In the back mountains of the Lian tribal clan, Yi Yun could see the rising black smoke from afar.
He could not see the position of the fire, but he could guess what had happened. He only sneered and said nothing.
He was planning to bring Jiang Xiaorou out of the vast wilderness, so it was alright burning the house!
Yi Yun closed his eyes and began expirating the Heaven Earth Yuan Qi.
Once his meridians were opened, he could expirate.
Expirating was the absorption of Heaven Earth Yuan Qi. After completing one circulation, the energy would be discharged from the pores and subtly transform the body and was a cumulative process.
And having opened up the meridians, they would be the channel for the flow of Heaven Earth Yuan Qi.
Lin Xintong's meridians were dried up, so the biggest problem was not being able to expirate the Heaven Earth Yuan Qi, unable to freely use the energy in her body.
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