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93.33% A Gacha-Grimoire System's Fae Gamble / Chapter 13: PHO INTERLUDE

Capítulo 13: PHO INTERLUDE

[AN: Double post today. Make sure you see both. These are the last two chapters of this story I have written. Next month, I'll start publicly releasing KYBER-PUNK. Keep an eye out for that if you're interested. Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy the chapters :]

[The PHO usernames were taken directly from my Pat reon. Every 'Supporter' tag is a Pat reon. Also, insert shameless Pat reon plug here (pat]


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♦ Topic: Something Old, Something New — No, the Guild isn't getting married.

In: Boards ► Official Announcements ► The Guild

Narwhal (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (The Guild)

Posted On Sep 1st 2010:

Right, where do I even start with this one...? If you're on this board, you know me. Narwhal, your friendly neighborhood unicorn, leader of the Guild, unverified exhibitionist, yada yada. I've sort of thrown professionalism out of the window for this post because... well, you'll see.

Officially, this thread is just to debut the Guild's two newest heroes. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. Of course, we're also expecting... a reaction to the news. I'd like to ask everyone to stop and think for a moment before rushing to reply. Please, remember the Guild's track record. Remember our experience and the capes/resources/talented personnel we have working for us. We're a cape organization that will always aim to help, to make tangible improvements to Earth Bet, and to curb the chaos that so often runs rampant in our world. Our primary purpose is -- and always will be -- to tackle threats and issues that few others are capable of addressing. With all of that in mind, let me introduce our two newest members.

[Raven Prince] and... [Faerie Maiden]

If I'm lucky, I'll be able to convince them to answer questions themselves (so I don't have to...). I have the strangest feeling that you all will keep them busy...

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►Exod1a (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

Cool, Guild debut! First!

Edit: Uh... Wat?

►Snugglepuff (Supporter) (Narwhal's Divine Abs)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

I'm a simple man. I see Narwhal posting, I +2. Let's see what Earth Bet's best unicorn has for us today...

New Guild capes are always good. Hmm, no masks. That's... curious? Then again, it's not like Narwhal wears much of a mask (or anything at all lol)

►RogueDemon (Supporter) (Narwhal's Divine Abs)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

Confirmation! Sweet vindication! Can we turn that 'Unverified' Exhibitionist into Verified Exhibitionist? And maybe get a tag as well (Please, mods, for the culture?)

►Calleo (Supporter) (Narwhal's Divine Abs)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

@Snugglepuff - Unfathomably based and cultured. I'm only here for the almost-naked unicorn goddess lady.

@RogueDemon - Seconded.

►High Simp (Supporter) (Narwhal's Divine Abs)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

I can't believe I'm saying this, but aren't there more pressing matters at hand than our glorious unicorn leader? Does, uh, does Faerie Maiden seem... familiar to anyone else...?

►Wrath of Vajra (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

@High Simp - Thank you! I thought I was going crazy! I know that face from somewhere, I just can't place where

►MouseProtectorMP (Verified Cape) (Cheesed ta meet'cha!)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

What the Feta?! You're pullin' my cheese!

Heh, good catch, Narwhally~ You really speared the Queen on the horn with this one

►Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

Well, that... is certainly something. Completely out of left field too. I didn't hear a peep about this beforehand. I can see why Narwhal would want to get out of here before the storm starts. I hope the new capes (and 'new') show up here so they can answer questions like she promised.

Never thought I'd be asking the Faerie Queen questions on PHO though...

►Valkyr (Wiki Warrior)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

Yeah, that's her. Glaistig Uaine never was one for masks. My real question is do I scrap her wiki page and make a new one, or just update the current one? 'Cause something definitely needs to be done or else the wiki will become utterly unreliable. And that's just not okay.

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►Treeko (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

I'm... sorry...?

I feel like I must have misread that, but I've checked twice and the words haven't changed. I just can't seem to make them make sense...

►SonicTurtle (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

WTF?!?! The Guild recruited the Faerie Queen?! What the Hell is the world coming to?!

►CkLance (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

No, no, can't you see? The Guild recruited the Faerie MAIDEN. Totally different lol.

►Bcal (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

@SonicTurtle - Chaos. It's coming to chaos. And for once, I'm kind of here for it.

►SonicTurtle (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

@Bcal - You're HERE for it?! How?! What?! Why?!

►Bcal (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

@SonicTurtle - I mean... no one can deny that the Faerie Queen... *ahem* Faerie MAIDEN is powerful. And as Narwhal said in the OP, the Guild is good. It's always been good, and that doesn't seem to have changed. Plenty of other villains have rebranded themselves as heroes. Why should Faerie Maiden be any different?

►Su-uge (Verified PRT Agent) (Toronto)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

@Narwhal - Blink twice if the entire Guild has been mastered...

►Narwhal (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (The Guild)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

@Su-uge - Don't bring that evil onto me. I've had enough Master/Stranger Protocols for a single week. And yes, everyone both Faerie Maiden and Raven Prince have come into contact with has been cleared with flying colors. The Guild is entirely uncompromised. Do I need to repeat that?


►SonicTurtle (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

@Bcal - Oh, I don't know, maybe because she was Birdcaged?! An S-class threat?! She has a literal kill count?! Isn't that kind of cause for concern?!

►Valkyr (Wiki Warrior)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

@SonicTurtle - Idk how much it helps but Glaistig Uaine only killed other capes. She doesn't have a single civilian casualty to her name. And honestly, that's more than I can say for some verified heroes...

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Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

She also killed Grey Boy. That has to count for something

►QuantumServer (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

Very true. Hell, I'd say it counts for more than 'something'. Grey Boy was a fucking DEMON. The world isn't just better off without him, it's closer to heaven.

►Bored (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

Uh... If the Faerie Queen killed Grey Boy, and the Faerie Maiden is now, ya know, on-side... Can she break the Grey Boy Bubbles?

►Narwhal (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (The Guild)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

... Very, very good suggestion. I can't believe none of us thought of it. I'll ask. ASAP. Knowing her, it's likely she can. And if Raven Prince asks, she'll do so in a heartbeat.

►Cinereal (Verified Cape) (Atlanta)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

This is unacceptable. It's criminal. The Faerie Queen belongs in the Birdcage.

►Bastion (Verified Cape) (Boston)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

@Cinereal - Seconded. It's bullshit. Stupid little [REDACTED] should've died in the Birdcage like everyone else.


►Tin_Mother (Moderator)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

@Bastion - That's dangerously close to a slur. You're a hero. You should be setting a good example for people to follow. Do better.

►Y4RN1 (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

@Cinereal, @Bastion - Seriously?! Right after the chance that Faerie Maiden might be able to break Grey Boy Bubbles?! That's fucking huge! Both of you should be ashamed of yourselves. If there's even a chance at salvation for those poor trapped souls and you two somehow ruin it, you should honestly be brought up on charges.

►Bored (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

It's still too early to hope but God, I want to... My uncle is trapped in one of those hellscapes.

►Ursa Aurora (Verified Cape) (New York)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

@Bored - My condolences. Never give up on hope.

@Y4RN1 - I won't try to defend my fellow heroes, but there's something else to be taken into consideration. Glaistig Uaine was terrifying for the cape community. She was everything bad about Trumps and Masters taken to their illogical extremes. Pretty much overnight, she became the villain every cape hated and feared most. She could kill with a touch and steal powers. It felt like even death wouldn't save you.

To the public, she was almost harmless. She avoided normal people as a matter of principle. She certainly wasn't a force of chaos like the Nine. But it was among capes that she earned her potential S-class status. Hero, villain, rogue, it didn't matter. If you had powers, you feared the Faerie Queen. Hell, the group that finally sent her to the Birdcage was essentially operating under a pseudo-Endbringer Truce.

All of that said, I'm the kind of woman to believe in second chances. In a way, the Faerie Queen barely got a first. If she's truly turned the corner and become a hero, I'll just say congratulations and leave it at that. If she can break Grey Boy Bubbles, I'll welcome her with open arms and personally be the first to shake her hand, death touch be damned.

The Birdcage is supposed to be for life. But exceptions exist for a reason. As much as some other capes might want to lock her up again, throw away the key, and wipe their hands of it, no system of law or morality is absolute. And for breaking the bubbles, I'll certainly consider her sentence served.

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►Dragon (Verified Cape) (The Guild)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

Actually, there was never any sentence for her to serve.

►DivinePoodle (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

Uh, what...? Can you elaborate on that statement, oh glorious Dragon?

►Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

... Hold on. I need to check something.

►Dragon (Verified Cape) (The Guild)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

I mean, it's exactly as I said. Glaistig Uaine was never sentenced or convicted. She was never tried. She wasn't even arrested. Therefore, she doesn't have any time to serve. In fact, she never did.

►Cinereal (Verified Cape) (Atlanta)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

Impossible! She was in the Birdcage! And she belongs there! She's a villain!

►MouseProtectorMP (Verified Cape) (Cheesed ta meet'cha!)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

Oh geez, it's not like Dragon is THE authority on the matter or anything.

►Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

And... as far as I can gather from a quick search, she's right. The Faerie Queen was never tried or convicted in a U.S. court of law (or Canadian, or Mexican for that matter).

►thehangedking (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

Then how did she end up in the Birdcage?

►Dragon (Verified Cape) (The Guild)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

She Birdcaged herself. Quite literally just walked in and made herself at home. At the time, I wasn't about to stop her. People were so relieved that she was off the proverbial streets that the fact she was never arrested (and tried, etc.) just sort of slipped through the cracks.

►Bishop7053 (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

Holy shit... Isn't that, like, a huge point in her favor? She turned herself in so peacefully that people didn't even realize whether she was actually arrested or not!

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►Narwhal (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (The Guild)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

@Bishop7053 - We'd like to think it counts for something.

@Dragon - Thank God you're here. And since you are... Tag, you're it.

►MouseProtectorMP (Verified Cape) (Cheesed ta meet'cha!)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

Oh, oh! We're playing tag~? I'm the Queen of Tag~! None have escaped my game of cat and mouse!

►Tet (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

Lol tag with MP is so BS. You really would never escape. Mods, can we get a new tag for the Queen of Tag?

►Tin_Mother (Moderator)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

@Tet - No. We encouraged her enough with the cheese pun.

►Dragon (Verified Cape) (The Guild)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

So... I suppose I've been tagged. I'm currently with Raven Prince and Faerie Maiden. I'll do my best to get them on here shortly, so please save any questions for them personally until they get here. But I can take questions for the Guild side of things. AMA

►Valkyr (Wiki Warrior)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

God, I have so many... But for the Guild, I have one about Faerie Maiden's rebrand. Why so... see-through?

►Dragon (Verified Cape) (The Guild)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

@Valkyr - That was actually Raven Prince's idea. Faerie Maiden always would've been recognized. It was decided that the best course of action was to own the past, pretty much. Her new name is a blatant nod to the moniker she earned before Birdcaging herself. At the same time, it implies a sort of innocence and willingness to change. She's not a Queen anymore. Not even a princess. She's a Maiden. She's trying her best to start over fresh, but not so fresh that she's ignoring the past. I, for one, am happy to be facilitating her road to redemption (along with Raven Prince, his contribution can't be dismissed).

►Cinereal (Verified Cape) (Atlanta)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

@Dragon - How do you expect any cape to work with you after this-! This stunt?!

►Dragon (Verified Cape) (The Guild)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

@Cinereal - Just the same as you always have. The Guild's priorities haven't changed. We're still a force for good. We're still heroes. Hell, we're the ones you call to deal with S-class threats. You know, the ones that no one else wants to deal with?

Faerie Maiden doesn't change anything. If anything, she'll be a tremendous boon to our efforts. Imagine her attending an Endbringer fight. Do I really need to spell out why having two Eidolons might be a good thing for that?

►DoppelGanger09 (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

Lol sit down and shut up, @Cinereal. All you've done in this thread is overreact like a child.

I've got one. How the Hell did this whole situation even happen?

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►Dragon (Verified Cape) (The Guild)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

@DoppelGanger09 - That... is complicated. It starts, as you might expect, in the Birdcage. It's common knowledge that I watch over the prison. On August 24, at approx. 3 PM, a disturbance of Haywire energy usually associated with interdimensional travel was detected within one of the cell blocks. Obviously, I investigated.

Upon doing so, I found Raven Prince within Faerie Maiden's former cell. He had absolutely no business being there. Reviewing the Birdcage's logs, I found that he'd quite literally appeared out of thin air. I quickly determined he was a Case 66 (think Case 53 but for dimensional travelers). Only, he had the misfortune (or fortune, I still haven't decided...) to show up in the middle of Earth Bet's worst prison.

I immediately started my emergency evacuation protocols, of course. But Raven Prince had already latched onto Faerie Maiden, managed to stay alive, and even made a friend out of her. He refused evacuation without her. I insisted. He insisted back. In the end, I couldn't in good conscience damn an innocent man to the Birdcage, so an arrangement was reached. The aforementioned situation surrounding Faerie Maiden's 'imprisonment' helped quite a bit there. For Raven Prince, Faerie Maiden decided to turn hero and place herself under Guild supervision. The rest, as they say, is history in the making.

... Oh, and Teacher managed to get himself killed during the emergency evacuation of Raven Prince and Faerie Maiden.

►CkLance (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

lol. Sociopathic Teachers eat shit. And nothing of value was lost.


Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

Damn. What a story. How fucking unlucky is it to land in the Birdcage of all places when you're hopping dimensions? Also, that little aspect will raise some eyebrows (mine, at least). This thread has been mostly focused on Faerie Maiden -- for good reason -- but it seems like Raven Prince is just as interesting.

►AFlyOnTheWall (Cape Husband) (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

Poor bastard found himself dropped in the Faerie Queen's cell... and he made a friend. Fucking legend.

►Khain (Guild Staff)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

Uh, are we allowed to mention workplace gossip here...? Fuck it, I'll delete it if I have to.

@AFlyOnTheWall - You have no idea. Word around the Guild is that he's been putting moves on Narwhal as well... Her secretary found him holding her in her office. Holding her in, like, a DANCER'S DIP. So, uh, pretty hard to misinterpret, yeah...

►RogueDemon (Supporter) (Narwhal's Divine Abs)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

The chosen one! He is the Messiah!


Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

@RogueDemon - lol what the hell is with that tag?

►Dragon (Verified Cape) (The Guild)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

@Lolitup - Out of any cape, are you really surprised that Narwhal has a fan club of die-hard simps? She... also might've abused a bit of privilege to get a mod to give them that tag.

@Khain - I'm not going to censure you, but only because I know that neither of the mentioned parties would care one whit. Please be more discreet in the future though.

►Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

As juicy as this gossip is, can we get the man and woman of the hour to join the thread? Like Valkyr, I have so, so many questions...

►Dragon (Verified Cape) (The Guild)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

@Bagrat - Give it a moment. I'm getting them set up with PHO accounts and we just finished up with... some cape business.

As a side note, the Guild will be recruiting another villain-turned-hero. Thankfully, this one is much less problematic than Faerie Maiden. He'll get his own thread, I'm sure, after all of the bureaucracy is worked through. He's a tinker, and I'm excited about the chance to work with him.

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►JustDK (Supporter) (Seattle)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

Wooo! I figured I'd find this thread when I went looking for it. Glad I got to catch the official debut in person though! Dragon! Faerie Maiden! Raven Prince! Hat Lady! Crystal baby and battle mech! Thanks from Seattle! Mandelbrot was a nuisance, and I'm sure I'm not the only one glad he won't be a problem anymore!

While I'm at it, I might as well post the footage I got. [Here] and [here]. I'm a bit surprised crystal baby, hat lady, and the steampunk battle mech haven't gotten mentioned in this thread though.

►HiCierra (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

Holy shit. That might be the most adorable thing I've ever seen. Look at her! She's so sparkly! Go, baby, go!

►Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

Ohhh-kaayyy... Right off the bat, that's a lot to digest. Dragon, Faerie Maiden, and Raven Prince are in Seattle? A sort of publicity tour? They're doing good work, it seems, even if that 'work' stumbled upon them.

But what's the deal with the crystal (the hell?) baby and the lady in the (admittedly rather nice) hat? The video isn't close enough to make out what they're saying but the baby's not normal (obviously...). And the terrifying steampunk mech? Given to the baby??? And she's wrecking shop with it?!

wtf is going on in Seattle?

►Valkyr (Wiki Warrior)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

It looks like the mech is an expression of Raven Prince's power. A master-projection? But then, how is the baby able to control it?

His demeanor is very calm and confident. Like, he seems more amused than threatened. Which, yeah, understandable against Mandelbrot (who doesn't have a single cape or civilian casualty on record, just a fuck-ton of property damage) but it's still a rare thing to see for a cape's debut.

Did anyone else notice that Faerie Maiden follows his lead? I don't think I ever expected to see her taking orders, especially not so well. Raven Prince actually seems to be the leader of their duo. Just something to note.

And what is he doing there toward the end of the second video? He looks like he's conducting something. Can anyone figure out what that's about?

►Gasconade (Verified Cape) (Seattle)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

@Valkyr - I might be able to shed some light on what's happening in the videos.

Hello, everyone. You might not know me by name, but I'm the cape next to Raven Prince in the videos. We had an interesting conversation but ultimately, he left me with a very good impression of him. Strange, but good. He also told me what he was doing there. It's one of his powers and, well... I'll just say it. He was making probability his bitch.

►Busemannen (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

He... What?

►Flashycow (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:


►BurglarofTurds (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

Yeah, bullshit. I don't know if I'm calling bullshit or calling that power bullshit, but BULLSHIT!

►MouseProtectorMP (Verified Cape) (Cheesed ta meet'cha!)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

*Nods sagely* "Mhm mhm"

*Pause and double-take* "OBJECTION! BUUULL~SHHITT!"

►Dragon (Verified Cape) (The Guild)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

Thank you, MP, for the wonderful stage directions. /s

I'll confirm a few things. Raven Prince is a Trump. I'd say he's just as powerful as Faerie Maiden (if not more...). His power testing was... largely inconclusive due to extenuating circumstances. But yes, manipulating probability is one of his powers. As is the steampunk mech. The baby, however, is not part of his power. At least, not directly. I'll leave more thorough answers up to him.

Oh, and Fortuna (hat lady) is associated, but not affiliated with the Guild at this time.

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►RavenPrinceOfTheWinterCourt (Verified Cape) (The Guild) (Verified Fae)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

Dearest Dragon,

My most sincere thanks for aiding me in this endeavor. I must say, these 'interwebs' are simply fascinating. I've never written a letter like this where distance matters not. You are next to me in the physical world yet writing this letter as if you aren't fills me with delight. It's a most impressive and eccentric undertaking, I do declare. Do humans appreciate the near-instant communication? Have they taken it to its limits? Will I find much to explore within this 'digital' series of tubes? The Fae don't have anything nearly so unique. In the Winter Court, communication is done in person or by magic, and while magic is somewhat similar, it's not quite the same as this. So mundane yet so marvelous.

As always, I am eager to see more of what your world has to offer,

Edgar dè Brân, Raven Prince of the Fae

►Dragon (Verified Cape) (The Guild)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

... *Sigh* I don't know what else I was expecting.

►Osiris Sundavr (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

Oh. Oh, he's like THAT. Myrddin better watch out. I feel like Raven Prince can give him a run for his money.

►Kuryama (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

Uh... Did he just unmask himself?

►Ethirical (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

Dimensional traveler/Case 66, remember? I don't think the unwritten rules mean much to someone without anything to tie him to the world. Not like he has a family to threaten (not here, at least).

(And holy shit, he might actually be a Fae considering that fact. Is there an Earth Fae out there??)

►RavenPrinceOfTheWinterCourt (Verified Cape) (The Guild) (Verified Fae)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

To Ethirical,

Indeed, your unwritten rules mean little to me. I will respect those who abide by them, but I don't feel the need to do so myself. I do have ties to this world, however. They are recent, but no less deep for that fact. Dragon, Narwhal to a certain extent, Faerie Maiden, of course, Fortuna of the Fetching Hat, and my little Eve are all VERY dear to my heart.

Additionally, a so-called 'Earth Fae' may exist but it is not where I hail from. I claim the Winter Court within the infinite Faewilds as my origin. I do believe my kind has interacted with Earth prior to me setting out on my adventure, though.

Finally, yes. Yes, I am a true Fae. I find assertions of the contrary to be... unpleasant, and I will react accordingly,

Edgar dè Brân, Raven Prince of the Fae

►jp9901 (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

Who the Hell is actually believing this shit?! Fucking Fae?! Fairies?!? What's next, pixie dust and a pirate who's afraid of clocks?! Lol fuck off, dude. You're just another cape.

Edit: ... Literally two seconds after I posted this, a black cat jumped into my (third story!) apartment and tried to claw my face off. He's in Seattle, right?? I'm in fucking New York!

►Valkyr (Wiki Warrior)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

Right... Quite frankly? That's terrifying. Shaker: Yes??? Range: Don't mind if I do???

And well, he's certainly dedicated to the character. I'll add that to the wiki too (and be sure to include the oddly menacing threat). I can certainly see why he gets along with Faerie Maiden so well, though...

I feel like I've gotta ask, what's the deal with the crystal baby? By process of elimination, she would be... Eve?

►RavenPrinceOfTheWinterCourt (Verified Cape) (The Guild) (Verified Fae)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

To Valkyr,

Ah, my darling Eve. My diamond. My delight. She is my dearest and only daughter. Adorable, deadly, and simply unique in this world. Isn't she just wonderful~?

Dedicated to my darling Eve,

Edgar dè Brân, Raven Prince of the Fae

►MouseProtectorMP (Verified Cape) (Cheesed ta meet'cha!)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

Heh, you might say... she's the Adam of your eye~?

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►Rabbit of Caerbannog (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

Okay, but what IS she???

Edit: Why is there a fucking rabbit perched on my windowsill like a fucking bird?!

►RavenPrinceOfTheWinterCourt (Verified Cape) (The Guild) (Verified Fae)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

To Rabbit of Caerbannog,

My daughter. Was I not clear?

Nasty, big, pointy teeth do not excuse poor manners and willful ignorance,

Edgar dè Brân, Raven Prince of the Fae

P.S. I know your namesake. He wouldn't be nearly so rude and dull.

►Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

... That's twice now. Maybe (just maybe) that should be taken as a light warning. I DEFINITELY see what Dragon meant when she said he might be more powerful than Faerie Maiden. @Valkyr, I don't envy you for having to put together his wiki page.

If I might ask, though, Raven Prince, why take your infant daughter into cape business? I don't think I've ever heard of 'take your daughter to work' days for capes. Though, I don't know how much that means when it seems like everything about you is untread ground...

►RavenPrinceOfTheWinterCourt (Verified Cape) (The Guild) (Verified Fae)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

To Bagrat,

Firstly: Eve was never in danger. I'm unsure if she ever COULD be in this world... She's more capable than you could possibly imagine. I have high hopes for her, and I'm positive she'll fulfill and even exceed every one of them. Additionally, with her mother by her side and the Centurion as her steed? The idea of harm coming to her is as laughable as it is impossible.

Secondly: why would I not keep my pride and joy by my side as often as physically possible? She deserves to explore this world alongside me. Stretch her legs, as it were. I would never deprive her of that. I seek to see her prosper, not languish under overbearing 'care'.

You may ask. And I may deign to answer,

Edgar dè Brân, Raven Prince of the Fae

►MouseProtectorMP (Verified Cape) (Cheesed ta meet'cha!)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

Hnng~! Be still my womanly beating heart~!

Okay, but fr, that was surprisingly hot. Tell me why a frickin' Winter Court Fae is exuding wholesome-sexy-daddy energy through my goddamn monitor... How is that even fair??

I've been single for far too long... This mouse needs her cheese!

►Faerie MAIDEN (Verified Cape) (The Guild)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

Keep thy cheese-stained fingers to thyself, wench!

►CornFlake (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

... Anyone have 'Jealous Faerie Queen' on their 2010 bingo sheet?

►MouseProtectorMP (Verified Cape) (Cheesed ta meet'cha!)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

Oh, darn! Shoot! Fiddlesticks! I did but I had her feuding with Alexandria, not me!

: D

►Faerie MAIDEN (Verified Cape) (The Guild)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

The wench lies as easily as she breathes. None could predict mine actions, much less those of mine Prince.

►EVE (YUPAP~!) (ABABYAH~!) (GAHAJAA~!) (Tags have been disabled for this user)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:


Theda theda...

[WARNING: How do you have admin privileges?!]

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►Dragon (Verified Cape) (The Guild)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

So, uh... Eve seems to have found a way to hook herself up directly to the internet. Which is... worrying. This is a long shot, but does anyone know how to babyproof a maybe magical connection to the entire internet?

►RavenPrinceOfTheWinterCourt (Verified Cape) (The Guild) (Verified Fae)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

Dearest Dragon,

Oh, come now, the depths of the internet can't be that bad, can they?

... Can they?

Edgar dè Brân, Raven Prince of the Fae

►RogueDemon (Supporter) (Narwhal's Divine Abs)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:


►Calleo (Supporter) (Narwhal's Divine Abs)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

... *Whistles innocently, looking everywhere but at our tags*

►High Simp (Supporter) (Narwhal's Divine Abs)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

... So who wants to tell him?

►MouseProtectorMP (Verified Cape) (Cheesed ta meet'cha!)

Replied On Sep 1st 2010:

Eheheheh~! *Rainbow Jazz Hands*

And it was all downhill from there, folks~!

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♦ Topic: Best Places to Eat in Chicago?

In: Boards ► Chicago ► General

Amonre9 (Original Poster) (Supporter)

Posted On Sep 4th 2010:

I mean, the title of the thread says it all, doesn't it? I'm going to be in Chicago for the weekend, and I'm looking for restaurant recommendations. Safest place? Best place? Quickest and most satisfying for late-night takeout?

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►Snixern (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 4th 2010:

@Lapiver - Well, yeah, of course, L'amore Dalla Cucina is good. It's just... Isn't it kinda...? Well, you know. I hesitate to say it but you know what I mean.

Should we really be recommending it to a tourist?

►Lapiver (Supporter) (Chicago)

Replied On Sep 4th 2010:

@Snixern - I mentioned it for exactly that reason. I challenge you to find a safer spot in all of Chicago. Just don't go on Thursday or Sunday. Those are Family nights. Ya know, 'that' Family...

►Snixern (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 4th 2010:

@Lapiver - Fair enough, yeah. Not like OP is especially likely to run into cape shit, but at L'amore, they DEFINITELY wouldn't.

►Amonre9 (Original Poster) (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 4th 2010:

Hi, OP here, what exactly are you guys pointedly not referring to?


Replied On Sep 4th 2010:

If ya don't know, ya don't need to know. Just come on down to the spot. We'll treat'cha good n' nice. Great Italian/Italian-American food, good atmosphere, and ya couldn't ask for better company. You'll feel like Family at L'amore Dalla Cucina.


Replied On Sep 4th 2010:

Tell 'em G and T sent ya from the web. We'd love to meet ya. Not all of us are big tough guys, ya know? The Family's gotta have a bit of heart.


Replied On Sep 4th 2010:

Bah! You two young guns don't know the meaning of tough! Why, back in my day, we got into real scraps! Real tussles! We sewed ourselves up with capellini and got right back out there!

►Amonre9 (Original Poster) (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 4th 2010:

LOL! If that's the kind of thing I can expect from L'amore Dalla Cucina, I'm there! I love me a good old timer and their stories.


Replied On Sep 4th 2010:

We'll be happy to give ya a taste of Lil Italy, Friendo. Do watch out for Sundays and Thursdays though. The other guy was right about those being Family nights. Outsiders are likely to get turned away at the door.


Replied On Sep 4th 2010:

Eh, ya sure about that, Tony? We hosted guests last time, didn't we? That one couple?

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Replied On Sep 4th 2010:

They were exceptions to the rule, Gino.


Replied On Sep 4th 2010:

'Cause of that Raven Prince guy? Didn't think we did exceptions for capes. Not that I mind. He was polite enough. And my daughter's goin' crazy over him. She's firmly in fairy phase, my little angel.


Replied On Sep 4th 2010:

Not cause of the Fae, jackass! The exception was for the lady, don'tchaknow? Not even Falcone is willing to fuck with her. There's a reason Don Alessandro saw them off in person. She's got a rep, ya see? The kind that puts all of our guys to shame.


Replied On Sep 4th 2010:

... For real? She just looked so... normal. Fine lookin' lady, dressed up to the nines for a date with her sweetheart. Nothing wrong with that. You tellin' me she's some kind of bogeywoman? With that nice ass hat? After that kiss straight outta a movie? C'mon Ol' Sal, pull the other one.


Replied On Sep 4th 2010:

That's what makes her so terrifying. Ya'd never see her coming, and ya'd never live to tell the tale. Keep mum on the romance stuff, yeah? She's got a rep to uphold. I ain't gonna be the one to ruin it for her.

►fiddlerlee (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 4th 2010:

lol how did this thread become a Folk message board? Can we get things back on topic?

►Amonre9 (Original Poster) (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 4th 2010:

Hold on, I'm curious about this hat lady and her bogeywoman reputation now! Going on a date with that new Raven Prince guy? I feel like I gotta know more!


Replied On Sep 4th 2010:

Don't bother. The Family don't deal with rats.


Replied On Sep 4th 2010:

I will give a warning though. Don't reference the hat lady. Don't talk about the hat lady. Hell, if you can help it, don't even THINK about the hat lady. Your life will be much better off that way.

►Amonre9 (Original Poster) (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 4th 2010:

Oooh~... Ominous. Is all of Chicago this much fun?

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►Snixern (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 4th 2010:

... Yeah, the Folk restaurant is perfect for you, OP.

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♦ Topic: Fae Mania

In: Boards ► Discussion

InsanexSilence (Original Poster) (Supporter)

Posted On Sep 5th 2010:

Alright, folks. Since Raven Prince's debut and Faerie Maiden's rebranding ([see: Guild Debut Thread]), I've been struck with something akin to Fae Mania. I find the whole aesthetic/situation fascinating and I wanted to see if anyone else felt the same. I remember some fairy tales from my childhood, but this has caused me to go on a bit of a binge. As far as I can tell, Raven Prince claims to be a Fae, not a fairy. And yes, there is a difference, at least in connotation. I'll provide the resources I've found below. I encourage you all to check them out.

All of that said, let the discussion commence!

Fae resources: [] The Wikipedia page for 'fairy', of course.

[] A native Irish perspective, w/ questions and answers.

[] And another, this one tending toward the Irish term 'Sidhe'.

[] A collection of articles (I haven't gone through all of them).

[] No, seriously.

And, of course, Raven Prince's wiki page [Here].

Edit: Wow! This thread is getting a much better reception than I expected! Welcome Panacea, Glory Girl, Uber, EVE (??), and even freaking Faerie Maiden!

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►jp9901 (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

I was in this Guild debut thread. Initially, I was understandably skeptical. Now... well, let's just say I've been converted into something of a believer. But I still think the general belief question is the first one that needs to be addressed for any productive discussion. Fae: Yay or Nay?

Ultimately, it'll be up to the individual to believe what they will. Just... maybe give it a bit more thought than immediately dismissing Raven Prince as just another cape. I won't be making that mistake again...

Edit: For those who remember me from that first thread, the cat he set upon me is fine. I've actually adopted her. Meet [Shadow] everyone, my new bad luck reminder!

►FaultlessElm (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

If yay, does that mean magic is also real?

►jp9901 (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

@FaultlessElm - idk if I'm ready to acknowledge Myrddin in the same breath as Raven Prince. Raven Prince reached across the freaking country to tweak my nose after I insulted him. THAT might be magic. Myrddin's schtick? Ehh...

►FaultlessElm (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

@jp9901 - I mean, that could still just be a parahuman power, right? At a certain point, how do we even separate the two?

►Valkyr (Wiki Warrior)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

If it's a parahuman power, it's LEAGUES better than anything else I've ever heard about. The range is absurd. Even Ashbeast and Sleeper have strictly defined ranges. Raven Prince apparently reached across the entire continent... to give someone specifically targeted bad luck.

Honestly, I'm not sure what I believe, but unlike a week ago, I won't dismiss magic as a possibility...


Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

@jp9901 - Nay. Fuck nay. For my own sanity more than anything else. If the Sidhe are becoming Capes, we're all doomed.

►Vorelle (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

@jp9901 - Nay. He's obviously just a nutter. Like Myrddin. Or the Faerie Queen. Guess he's in good company then.


Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

@Vorelle - Fairie Maiden. Don't be a deadnaming jerk, dude.

►j n (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

@jp9901 - Nay, but I'm willing to engage in discussion. This situation is at least interesting. Real Fae or not, he's obviously powerful. And he's surrounded himself with powerful people. Honestly, I'll just sit back with popcorn and watch the fireworks.

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►MoonlessNight (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

@Vorelle - Is he though? He's got Dragon and Narwhal vouching for him. They wouldn't be backing him if he was a complete 'nutter'. And say what you will about Faerie Maiden, I don't think she'd easily tolerate a fraud. And he's a Case 66, right? He's not even originally from Earth Bet. Earth Aleph is common knowledge, but who's to say that there isn't another Earth that diverges even further from the Earth Bet baseline? Maybe enough for the people who live there to call themselves Fae? That's my bet, at least. Yay, but with a big ol' *asterisk*

►Panacea (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

@jp9901 - Undecided. Need to see his biology for myself before I make up my mind.

►InsanexSilence (Original Poster) (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

Oh, hell yeah! That'll put proof to paper! Is there any way we can get Panacea to actually examine Raven Prince?

►DamnedThrice (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

Lol, that'll require him to come to Brockton Bay...

Is it worth it? Knowledge or chaos. Choose carefully.

►Alkole (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

We don't actually know what the end point of his and Faerie Maiden's publicity tour is. They just left Chicago and are apparently still headed east. Dragon works closely with Armsmaster, right? We might very well see a Fae in the Bay.


Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

Fuck. Sidhe vs. Nazis vs. Rage Dragon vs. Druggies. Not even BB deserves that shit.

►Panacea (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

... And I already know I'm gonna be stuck dealing with the fallout. Joy.

►Point_Me_@_The_Sky (Verified Cape) (New Wave) (Glory Girl)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

So not cool. Amy works really, really, really, REALLY hard, ya know? Making more work for her just because is, like, really sucky. I'm not sure I like this Raven Prince guy. I don't care how tall, dark, and drop-dead gorgeous he is. It's a matter of solidipity.

►Panacea (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

... Never change, Vicky.

►Point_Me_@_The_Sky (Verified Cape) (New Wave) (Glory Girl)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

What does that mean-? Wait, are you saying I'm getting fat?! Ames!

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►Panacea (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

*Pointedly DOESN'T roll eyes* You're as slim and beautiful as ever, sis. I would know, given how many times you've asked me to trim up your figure.

►Point_Me_@_The_Sky (Verified Cape) (New Wave) (Glory Girl)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

Ahh! Don't tell people that, Ames!

►InsanexSilence (Original Poster) (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

Lol always a pleasure to catch the New Wave Sisters in the wild. No one escapes the Fae Mania!

►Stealthkug (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

@jp9901 - I say Yay. 'Cause you wanna know what really sells it? What the fuck is up with the crystal freaking baby?! It's a BABY. Raven Prince's daughter. Like, why? How?? WHAT???

If that's not Fae shit, I don't know what is.

►Alorim (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

@jp9901 - Yay as well. Weirder shit has happened.

►FaultlessElm (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

@Alorim - Has it, though? Has it really?

►Alorim (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

Yes. Absolutely. Endbringers are practically indestructible, city-destroying, island-sinking monsters. You can't tell me they're more normal than a single elf-fairy-Sid-whatever guy. We've just had the misfortune of growing all too used to them.

►Point_Me_@_The_Sky (Verified Cape) (New Wave) (Glory Girl)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

@Stealthkug - Wait, he has a daughter?

►Stealthkug (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

@Point_Me_@_The_Sky - Yeah, [Here]. And [Here]. I'm positive he isn't lying about that or making it up or anything. Look at how he looks at her. That's fucking fatherly love right there, man. He'd fight the world for her.

Idk what the deal is with her being crystal or whatever, but that's definitely his daughter.

►Point_Me_@_The_Sky (Verified Cape) (New Wave) (Glory Girl)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

... Sorry, Ames

►Panacea (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

Lol what happened to 'solidipity'?

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►Point_Me_@_The_Sky (Verified Cape) (New Wave) (Glory Girl)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

He has a baby, Ames! A baby! A beautiful beaming baby girl! Look at how cute they are together! [Here], [Here], and [Here]. I think she has his eyes! OMG I would freakin' die for them!

►Zai (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

Fair and valid. @EVE is adorable. And she really tears it up with that battle mech of hers. I don't know who thought it was a good idea to give a baby a battle mech, but God bless them!

►EVE (YUPAP~!) (ABABYAH~!) (GAHAJAA~!) (Tags have been disabled for this user)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

Hawa, Abya~!

[WARNING: Does your father know you're surfing the web so late, young lady?]

►Point_Me_@_The_Sky (Verified Cape) (New Wave) (Glory Girl)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

O...M...G... She can use the internet?! Look at her just mashing the keys! I freakin' love, Love, LOVE her!

►Panacea (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

... Gibberish for the Baby God. Baby babbles for the Baby Babble Throne.

►Ub3r (Verified Cape)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

Hold up, hold up just one second. Is Panacea... based?

►Panacea (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

... I wish for nothing more than to see the abominable Xeno-bringers burn in most holy exterminatus, by purging flame and blessed bolter.

►Ub3r (Verified Cape)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

Healer and 40k-coded... Truly, Panpan is THE best girl. I can die happy now.

►Panacea (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

Lol shut up, nerd. I'm not your waifu. Touch grass.

►Ub3r (Verified Cape)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

A-Ack! Best Girl is brutal...

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►Point_Me_@_The_Sky (Verified Cape) (New Wave) (Glory Girl)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

Huh? Oh, whatever. I don't care. Baby! Sparkly baby! Shiny sparkly baby!

Hey, wait a minute... what's up with that anyway?

►CrazymanDK (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

That's the thing. No one really knows, do they? Like, are we just supposed to accept that Fae + Crystal = Baby? Eve's mother is, like, a regular human. Parahuman at most (but I obviously won't speculate on that here because I respect the mods and rules). So what gives? Is Eve adopted? Is the crystal some unique form of Fae infancy? A magical chrysalis or something?

►EVE (YUPAP~!) (ABABYAH~!) (GAHAJAA~!) (Tags have been disabled for this user)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

E~E Baba Shada~!

[WARNING: Seriously, young lady, I'm putting my foot down. It's past your bedtime.]

►Sirnoob18 (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

Ok, this baby is way too smart. Like, scarily so! Even ignoring the fact that she's hooked up to the internet. I'm willing to put that down to powers or magic or whatever. But I'm pretty sure that's not even normal baby babbling. I swear, she's trying to tell us something. Do we even know how old she is?

►CrazymanDK (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

@Sirnoob18 - You mean other than 'old enough to understand English, read, type, use PHO, and even submit unique tags for herself to the system'? lol


Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

I'll give it a shot.

'E~E' = Eve, most likely.

'Baba' = Baby? Buddy? Bad? Bashalicious? Idk, it could just be babbling but 'baby' makes the most sense to me.

'Shada' = This is where I run into a wall. Shape? Shade? Shake? Share?

Altogether, 'Eve [is] baby shape[d]'...? Which... she is. She is very much baby-shaped.

►Point_Me_@_The_Sky (Verified Cape) (New Wave) (Glory Girl)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:


I didn't know she could get even CUTER!

►runningFree (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

@jp9901 - Nay. Are we just supposed to throw out the whole playbook for one guy? Dragon backs him up, fair enough. I'm willing to accept he's a dimensional traveler. But I can't bring myself to think that makes him anything other than human. And magic? C'mon now, that's just not the world we live in.

So nah, I think he's probably more unique than the run-of-the-mill cape but nothing that would literally shatter our entire fucking worldview.

►jp9901 (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

@runningFree - Believe what you have to, man. I won't fault you that. He's already kinda shattered my worldview. No power should be able to reach across the entire continental United States.

►Faerie MAIDEN (Verified Cape) (The Guild)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

@runningFree - Languish in willful, blessed ignorance, little fool. Existence is wider and deeper than thou could ever know.

@Lolitup - Thou art surprisingly close. Impressive, for a layperson. A true translation would've been meaningless for thee. Thou could never hope to comprehend my heiress' role as the rising Shard in the dance of two courts of crystalline shattered glass.

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►EVE (YUPAP~!) (ABABYAH~!) (GAHAJAA~!) (Tags have been disabled for this user)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

Bibba s~ssy~!

[WARNING: @Faerie MAIDEN, she'll listen to you, right? Please tell her to go to bed. I really don't want her parents to be cross with me...]

►Faerie MAIDEN (Verified Cape) (The Guild)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

Very well, Venerable Moderator.

It is time for the night's recess, my heiress. You must rest if you hope to grow quickly. Please, entrust this interweb-ly business to me. I shall represent you and your father well. You may resume your activities when the sun dawns once more. If you are patient and good, I shall prepare a tasty Shard to break your fast.

►EVE (YUPAP~!) (ABABYAH~!) (GAHAJAA~!) (Tags have been disabled for this user)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

AA~! AAA~shishi! Aaa~aah~... ~zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz~


►Tin_Mother (Moderator)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

Oh, thank God. I'll lift her suspension in the morning. She doesn't listen to me nearly as well as she listens to you, Faerie Maiden. Bless her little heart but I didn't want to be digitally chasing after her all night.

►Point_Me_@_The_Sky (Verified Cape) (New Wave) (Glory Girl)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

Dang it... I really want to hate her but that was really flippin' wholesome.

So, @Faerie MAIDEN, what's the deal with all the fancy typin'? Dancing courts and shattered glass, like, what?

►Faerie MAIDEN (Verified Cape) (The Guild)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

@Point_Me_@_The_Sky - I shall not share my heiress' secrets so flippantly. If thou art fated to know, thou shall learn in time. Regardless of thee or any other, the grand Play of Shards and Shattered Courts proceeds in an utterly unprecedented direction.


Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

@Faerie MAIDEN - Oh... Oh my, that sounds like it changes a lot... About what though, I'm sure I don't know.

I haven't seen much of this 'Raven Prince' but lately I've been practically unable to see anything other than Eve. It seems like she's popping up everywhere I look. I never even knew where she came from until now! She is very, very adorable, though, I must say. Why, I might even follow her to the ends of the Earth if she asked nicely.

It's all very strange. Am I wrong to be excited about it?

►Noctis117 (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

Lol I get that. I think even my mom has seen pics of Eve at this point. I don't think it's wrong or weird to be excited though. If everything about Raven Prince and Eve is true, think about all of the questions they bring to the table. Magic? Mythology? Versions of Earth farther removed than Aleph?

I can't help but mark myself as a tentative 'Yay' if only for the hopes of how much there is to learn should everything be true.


Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

Indeed, it truly is exciting. I've never seen anything like it. I'm sure I'll be watching with rapt attention from now on.

►Faerie MAIDEN (Verified Cape) (The Guild)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

@Winged_One - ... I am pleased to see that thou are willing to swear fealty to my heiress. It's only proper, of course, but a pleasing thing to confirm nonetheless.

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►kyuu (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

lol I don't think she meant it like that, Faerie Maiden

►Faerie MAIDEN (Verified Cape) (The Guild)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

I know EXACTLY what Winged_One meant by her words. There has been no misunderstanding at play here.


Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

Yes, I do believe we understand each other perfectly.

►NotableRonin (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

Uh, anyone else think that exchange was a bit... off?

►kyuu (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

It's the Faerie Queen (by a different name). 'A bit off' is probably the best-case scenario.

►NotableRonin (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

Still... I have a bad feeling about this...

►SignificantProtagonist (Verified... Author)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

@jp9901 - Smash-! I mean, yay~! Count me as a believer and take me to church. I'll worship at his altar any day. Curse me, goth fae daddy~!

Edit: Wait, he's an actual DILF too?! Fuuuucckkk yesssssss~! Looks like my muse is gonna be working overtime

►Point_Me_@_The_Sky (Verified Cape) (New Wave) (Glory Girl)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

... Okay, I mean, he is drop-dead gorgeous, but, girl, you need a drink.

►SignificantProtagonist (Verified... Author)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

@Point_Me_@_The_Sky - A drink of Goth Elf DILF w/ 'So good it'd kill me'-Dick energy? Yeah, you bet your pert barbie doll ass I do!

►DaoistAlucard (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

Uh oh. Where SP goes, her readers follow.

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(Showing page 8 of 36)

►Panacea (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

@SpecificProtagonist - Don't even start. I've read your fics. Disgusting. Detestible. Deplorable. Depraved, even. When is the next chapter coming out so I can leave you another scathing review?

►DaoistAlucard (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

But that... That, I was not expecting.

►SignificantProtagonist (Verified... Author)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

WTF, I know that writing style! Is Panacea one of my beta readers?!

►Panacea (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

Inconceivable. Ridiculous. Absolutely absurd. Why would I, Panacea, spend what little free time I have reading your scandalously smutty stories while self-inserting into your stupidly slutty (and utterly, unbelievably unrealistic) protagonists (who sometimes happen to literally be me)?

►Point_Me_@_The_Sky (Verified Cape) (New Wave) (Glory Girl)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

Yeah, don't go accusing Ames of something so freak-nasty! She just happens to spend a lot of her free time in her room, with the door closed and, like, a whole nest of buzzing bees or something. I declare my client innocent of all charges leveled against her!

►Panacea (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

Vicky. I'm going to give you super-duper-quadruple cancer.

►SignificantProtagonist (Verified... Author)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

@Panacea - ... K. Thanks for the support, girlie.

►Panacea (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:


►Point_Me_@_The_Sky (Verified Cape) (New Wave) (Glory Girl)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

Uh, guys? I think I just heard Amy collapse head-first into her keyboard in her room. Is that normal?

►RedDroid X (Supporter)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

After you exposed her as a chronic gooner? Yeah, lol, it's pretty normal.

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(Showing page 9 of 36)

►Point_Me_@_The_Sky (Verified Cape) (New Wave) (Glory Girl)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

What's a gooner?

►SignificantProtagonist (Verified... Author)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

Oh, you sweet, ditzy summer child

►Panacea (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:

... Anyone who tells her will never get healing from me again. And trust me, I'LL KNOW. Try me. And find out why nobody fucks with the White Mage.

►Ub3r (Verified Cape)

Replied On Sep 5th 2010:


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