“Do you always do things this way?”
Lin Leyan who was seated in the first passenger seat checked the rear-view mirror and saw that the other jeep was following at a distance. Then, she turned around to look at Chen Xiaolian.
Chen Xiaolian did not reply. He silently gazed at the front of the jeep.
“You are not old,” said Lin Leyan coolly. “Caucasians have a bit of a hard time discerning our Oriental people’s age… many of them thinks that our skin is better than theirs. However, I am the same as you. So, I can be certain that you are even younger than what Hans and the others believe. Did you know? They all think that you are over 20, but I know for sure that you are below 20 years old.”
“What if I just have a baby face?” Chen Xiaolian pursed his lips to the side.
“I have already considered that too. You look like a 15 or 16-year-old-youngster,” said Lin Leyan with a smile. “Although you purposely put paint on your face and dirtied it, you cannot hide it from me.”
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