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46.14% A Nascent Kaleidoscope. / Chapter 257: Chapter 242

Capítulo 257: Chapter 242

It didn't take long to find Scáthach.

I saw her lazing upon a hill, bathing in the sun. Given the signs of battle that marked the surrounding area, I guessed she took care of the local Grimm problem.

There was no point in announcing my presence as I knew for a fact that she had noticed me. Instead, I just walked up, and laid right down next to her.

"Mmm." She let out a content noise as she snuggled up next to me.

"You enjoy yourself?" I asked quietly, putting my arm around her.

"I did." She giggled. "It was quite fun to explore the world and wander around like the old days."

"What did you get up to?" I slipped my hand into hers, intertwining our fingers.

"I assisted some brave warriors in slaying these monster Grimm. I aided some younger ones in overcoming their flaws and weaknesses. And for the remainder, I merely helped around and slayed Grimm when they appeared." She revealed with a wide grin.

"No one worth taking in a as student?" I asked.

"I did run into someone quite talented. Perhaps in a different life or time, I may have been tempted to do so. However, I cannot take responsibility as I am now."

"Responsibility?" I questioned.

"I would be required to train them thoroughly, just as I have you and my other students. That would mean spending much time away and making sure they were up to my standard before setting them loose. I cannot in good conscious dedicate that required time when I also have a duty as your woman." She explained. "So I merely left them with some lessons and tips on how to advance."

After seeing my look, she blinked at me in confusion. "What?" She asked.

"You're really sweet." I leaned in, placing a gentle kiss on her lips. She hadn't taken another student because she didn't want to spend that much time away from me… could I not be moved by that?

"Fufu, my student, you cannot simply give me only one~" She rolled ontop of me, locking eyes as she lowered herself, her soft lips parting slightly to allow our tongues to intertwine. There was no need for any words or actions for the moment as we just enjoyed the taste of each other.

"Now." She spoke up, breaking the kiss. "Does that cheer you up, my lover?" She giggled.

"You could always read me easily." I sighed, letting my head set against the grass.

"You often wear your heart on your sleeve." She sat back down next to me as I felt her hand start running through my hair. "It is one of the qualities of yours that I find attractive. Now speak to me of your troubles, did something happen with that other woman?"

"….It feels strange to talk about girl trouble with my woman." I snorted, letting out a sigh.

"The humor isn't lost on me either." She chuckled. "But I am here to help you in all your endeavors. As you say, I am your woman, for all that matters to you, such things are important to me as well."

"I don't deserve you." I choked out, wrapping me arms around her.

"And don't you forget it~" She playfully poked my cheek. "If you wish to reward this Scáthach, then we shall make sure your spear is tested tonight."

"My teacher is lewd" I couldn't help but smile.

"Hmph, take responsibility for making this Scáthach moist between the legs." She huffed. "Now, speak. I will not have you mope about, especially infront of your other women."

I let out another sigh. "It's not much to say. I told her I had a harem before we got too involved, she didn't take it too well. She didn't....kick me out or anything, and even implied she wanted to continue. It's just…I felt like there was more distance now. I know it's to be expected, but I still can't help but feel shitty."

Salem was hard to read sometimes. I guess I should just keep going as I had been? I'm fairly sure she'd tell me to fuck off if she wanted me to. "It appears as though you must let nature take its course."

"Yeah, that's what I figured too. I was just going to see how things played out after spending more time with her."

"And how about you." She playfully nipped at my ear. "Besides the latest lady to catch your interest, did you partake in anything?"

"I met with a friend, spent a few hours with her to catch up." I smiled.

"That sounds pleasant." She said softly.

"It was, and I'm glad I stopped by. I'll be checking in some more, so if you ever want to come on over, give me a heads up. I think I'll anchor the house somewhere here soon to make it easier as well."

"That would be most beneficial." Scáthach nodded.

I let out a yawn as I sat up. "You ready to go or do you want to laze around for a bit?"

Scáthach pursed her lips before reaching out and pulled me back down with a giggle.

Well, I guess that answers that question. It was fine to just relax and not worry about things for the time being.


Yasaka POV

So. Much. Paperwork.

Just a little fire, no one would notice.

I was about to push it off my desk until I noticed someone was approaching. I straightened myself up and appeared to be busy at work.

"Lady Yasaka." Soma bowed as he entered.

"Soma, what is it?"

"We have a sudden visitor. Azazel of the Grigori is here and he wishes to speak." Soma explained.

I suddenly felt a headache coming on. I resisted the urge to throw something in the presence of my faithful subordinate.

Should I send him away? If he showed up in person, then he's either confidant I'll have to speak with him, or he won't give up and he's going to be annoying until he gets his way.

I wished Wilhelm was here…..It would be nice to have him scare away Azazel. Amaterasu above, I know he's going to start flirting with me and stare at my tits. I didn't really care before – many guys, and girls, did and it wasn't like I exactly hid my boobs from view. But I felt a bit disgusted by it now that I had a man in my life.

My cleavage definitely was a good tool for negotiations, but I didn't want to do that anymore. These boobs were the property of Wilhelm, and I wouldn't let others have any peeks anymore.

What to do, what to do.

Soma's looking at me expectantly.

"Take him somewhere to wait. Say I'm in a meeting." It's not like he could complain when he dropped in unexpectedly. He should be lucky I don't kick him out for stomping all over proper decorum.

"Right away, Lady Yasaka." Soma bowed and disappeared.

Should give me some time to think of what to do. Well…..if Wilhelm wasn't available, I did believe I have some sisters I can call upon.

The benefits of being in a harem full of powerful women.

I had wanted to bond more with Meridia as well. I feel as if she's the most distant of all Wilhelm's women, which was not unexpected once I learned of her origin.

I took out one of those phone-things that I received from Artoria's master. That Rin was such a lovely young women, I should do something nice for her later.

It would be my first time using this thing. I played around with it as I was familiar with the overall design and I connected across dimensions.

"Hello?" A visual appeared on the device, and a familiar voice came through.

"Hello, Meridia." I greeted politely.

"Yasaka." Meridia nodded. "Do you require assistance?"

Huh, was she so quick to jump to my defense? How sweet…..she keeps such a cold demeanor, but she's just a softy underneath, wasn't she?

"I do, but it isn't urgent. I –"

"I am here."

I paused, looking up from my device as Meridia stood only a few feet away. I quickly sent a message to Wilhelm to use my office as his return point if he decided to come back in the next hour or so. Then I slowly turned it off and put it away. "Well, that was quick."

"With the connection Wilhelm set up, coming over is not difficult. But I am merely at a fraction of my power whereas my main focus remains in my realm." She explained. "How may I assist?"

"I….didn't need you to rush over." Now I felt a little embarrassed. "I just wanted someone with me since an annoying sleazebag came over to annoy me."

"It is no matter." Meridia didn't seem to mind. "I…..wish to be helpful. I am aware I am not the most sociable of the bunch, so I would like to help when I can. This is but a small matter to me, think nothing of it."

And now I can see why Wilhelm enjoyed teasing her so much.

I wondered if she'd be open to some fun with Wilhelm and I together down the road. She had a face I would very much like to sit on.

"I appreciate it, truly. I would have asked Wilhelm, but he's absent at the moment." I smiled towards her.

Meridia appeared appreciative of my thanks. "I am happy to assist my…..harem sisters." She stumbled a bit as she said it. I think she was embarrassed to say it out loud.

And I knew for a fact that Jinn was the one who put that term in her head.

"Well, I should give you a run down. He's a Fallen Angel, the leader of the Grigori. He fell because he had sex with a human or something" I waived my hand flippantly, it wasn't like that particular detail was important. "He's sleezy and has no shame with where he stares." I adjusted my kimono to make sure my cleavage wasn't showing.

"If he leers at me, he will regret it." Merida crossed her arms.

"He's also a bit crafty, so watch his words." While he couldn't do anything to Meridia from what I understood, I was still stuck here and with a whole faction to lead, so I couldn't run. He could make my life very difficult he if chose to.

Merida nodded curtly as she stood next to me, looking intimidating.

"Soma." I called out, and my trusted guard appeared immediately. "Please bring Azazel in."

"Right away, Lady Yasaka." He bowed, headed off to do his duty.

"You have a good subordinate." Meridia commented.

"Oh, I'm lucky to have him. He was orphaned and we took him in when he was young." I still remember that cute kid that came up to me and asked to be my guard.

Such a sweetie and he grew up into a fine young man.

Unfortunately my reminiscing was cut short as could smell cheap cologne as they got closer.

"Yasaka, it's been too long!" The Fallen Angel strode in like he owned the place.

"Azazel." I kept my expression even.

He tried to flash that charming smile towards me, but it only made me want to vomit. How he's able to swoon so many women, I didn't understand. Though his gaze turned towards my companion.

"And who's this charming young women." Azazel held nothing back as he stared at Meridia.

"Taken." Meridia said sternly. "And retract your eyes from my legs lest you wish them removed from your head."

I held back a smile as I saw Azazel's eyes widen and he shivered at her words. I think she briefly released a bit of her power for him to take heed.

He cleared his throat and continued. "Yasaka, how's it been?"

"Cleaning up messes. Something you would know nothing about since you push your work off onto other people"

"Don't be like that, I actually came here to help you." He smiled brightly.

"I'm sure." I said dryly.

"Hey, I'm on the side of the Angels here." He snickered. "Besides, would I come all the way out here just to lie about something like this?"

I let out a long sigh. "Get to it, Azazel, my patience is running thin."

"Fine, fine. Alright, so I heard you were having some trouble after the whole mishap –"

"You speak of when my home was attacked and many of my number were killed in cold blood?" I clarified.

"—So I wanted to come and help you there" He ignored my words and continued. "How about I give you a big discount on some resources? Help you repair your wards, send in stuff to rebuild, those kinds of things."

"And what would you want in return?" I might as well play along.

"Nothing much. I heard you got your hands on some Sacred Gears recently." He said almost as if he was doing us a favor. "Oh, and I wouldn't mind getting a meeting with your boy toy."

"My….boy toy." I repeated. I knew Wilhelm had joked about that titleonce, but that was a joke between us. Not something to be used by an outsider. "By that, I presume you are speaking about the father of my Daughter? The Man for whom I have decided to become coupled to?"

Truthfully, it wasn't that angering of a statement he made. It was annoying, one of those stupid games to be played to purposely get someone you're negotiating with upset and possibly off balance. He wanted my Sacred Gears and he had resources he perceived I needed. In his view, I was the one in the lower bargaining position, so he tried to make himself pull ahead further using such petty tactics.

We had no proper alliances, and we also had nothing he wanted other than the Sacred Gears. So it wasn't that strange that he'd taken a more 'aggressive' form of negotiations to get what he wanted.

"Come on, don't get upset." He feigned an apologetic attitude. "I didn't mean anything by it. Besides, I'm here to help. Making sure your people get back up on their feet is the priority."

That smug undertone was truly grating.

Get me upset, then remind me that he's my 'only hope' at helping my people. It would make a lesser person emotional enough to probably play into his hands.

"No thank you." The corners of my lips curled up.

"W-what?" He blinked, stuttering out in surprise.

"Your services are not required." I said plainly. "You may leave."

"Are you really going to toss me out? Don't you care about helping your people?"

"Yes, that is why she has received ample support from other sources." Meridia snorted. "Mine included. Unless you seem to think you can provide anything I cannot?" Meridia narrowed her eyes as Azazel looked to sweat visibly.

"As you can see, I have everything well in hand. I do not require help from someone who would…..levy my people's needs against me so. I will call someone to walk you out."

"Wait!" Azazel raised his voice. "I really do need to speak with the kid, it's important. If not, it might get out that he has a certain dragon in a gauntlet. I'm sure we can come to some kind of arrangement to keep that a secret."

Did Azazel find out that Wilhelm had Ddraig in his soul? He used it during the fight with Susanoo, but not many people recognized it as anything important from the very blurry images that were available.

How laughable, did he think that's something he could use to extort us? He must really want those Sacred Gears.

"Did someone call me?" A burst of Magic erupted out as Wilhelm made a very visible entrance

And my man seemed to have impeccable timing as I believed Meridia was about to slap Azazel into meat paste.

And Scáthach was by his side, absolutely wonderful.

Oh, did they do it again? The smell was really strong.

…..that meanie, coming around me like that and not even offering some for me? I wonder if they knew how wet it made me when the smell was so strong.

"Hey there, Kiddo!" Azazel perked up immediately. "Man, I've been looking for you for awhile since you did your little runner."

And he immediately started pressing Wilhelm's buttons. Did he have a suicide wish?

"Sorry, who are you again?" Wilhelm said, dismissively.

"Ouch." Azazel laughed. "So I wanted to talk to you about something –"

"Not interested." Wilhelm said bluntly, ignoring him which probably did more to annoy the Angel than any words would.

"Haah." Azazel let out a sigh. "You know, we're pretty similar. We both left our homes when we didn't like our dads."

Wilhelm froze in place as he slowly turned his gaze towards the fallen angel. "Alike? No, no. We're quite different." The corners of Wilhelm's lips turned up and I knew I was going to enjoy this. "I left my home when I was treated like shit. You, on the other hand, were tossed out of yours, because you were a shitty person."

Azazel froze. He had a wide smile on his face, only to hide the scowl he would otherwise have gained. It was hard to elicit that kind of reaction from the Fallen Angel, but Wilhelm managed to do so in only a few words.

And I knew one thing for sure, I was going to drain my man dry when this was over.


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