Time passed, seconds, then minutes. Outside the door, Lin TianAo, Duan Tianlang and the others were gathered. Previously, Lin TianAo had also quickly realised that something was wrong with Zhou Weiqing, just that his speed was much slower. When he rushed back, he had quickly went to look for the person with the highest cultivation level in the entire Crescent City, Duan Tianlang, inviting the God Tier Consolidating Equipment Master to help.
Although Duan Tianlang had never seen the four Saint Attributes fusion before, his experience was far stronger than any of the others. Instantly, he realised that Zhou Weiqing was currently slowly easing past the crisis under the help of the four fused Saint Attributes. As such, he had held Lin TianAo back, and both of them waited outside the door. As soon as Shangguan Xue’er’s Heavenly Energy was not sufficient to support Tian’er, he would immediately move forward to replace her to aid Tian’er.
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