossible that Shang Tian could fight five Zombies but run and leave him behind without even saying anything ...
Wasn't she an opportunist?
"... Wait" Shang Tian stopped abruptly on his way
There were no zombies around him, but something puzzled him
"She was running from the Teachers' area? So where is Arima?
If he wasn't remembering badly, Arima was supposed to have been running down this desolate corridor for five minutes.
"Unless ... Did I get ahead of myself?"
Yes, Shang Tian had left just before the first infected showed up inside the Dorm.
Didn't that mean that Arima was still trying to get the students out of her classroom?
Frowning, Shang Tian was undecided where to head was at that moment when a muffled sound echoed
It was the brakes of a car and the crash of something hitting the metal
Shang Tian averted his gaze only to find himself as a white bus crashed into the metal gate of the University
Their driver was ... Arima?
How was it possible?
It was at that moment that Shang Tian fully remembered how Arima's group in his previous life managed to get away with two cars.
Yuji? That name rang in Shang Tian's mind before he realized
Yuji, that student was the one in charge of the maintenance of the university bus ...
Did Arima team up with Yuji to escape? But why do sudden change?
What changed the sequence of events?
"It just can not be ...!" Shang Tian looked back and remembered that girl
Without hesitation he went where he had come from to find only the five bodies of the Zombies lying on the floor.
That girl was nowhere ...
"She ... did she steal all the keys?"
Shang Tian was silent, in his previous life when Arima took the group to look for the car keys they only found two keys present
So it turned out that even in this life this girl was the one who took all the keys
Does this mean that while Shang Tian was heading towards the staff room ...
Arima was always behind him with his group but he ran into that girl by chance after Shang Tian managed to buy him ten more seconds of life
Did Arima and that girl decide to form a group?
"Am I not screwed? No ... There are still two keys left and if I can get them I can escape now"
Shang Tiang was somewhat annoyed because it is assumed that within Arima's current group there was a girl Feng Lin who would become an excellent cultivator in the future.
His idea was to put her on his side but now he had lost the opportunity
Sighing to himself, he decided to head towards the teachers' room, it was better to hurry before the university filled with zombies or his escape would be his death.
Inevitably in his career he had to hit some Zombies and leave them lying, it was annoying not being able to kill them
If he tried to beat them to death, he would lose time and attract many more, without a doubt he would get into trouble.
"Move! Don't fall behind now!" A male cry was present within the hall
Shang Tian was able to observe a small group of ten in the distance who were running out of the staff room.
"Shang Tiang? Are you still here?" Cheng Yuan the leader of the group recognized Shang Tian from a distance
Shang Tian looked at them before sighing slightly "I guess they've taken the last of the keys, haven't they?"
"Sorry but we really need these two cars, we are ten people and even then we don't have enough seats for us therefore ..."
"Don't worry, I'm not going to fight you for it." Shang Tian waved his hand while rubbing his shoulders.
His escape plan backfired, not only did he run senseless all the way, but now he also lost the opportunity to get a car to drive away.
Wasn't this himself shooting himself in the foot?
Cheng Yuan watches Shang Tian carefully before feeling relieved
Although he trusted himself to defeat Shang Tian, he did not want to be the cause of the death of a human being.
"We're seriously sorry ..." Cheng Yuan apologized again before patting Shang Tian's shoulder and quickly leaving.
The other members of the group looked at Shang Tian with different expressions, some had pity, others mocked
After all, Shang Tian escaped without helping them before.
By the time they left the place, Shang Tian observed his surroundings and there really was no key left, looking at the university cameras he could see that the population of zombies had grown exponentially.
Would it really be possible to escape from this place now? "
In this novel there will be SYSTEM
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