Bo Jiu lifted her lids, a mischievous look was on her face. "I'm shy."
How exactly did she look shy? Qin Mo lifted a brow, pulling her from the little boy's side. His stance was clear, he wasn't messing around.
The fact that she was still here in his hands was most important.
Unexpectedly, there were times he felt afraid.
He was afraid that it was too late — he was afraid that he would never be able to see her again.
It truly was infuriating.
Qin Mo tilted his head to look at her.
Bo Jiu sighed internally at his glare. He was angry after all.
She knew coaxing him wasn't going to be easy; just like when they had been younger as he had always been so haughty.
But shouldn't he be happy with the evidence she gave the crime squad?
His thoughts were so complex.
Having a mental war with him, you would need more brain cells than normal.
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