These two palms were like worlds unto themselves, and they angered Godfiend Witherfiend so much that he ground his teeth. "So he really was preparing to deliver one final blow to me before dying."
Lord Tathagata the Buddha was a True God. Although he was able to unleash the power of an Elder God, in terms of raw power he was indeed a bit inferior to Godfiend Witherspike. However, the intricacies of his palm-arts far surpassed Witherspike's techniques. There was no way Godfiend Witherspike could avoid this final desperation attack; his only choice was to face it head-on.
The two attacks collided.
Lord Tathagata borrowed from the force of the collision to fly backwards.
"Outsider!" Ji Ning let out a loud roar, transforming into a black lightning serpent as he charged towards Godfiend Witherspike.
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