If anyone raised their heads from the ninety-nine continents on the second plane, they would feel as if the space at the center of the nine continents in the upper realm was not exactly very big, but in truth, if they were there at that spot, they would be able to tell that this particular spot had no bounds.
That place could accommodate ten million people at the same time, and there would still be plenty of space left.
At that moment, there were eleven gigantic lotus platforms in the air. The lotus platform at the center was the biggest, and it was about several hundreds of thousands of feet big. Surrounding it were ten other smaller lotus platforms.
Farther away were circles of stones shining with five-colored lights. Standing on each stone were Morning Dao Sect cultivators, and the densely packed stones illuminated the place in five different colors. There were more than ten million cultivators standing within them.
Preview to next chapter: Hello, Everyone, My Name Is De Shun
So much so that Su Ming went: O_O