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50% A Film for a Few Friends / Chapter 1: Chapter 1
A Film for a Few Friends A Film for a Few Friends original

A Film for a Few Friends

Autor: WdGr40

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Chapter 1

It was too early to go to bed and too late to get dressed and go out, assuming she could think of somewhere she wanted to go, so Lynn Langley found herself wandering aimlessly through the house in her nightdress half-heartedly tidying up the living room and wondering if she could get some money out of her husband, Matt, for some new curtains. The night was uncomfortably warm and humid, and she knew that it would be impossible to sleep with the hot south wind blowing into the bedroom window. Lynn always found it difficult to doze off when her husband was away, and these days the TV studio seemed to be sending him out of town more and more frequently to film track meets, high school football games, boxing matches, and anything else in the sports world which might conceivably interest the athletically minded viewers of WRT-TV, the local television.

Depressed and feeling a slight headache coming on, Lynn meandered lazily into the bedroom and threw herself unhappily on the big double bed, her long blonde hair spraying out against the whiteness of the pillow. The breeze from the window was hot, but moving air of any temperature was refreshing, and she enjoyed the feeling of the wind caressing her lightly clad body.

Lynn had the stunning voluptuous figure of a young Greek goddess, and a professional photographer would have immediately noticed that this was an exceptional-looking girl and reached for his camera. The filmy silk nightgown barely hid her high-set widely spaced breasts and the flimsy material was translucent, revealing her pointed, rosy-tipped nipples. The nightie was tight and form fitted, dutifully following the breathtaking curves of her ripely generous figure, flowing over a flat smooth stomach down to full firm thighs and the inviting brown patch of soft pubic hair up between her long tapered legs. There was no question about it; this was a woman worth looking at, and men normally took the opportunity to do just that whenever she passed their way.

But on this hot evening, Lynn's smoothly chiseled features were marred by a frown, and the restless dissatisfaction she was feeling showed clearly in her large hazel eyes. Lynn could not put her finger exactly on the cause of her unhappiness because it seemed that everything that had ever worried and troubled her in the past was coming back to haunt her tonight. Why did Matt have to be out of town whenever she really needed him to cheer her up? On a night like this, they should be mixing drinks, taking cool showers, and making love until they had tired themselves out enough to sleep. Instead, she was alone and love-making was out of the question for three more days!

The voluptuously attractive young wife shook her head to drive away the bad thoughts which were tormenting her mercilessly and decided to wash her face with cold water. Why did it have to be like this? Other women managed to forget their premarital love affairs, marry good honest men like Matt and then settle down, happy and content for the rest of their lives. If she had only listened to what her mother had taught her as a child she would never have gotten herself involved with a character like Phil Agard to begin with, and she would never have learned to be dissatisfied with a fine upstanding individual like her husband. She should have gone to her wedding a virgin and not a slightly used kept woman with remorse for the past and continual worries about the future.

She washed her face without feeling much better for it and returned to her bed, knowing in advance that she would never be able to get to sleep as long as she was in this condition. Small beads of sweat were already forming all over her body, and she realized instinctively that the evening's heat was only half of the explanation, the other half being too shameful to admit even to herself. She was aroused, excited! She needed some physical satisfaction, and there was none in sight!

Somehow, as the languid, sexually deprived woman sprawled on her bed, the thin fabric of her shortie

nightgown landed high on the flat tantalizing plane of her stomach, exposing the softly tempting darkness between her slightly spread legs. Beneath the fine flaxen hair of her pubic mound, the warm south wind swept boldly over the thin hair-lined slit of her open loins.

And it felt good! She was so turned on tonight that even the delicate impersonal touch of the wind was sensual, and she spread her lithe, tapered legs even farther apart, baring the whole moist crevice of her cunt to the hot breeze from the window. Then, with an abrupt gesture, she raised the firmly rounded half-moons of her buttocks off the surface of the mattress and slid the nightie up over the rising mounds of her breasts. A moment later, she removed the gown completely, wanting to let the hot, lust-inciting wind caress her totally naked body.

Oh, God, what the hell am I doing, she moaned to herself in anguish. A couple of days without my husband, and here I am, acting like a sex-starved teenager! Lynn, when will you ever grow up?

Then, without warning, a terrible temptation swept over her. It was something she had not done since she had married and something she had sworn she would never do again, but she knew even as she battled against it that the temptation was going to win and her willpower would lose!

Tonight she was going to get that old diary out of the desk and retread it again!

No sooner had the thought struck her mind than she was on her feet, finding the key in her purse and fitting it deftly to the desk drawer where she kept her personal papers. Like most romantically inclined young women, Lynn had scrupulously kept a diary during her teenage years, recording those very special events like her first date, her first kiss, and even her first sexual experiences. And even after she had gone to work as a secretary at WRT-TV and gotten involved in her disastrous love affair with Phil Agard, the president and manager of the television station, she had continued to write jotting down what they had said and done to one another during the most intimate moments of their association. Later, when the affair was obviously going sour, she had clung to the diary as if it were her only friend, confiding everything in the crude vulgar explicit language which Phil himself used and had taught her to use. Her marriage to Matt had brought an end to diary writing, and she had told herself on her wedding night that all that childish foolishness was now behind her forever. She had even considered burning the book to prevent Matt from ever stumbling upon this record of sin and degradation, thus finding out just how his innocent little wife behaved before their marriage!

But, unfortunately, she had never had the courage to burn it and now her hands trembled slightly as she held it before her for the first time in four years. She opened it at random:

... I felt my body turning on like an electric light! It didn't hurt any more and there was a strange restless tingle running maddeningly up and down my backbone as he crushed fiercely into me ... all the nerve endings in my body were going off like sirens and my hot gaping little cant felt as if it were going to explode. I called his name over and over again like a crazy woman and he put his hand over my mouth to keep the neighbors from finding out that my boyfriend was not only a married man but the director of the Television station. Everybody knew Phil and he was always afraid of a scandal!

... And when he really got started, I was rotating my hips recklessly from side to side, trying to excite him as much as I could, and deep, deep inside my stretched, battered vagina, I could feel his hard impaling cock stuck all the way up in me like a sword thrust into a sheath, so far in that the thick red tip of his manhood was rubbing torturously against my cervix. I never felt so absolutely filled in my entire life and my tender little pussy seemed as though it was being shattered into a thousand pieces! I treed to hold my shivering, quaking body still and not make a complete fool of myself, but the piteous groans just kept coming out of my mouth, one after another, and I seemed to have lost control over my legs because they were splayed out wildly on either side of his long jerking pole, and my whole body was bucking and

heaving like mad. I couldn't help myself! It was as if he had climbed right up inside my cant!

Phil could hardly hide the sadistic grin on his face when he saw that I was coming on like an express train. Phil is cruel, really, because he makes me cum again and again, even after I'm tired, and he makes me lose control of myself completely so that I end up every evening in bed with him acting like a lust-driven animal instead of an intelligent human being. And it was no different tonight. I could feel the fluttering little muscles inside of my cant starting to palpitate and nibble at his cock the way they do when I'm getting ready to cum and the lips of my convulsing vagina were all dilated and wet while he pumped his hot searing sperm into me so savagely that I thought he was going to tear me apart.

A tear rolled down off her cheek and moistened the page she was reading as Lynn found herself wondering how a well brought-up girl who was supposed to know right from wrong could ever have put pen to paper and written such awful, obscene? disgusting things. It was bad enough to have done what she had done with Phil, but to have written about them afterwards!

For a moment, she almost felt that she now possessed the courage to carry this horribly incriminating document into the bathroom and flush it down the toilet page by page. But instead she read on, possessed by a strange masochistic desire to torture herself even more, and she flipped through a few pages of the diary to read her recollections of another passionate steamy night in bed with the television executive who she had served as lover and secretary for a torrid six month period.

... Somehow, I'll never be able to forget his cock if I live to be a thousand. It's impossible to describe, but tonight it looked just like an enormous medieval cannon about to fire. I tried not to look at it, but every time I see Phil naked and aroused like that, I can't take my eyes off of his groin, wondering how it is possible for that battering ram to fit up inside my poor tormented body. Every time he throws himself on top of me, I know it's going to hurt like hell when he comes pounding savagely into me, and every time I go ahead and let him do it anyway. Tonight, he was in a real hurry and couldn't be bothered with any of the usual preliminaries ... Without so much as saying hello, he pushed me backwards onto the bed with a kind of snarl and climbed on top of my naked body like a wild animal in the mating season and I could feel his hard chest crushing into the softness of my breasts while he probed between my outstretched legs for the tender hair-covered entrance to my eagerly waiting vagina. I should have been happy, I suppose, but somehow this perverse brutality excited me so much that I could hardly breathe and I sucked his tongue into my mouth and thrust my pelvis up against him, wanting that long fat penis inside of me like I had never wanted it before.

It seems crazy to be writing this down on paper, but suddenly I felt my body was just an enormous cant! I was a great big unexplored underground cavern that had to be penetrated and Phil was the brave explorer who was going to march inside of me with his whole body and explore every inch of me! I was going crazy and I almost screamed when I felt the broad, blood-filled tip of his cock jostle against the ragged edges of my vagina, searching impatiently for the opening and teasing the tiny pulsating button of my clitoris. Then he found what he was looking for and shoved! Every time Phil comes skewering into me, I think he's going to split me in two and tonight it was no different. He brutally flicked his hips forward with that funny sadistic grin he has, knowing that he's hurting me and not caring at all, his long fierce cudgel ramming into me to the hilt, so far and so fast that I could feel his balls slapping against my backside as he stretched the rubbery elastic flesh of my battered abused cant almost to the bursting point.

But the pain went away quickly tonight and when it was almost gone, he started sawing in and out of my cruelly stretched pussy as if his life depended upon it. Like always, I began to lose control all over again, and tingles of happy submission came rushing up and down my backbone. My hips started to grind into the mattress as if I wanted to bore a hole in it, and I couldn't keep my silly mouth from babbling obscene dreadful things in his ear, asking him to Suck me harder and deeper, and using other words I can't even

bring myself to write down on paper.

Before I could get my wits together, sparks started to fly and it happened to me, like always. The moment I felt his fat muscular cock get stiff and hard, and the hot sticky cum start pouring into me, filling me to the brim, a thousand Any sparks seemed to go floating merrily all through my body. My strength disappeared and he creamed into me like a madman while I lay moaning on the bed, with my legs curled tightly around his back.

Lynn found herself blushing furiously almost as if she were reading these shameful phrases aloud to a group of her friends and the young wife looked around her empty bedroom in fright, half expecting to see her quiet, mild mannered husband sitting in his easy chair next to the bed and demanding an explanation. No, there was no question about it, she told herself with an effort to firmness, it was too dangerous to leave this book in existence. Matt was hardly the type to go prying through her private things, but if he should happen some day to discover these words, it would be all over between them. Perhaps their marriage had been a little dull sexually as far as Lynn was concerned, but Matt seemed to be satisfied and happy; and she knew that his sense of morality and decency would never permit him to live together with a woman who was capable of writing such depraved unholy words as these. The book had to be destroyed!

Nakedly, the young wife walked to the bathroom, now determined to burn the diary page by page and flush the ashes down the toilet so that her descriptions of the last orgies with Phil Agard would be gone forever and a whole shameful chapter of her life would be erased completely. She perched on the edge of the tub and balanced the diary on one naked knee with a book of matches on the other. Trying to keep her courage up, she tore out the first few pages and set them ablaze, choking a little on the thick smoke which immediately filled the bathroom and trying not to yield to the overpowering temptation to read any more of this record of degeneracy and sin. Tears running freely down her cheeks, she resolutely burned her way through the entire six months of her affair with the TV executive, keeping the book upside down so that her eyes could not accidentally pick up some stray phrase or passage which might set her off again. Then she came to the last entry, the one she had written after her last meeting with Phil, the night before she had accepted her husband's offer of marriage. She had to see it one more time and she knew that rereading what had happened between them one last time would give her the moral strength she needed to go ahead and finish the job. Her fingers trembled as she held the last remaining pages up to the bathroom light.

Phil came by after work as promised. He has always been a little rough with me, but actually it was part of the attraction, and I can't deny that usually it excites me. But lately he has been growing ... how should I say it? ... a little perverse, wanting me to do certain things that I could never force myself to do. It's bad enough having a love affair with a married man, but Phil seems to want things from me that no decent woman would do, even with her own husband. Tonight it was worse than ever.

He never even gave me time to undress, and when I protested the fact that he was ripping my clothes to shreds, he hit me across the mouth, hard, and I still have a red mark there. Then he said that he was tired of messing around and told me that a man like him needed some real action once in a while. I was so upset that I began to cry and he grabbed me by the arms and forced me down on my knees in front of him. I was shaking so badly I thought I was going to fall on my face, but I managed to get hold of myself, thinking he was only a little drunk, and I hung onto his legs while he undressed.

His penis was already erected, and I had never seen it so close before. There were long blue veins on the underside, running all of the way from the thick black pats h of pubic hair around the thick shaft of his cock out to the red, blood-engorged bulbous gland which was swinging menacingly only inches from my parted lips. I felt his hands in my hair, pulling me steadily closer and he kept telling me to open my mouth

... I didn't quite understand, but there was a horrible suspicion forming in the back of my mind, a horrible desperate fear that perhaps he wanted me to take his penis into my mouth! Then it came to me in a flash and I suddenly understood that Phil wanted me to suck him! He wanted to use my mouth as a receptacle for his vile thick sperm.

And in the same instant I knew that this was something I could never do, not in a million years. Phil Agard had dragged me far enough down into the gutter with him, but there were still some remnants of a decent woman left in me, and I got all my strength together and pulled away from him, screaming like a mad-woman. In surprise, he let go of my hair, and I locked myself in the bathroom and sat on the toilet sobbing. He swore at me through the door and left ... Tomorrow, I'm going to tell Matt Langley that I'll marry him. I don't really love Matt, but it's the only way out.

And when she had finished the last page, Lynn was suddenly glad she had done it, because the events of that last horrible night with the TV executive reminded her clearly what a beast Agard really was and how right she had been to decide to leave him and marry a decent man. She ripped the final page into tiny shreds and threw them in the toilet, watching the fragments of her past life whirl around in circles as it disappeared down the drain.

But somehow when it was all over, the girl felt no particular sensation of relief. All the written evidence of her evil past destroyed, she walked back into the bedroom, still naked, and threw herself again on the bed, her long tapered legs slightly parted and her arms cast out on either side of her in the classical position of abandon.

The scene would have been an exciting one had there been someone there to enjoy it, for the position of her arms caused Lynn's heavy rounded breasts to protrude more than usual, standing up free and proud as she gazed at herself in the mirror at the foot of the bed. Her mind still occupied with thoughts of the shame of her past life, her hands crept almost unnoticed down to her turgid little nipples, and without realizing what she was doing, the love starved young wife began to massage her own lushly ripened breasts, touching the rose-colored buds of her-nipples until they became hard and erect, and pointed at the ceiling like twin artillery pieces ready to fire. Even as the proper moralistic part of her brain began to tell her that this was ridiculous for a grown married woman, one of her hands stealthily left the soft mounds of her breasts, creeping slowly across the flat plane of her tautly smooth stomach into her moistly heated vaginal crevice.

A concealed witness to this depraved scene would have observed sheer wanton desire flooding into Lynn's eyes as one outstretched finger trembled hesitantly over the thin pink slit of her restlessly twitching cunt. People are often good at preventing themselves from thinking about exactly what they are doing, and Lynn purposely tried to concentrate on something else, hoping to trick herself into forgetting about what her hands were really doing to that super-sensitive place up between her legs. Deliberately focusing her thoughts on the comparative happiness she had found with her simple, religious-minded husband, her sensuous hips began to grind inexorably into the mattress as her sexual arousal grew more demanding and insistent by the second.

The young blonde-haired woman sighed deeply as electric sparks seemed to be jumping from the ragged hair-lined edges of her delicately pulsating vagina to her fingers, and her breath quickened noticeably as she stimulated the tiny pink button of her clitoris, rubbing her index finger over it slowly and sensuously as she deliberately excited herself to greater and greater heights of physical passion, knowing in her heart that the situation was now out of control and that she simply did not have the moral courage to stop this evil impure business. Lynn writhed and moaned as if she were being ravaged by some ghostly invisible lover, her creamy white legs now skewered wildly apart and her fingers boldly invading the throbbing wet orifice of her cunt, stroking the cock-hungry crevice into a maddening burning state

which seemed to be consuming her insides. With her extended middle finger she actively stroked the glistening pink clitoris until the sensitive pleasure center swelled up in agitation, doubling in size and tingling as if it were about to explode like a miniature time bomb.

There was no stopping her now, and the orgasm she needed so badly came closer by the minute, attacking her lust-wracked body like a swarm of voracious locusts settling on a rich green field. The mounting passion could be read even in her normally serene face, now contorted into an unrecognizable mask of lust, and she chanted softly to herself as she energetically lathered herself into a state of furious ecstasy.

It was just around the corner, only needing a few more deft touches to bring it on like an express train, and the half-demented girl had three fingers inside of her vaginal cavity now as the orgiastic fluid gushed out of her wetly pulsating cunt, dampening the sheet below her and filling the room with its pungent distinctive odor. Another touch, another caress and ...

The doorbell rang!

"Oh Christ!" she groaned in agony, feeling the release she wanted so badly start to slip away from her, slowly but surely.

The doorbell sounded again insistently. Lynn lay still for a few seconds cursing this late intruder whomever he might be. and then darted for the bathroom to mop away most of the moisture from her inner thighs before slipping hastily into her dressing gown. It was nearly midnight? she remarked to herself. Who could possibly be visiting her at this hour?

Pulling the thin clinging dressing gown over her nakedness, the young blonde darted barefoot to the door, making sure that the safety chain Was attached before she undid the lock.

"Who is it?" she called fearfully, a recognizable tremor in her voice.

"It's Phil, honey," came the relaxed, easy tones of the television executive who was her husband's present boss and her former lover.

"Phil?" she responded in alarm. "But Phil ... I thought ... that is, we made a deal when I married Matt that you wouldn't bother me ... it's all over between us ... you know ..."

"Will you stop babbling and let me in?" the producer laughed casually. "I didn't stop by for romance, sweetie, because I've got other fish to try as far as that's concerned these days. I'm in a jam and I need your help on a professional basis, so stop acting like a virgin in an ivory tower and let me in! Isn't Matt around?"

"You sent him to cover that football game on the Coast," Lynn snapped as she undid the safety chain and stepped back to admit him into her home, "and you know perfectly well he isn't here."

"Oh yeah, I'd forgotten," Agard replied insincerely as he walked into the room and let his eyes run lecherously over the girl's voluptuously ripened body, her splendid, lust-inciting figure clearly traced beneath the thin clinging fabric of her dressing gown. "Hmmmmmmm, looks to me like you're dressed for action pigeon! You got another visitor, maybe?"

Lynn Langley blushed in righteous anger at this lewd suggestion, pulling the inadequate garment around her as tightly as she could in a vain attempt to hide the contours of her feverishly aroused body from the man's practiced eye.

"I'm alone," she retorted flatly, struggling to keep her composure. "Is there any law against sleeping in the

nude on a hot night?"

"None that I know of, baby," smiled Phil, settling himself uninvited into an easy chair and lighting a cigarette without taking the trouble even to offer her one.

"What do you want, Phil?" she insisted, standing over him uneasily. "If one of the neighbors saw you coming here tonight, there could be a scandal. I've got a nice life with Matt now, and I don't want ..."

"Relax, pussycats and let me look at you," Agard drawled with vulgar self-confidence. "Goddamn, you're as beautiful now as you were the last time I had you flat on your back! You weren't so nervous about my visits then, as I recall, and as a matter of fact, I always had the impression you looked forward to them. How about a quickie for old time's sake?"

'No!!!!!" she found herself saying although in the back of her mind another voice was saying "Yes!" with approximately the same intensity. You mustn't get involved with this man again, she warned herself. He couldn't care less about you or your husband or your marriage! Matt would find out and the whole world would come to an end as far as you were concerned.

"You said you had some business, Phil," she told him, making a supreme effort to keep her voice level and controlled. "Why don't you tell me what it is. I'm very tired and want to get a good night's sleep tonight."

Lynn knew perfectly well that she was in no position to order this man out of her house. Not only was he Matt's boss and in a position to keep her husband from ever working in television again, but she lived in continual fear that he would open his big mouth and tell Matt exactly what kind of a girl he had married, thereby ruining her marriage.

"Okay, baby, although I see a couple of perky little tits underneath that robe that keep sending me messages that I can't ignore. But the thing is this: we're shooting a television video-tape tonight at the studio, and one of the extras just called in sick. Everything's set to start taping at one o'clock, and I hate like hell to start re-scheduling things at this stage of the game."

"And what do I have to do?" inquired Lynn, a little puzzled by all of this.

"Just stand in for the extra. I'll pay you the going rate."

"I don't understand," she confessed unhappily, not liking something about the situation, but unable to put her finger on exactly what was worrying her. "You know perfectly well I'm not an actress, and why are you shooting a film at one o'clock at night?"

Agard smiled easily and shook his head like an adult being asked to explain something to a simple-minded child.

"You don't have to act, sweetheart," he assured her. "The girl who copped out on me was just an extra. All you have to do is stand there for a couple of hours and look beautiful. It's an oriental scene and you're a slave girl who waits next to the queen. And we're shooting at night because it's quiet, and we can work without being disturbed all the time. Any more questions?"

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