Destroy the leader, and the gang will collapse.
This was a law of the war.
The Elite ranked Demonic Light Jackals were like soldiers on a battlefield. The Chieftain ranked Black Demonic Jackals directed their actions completely. Hence, as long as Shi Feng could defeat the Black Demonic Jackals quickly, this pack’s fierce assault would crumble.
However, taking out the enemy commander in a field battle was a most difficult task.
As a Chieftain ranked monster, beyond being the strongest among this pack of Jackals, the Black Demonic Jackal’s sensitivity towards danger was also the highest.
While Shi Feng was still some distance behind one of the two Level 40 Black Demonic Jackals, the Chieftain had already noticed Shi Feng’s presence. Immediately, it stopped attacking the District One healers and turned to face Shi Feng. Baring its sharp fangs, the Black Demonic Jackal released a low growl, seemingly issuing a command.
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