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8.45% A Certain Magical Index / Chapter 6: Chapter 1: The Magician Lands on the Tower. Part 5

Capítulo 6: Chapter 1: The Magician Lands on the Tower. Part 5

"Okay, I have a handout for you. Follow along while we go through this supplementary lesson."

Even after spending an entire term in that class, Kamijou still could not believe it.

The homeroom teacher of Year 1 Class 7, Tsukuyomi Komoe, was a ridiculous teacher who was so short that only her head could be seen when she stood behind her desk.

That little girl teacher was one of the school's seven mysteries: at 135 cm tall, there was a legend saying she was refused a roller coaster ride due to safety concerns, and looked to the world like a 12 year old who should be carrying a soprano recorder with a yellow hard hat and a red elementary school backpack.

"I won't stop you from talking amongst yourselves, but you need to listen to what I say. I put a lot of effort into making a quiz, so if you do poorly on it, you will be punished with the See Through lesson."

"Sensei, isn't that where you play poker with a blindfold on!? That's part of the Curriculum for Clairvoyance! I've heard you can't leave until you win 10 times in a row despite not being able to see your cards, so wouldn't we just be stuck here until morning!?" protested Kamijou Touma.

"Oh, but Kamijou-chan, you don't have enough development credits, so you'll be doing the See Through lesson regardless."

"Ugh," Kamijou was at a loss of words when faced with the salesman smile of a salary man teacher.

"…Mhh. I see. Komoe-chan finds you so cute she just can't help herself, Kami-yan," said the blue-haired, ear-pierced 1, male, class representative who was sitting next to Kamijou.

"…Do you sense malice coming from that teacher's back as she enjoyably stretches up to reach the blackboard?"

"What? What's wrong with having such a cute teacher scold you for failing a quiz? Getting physically abused by a little kid like that gets you a ton of experience points, Kami-yan."

"I knew you were a lolicon, but you're a masochist, too!? You really are hopeless!!"

"Ah hah! It's not that I like lolis! It's that I also like lolis!!"

Kamijou almost shouted out "You're omnivorous!?", but he was interrupted.

"You two over there! If you say a single word more, you'll be stuck with Columbus's Egg."

Just as one would expect, Columbus's Egg involved standing a raw egg upside down on a desk without anything supporting it. Those specializing in Psychokinesis could keep the egg from falling when they worked to the point of the blood vessels in their brain almost bursting. (It was actually an extremely difficult challenge because the egg would break if the Psychokinesis was too powerful.) As with the previous example, you would be stuck there until morning if you could not do it.

Kamijou and Aogami Pierce stared at Tsukuyomi Komoe while forgetting to breathe.


Her smile was quite frightening.

While Komoe-sensei loved being called "cute", she became incredibly irate when called "small".

However, she did not seem to mind being looked down on by the students. Part of it was just something inevitable within Academy City. The city was a veritable Neverland where over 80% of the population was students. The opposition to salary man teachers was harsh even compared to a normal school, and more importantly, the "strength" of a student was based on both their academic ability and their power.

The teachers were the ones that developed the students, but the teachers themselves had no powers. Some, like the PE teachers and guidance counselors, seemed like they were from foreign units because they trained Level 3 monsters with their own fists. However, it would be cruel to expect that from a chemistry teacher like Komoe.

"…Hey, Kami-yan."


"Would it turn you on to get lectured by Komoe-sensei?"

"I'm not you! Just shut up already, idiot! If we have to play with a raw egg even though we don't have Psychokinesis, we'll be spending our entire summer break here! If you get it, shut that fake Kansai dialect mouth of yours!"

"Fake… D-D-D-D-D-Don't call it fake! I'm really from Osaka!"

"Shut up. I know you're from a rice region. I'm in a bad mood, so don't make me play the straight man right now."

"I-I-I'm not from a rice region! Ah. A-ahhh! I sure do love takoyaki."

"Stop trying to force yourself into the Kansai role! Are you going to bring takoyaki for lunch just to fill this role?"

"What are you talking about? It's not like someone from Osaka eats only takoyaki, right?"


"Right? I think that's right…no, wait. But… but yeah… but huh? Which is it?"

"You're falling out of character, Mr. Fake Kansai," said Kamijou before sighing and looking out the window.

He felt like he should be by Index's side rather than dealing with that pointless supplementary lesson.

The Walking Church nun's habit she wore had indeed reacted to Kamijou's right hand, although, "reacted" was perhaps an understatement. But, that did not mean he had to believe. Most likely, the majority of what Index had said was a lie, and even if she were not, she may have just mistaken some natural phenomenon as the occult.

Even so…

I guess the fish that gets away always seems huge, he pondered.

Kamijou sighed again. If the alternative was being stuck at a desk in that sauna-like classroom with no air conditioning, charging into a fantasy of swords and magic may have been better. And he even had a cute, though difficult to say beautiful, heroine to go with it.


Kamijou recalled the hood Index had forgotten in his room.

In the end, he had not returned it. He did not see it as having been unable to return it. Even if Index had disappeared, he would likely have found her if he had seriously started looking for her. And even if he had not, he could still go out and run around the city looking for her with the hood in one hand.

When he thought about it, he realized he had wanted some kind of connection. He had felt that she might come back to get it someday.

Because, that white girl had shown him such a perfect smile…

He felt like she would disappear like an illusion if he did not leave some kind of connection.

He was afraid.

…Oh, so that's it, he concluded.

After going through those somewhat poetic thoughts, Kamijou finally realized something. When it came down to it, he did not hate the girl who was caught on his balcony. He had liked her enough that the thought of never seeing her again left him with a slight twinge of regret.

"…Ah, damn it."

He clicked his tongue. With how heavily she weighed on his mind, he wished he had stopped her from leaving.

Come to think of it, what was it with those 103,000 grimoires that she mentioned?

Index had said that the group, a magic cabal (something like a corporation?), after her seemed to be pursuing her because they wanted those 103,000 grimoires. And apparently, Index had been fleeing with those 103,000 grimoires in her possession.

It was neither a key nor a map to the place where all those books were stored.

When Kamijou had asked where all those books were, she had simply said, "Right here." However, as far as Kamijou could see, she owned not a single book. Even if she did, Kamijou's room was not large enough to house 100,000 books.

"…What was that all about?"

Kamijou tilted his head to the side in puzzlement. Since Index's Walking Church had reacted to Imagine Breaker, her words were not complete delusion. However…

"Sensei? Kamijou-kun's staring out the window to look at the girl's tennis team's fluttery skirts.

Aogami Pierce's forced Kansai dialect sent Kamijou's focus in an about-face to the classroom.


Komoe-sensei fell silent.

She had seemed to go through shock because 'that' Kamijou Touma-kun had not been focused on the lesson. She had the look of a 12 year old who had just found out the truth about Santa Claus.

Just as that thought reached his mind, Kamijou Touma was pierced by the hostile gazes of his classmates who wished to protect the human rights of that "child".

While it was called a supplementary lesson, they had been stuck there until the time when all students were supposed to have left school.

"…Such misfortune," Kamijou muttered as he gazed at a wind turbine's three propellers, glittering in the sunset.

Any kind of nightlife was forbidden, so the last bus and train in Academy City were set to leave once the students were out of school.

Kamijou missed the last bus, so he was trudging along through the scorching shopping district that seemed to go on forever. A security robot passed by him as he did. It was also a drum on wheels and it functioned as something like a walking security camera. They were originally improved versions of robotic dogs, but children would gather around them and block their way. For that simple reason, the work robots were converted into drum container shapes.

"Ah, there you are, you bastard! Wait up… wait! You! I'm talking to you! Stop!!"

The summer heat had done Kamijou in and he just stared at the slowly moving security robot. He thought about how

Index had run off after a cleaning robot and, finally, realized that a voice was calling him.

He turned around to figure out what was going on.

She was a middle school-aged girl with shoulder-length brown hair that glowed a flame-red in the sunset but her face was dyed even redder. She wore a gray pleated skirt, a short sleeve blouse, and a summer sweater… At that point, he suddenly realized who she was.

"…Oh, it's you again, Biri Biri2 Middle Schooler."

"Don't call me Biri Biri! I have a name! It's Misaka Mikoto! Why don't you learn it already!? You've been calling me Biri Biri since we first met!"

Since we first met…? Kamijou thought back. Oh, right.

When they first met, she was surrounded by delinquents just like the other day. As the children approached her, he had thought that they were after her wallet and stepped forward in an Urashima Tarou-esque move.

However, for some reason, the girl was the one that became irritated, saying, "Shut up! Don't get in the way of other people's fights! Biri Biri!" Kamijou had of course blocked her Biri Biri with his right hand and she had responded with, "Huh? Why didn't that work? Then what about this? Huh?" One thing had led to another, and things had ended up in their current relationship.

"…Huh? What? I'm not sad, so why am I crying, mom?"

"What's with the distant look in your eyes?"

Kamijou was exhausted from the supplementary lesson and he decided not to give much thought in how to deal with the Biri Biri girl.

"The girl staring at Kamijou's face with a stunned expression is the Railgun girl from yesterday. She's so frustrated over losing a single fight that she has come back to Kamijou again and again to challenge him to rematches."

"…Who's that explanation for?"

"She's strong-willed and hates to lose, but is actually quite a lonely person and is in charge of taking care of the class pet."

"Don't tack strange things to the setting!!"

The girl, Misaka Mikoto, flailed her arms around and all focus on the street was drawn to her. It was not all that surprising, the completely normal summer uniform she wore was the uniform of Tokiwadai Middle School, one of the 5 most prestigious and elite schools in Academy City. For some reason, the explosively refined girls from Tokiwadai seemed to stand apart even in a station at rush hour and would strike as a surprise for anyone to see one sitting on the floor of a train messing around with their cell phone like any other person.

"So what do you want, Biri Biri? Actually, why are you wearing your uniform during summer break? Do you have supplementary lessons?"

"Gh… Sh-Shut up."

"Were you worried about the class bunny?"

"I told you to stop with the animal stuff! Also, today I'm going to make you twitch like frog legs with electrodes attached! So, get your will and inheritance in order!"

"I don't think so."

"Why not!?"

"Because, I'm not in charge of my class' pet."

"Why you… Quit making fun of me!!"

The middle school girl stomped down on the tiles of the path.

At that exact moment, a tremendous noise came from the cell phones of the people walking along the area. Additionally, the cable broadcast in the shopping district cut out and a horrible noise came from the security robot.

The crackling sound of static electricity came from the middle school girl's hair. That Level 5 girl, who used Railgun with nothing but her own body, smiled such that her canines were bared like a beast's.

"Hmph. How was that? Did that change your cowardly mind? …Mgh!"

In a frantic attempt to cover her mouth, Kamijou's hand covered Misaka Mikoto's entire composed face. "Sh-Shut up." he whispered nearly inaudibly. "Please just shut your mouth! Everyone's cell phones were fried and they're looking none too pleased!! If they find out it was us, they'll make us pay, and I have no idea how much that cable broadcast costs!!"

Due to his recent encounter with that silver-haired nun girl, Kamijou prayed with all his might to the God whom Kamijou normally only thought of around Christmas.

His prayers must have made their way to heaven because no one approached Kamijou and Mikoto.

Thank goodness, he said with lessening apprehension.

Kamijou gave a sigh of relief… as he continued to suffocate Mikoto.

"Message, message. Error No. 100231-YF. Offensive electromagnetic waves in violation of radio laws detected. System malfunction detected. As this is possible cyber terrorism, avoid using electronics."

Imagine Breaker and Railgun hesitantly turned around.

A drum container was on its side on the footpath spewing smoke as it spoke to itself nonsensically.

In the next instant, the security robot began sounding a high-pitched alarm.

Naturally, they ran away.

They entered a back alley, kicked over a dirty plastic bucket, and scared off a black cat as they continued running.

Come to think of it, I didn't do anything wrong, he unhappily thought. Why am I running away with her?

Even while thinking that, he kept running. After all, he had heard on a talk show that those security robots cost 1.2 million yen each (approx. $15000).

"Uuhh… S-Such misfortune. Why do I always get caught up in things related to her?"

"What do you mean by that!? And, my name is Misaka Mikoto!"

The two finally come to a stop in a back, back, back alley. One of the lined-up buildings must have been demolished because a rectangular area opened up there. It seemed a good place for street basketball.

"Shut up, Biri Biri! You're the one that destroyed all of my electronics with that lightning yesterday! What could you possibly want after that!?"

"It's your fault for pissing me off!"

"I don't even understand what's got you so mad! I've haven't laid a finger on you!"

Following that exchange, Mikoto attacked Kamijou with her full arsenal, but Kamijou negated the whole with his right hand. This time, her attacks did not end with Railgun. Her offenses ranged from twisting together collected iron sand to create a whip-like sword of steel to sending powerful electromagnetic waves to mess with internal organs to even finishing with a blast of real lightning from the sky.

But, none was a match for Kamijou Touma.

As long as it was supernatural, Kamijou Touma could negate it.

"You just keep coming at me and wearing yourself out! Don't use your powers too much and then blame me when you don't have the stamina to keep going, Biri Biri!"

"~ ~!!" Mikoto began to grind her back teeth. "Th-That didn't count. It can't count! You never attacked me so it's a draw!!"

"Sigh… Fine, fine. It's your win. Punching you isn't going to fix my air conditioner."

"Gah…! W-Wait a second! Take this seriously!!" shouted Mikoto as she flailed her arm.

Kamijou sighed.

"Are you sure you want me to take this seriously?"

"Ah…" Mikoto trailed off.

Kamijou lightly clenched his right fist and opened it again. A cold sweat began to pour from Misaka Mikoto's entire body with his simple actions. She froze in place, unable to even take a step backwards.

Mikoto did not know what Kamijou's power truly was, so to her, Kamijou was truly an unknown horror that sealed all of her trumps without breaking a sweat.

It was unsurprising. Kamijou Touma challenged Misaka Mikoto's attacks for over two hours straight without receiving a scratch. It was only natural for her to wonder what would happen if he were serious.

Kamijou sighed and averted his gaze.

As if the strings holding her in place had snapped, Mikoto finally staggered a few steps back.

"…What can I call this other than misfortune?" Kamijou was shocked at how frightened she was. "First my room's electronics were done in, then a self-proclaimed magician in the morning, and now this Biri Biri esper in the evening."

"Magician…? What?"

"…" Kamijou thought for a moment. "Yeah… That's what I want to know."

Normally, Mikoto would have likely shouted, "Are you making fun of me!? Is your head as messed up as that power!?" and then Biri Biri'd. However, she could only jump in fright that day whenever he gave her a look.

It was only a bluff to fool her, but the effectiveness caused him regret.

What was all that magician nonsense, anyway? Kamijou wondered.

Kamijou was reminded of what had happened that morning. The white nun had used the word readily enough, but now that he thought back, the term was definitely one removed from reality.

I wonder why it didn't feel out place with Index around, he considered.

Had there been some mysterious something that made magic seem more believable?

"...Wait, what am I thinking?" muttered Kamijou while completely ignoring the Biri Biri girl named Misaka Mikoto who was fearfully trembling like a puppy.

He cut his ties with Index and whatever world she lived in. The world was a large place and it was unlikely he would run into her again in a meaningless coincidence. Thinking about magicians was entirely pointless.

Despite that, he was unable to force the thought out of his mind.

He still had the pure white hood she had forgotten in his room.

That one remaining connection continued to irritatingly prick at the edges of his mind.

Not even Kamijou Touma knew why he was thinking about so much of it.

After all, he had the power to kill even God.

OmnipresenceBeing OmnipresenceBeing

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