He had been reading a lot and his head hurt. A lot. Very, very majorly. So, much, reading. He had gotten up to four hours, three uses, and the ability to cancel uses whenever. He had been struggling with motivation.
He was currently using chains that were strewn up to lift the safe up into the air. The safe was heavy as shit, as it was f**king *massive*. He got it in as Phoebe started bounding down the stairs. "Max, what are-" She paused.
He turned, still holding the safe up in the air where it originally was. He had to use a lot of telekinesis focus to even get it down here. "Yeah, Phoebe?" He asked.
He was sweating and shirtless, showing off the scabs on his arms and shoulder. He was confident that his shoulder was going to scar, and he didn't want to explain it to anyone, so he would have to stick with either t-shirts or jackets/hoodies over his sleeveless shirts.
She paused, looking at what he was picking up then around at his mess of a room. Finally, her eyes trailed back to him and they went up his newly toned arms. During some of his downtime he exercised, and it was paying off well. Plus, all of the physical work he had been doing recently definitely contributed.
She took a minute, and was he hallucinating or did she just *lick her lips-* then finally asked, "What are your plans next Saturday?"
Max paused to take a minute. He still held the chains, though they relaxed and it slipped. He tightened his hold to stop it, before raising it back up with a grunt. "That entirely depends on what you're about to ask me." He responded.
Phoebe shuffled her feet. "Me, Tara and Cherry were going to go watch a movie next Saturday and we were wondering if you would want to come with. But if you're going to be busy with... whatever you're doing... I'm sure everyone will understand."
Max took a minute to process, while Maxie asked, "'Tara is really going to go with them? Is she lying?'"
Max mentally shook his head. "'No. Phoebe wouldn't lie about something I can easily disprove. Tara is going. But to keep up appearances...'"
"Tara's going?" The brunette questioned his twin.
The girl shuffled her feet. "Yeah. I talked it over with her this morning. It's going to be an action movie."
He hums. "Sure. I'll go. I'll clear my schedule." He said then raised his fingers up to pivot the safe to where it would be lowered.
Phoebe grinned lightly. "Alright. I'll go tell them. You'll love it. I promise." She then bounds up the stairs excitedly, while he watches her out of the corner of his eye.
"'What did you just sign up for?'" Maxie asks.
"'Something I might regret. Now shut up and let me focus. This thing is heavy.'"
Max was sitting in a chair, kicked back with his feet on the table. He was currently brainstorming ideas, and he drifted to experimentation. What if he created a serum that was basically this worlds super soldier serum? He was certain nothing had been done. He could probably even do it without the need for the superpower plant.
The trick was finding the right materials. That was all he needed, and he would be able to become this worlds Captain America. It could be fun.
And yeah, that would be the only reason he would do it. Because it would be fun, the process would be a real trial to get right and he knew eventually, he would be successful. Because unlike every other Marvel scientist, he would have test subjects. Not monkeys or anything with a large brain. A rat, possibly.
Max was seriously considering doing it. Sure, it might seriously mess with the flow of certain show elements... but it was a Nickelodeon sitcom. He could get away with it.
Hank walked in, and looked at his wife who was at the bar before looking at his three children present at the table. Billy and Nora were at the bar end, away from his boots, which were coated in mud.
He had been sneaking out a lot more to explore, whether it be the thousand parks or breaking into various buildings to get materials.
He never robbed monetary places like jewelry places or anything like that. Why would he? He was currently up in the triple digits all due to scamming billionaires. It was beyond easy. God, billionaires were dumb as hell.
"Morning, Thunder-fam." Hank greeted, and Max didn't look up. The others greeted him, but Max just took a bite of his cereal. The man walked to his youngest son, and held up to baseball gloves. "Hey, Billy, I found our gloves, huh? How about a little catch with the old man?"
Billy frowns. "No, thanks, dad. Last time, you kept throwing the ball over the wall."
"So?" Hank asks.
Max speaks, "When it's the Great Wall of China, it becomes a problem." Then he goes back to his cereal, getting done with the last solid pieces and leaving just cereal left.
Billy moves to the bar next to their mother while Hank looks dejected.
Phoebe then walks into the kitchen, happy. Barb turns to look at her eldest child. "Oh, there's my freshman class president." She greets.
Phoebe scoffs. "I haven't won yet, mom. But I will once everyone sees this t-shirt." Phoebe pulls out her shirt and shows the same motto as the original episode.
"Don't be dweebs, vote for Pheebs." Barb reads out.
Max hums. "Vote for Phoebe, this shirt's a freebie would have been better." Max tells her, and she facepalms.
"It would have." She groans. "You couldn't have told me that last week?"
"You didn't bring it up last week, genius." He throws back at her.
Phoebe nods with a hum. He made a good point. "Anyway, I made enough for everyone." Phoebe pulls a shirt out, this one being sleeveless for an odd reason and then a bow. "Max gets no sleeves, and Nora gets a bow."
Nora frowns. "My scalp is not a bus bench." Max raises an eyebrow at his little sisters words, while Phoebe just gives her a look. "But that is one sweet bow." She grabs it and starts looking it over.
Barb smiles at her daughter. "Well, I am so excited for you, phoebe. I know you've been dreaming about this day forever."
Phoebe, who is very happily, replies, "I know. I wanna become the voice of my generation and go down as the greatest freshman president in the history of Hiddenville High."
Max pipes in with a a very direct question. "What about your job? How will you balance president and work? Or training with dad? And let's say you can still balance all of that, how will you actually make the school better? I can bet you don't tackle the real problems." Max said.
Phoebe crossed her arms. "Like?"
He hums, putting the bowl down and swiveling to place his feet on the ground, body now facing her. "The toilet paper sucks. We need better. The janitor wipes the stairs during school hours which causes a lot of students to slip and hurt something. And the problem with the lunch lady is clearly her beard, not the hairnet."
Phoebe shuffles her feet, while the family watches. "Anything else you want to mention? Ideas?"
Max hums, then stands up while grabbing his bowl. "Yeah, actually." He starts walking away, dumping the milk in the sink when he gets there. "Make the mascot funner to be around. The guy in the suit doesn't seem to be having fun, *at all*, and it affects everyone. It would increase school spirit."
Phoebe had taken a notebook pad out, and wrote down the idea. "How would you do that, specifically?" She questioned.
Max turned around after dropping his bowl in the sink, and leaned back against the counter.
It seemed in this version of things, Phoebe was willing to listen to Max more. She was actively asking him what she should do to make it better, and she was taking notes. "Give him a skateboard. The guy in it skates as a hobby. It's how he gets to school. Being allowed to skate in the hallway is too fun to pass up, and he would get a boost in energy, and he would be spreading that energy to others. Give the outfit a skater makeover too, it would help the change go over easier."
Phoebe hums, writing fast before looking back up at her twin. "What else?"
"Put textbooks online. Let them bring their phones, or tablets, or even laptops to school and let them look at the textbooks there. Cherry nearly falls over every time she puts her backpack on." Max tells her, crossing his arms as he stares at her.
"Anything else?" The girl asks, still scribbling furiously and not even looking up at him.
"Smoothie machine. Replace the vending machines with smoothies and people will be more inclined to eat healthier because it tastes better." Max spoke simply. Did he rob the ideas directly from the show and recycle them? Yeah. Yes, he did. But this version of Max never thought of it, and neither did Phoebe, so technically it was Max's idea.
The girl bites her lip as she gets done. "Okay... is that all?" She asks, looking back up at him.
"Yes. And I'm not asking you questions during the presentation, as long as you try to better the school in an actual way instead of going for gimmicks, you'll get it." Max grabbed his backpack off of the back of his chair, grabbed the campaign shirt she made for him, then walked out of the door.
He didn't bother watching her speech. It would have been cringey and would have gone on for far too long. Instead, he met up with Tara in the parking lot. She grinned at him, and planted a chaste kiss on his lips when she saw him.
"Hey, M." She greeted.
"T." He greets, then nods towards her car. "Mall?" He asks.
She shakes her head. "No. No time. I have thirty minutes to be home, and if I don't, my parents will send a security detail after me. They will also follow me for like, a week, so." She adds.
"Then why'd you want me to meet you here?" Max asks.
"Car sex. Duh." She grins, then opens the backseat, laying back. She was wearing a skirt with stockings, and a black crop top that showed off her toned stomach.
He raises an eyebrow. "Car sex? Really?" He questioned.
She raised her skirt to show off the fact that she wasn't wearing any panties, which he kind of expected. She probably showed up today with the expectation that this was how it was going to go.
"'Wha-'' Maxie starts, but gets muted. He leans forward and presses his tongue against her center, making her head tilt back. She brings in a deep breath, hissing through her teeth at the sudden pleasure. He drags his tongue down against her folds, slipping it into her midway through the drag.
He feels her tighten around his tongue, and he is vaguely aware that the door is still open where he's leaning, and if they're caught, especially on school property, they might never see each other again.
That doesn't slow down his tongue, in fact, it makes him speed up as he feels himself swell against the front of his pants. It pressed, and caused a twinge of pain to shoot through him but he was busy focusing on her.
She breathes quite heavily, moving fingers to his hair to grip, and he's reminded that he has to cut it if he wants to keep it under control. He would need to shave down the sides, but he might let the top grow out a bit more to lean against the side.
She tastes sweet, he also notes, brain spinning in overdrive. Kind of citrus-y though, like an orange. But he didn't hate it, it was a good taste. He couldn't really get enough.
He brought his tongue up to hit her clit, hitting it quickly, with got a hitched breath. The brunette dove back down and forced his tongue to slip inside of her folds and explore her cavern, before pulling back out. He shifted it up to her clit, circling it with his tongue before he puts his mouth on it.
He sucks, making her grip tighten exponentially as he sucks on her most sensitive spot. She feels herself approaching the end, and is ready. He keeps going, adding his tongue to his sucking and making her spill over.
She orgasms, spilling herself into his mouth which he laps up quickly. He huffs as he pushes himself up, and she leans forward before grabbing his jacket. She pulls him forward and connects their lips, slipping her tongue into his mouth which he presses against her own.
She breaks away after a few minutes, pushing at the lapels on his jacket to get it off. "Door." She states hurriedly, pushing it down his arms, revealing them.
He gets his arms free and moves to the door, grabbing the handle and pulling it closed, moving back over her. The redhead reaches a hand up and ghosts said hand over the scabs on his arms. She smirks.
"Let me guess, Cherry felt a little too good?" She questions, looking up at him, for some reason not mad.
Max raises an eyebrow. "Yeah. My fingers were amazing and she needed something to cling onto. Along with her mouth to keep from yelling." He replied. Then he asked, "You're not mad?"
She chuckles. "Why would I be? I know you're too much for one person to handle, and I'm all good with sharing. Plus, you're a guy. I don't expect you to stick with just me unless you start dating me, and I'm not looking for a label." She shrugs, looking up at him. Then she grabs the front of his pants. "Now, get these off."
He huffs with a slight smirk before pulling his rod out of his pants while pushing his pants down. She keeps her skirt up and lets him angle himself before pushing in, pulling a breathy moan out of the girl.
"Give it to me all at once. No buildup. And it better go in me." She pulls his head down and whispers in his ear, "Use me..." She releases, and Max throbs. That was something he never thought he'd ever hear in this life.
He immediately pulled back and pushed in, rocking her body with extreme force. She moaned in his ear as he grunted, and he did it again, sending a large shockwave through her body.
A hand went to the back of his neck while the other went to his stomach to press against it. He sped up, using the same amount of force easily thanks to practice, rocking her body with speed and force.
She still felt nice, and she knew it. She licked her lips, leaning her head back and exposing her throat. He leaned down and pressed his mouth to the front, sucking on it to leave a mark.
He had never gotten payback for that one time, the one that had gotten him caught by Phoebe. He sped up, keeping the max force applied to make her sounds echo out. The car was definitely shaking, and he was sure that someone would notice by now. Or, at least they would soon.
Max pulled away, satisfied with the large purple mark on her throat, and he knew she would have a lot of trouble covering that up as well.
She moaned loudly, and he felt her tighten around him as the orgasm rocked her body. She breathed heavily as she panted, the hand that was in his hair moving to push up against the passenger seat.
"I should have... ridden you in the front..." She breathes out heartily, then she laughs. "Another day..." She lets out.
He huffs, using as much leverage as he can to press all the way into her, groaning at the pleasure he was feeling. He was getting awfully close to exploding, and by the way she grinned at him, she knew it too.
"C'mon." She urged. "Put it in me. You know you want to~" She teased, and he grunted.
He got to the limit and pushed all the way inside, spilling himself inside of her. He breathed heavily, huffing in a large breath and holding it before slowly releasing.
He checked the watch on his wrist. She had about ten minutes to get home. He sat up and pulls his pants up, tucking himself away. "You should be getting home."
He opens the door and steps out, taking a small step back. She pushes herself up and sighs, though she does grin. "Yup. And part of you is going with me." She looks down at her center, which is still exposed and overflowing with seed. "You guys ready to go for a ride? I bet you are. Yes, you are." She says in a baby voice, then hops out, closing the door behind her.
She adjusts her skirt, then opens the driver door and gets in. She throws her seatbelt on, because Tara learned, and he leans against the rolled down window. "Is ten minutes enough time?"
She snorts. "As long as I'm within fifteen minutes, they will just think it's traffic. I'll be fine. You have a good day."
He hums. "You too." He leans down and pecks her lips before taking a step back as she starts it. She then drive off, and he looks up to see Phoebe with a sash around her torso.
They just stare at each other, and he instinctively knows that she heard the end. Plus saw the car shifting with their movements. She wasn't stupid, she can fill in the gaps.
"Phoebe. I see you won." He notes.
She nodded slowly. "Yeah. You should have been there to see it." She replies.
It's deadly silent for a few minutes. Both staring at each other as Max tries to come up with a remark that won't set her off the rails, and she tries to find the words to confront him.
"I had a meet planned. Conflicting interests. Just a matter of importance to me." Max internally winces. Wrong thing to say.
Her face turns angry. "Making love to someone was more important than your sister winning freshman class president?" She asked angrily.
Max starts, "One, it wasn't making love. That is for children. It's f**king. We f**ked. I was f**king someone while you won class president. And two, I didn't know that's what we were going to be doing until I was out here. I thought maybe she just wanted to go hang out."
Her face turns angrier as she marches towards him. "Hanging out with a friend was more important than this?"
"*Yes.*" He hisses.
She glares, getting right into his personal space. He doesn't move. "Why? Why was it more important?"
Max answers, "Because for all I know she could have been moving to some exotic place or going somewhere extravagant for a week or she was grounded again or something that would limit the time we get to spend together. I chose her, a person over an event, because the person was someone I wanted to spend my time with. I would have heard about you winning and I will be stuck with you dealing with it everyday for the rest of the year. Just because you have a dream, doesn't mean everyone else should bow down to you."
He takes a slight moment to breathe. He analyzes her face, the twists of it as she starts processing what he says. How her entire demeanor shifts into apologetic. But he doesn't want an apology. He wants her to be better. So, he continues.
"I live in the real world, Phoebe. You think you can balance friends, class president, a job, and superhero training all at the same time? I hate to break it to you, but you're overreaching. Doing all of that balancing is going to stress you out, and you'll be a walking corpse. Try putting yourself into reality for just a moment. Do you really think the superheroes you idolize could realistically do all that?"
"N-No..." She releases.
"No. So why try? You're spreading yourself too thin. You're going to have to search inside of you and find out what your priorities are, and figure out exactly what you're going to do. You're going to have to drop something before it rips you to pieces trying to juggle it all." He takes a step to the side and points towards where they live. "Go home."
"You're stubborn enough that you will try to prove me wrong. So, go prove me wrong. If you can't, I get to say I told you so. You get to live with the knowledge that you aren't that super in the long run. You can't do everything. Go. Celebrate. I'll be right behind you after I breathe a bit."
His twin looks at him, and swallows, ready to say something. But, a look from him has her walking away without a word.
He takes a deep breath and just stands in the parking lot, staring off into the distance in his own head for about fifteen minutes. Then he starts walking.
A day later, he walks into the living room only to see rocks everywhere. He had thrown a loose hoodie on because he was working on chemicals that need to be hot. He was trying to make a base for the serum, and the present chemicals needed to be hot to mix.
Hank stepped into the room, holding a large rock and he saw a flag.
"Who rocks the party?" Hank asked, putting the rock down. "Your dad rocks the party!"
Billy moves closer, and Max raises an eyebrow. "Woah!" The child says in awe. "I've never seen anything like that before!"
"That's 'cause it's from the moon." Max says blandly. "I'm pretty sure the almighty Thunder-Man Just commited a crime."
Billy looked at him. "How so?"
Hank set the rock down, and it turned to reveal an American flag. "That's how. That flag is property of the government, and you don't mess with government property. Guess what dad did? He removed it. He just commited a crime."
Hank looked down at the flag. Then back to his eldest son. "Would you hide that for me?"
"A hundred bucks and it never existed." Max replies.
Barb walks in and pauses, noticing the rocks then the three boys. She noticed Hank looking directly at Max, the latter nodding and could only conclude that they made an agreement. "No... No." She walks forward, and points at Max and Hank. "No deals." She starts, marching into the living room. "I'm glad that you both are having fun, but I'm gonna need you to get every single one of these rocks *out* of my living room."
"Well-" Hank starts, but Max puts a hand on his chest.
"I wouldn't." Max explains, and Hank shuts his mouth.
Barb walks away, and Max looks at him. "I'm currently renting a storage unit at a storage rental place. Two hundred bucks and no curfew for the next two weeks and it's yours."
"Deal. Why two hundred?" Hank asked.
"One hundred to cover part of the payment. One hundred to get rid of the flag."
Max walks into the courtyard to see students with lighter backpacks. At least she took part of it. He ran into Phoebe, and hummed. "You took my advice." He notes.
She looks stressed. Her hair is frazzled, her face is red, and she looks like she hasn't slept.
She bounces and nods. "I, uh, I did. Online textbooks, cooler mascot, and a smoothie machine will be unveiled Thursday.'
Max nods. "You doing okay?" He questions.
She looks at him confused. "What?"
"You doing okay? You look like s**t." He tells her.
She blows a breath at. "Yeah. Will you be at the smoothie unveiling?"
Max nods. "Yeah. I'll see you there."
She smiles before he walks off, ready to power through another day.
In the courtyard the next day, he was with the crowd, waiting for the unveiling. He stood off to the side, Tara standing next to him, looking on. She reached up and slid her right hand into his back left pocket, leaving it there.
Max whispers, "For someone who's not looking for a relationship, you're acting similarly to a girlfriend."
Tara's eyes widened. "You're not funny." She whispers back.
He adjusts his stance. "T, your hand is currently in my back pocket, while we are standing here casually, in front of everyone, for a non-sexual purpose. Only a girlfriend does that." He whispers back, Phoebe starting to talk up on the deck.
She swallows. "Okay, maybe I am? Could we maybe just not put a label on it? I want to know what it... what it feels like without the commitment the label brings." She whisper requests.
He huffs in amusement. "Yeah. We can do that." he whispers back, going back to paying attention to the presentation.
Tara smirks. "You can still do it with other people if you find them though." She whispers, still smirking.
"I figured you would say that." He whispers back, then slips his left hand into the back right pocket of her shorts, the girl going from a smirk to a smile as she keeps watching.
The rest goes by without a hitch.
He's hunched over a chemical setup, mixing different ones together when feet come down his stairs. He looks up as Phoebe walks in before pausing. "What are you doing?" She asks.
Max looks at the table before looking back up at her. "Theoretical science. You wouldn't get it." Max tells her simply.
She just shakes her head after taking a moment. She swallows,, looking at him simply. "I quit class president." She tells him, and everything pauses for him.
"Why?" He questions.
She swallows. "Because you were right. I can't balance everything. I barely have enough time to hang out with Cherry as is, I still have training with dad, and I have a part-time job that requires a lot of time plus focus. Adding class president put way too much stress on me and I couldn't handle it. I was breaking. So, I quit. The second place got the job, but they are keeping my changes."
Max nods, and steps away. "I bet that was hard. That was your dream."
His twin nods harshly. "It was. But someone told me that I needed to take a step into reality, and re-evaluate my priorities to figure out what I needed and what I had to get rid of. He was right. I can't do everything." She steps to him and wraps her arms around him.
He just brings an arm up and taps her lower back to signal that he was ready to be done, and she lingered before she pulled away.
"Thank you, Thunder Twin." She smiled at him before turning around and walking upstairs.
He just huffs a breath out before looking at his setup, then he wheels it away into a corner so that he could lay down to go to bed.
He was so glad he wasn't put into a body cast this time.
{End Note: I've been focused on other stories on an entirely different site because this was an experimental fic, and I neglect this one because of it. I apologize.}
Book Reading (Get rid of Maxie)
Practice with Powers
Slacking Off
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