Walking home late at night, I stumbled onto an unfamiliar road as I had hardly ever walked home before the sun sets. My mind was racing as my heart was beating intently out of my chest. Holding both my hands firmly on my bag, I heard an ominous echo pass with the breeze of the wind. Terrified as my legs had begun shaking, I reached the end of the empty street as I wondered if anyone was nearby.
A cat then hissed to my right and in that moment, I raced down the street. Grateful and fortunate that I was in track, I jumped over a passing car and landed on the other side without a scratch as I kept running.
Close to reaching my home, I quickly turned the last bend and stopped as a dark, robe wearing stranger emerged from an darkened alley way. Screaming as I threw my bag over his head as I was carrying two weights home from my friends house, he fell forward and landed in a puddle of water face first. Running ahead for several steps, I hated my maiden persona as I didn't want to leave even death, without checking to see if he was okay first.
Against my better judgment, I went back to the body and as I poked him to see if he was still alive, I turned him over and gasped heavily.
"Oh… he's so damn hot! No! Focus! I just hit him over the head with Ella's hand weights I borrowed… "
Checking his pulse, I half panicked as I felt a cold, numb, emptiness from his neck. Instantly looking at his face, I then made my decision.
"CPR. "
Blushing intently, I slowly leaned close as if I was in some romance drama. I stood back, watching and as I felt embarrassed. Pushing forward as a model student and a decent human being, I continued breathing into him while pumping his chest. I kept at it for several minutes until it became clear he was not waking up anymore. Lowering my gaze as I was about to call the authorities with tears running down my face to turn myself in, his corpse suddenly sat up as if nothing was wrong.
"W-w-what the heck?! "
Turning to meet my gaze, he tilted his head as he wiped his mouth and spoke in a sadistic manner.
"How dare you defile my mouth… I expect you take responsibility for this… "
Shaken as I looked to his hands and flinched as he hid himself from my gaze.
"Uh… shouldn't this be in reverse? "
Turning his gaze and standing up, he dusted himself off as he turned to face me.
"I was long dead before you assaulted me, you should have ran away, but, instead, here you are…Not to mention… you kissed me… repeatedly… on the lips-"
"Okay! I get it! I'm a perv… so, what now? Are you going to report me? "
Turning his gaze to me as if looking through me, he cringed and headed back into the alleyway as he pulled out a giant scythe.
"Okay… if this is where you get your revenge, just know I'll scream… loudly! "
Lowering his gaze, he turned his head and asked me how old I was.
"Sixteen… w-why? "
"Tsk! Why did you have to be the right age… this is a problem. "
"Hey… weirdo, what do you mean by that? "
"Since you disrupted my hunt, my prey has long slipped away. As for causing this mess, I'll have to take you in as my Bride from now on. "
"Wait! What, you're kidnapping me? "
"Call it what you want, point is, you kissed me first and now we are in a tight spot… "
Exhausting a heavy breath, I tried to understand what was going through this guys head so I asked him for his name.
"My name? I don't have a name… just as you don't have any feminine charm… "
Blinking as I waited for him to laugh as he had clearly must have been blind. I walked over to him and didn't hold back when I kicked the living hell out of him in between the legs.
Falling over as I walked away in a fit of rage, I finally made it home while ignoring my brother and sisters sly remarks.
The very next day, I headed to school with a glum look on my face. I then noticed the same weird guy from yesterday in a new light… He was even more handsome during the day.
Walking past him as I ignored him, he continued talking about things I didn't understand.
"Listen, I'm trying to save your life here! "
Stopping, I threw my head over my shoulder and looked at him with a dead expression.
"Thank you… Now, as for being my Bride… what sort of dress shall you prefer… hmm, though, well have to take in account those udders on your chest-"
Punching him over the sidewalk, I left him unconscious as I headed to school, ticked off more than ever before.
"I do not have, udders… Jerk… "
Focusing hard at work as the only thing on my mind how much I hated that lousy, good-for-nothing I saved last night, my mind was somewhere else.
"Who does he think he is? Ha! Don't make me laugh because that'll just cause me wrinkles… wrinkles, I should have called him a sour lemon for that stupid cool guy act he puts on… and telling me he'll kidnap me and steal me away… Like I'd go anywhere with that, Jerk! "
Ripping my page in half, I looked up and was the center of the entire classroom as I smiled and got permission to use the restroom. Leaving, I held even more resentment over that jerk as I haven't even gotten a name to insult him with yet…
Stopping, I closed my eyes as I thought of a perfect plan to get him back double for insulting me.
Laughing, I headed for the bathroom and as I closed the stall door to use the toilet, his stupid black robe appeared on the other side of the stall. Irritated and beyond the point of pissed, I buckled up as I kicked the door forward as I knocked him down to the ground.
Walking forward and lifting him by the robe, I told him I would never want to go anywhere with him for as long as I lived. He then began talking softly as I leaned close to hear him tell me he simply wanted to bring me toilet paper since the stall I used was already out.
Filled with an intense rage, the fact he knew that, despite this being the girls bathroom, forced me to smacked him around and left him on the floor as I headed back to class.
Stopping outside the hallway, I leaned against the wall as I questioned whether to report this guy for harassment, but also run the risk of him reporting me for almost killing him.
"Will you please listen to me. "
Closing my eyes in defeat as I tilted my head towards the boy, my patience had reached its limit as I collapsed onto the floor.
"I dont like this any more than you do, believe me… but, when I say I'm doing this for you against my better judgment, I decided to stay behind and help you get through this. "
Looking at him, for a moment, I almost believed him until his cruel comment about my breasts.
"You still think of me as a human… I can assure you, I'm not. "
Humoring him, I smiled and nodded as he didn't have to prove he wasn't human to me.
Standing up, he turned around as he took off his robe and quite literally, spread open two, pitch black wings across the hallway. Sitting in denial as he put the wings away under his robe, I was left dumbfounded as I questioned whether what I saw was real or not.
"Bear in mind that you have until midnight to accept being my Bride… Otherwise, you will be treated as a widow and another Reaper will be dispatched into this world to take you away. "
Ignoring him, I stood up and headed back to class until he said something that made me unable to ignore him.
"Please… without you, I'm as good as dead… This time, I won't be coming back… "
Turning around as I was feet away from my classroom door, I watched as he collapsed in defeat onto the floor as I was just a moment ago.
"I did not come into this world with a future Bride in mind… I came hunting a soul that escaped from my grasp after Dierran handed me the responsibility of holding onto it for the time being as he went to another reapers reception ceremony… Imagine my surprise when the grip on his scythe came undone and the soul came flying out… "
Sitting down beside him, I listened as what he spoke sounded to have been the truth.
"In order to use a scythe like the one I showed you yesterday, a reaper must be recognized by the sharpness of his or her sickle… I am only an apprentice reaper that borrow his scythe. Ever since letting loose a soul, I have been chasing after it to the farthest reaches of the, Earth. "
"I believe what you are saying is true, how long have you been here… on, Earth? "
"What day is it today? "
"Monday? "
"Hmm… four hundred and sixty seven years… as it happens, today marks the four hundred and sixty seventh anniversary for that reaper couple. "
Looking deep into his grey eyes, I found no traces of lying as I believed him when he spoke. His devotion to catching this, supposed soul, was apparent as he definitely looked to have been carrying around a heavy burden.
"Okay… say I help you… what will being your Bride mean for me, exactly? "
Looking at me as his gaze loosen, he spoke.
"The thing is… you already are my Bride… "
Waiting for him to finish before I could speak, he continued.
"When you… Kissed me,yesterday, you triggered the ceremony that could only be done through the joining of two souls… Essentially, what you did was share and even out my life span and powers with you. Together, that is what will happen to us from this point on… If you would like proof, lend me your hand… Please. "
As he stood up and took my hand, he stood behind me and hugged me from behind as he aimed my hand down the empty hall. Before I could say anything, a powerful burst of air ripped through the hall as the walls and lockers were instantly blown outside. Leaving a massive hole of carnage, I was about to move when he suddenly covered me with his arms and wings.
Suddenly, as everyone began looking out at what had just caused that explosion, they looked around as if we didn't even exist.
"They can't see us? "
Hearing his soft voice as he whispered reminded me he was still a pretty hot guy.
"My wings act as the core to my soul. My energy naturally bends light that would normally bounce off our bodies… my wings would normally eat any colors that come into contact. As a result, you can consider the gloss of my wings that are imbedded with my magic… in a sense. "
Breathing down my cheek, he spoke as I felt half numb into his arms.
School was ultimately canceled due to the extensive property damage that appeared out of nowhere. Heading home as I continued asking the boy all sorts of questions, he then only answered and gave a vague response for each one.
Stopping, I looked at him in his eyes and asked what would happen if I willingly agreed to go with him and complete this, reception with him.
"If that happened, I would be shunned by my own kind as relations with a mortal are strictly frowned upon… Besides the hatred and scorn, there will be a kickass cake provided anyone can make it without prejudice… "
Walking ahead, I apologized for putting him in such a difficult situation.
"Wait… if relations with humans are frown upon where you come from, then… does that mean there were others like us in the past? "
"Hmm… it's not as if they are forbidden, there have been a few in the past, however, those couples were broken up by mysterious deaths. I should say this now while I'm ahead, should either one of us die, the other will soon follow behind them. Bare that in mind. "
Gulping as I now knew the reason he didn't simply just kill me off the first chance he got… He was quite possibly stuck with me.
"Hey… how old are you if you're a grim reaper? Ten hundred, a thousand? "
"Sixteen… and we don't call ourselves grim reapers, only reapers. "
"You're sixteen hundred years old?! "
"No, you idiot. I'm sixteen. Normal in human years. "
"But you said earlier that you had been here for over four hundred… you didn't seem to be lying, either? "
"Hmm, that's all true… however, time here in this world is different from where I come from… One year is one day in my world… I came here when I was eleven and grew out into the robe. "
"You really aren't an old man are you? "
"I'm a teen in my world, otherwise, in this worlds standards, I'm over four hundred years old. However, since you've kissed me, I'm forever bound to you as you are with me. I should also point out, you'll be stuck in that body for at least another three or four hundred years… It is a shame, but, I'll support you through this difficult time. "
"Hey… that's not a bad thing. "
"Sure… you're a true saint! "
As he then stopped me and got real for a moment as he told me things I hadn't nor wanted to consider. Such as Ill be alive while I watched my family grow old and die around me.
"Sheesh! Subtle much? "
"Telling it like it is so you know what to expect. "
As he looked at my chest, his face cringed with sadness as he walked of with a depressing look on his face.
"Like I want to be stuck to a blind man who can't see true beauty when it hits him in the face… and in this case… the groin!
If ya made it this far!!! You have my gratitude.
This took me a couple of hours as I was in between other works I'm doing at the moment. I unfortunately got writers block... So, this the result from a fresh story I came up with. I do hope this interests a few who have some spare time to kill. In any case, have a beautiful day, or dream, depending on whatever timezone you may find yourselves in. ?
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