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1.01% HP: Dance of the Veela / Chapter 1: Bill and Fleur's Wedding
HP: Dance of the Veela HP: Dance of the Veela original

HP: Dance of the Veela

Autor: DaoistViking

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Bill and Fleur's Wedding

August 1, 1997

The Burrow, Ottery St. Catchpole, England

Harry popped at the edge of the property. He still couldn't get the smile off his face. Yesterday Sirius had taken him to get his apparition test. Between that and the fact he could use his wand whenever he wanted, Harry was still in a good mood. Looking at the dilapidated house of the Weasley's was even better.

There was a soft pop next to him and he nodded to his godfather. "Are you going to apparate everywhere? We could have taken the floo."

Harry shrugged. "I can apparate anywhere now. I'm going to abuse that," he joked with Sirius, who gave a barking laugh.

Sirius clapped a hand on his shoulder. "Come on, pup. We have a party to go to."

"Don't get drunk," Harry told him. "I'll make you take the floo back."

Sirius winked. "No promises."

Harry smirked. "I'll be happy to push you in then."

As they walked up to the house, a giant tent came into view in one of the side fields. They had been invited to the rehearsal dinner for the wedding tomorrow between Bill and Fleur. Harry had only met her a few times between last summer and this, but he found her a nice person and beautiful. Harry just hoped Ron didn't drool over her again. Harry felt the pull to her after Hermione had pointed it out, but he never felt anything for her in that way, so he just shrugged it off. Other men and boys had not, from what he had seen.

As they approached the tent, it was already filled with noise, laughter and people.

There were more people here than Harry had expected. A few were older, probably Aunts or Uncles he had never met. A few people in their early to later twenties, probably friends of Bill or Fleur. All the Weasleys with their dates or significant others were by far the most populous. Percy was with a dark hair woman Harry hadn't met. Charlie was laughing as he joked with the twins. Fred was sitting next to Angelina and George had a redhead he didn't know who looked about George's age and with some neat hazel eyes. Ginny and Dean were laughing with them. Harry had had a whirlwind few months with Ginny last year before they both figured out they were not right for each other. Harry was happy to see her with Dean.

Ron was talking with his father with Lisa Turpin at his side. She was an attractive brunette from Ravenclaw. Harry raised an eyebrow when Ron caught his eye. Last Harry knew, Ron was still dating Lavender, but he hadn't seen Ron much this summer with him working at the twins joke shop and furtively fobbing Harry off many nights and weekends. Harry suspected the girl standing with him was the reason.

Off to the side, Mrs. Weasley was talking with Bill, Fleur and people Harry assumed to be Fleur's parents. Her mother was a tall woman with silvery blonde hair, blue-eyes, and was an obvious beauty that most men would react to. Next to her, she had her arm around a rather burly man with dark hair that was starting to show some white in it, a large mustache and cheery dark eyes.

Sirius and him started their round of greetings. "We are glad to see you here and that you will help usher people tomorrow," Bill told him.

"Oui. We 're very thankful, 'Arry," Fleur told him.

"It's not like you can trust Ron to do it himself," Harry replied.

Bill laughed and was going to say something, but Harry didn't hear what he said. Instead, he turned his head as he felt a tingling. Hermione walked into the tent talking with some blonde girl he didn't know. She was tall, like Fleur and her mother, more willowy with the same silvery blonde hair, deeper blue eyes and what looked to be a smile teasing at her mouth.

Many times now Harry had been exposed to a veela's allure, but never had he felt like he couldn't resist it. As they walked over to him, Hermione took Harry into a hug, which he only half-heartedly returned tonight as he looked at the girl behind her.

The girl's deep-blue eyes looked at his almost challengingly, as though waiting for something bad to happen. Harry shook his head slightly, trying to rid himself of the effects. Hermione stepped back and looked up at him. She didn't say a word, just looked at him and then the girl.

"It's nice to see you too," Hermione caught his attention.

Harry shook his head again. "I'm sorry, Hermione. It's great to see you, even though I just saw you Thursday," Harry teased her, taking her in for a real hug this time. When she backed up, Harry turned to the girl again. "I don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting you, Miss?" He held out his hand to her.

"Gabrielle Delacour, Monsieur Potter," the girl said in heavy French accent with a raised brow. When she extended her hand, Harry found himself taking it and treating her more like Sirius had trained him with the Pureblood lot they had to deal with at times. He brought her hand up to his lips and kissed the back of her hand. Typically, he should just brush his lips just over her knuckles, not knowing her, but he couldn't seem to stop himself.

When he stood, she still seemed to have that same challenging expression. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Delacour."

He missed Sirius and a few others laughing behind his back or looking at them curiously. "I do 'ope so. 'Ermione has told me some interesting facts about vous... you," she stopped and consciously corrected herself.

Harry, having spent some time in France during holidays the last few years so Sirius could reconnect with some family and estates, had been taught enough to get by from Sirius. "If it is easier, Mademoiselle Delacour, I could try to converse in French. I could use... lessons," he said after trying to find the correct word.

Gabrielle gave him a small smile as though he had passed some test. "I could be persuaded to help you, Monsieur Potter."

Hermione was watching the exchange. "Maybe I will talk to you in a little bit," Hermione told him with a small smirk.

Harry looked at her, finding it easier to think again. "Where are you sitting?"

"Over with Ron and them. I'll save you a seat."

"You do not need to leave," Gabrielle offered Hermione.

Hermione shook her head. "I think Harry really needs some help with his French. Maybe he can help you with your English."

As she walked away, Harry felt a little confused. "'ould you be willing to help?"

Harry turned back to Gabrielle. "I will do what I can for an evening," Harry offered. "Not sure how good a teacher I will be."

Gabrielle gave him a wide smile before moving to his side. "Per'aps if you... escort? That is the 'ord, correct?"

"You mean to accompany you around and beat off the other men that might want your company?" Harry asked cheekily.

She eyed him, her chin going up and her eyes going beady. "And 'ho said I 'ould need such saving?"

Harry laughed at her mock glare before extending his arm. "I would never presume," he commented before turning back to French. "I promise to be a gentleman, Mademoiselle."

Gabrielle continued to eye him for a moment before moving in and taking his arm. "That is a promise I will hold you to, Monsieur. Now, kindly escort me to my parents. If you would join me for dinner, I will work to lessen the butchering of my home tongue? Non?"

Harry chuckled. "I could say the same for your English."

"But you will not," she told him, her chin still held up.

He walked over to the table with her parents. Her mother was watching them with an amused eye. When they came up, Gabrielle pushed him forward a little. "Maman, may I introduce 'Arry Potter. 'Arry Potter, ma maman, Apolline Delacour."

The woman got up and when she extended her hand, Harry gave her the same courtesy of brushing his lips over her knuckles. "A pleasure, Madam Delacour."

The woman nodded. "I do not think we need be formal tonight. Please, call me Apolline if you don't mind me calling you Harry."

"I would prefer that, Apolline," he replied.

"Little golden bird, have you picked up another lost puppy?" her father enquired behind Apolline as he got up. Mrs. Weasley was looking at them.

"He is not a lost puppy, papa," Gabrielle snapped back, some colour coming to her face.

The man laughed as he extended a hand. "Alain Delacour. You can call me Alain. Harry Potter was it?"

Harry was very impressed with her parents' ability to speak English in such an unaffected tone.

"Oui, Monsieur Delacour. I take it your daughter picks up many strays?"

The man burst out laughing as Gabrielle took her arm out of his, crossed them across her chest and huffed. "I do not collect lost little dogs or boys! It is not my fault they flock to me. And I would appreciate, Harry Potter, for you not to say anything like that again! Otherwise, I will not help you correct your French and keep you sounding like a peasant that never learned to even tie his own shoe!"

Apolline raised an eyebrow at her daughter while her father chuckled. Harry turned to Gabrielle. "I was not trying to offend you," he said, trying hard not to laugh at the anger in her face. He was in trouble, but he was also trying not to rile her. Last summer Bill had asked them all to treat Fleur like anyone else. Sometimes she got offended when men fell for her allure. He had a feeling Gabrielle was much the same.

"If you don't help me, I won't help you," he added.

Her eyes drifted towards him. She huffed again. "I 'ill put up with you for now."

Her mother seemed to take pity on him. "I know this is a table for family tonight, but would you join us, Harry?"

Mrs. Weasley spoke up then. "Harry is as much family as most others here. Why don't you take a seat, and with Charlie, that will make ten at the table. Speaking of which, I should get the rest of the food out here," she informed them.

"Do you need any help, Mrs. Weasley," Harry offered.

"I 'ill 'elp also," Gabrielle pipped up.

This caused both her parents to look at their daughter oddly.

"No, no, dears. I have this. Thanks to the generosity of the Delacours, we have some catering for tonight and tomorrow," Mrs. Weasley said with a broad smile.

"Would you join us?" Alain offered, gesturing towards a chair.

Harry nodded and moved to pull out a chair for Gabrielle who accepted graciously. When he sat next to her, people were starting to find their seats. Harry was more focused on the beautiful silver-blonde young woman next to him.

"Harry, you have offered to tutor Gabrielle in her English?" her mother asked.

"I think I was more drafted than offered," he replied.

"You asked moi first," Gabrielle reminded him, looking shocked.

"I did, Mademoiselle. I do hope you can offer teaching," he replied.

She looked equal parts frustrated and amused. "With you butchering it like that, I have little hope," she retorted.

Apolline looked rather impressed with him. "So a mutual agreement? Are you entering your last year at Hogwarts or did you graduate," Apolline enquired.

"I am going back to Hogwarts for my last year in the fall and will have my NEWTs in the spring, Apolline," he replied.

She nodded. "Gabrielle is to attend her last year as well. Though, we are uncertain if she will be at Beauxbatons all year."

"Maman, I told you I am entering," Gabrielle put in.

"I know, ma oiseau d'or," her mother replied.

"And what of you, Harry," Alain asked.

He shook his head. "I'm sorry, I don't know what you are talking about."

"The Tri'izards Championship," Gabrielle told him. "'Ogwarts is 'osting this year and I plan to enter. I will win, just like moi sister."

Harry nodded. "I hope you don't mind being disappointed."

"And why is t'at?"

"You will have to beat the Hogwarts Champion and I am hoping to have that honor," he told her with a wry grin. Cedric had not put in a poor showing, but Fleur had been better and beat Cedric and Viktor Krum in the final duelling challenge.

She scoffed. "You assume you 'ould be picked?"

Harry shrugged. "I hope so. Besides, I am not the one being overconfident here."

Someone large sat heavily in the chair next to him. "Hey, Charlie," Harry greeted without turning.

"Hey, squirt. Haven't seen you since last Christmas," the large Weasley brother said. Harry had only met Charlie less than a dozen times over the years, but the man treated Harry like a little brother. Considering how close Ron and him were he wasn't surprised. Harry may have been tall and was putting on muscle but Charlie was a mass of muscle with arms thicker than Harry's thigh.

Harry didn't like taking his eyes off Gabrielle, but he did to shake Charlie's hand. "I've been around. How is Romania," Harry asked.

Charlie shrugged. "Doing well. I hope to see you more this year. I think I will be around here and there. What are you doing at this table anyways? I thought Bill asked me to be the best man and Gabrielle is the maid of honor."

"I asked 'im," Gabrielle informed Charlie.

Charlie gave Harry a grin and leaned in. "Watch her. Veela can be fun, but possessive if they like you."

Harry gave Charlie an evil eye. "Why would being Veela matter," Harry growled.

Charlie wagged his eyebrows. "Never said it did."

Harry was saved trying to defend Gabrielle as Mr. Weasley came up to the table and hit a silver spoon on a crystal goblet. Mrs. Weasley had come back and was sitting on the other side of Charlie. Bill and Fleur were across from him.

"I would like to thank you for coming to the rehearsal dinner. I know the happy couple doesn't get married until tomorrow, but I would like to start this off with a toast," Mr. Weasley stated as he took up his goblet.

"Fleur, I look forward to calling you my daughter tomorrow. I wish you luck for all the years you will be together, though I know it is not always easy being married to a Weasley man."

There was chuckling and George shouted, "You mean it isn't easy for us!"

Mr. Weasley smiled. "Bill, congratulations for finding such a beautiful and pleasant bride. I hope and wish for you both to be happy and to have many children."

"Two or t'ree would be more than enough," Fleur replied and there was more laughter.

Mr. Weasley took a drink and everyone followed. "I would also like to offer a toast, with your permission," he asked Bill and Fleur, who nodded. "I would like to toast those returning to Hogwarts this year. I hear we have some high achievers with us tonight. Hermione, congratulations on making Head Girl." There was a nod to Hermione and some cheering. "And to you, Head Boy Harry," Mr. Weasley said, indicating Harry. Harry looked abashed at the accolade. "A new prefect," he motioned to Ron, "As well as two other prefects." Ginny looked pleased and Lisa just raised her hand a little. "One of those prefects is also Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team." Ginny shot her head up, preening in the praise.

Harry knew right there was why he and Ginny didn't work out. He didn't want the praise, where Ginny did.

Everyone drank and several waiters brought the food.

"You are 'ead Boy?"

"That is what the letter and badge said yesterday," Harry replied as though it was nothing big.

Gabrielle looked a little impressed for once.

By the time they were done, Harry had spent most of his evening talking with Gabrielle. He wasn't convinced it wasn't some attraction to the allure he knew even partial Veela had, but he had found her very witty and beautiful. The more he had talked, the less he noticed the allure.

As Sirius walked with him to the edge of the property, the man was giving him a lecherous grin. Harry rolled his eyes. "It's not what you are thinking."

Sirius laughed. "I think it's exactly what I am thinking."

"Dirty old mutt," Harry griped. "She was just interesting to talk to."

The man snorted. "I am sure talking is all you want to do?"

Harry was happy it was dark so the heat on his neck didn't show. "Gabrielle is interesting to talk to and that is all I wanted to do tonight."

"And the fact that she was about the only one you talked with?"

Harry shrugged. "I talked to others."

"Only when they interrupted you two. You missed Dean getting hit by Ginny when he just stared at her for like ten minutes straight," Sirius told him.

There was a flush of anger that went through him before he pushed it down. Others could look at her. Harry had only talked with her tonight. "Did Dean keep looking at her?" Harry asked, not being able to catch himself in time.

Sirius laughed again. "I knew it!"

Harry screwed his face and as they passed the old hitching post he turned and apparated away, leaving the man laughing at his reaction.


August 2, 1997

The Burrow, Ottery St. Catchpole, England

Harry was ushering everyone to their seats. A second large tent had been set up this morning. Looking around, Harry figured there was close to two-hundred people here, most Harry didn't know. He saw two families that must have been Fleur's relatives. The woman looked very much alike, and the three daughters between the families all had that part-veela look to them. One was older than Fleur. The other two were twins, probably about thirteen or so.

Many heads turned to look at them. Harry shook his head and politely ushered them to the bride's side of the main tent.

When he came back, Ron was looking at the older of the cousins. "Bloody hell! Maybe I should have escorted one of them. Maybe asked for a dance or two later?"

"What about Lisa," Harry asked.

Ron shook his head and blushed. "Don't get me wrong, I am not dumping her, but bloody hell."

Harry didn't laugh. He felt bad for them actually with some of the looks going their way.

Shortly before it was to start, Apolline came up and Harry offered to take her to her seat. "It is good to see you, Harry," she greeted him and took his arm as he held it out for her.

"Thank you, Mrs. Delacour," he said, knowing many were around and being so familiar with her may not go over well with some.

"I would like to thank you for being so kind to Gabrielle last night. It is not easy for her to make friends at times," she told Harry as they walked.

He felt his face heat a little. "Gabrielle was easy to talk to and she is very nice."

The woman gave him a smile. "That is good to hear. I am pleased you think so. She may need escorting again this evening, if you do not mind?"

They stopped at the front aisle. "If she would like."

Apolline nodded her head. "I think she would like you asking her. She likes to dance too."

"I will be sure to ask her for a dance or two," Harry replied. Apolline gave him a smile and Harry returned to the back, just in-case there were any late stragglers.

It wasn't long before Bill, Charlie and a man with short black hair walked out to the back of the pavilion. Harry was looking at the rise of the hill. Something had wafted to him on the breeze and he was trying to figure out what the scent was. Harry was still standing at the back of the chairs when a band started. A woman with long black hair and in a very flattering silver-blue walked over the hill. Behind her, Harry caught sight of Gabrielle and knew that was where the scent was coming from. The silvery-blue dress hugged Gabrielle's form, showing she had a long, trim figure with a decent size chest, some hips and her dark blue eyes seemed to find his at the same time he looked to her face. She gave a small smile before looking very prim.

As the first woman walked by, Harry followed Gabrielle. He hadn't noticed that everyone else had stood and turned his way until she walked by. He turned to see Fleur once he couldn't see Gabrielle over the heads separating them.

Fleur looked radiant in a white dress with lots of lace. She was smiling and looking straight down the aisle. The fact she was happy washed off her in waves as she walked by. A boy of maybe fourteen or fifteen went to stumble for her and his mother took him by the scruff of his collar.

When everyone sat, Harry stood so that he could look at Gabrielle. She looked just as beautiful as her sister. Probably more so. Once or twice Gabrielle looked his way and he thought he saw an uptick to the side of her mouth.

As everyone was following the newly married couple out, Hermione was suddenly at his side. "Will you pretend you are my date for a little while? One of Ron's cousins keeps trying to hit on me," she whispered into his ear.

Harry laughed. "If that is what you want. I do plan to dance with a few others," Harry told her as he walked his best mate to the other tent while this one was changed.

Hermione gave him a curious look. "You mean Gabi?"

Harry looked down at her. "Gabi? She did say you told her about me," Harry responded.

Hermione laughed. "You mean she grilled me about you. I met her last summer when she came to visit Fleur. You and Sirius were in France at the time. Since then we have written back and forth."

"Is she as nice as she seems," Harry asked.

"She is very nice, but hates how most guys fawn over her, her sister and her cousins. Are you interested?" Hermione asked.

He shrugged. "I like talking with her. Apolline told me she likes to dance."

"Really? Mr. and Mrs. Delacour are usually very protective of her," Hermione told him. "You can go find your new girlfriend later. For now, I need you."

Harry laughed as he blushed. Gabrielle was not his girlfriend. "Your wish is my command."

Hermione hit his arm playfully. "Oh, hush."

"So, which one finds you so desirable?"

Hermione gave him a quick glare. "That one over there," she nodded with her head.

He found a tall redhead with a tattoo showing on his neck. "Need me to take care of the tosser?"

"I won't cause an issue for Bill and Fleur."

Drinks, hors d'ourves and a few tables were setup. Ron, Lisa, Ginny and Dean came up too them. "So you gave up one pretty bird for another," Dean joked as he came up. Harry took his forearm in greeting.

"I'm all about the pretty birds," Harry cheekily replied.

"Harry James," Hermione admonished. If they weren't such close friends, and the fact that Hermione liked girls, Harry could have seen himself with her. They had tried it for a very brief month fifth year before Hermione confessed how she felt.

"Are you saying you aren't pretty?" he shot back.

Hermione huffed. "Not everyone thinks that."

Ron leaned over. "I saw Luna looking your way again," Ron whispered and nodded to the blonde girl making her way through the crowd towards them.

Lisa gave a look to Hermione as the girl blushed some to see their blonde friend. The yellow dress on her was very much Luna, but tonight she was wearing dangly gold earrings. "Hello. You look lovely tonight, Hermione," Luna said first, before complimenting Lisa and Ginny.

"You are looking nice," Harry complimented Luna.

A gentle breeze came through the tent and again he smelled the enticing scent. Harry turned. From where they were towards the edge of the tent, Harry could see the wedding party taking pictures. Gabrielle was with Fleur. He watched them as the sisters posed together and then with all the girls. Someone poked him. "Harry, we are going over to talk with Fred and George. You coming?" Hermione asked.

He gave a quick look back towards Gabrielle before saying, "Yeah. Your fake date should go with you," he cheekily replied. He could never remember being this distracted by a girl before.

Hermione leaned in as they followed the others. "I'll make sure you get a few dances with Gabrielle."

Harry gave her an eye.

The reception tent kept them all busy for the hour or so the camera man was busy. When they were called back to the main tent for dinner, Harry sat with Hermione after they had swapped to sit with Luna and her father. A few other people he didn't recognize were at the table and Harry mostly ate in silence, giving Hermione time to talk with Luna. Harry wasn't sure if Luna liked girls like Hermione, but she definitely gave off vibes she was attracted to his best friend. Harry found the possible relationship a little funny with how serious and orderly his best friend was compared to the more spacey and conspiracy prone blonde.

After everyone had eaten, Bill and Fleur had been called out to the floor for their first dance. It was sweet and when Bill dipped her at the end, Fleur wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him rather deeply and passionately as he pulled her up. There were catcalls and whistles with a grinning Bill looking very lovingly at Fleur. "Some day," Hermione whispered.

"Would you dance," Luna asked Hermione as others made it out to the dance floor.

Harry gave her a small push.

He smiled to see her walk out to the floor and see Luna start some strange dance before Hermione shook her head, grabbed Luna's hand and placed the small hand of Luna's on her waist. As he watched her, he caught Gabrielle dancing with Charlie. He felt a strange jealousy for a moment. It surprised him. He was watching Gabrielle and Charlie when Gabrielle's older cousin came up to him. Harry looked up to her. "Good evening, I don't think we have met," Harry said, holding out his hand.

"Renee Delacour. You are Harry Potter?"

"Oui, mademoiselle. It is a pleasure to meet you, Renee."

Renee gave a stiff bow. "The pleasure is mine. Aunt Apolline said you were polite and a dancer."

Harry nodded and stood up. Taking her hand, he kissed her knuckles. "I am better at dancing than French," he cheekily replied.

The young woman gave a tinkling laugh and relaxed. "Your French is not bad."

"That is not what your cousin says."

"Fleur is just giving you a hard time."

Harry chuckled. "Gabrielle did not seem impressed last night."

Renee gave him a discerning look before giving a smile, but it looked a little sad. "Would you care to show you dance better than you speak French?"

"It would be my pleasure, Renee," Harry told her. He led her out to the floor. It was a traditional waltz. He would never be able to thank Sirius enough for teaching him to dance.

Soon Renee was smiling as Harry led her around the floor. When the song was done, Harry bowed to her. "Would you care for another?"

"As much as I am tempted, I think I should pass you off to your next partner," Renee told him. She guided his hand to turn into Gabrielle. "I leave you in good hands, my cousin."

Gabrielle nodded to Renee before raising an eyebrow at Harry. Having Gabrielle thrust on him like this caught him off-guard for a moment before the band struck up the cord for the next dance. It shocked Harry out of his stupor and he bowed, taking Gabrielle's hand. "Would you give me the honor of dancing with you, Mademoiselle Delacour?"

Gabrielle gave a brief smile before leveling her face again. "You are still butchering this lovely tongue."

"Then have some pity on this poor peasant and enlighten him," Harry replied. She giggled before straightening out and they started to dance.

It was a relatively fast dance, so they couldn't talk much until it ended. When they did, Gabrielle was rather close to him and pressing her long body against his. Harry was just over six feet and Gabrielle was only a few inches shorter. He felt her curves and swallowed. "Would you like another dance?" Harry asked, praying she would say yes.

She was looking into his eyes and taking a step back. "Are you asking because my parents asked you to keep an eye on me or because you want to?"

"I would like too," he told her honestly.

Her eyes searched his for a moment before she moved in, taking a hand in hers and sliding his hand to her waist. It was a slow dance and they just started to sway to the music, making small circles. "I may be convinced to share a few more with you. Are you and Hermione close?"

"You can say that. We have been friends since first year," Harry replied.

"Since you saved her from the troll," she queried.

Harry winced. "I wish it had been since the first train ride. She is a very good person."

"She is," Gabrielle agreed. They swayed for a moment before Gabrielle asked, "Are you with her?"

Harry shook his head. "How much has Hermione told you in the letters I know you have shared?"

"She talks of you in every letter."

"We are best friends. She also likes Luna," Harry nodded towards the two girls as they sat in chairs talking and laughing with each other. "I have never seen Hermione like that except with Luna."

Gabrielle didn't look towards Hermione, instead looking at him. "You love her?"

Harry regarded Hermione for a few. "If I had had a family, I would have liked a sister like Hermione. We are friends. I love her like a friend."

Gabrielle looked to Hermione after a moment. "She is your sister, non?"

"As close to one I have," Harry admitted. He had known Gabrielle all of twenty-four hours, maybe a little more, and he was already confessing things to her he didn't think he had even admitted before.

Gabrielle moved in closer. They danced a few more dances before they joined the rest of his friends outside the tent to cool down in the night air. The sixteen-year-old Gabrielle fit in well. Well, mostly. Ginny had to poke Dean a few times. When he went back out to the dance floor, Harry shared a dance with Hermione, then Luna and then one of Gabrielle's younger cousins before the silvery-blonde with the dark blue eyes found her way back into his arms. When the dance was over, it was starting to get late, but Harry had no intentions of leaving.

"Would you care to take a walk," he asked her.

"I 'ould like to 'ork on my English," she told him.

Harry indicated towards an opening in the tent. It was getting late enough that those with little children were leaving. He had no clue when the party would end, but he was not ready to leave. On the way by, he grabbed his robes, just in-case he didn't come back in. They walked out into the night, which was cooling down. He offered his arm to her. "Where are you taking moi," she asked.

"My favorite spot here," he told her.

"Wait a moment," she told him, reaching down to take off her heels. Harry popped his wand out and twirled it over her feet. She stepped tentatively and looked at him questioningly.

"Luna taught me. She really doesn't like shoes unless she needs too," Harry replied to her.

"I 'ill have to t'ank her," Gabrielle replied with a pleasant smile.

Harry pulled her out of the field, across the drive and into the orchard. As they walked around, Harry took her hand. "Is t'ese your favorite spot?"

"Yeah. I would like to have an orchard like this some day. Mrs. Weasley usually sends us some of the apples and pears every year at Hogwarts. They are usually juicy, sweet and huge," Harry told her. "It's also cool under the trees in the summer and the lemonade made from the lemon trees is wicked after spending hours flying just past the orchard."

Faeries were floating around, giving them some light. "It ese very nice. Per'aps you should see moi 'ome in France. We have a large orchard."

"That would be nice. Sirius and I will be going to France for two weeks soon. If you would like to meet, I would like that."

She moved in a little closer. Her arm felt a little cool when it touched him. "I 'ill talk with papa. Maybe you and Monsieur Black could visit La Soliel de Ville."

"I will send a letter letting you know when we will be in France so we can plan it. So, are you really going to enter the Triwizard Tournament this year?"

"And win it," she replied very confidently.

Harry laughed at her. "Maybe," he teased.

She stuck up her chin. She was trying harder on her English. "I will win it."

"Then I look forward to beating you."

"As eef," she retorted.

He noticed that she was rubbing her bare arms as they walked. It was a cool night for August, but not unusual. Harry took his robes and put them over her shoulder. He very discretely cast a heating charm and a few others on it. His wand vanishing as fast as it had come out. Gabrielle took the sides and pulled it around her. "T'ank you."

"I wouldn't want my competition to freeze before I get a chance," Harry replied cheekily.

She giggled, a sound Harry liked. "Over confidence does not become you."

Harry nodded and replied contritely, "My apologies, Mademoiselle Delacour."

"I will let it pass this time." She held her chin up again.

"Thank you for your understanding."

She giggled again. "Mon pleasure, 'Arry."

When they finally made their way back, her father met them outside the tent. "Your mother and I were wondering where you wandered off to."

"'Arry was 'elping me with my English," Gabrielle replied.

The man gave Harry a wink. "I must thank you for helping my daughter. If you would like to offer more lessons, you are of course welcome to visit La Soleil de Ville."

"Thank you, sir."

"It is getting late, little golden bird. Your mother and I are turning in. Don't stay out too much longer. I trust her with you, Harry." The man gave him a significant look and Harry felt that slight bit of fear all young men do when the father of someone they like gives them a subtle warning of not to do anything inappropriate.

"Yes, sir. I will ensure Gabrielle is kept safe," Harry replied.

"I do not need protecting," Gabrielle huffed.

"Never said you do," Harry replied easily.

Her father laughed. "I would heed her words, Harry. We leave tomorrow morning about nine-thirty."

"You aren't staying around tomorrow?" Harry asked, not able to keep his disappointment out of his voice.

Gabrielle didn't sound as pleased either. "Can we stay a few more days, papa?"

"Non. Not unless you wish to drop your ballet," Alain responded. "You are to be at lessons tomorrow afternoon."

Gabrielle sighed. "Non. I would lose my spot as lead if I miss that."

"You are a ballerina?" Harry asked. Her lithe form would fit what he knew of dancers.

"Oui. I have gotten the lead this year in our troupe. We are putting on the second half of the first act and the first third of the second of A Folk Tale. I would have liked to perform the whole ballet, but we are only given a half hour so that the Premier and Junior Troupes can have their own recitals," she told him with obvious delight. "I have been chosen to be Hilda. It is in three weeks."

"I would like to see you dance," Harry replied.

Her father put a hand on Gabrielle's arm. "I will get an extra ticket or two. Goodnight, my little golden bird. Harry, it has been a joy to meet you."

"Goodnight, Alain."

When her father walked away, Harry found Gabrielle looking at him. "You 'ould come to see moi?"

Harry shrugged. "Why not?"

There was a hint of colour in her face. "You will visit?"


Out of the blue she moved in, pecked him on the cheek and muttered, "Goodnight, Harry."

He stood there stunned for a second as Gabrielle gave him a shy smile and walked off after her father. After a moment, Harry shook his head and watched her go. He realized she still had his nice dress robe on her shoulders and found he liked her like that. The wedding had mostly broken up by now. A few dozen people were milling around still, but most had left. A half dozen catering staff were cleaning things up and the band was nowhere to be seen.

Walking in, he looked around to see if anyone he knew was still here. He didn't see Sirius anywhere, meaning the man had either gone home or found some bird for the night. Probably both. Harry was sure he would meet her in the morning. Over the last year, that had happened a few times when Harry wasn't at school.

He found Hermione sitting in a chair nursing a glass of wine. Everyone else was gone that he knew.

When he sat, Hermione had a dreamy smile on her face. "I thought you left?"

"Nah. Just went for a walk with Gabrielle," he replied. When he looked at her, his eyebrow rose. "I assume you didn't kiss your own neck?"

Hermione's eyes shot open and she put her hands to her neck. "Oh, you can't say anything. How bad is it?"

Harry laughed. "Just some lipstick."

Her face turned a little red. "Oh bugger!"

Harry kept laughing. "I assume you said goodbye to Luna a while ago?"

"About eleven. I was waiting for you, but was just about to give up."

"Why are you waiting for me?" he queried. She shrugged, rubbing her neck. Harry took a napkin and dipped it in water. "Stop. Let me get it."

"Thank you," she told him as he washed off the three lipstick lip marks on her neck. "Sirius wanted me to tell you he was going home. Renee was with him."

Harry raised an eyebrow. "Isn't he like ten years older than her?"

"Probably. Fleur says Renee usually likes the older guys since they don't fall for the allure as much. How did your date go with Gabrielle?"

Harry felt his own face heat up as he finished wiping Luna's marks off her neck. "It wasn't a date."

Hermione gave a very unladylike snort. "Please, I have never seen you look at anyone like that. Not even Ginny. Did you have a good night?"

He smiled. Hermione really was his best mate, even over Ron. Ron would have been pestering him for details and asking how far they went. "It was a very good night. I'm sorry I didn't dance with you more."

She waived him off. "I think Gabrielle would have started to go after the other girls lining up to dance with you if you hadn't taken her."

Harry chuckled. "There weren't that many."

She chuckled back at him. "I think almost every single woman under the age of forty was looking at you tonight. You should have seen the flower toss."

"I didn't realize we missed it," Harry told her.

"Yes. Lisa Turpin has a rather competitive streak to her. I also didn't realize how much she loves Quidditch or that she was a Chudley Cannons fan," Hermione commented.

Harry snorted. "Explains why she agreed to go with Ron."

Hermione shoved him. "Ron isn't that bad."

"You're right. He actually chews his food now."

She laughed. "You're horrid."

"Pretty much."

Hermione drank a little more of her wine. "Do you like her?"

There was a quick thought about lying. He wasn't sure how he felt, except that he wanted to see her again. He also knew Hermione would see right through him. "Yeah, I do."

"Gabrielle has had a crush on the Boy-Who-Lived for a long time. Since last summer, I have written back and forth and met her a few times. I got her to agree to just meet you and see who you really are. Gabi is a good person, Harry. I like her a lot and don't want to see either of you hurt, but I thought you should know after what happened with you and Ginny," Hermione informed him.

Harry frowned. "Do you think she was only being nice to me because I am the Boy-Who-Lives?"

Her head shook a little more violently than normal. Harry was realizing Hermione was probably a little drunk. "No. She hasn't referred to you like that in months. I think she honestly liked spending time with you, not the Boy-Who-Lived."

He let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. "Good. I liked spending time with her too."


"Gabrielle and her father have invited me to their house when Sirius and I go to France. Alain also said he would get me a ticket to Gabrielle's recital," he told her.

Hermione's brow rose. "Really? You must have made a better impression than I thought."

Harry laughed. "Thanks. Always the tone of surprise."

Hermione giggled and Harry gave her a look. "You have to admit that you were not this suave before you moved in with Sirius."

"I am nothing but suave," he retorted. She giggled again and he took the cup from her hand. "Come on. I'll apparate you home and get you into bed."

She gave him a mischievous smirk. "Is that a proposition, Harry Potter?"

He shook his head. "We tried that, remember? And then you confessed how you liked Susan Bones."

"Oh, right. I have a luncheon with Luna tomorrow, so probably best I don't show with you on my arm."

Harry chuckled. "Come on." He helped her up and they left the tent.


August 3, 1997

London, England

Harry had spent so much time with Gabrielle last night that he only had that one glass of wine with dinner, and even getting home past one, he was still up at his normal time, had gone for his run and was finishing breakfast before Kreacher came in to make breakfast for Sirius. "I'm surprised he is up so early," Harry commented to the old elf.

"Master was woken by the lady," Kreacher told him. The old elf had been rather unpleasant when Harry had moved in just before fourth year started. He would never be able to thank his godfather for rescuing him from his relatives. While he was at Hogwarts that year, Grimmauld Place had been cleared out and remodeled. During that time something happened between Kreacher and Sirius that had Kreacher actually smiling some days and listening to Sirius.

Harry shook his head. "Don't tell me. Dobby," Harry called out. On the other hand, Harry tried to not roll his eyes as his own over exuberant house elf popped in.

"The Great Harry called Dobby," his house elf greeted him with a big smile. The elf was very eccentric, with two different socks, a Muggle children's t-shirt with a teddy bear on it and a beany on his head. As part of Dobby's contract, he was allowed to wear whatever he wants unless he was serving Harry for official House business or there was a party where Dobby was required to dress nicely.

"I did. Could I ask you to bring this letter to Gabrielle Delacour before she leaves this morning? I think she was scheduled to leave the Burrow about nine-thirty," Harry requested of Dobby.

Dobby had a large smile. "Yes, sir. Dobby will take the letter. Should Dobby wait for an answer?"

He shook his head. "No. Don't let Hedwig know. She won't be happy," Harry told the house elf.

"No. Dobby not tell the Great Harry's owl," Dobby agreed before popping away.

The door to the kitchen opened and a bleary eyed and disheveled looking Sirius led in a radiant looking Renee. Harry snorted as the man sat. "Coffee," Sirius called out.

"Good morning, Harry," Renee greeted him. Her light blue eyes were dancing to see the grumpily muttering man as Kreacher put a cup of coffee before him. She was in the same lavender dress she had on last night and looked just as pretty, especially with one of the straps obviously broken and falling down her arm and revealing a thin strap and the top of a lacy bra.

"Good morning. How did you get him out of bed so early? Or do I want to know?"

She gave a lecherous grin that could rival Sirius any day of the week. "Certain parts of him were not asleep."

Harry blushed a little. He didn't need to know, but part of why he had woken so early today was his own problem that was throbbing in his night shorts with visions of another silvery-blonde girl in his head. He held his hand up. "I don't need to know."

She giggled as Sirius looked up at him. "What time did you stumble in, pup?"

"Some time after one. That was after I helped Hermione stumble into her bed."

Sirius laughed before wincing. "Didn't think she swung that way."

"She doesn't," Harry snarked.

"Kreacher, do you have a pain relief potion?"

"If you want to run, now would be the time," Harry said in a loud whisper to Renee behind his hand.

Sirius put a hand to his face and rubbed it. Renee looked at him. "Do you want me to leave?"

"I wouldn't say no to you sharing my bed again," Sirius replied.

She laughed. "Maybe another time. I do have a portkey to catch in about two hours." She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. "If you are around Bordeaux, look me up."

"You can stay for breakfast. Or the week," Sirius offered.

Harry looked at his godfather in an odd way. Sirius never asked anyone to stay or for a second date. She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek again. "Not today. I have work tomorrow. Maybe next weekend if you like?"

Sirius sat up, looking more alert after taking the pain relief potion and a sip of his coffee. "Harry and I will be in France starting next weekend for two weeks. I would like to meet up with you."

"Just as long as it doesn't interfere with me meeting Gabrielle," Harry told him.

They both looked at Harry, who suddenly wished he had not said a word. "You have plans with Gabrielle?" Renee was interested and a little shocked.

"Do tell, pup," Sirius said with a wide smirk.

Harry found what was left on his plate very interesting as he poked at the remaining egg bits and the lone banger. "Alain invited us to their house and said he would get a ticket to Gabrielle's recital."

"Nice going, pup," Sirius replied sounding very impressed. "Always knew you were a Marauder."

"Did I understand Uncle Alain invited you and that he would get you a ticket for Gabrielle's recital?"

"Oui. You sound surprised?"

She blinked for a moment. "Oui. The tickets for the Trousseaux Ballet recital have been sold out for months and are some of the most highly sought tickets of the year. Gabrielle has made prima ballerina of Premier Troupe, a very prestigious position. She plans to step down after the recital to compete in the Triwizard tournament, if maman is correct. Aunt Apolline was telling her about it."

Sirius eyebrows rose and the smile on his face had Harry feeling apprehensive. The old mutt was going to take the mickey on him for weeks now. "You don't go by halves, do you, pup?"

"Shut it," Harry retorted. The old man laughed. "Renee, thank you for letting me know."

"You are welcome, Harry. I will eat and then I must go. Send me an owl letting me know when you will arrive," Renee told Sirius.

When she left after giving Sirius a deep kiss that left him looking a little vacant, Sirius leaned back into his chair and slumped. "Dear, Merlin. I don't remember the last time I went six rounds like that," his godfather said loudly.

"I really don't need to know this," Harry told him as he read the Daily Prophet. "I am going into Diagon Alley later to get some galleons and then I was going to get my school supplies. It feels weird this will be the last time."

"Want me to go with you? You did make Head Boy and should get some reward for that."

"I have it. You go sleep for a while. You look like something the dog dragged in."

Sirius gave out a barking laugh. "You little wanker."

"Probably. Is Remus and Dora coming over tonight?"

"It is Sunday. They usually do. Or is it our week to go over there?"

"They are coming here this week," Harry assured him.

Sirius nodded. "So, how many rounds did you go with your little Frenchy?"

Harry shook his head. "A gentleman never kisses and tells," Harry replied, hoping to stop the teasing before it got going.

Sirius chuckled. "So, you finally let someone pop your cherry?"

Harry's face heated up. "We did not sleep with each other. Gabrielle is not that type of girl. We only danced and talked." He subconsciously reached up to touch where she had kissed him on the cheek.

"Ah, huh. And it is just for anyone that Alain Delacour, part of the High Council at the ICW and reputed businessman, would seek to get you a ticket to the recital of the most prestigious magical dance school in Europe?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "I didn't know that and Alain offered."

Sirius laughed again. "Should I draft a betrothal just in-case? Wouldn't want either of you getting into trouble."

Harry's face was really burning now. "You said I would never have to worry about something like that."

"I never thought you might fall for a daughter of a house that is perhaps more prestigious than yours. The Delacours are near royalty, and if I remember right, they are descended from royalty," Sirius commented.

"And so are we? You said it would never matter who I married."

"So you want to marry her?"

"I don't know," Harry yelled back at his godfather. "I only met her two days ago and we haven't even kissed or anything."

"Give it time."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Harry snapped at the older man.

Sirius just shrugged his shoulders. "I saw the way you looked at her. You were not affected by any of the other part-veela there, but the second she was near, it was all you focused on. Plus, Renee said Gabrielle has marked you and she would not go for another veela's man."

Harry looked at Sirius flabbergasted. "I'm going to get going," Harry told him after a moment.

Sirius just smirked at him. "Harry, it really doesn't matter who you marry, but there are certain girls that should be treated differently. A marriage between House Potter and House Delacour would be a large deal across the continent. If you want to chase her, by all means do. Renee says she is a very sweet girl and you two looked good together last night."

He wasn't sure what to think about Sirius. He had never talked this way before, nor had he ever really cared who Harry might like or date. As he thought that, Harry realized he would like to date Gabrielle. It was way to early to think of marriage. "Why is this so different if I want to date her?"

"Like the Potters, the Delacours are one of the few Houses that actually have royal blood in them, or hereditary seats. Alain represents France on the ICW, but that is only because he was chosen to. They have a hereditary seat on the Senior Council. Only fifteen houses can claim that in all of Europe. They also have a family seat in the French government. You have a Senior seat on the Wizengamot. Should you marry, either House could claim the seat on the ICW or in either government," Sirius told him.

"What about Fleur? Wouldn't Bill have those claims with Fleur being the older sister?"

"Fleur has given up those claims. The Weasleys are an old family, but they do not have royal blood in them, meaning they cannot claim any of those seats."

Harry pursed his lips. "But I could?"

"You could," Sirius agreed.

"And what about Renee? She is a Delacour," Harry put to him.

"Renee is part of a cadet line. They would only have claim should Alain or Gabrielle decide to give up their titles," Sirius replied.

Harry mulled it over for a moment. "Is that why Alain and Apolline were so kind to me? Apolline even asked me to watch over Gabrielle last night."

Sirius shrugged his shoulders. "Don't know. All I know is that you are a Viscount, same as me, if you wanted to ever go back to the Muggle world. I am not sure what ranking the Delacours would have."

Harry scrunched his brow. "So, you really did listen to your mum?" Harry put to him.

Sirius made a nasty face. "When I was found innocent and Dumbledore asked me to make sure you knew your history, some of those lessons came back. I just want you to know what you are getting into if you really like Gabrielle."

"I shouldn't date her then?"

"Merlin, no. A girl like that comes along maybe once in a lifetime. Date her. Bed her. Marry her. Do what you want. Just know what you are getting into."

"Thanks," Harry replied uncertainly. This was something Sirius really hadn't pushed before.

"Pup," Sirius called after him as he got up.

"Yeah, you old mutt?"

Sirius chuckled again. "If you do decide to bed her, I would make sure you are serious about her. I would also recommend a betrothal. If you get any little ones, they have to be born in wed-lock."


"In Britain, the Potters are already considered a disgrace by many, so a bastard child won't matter much. But on the continent, and in the ICW, the Delacours will not escape the ire of many for such a thing," Sirius told him.

"When the bloody hell did you get so wise?"

"Renee wanted me to understand what I was getting into after our third time last night. She is second in line after Gabrielle and she really does not want it," Sirius told him.

Harry laughed. "I should have figured. If you have any bastards you are taking the Blacks back."

Sirius laughed. "Bloody prick."

"I learned from the best," Harry replied.

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