The ten skeletons he had just summoned were reduced to a heap of broken bones in less than three seconds. This stiffened the Arch-Cardinal's face for several seconds before he let out a dry laugh. He was like a speaker who had his train of thought interrupted. He was at a loss for words, embarrassed as to what to say.
Shi Xiaobai repeated the word again.
"Very well, very well, very well."
Embarrassment naturally transformed into anger. After the Arch-Cardinal laughed angrily thrice, he waved his hand, causing a door of darkness to appear in front of him. Twenty skeletons walked out from it. The moment they exited the door, they charged at Shi Xiaobai with an intense killing intent. They seemed to lack the stiffness a collection of white bones should have.
Shi Xiaobai was naturally unafraid. He shook the knife in his hand and just as he was about to charge forward, he suddenly realized something different.
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