A long arc charged through the whirlwind. Su Ming was at the front of it with Hu Zi was by his side. As for the bald crane, it was lying on Hu Zi's shoulder and continuously trying to confuse him by whispering into his ear. This gradually annoyed Hu Zi. He grabbed the bald crane by the neck and threw it into the distance. Yet in the span of a few breaths, the bald crane returned and lay down on Hu Zi's shoulder once more to continue with its work.
Su Ming's expression was calm. The third eye at the center of his eyes had already opened, and it was shining with a strangely enchanting light while staring at the whirlwind in the galaxy. With it, Su Ming could see a silver line stretching into the depths of the whirlwind.
This silver thread was a sign left behind by his divine sense when he struck the top of his clone's skull. Through it, he could find his clone that practiced the Art of Swallowing Hollow Shadows Whole.
Translator’s Note:
1. All Spirits Hall: Mentioned in ‘The Fifth Kiln’ as one of the three mysteries in Divine Source Star Ocean, a place where all Ancestral Spirits are born, or so the rumors say.
Preview to the next chapter: All Spirits Hall (2)
Mountain Shifter vs Mountain Shifter