Chapter 286: Prince’s Residence
Prince Xin’s Residence actually wasn’t in the imperial city. Instead, it was constructed in the south district. After Han Li and company sat in a carriage for two hours, they eventually arrived at a certain street.
The architectural styles of the south region and the Qin Residence were clearly different. Most of the buildings here were constructed to standard and template.
How great an official’s position was, meaning how high they were in that position, could be clearly told by the size and style of their residence.
All of the officials’ residences were located at this district. The strict following of feudal rank and elevation strictly divided the officials. Nobody here dared to alter these buildings as they wished, else they would break a law and invite punishment.
As a relative of the King, Prince Xin possessed royal status, so naturally his residence was one of the best in the south district.
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