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58.69% I Became God's Reaper in Another Universe / Chapter 23: The Quad Simulator Pod

Capítulo 23: The Quad Simulator Pod

*First Person POV: Aspen*

I looked around my room, a little bit disoriented due to the dream, or maybe it was a vision, that I had. Maybe what I saw was the soul of this body asking me to do my job and do it faster. He didn't seem happy but he also didn't seem angry. He seemed to have only been a remnant driven by revenge and guilt. 

And what could he have possibly meant by telling me he would take care of my body? Could it be that a body cannot survive without a soul in it? Never mind that, I'm pretty sure I heard the broken voice of someone saying my name and time of death. 

I try to put my thoughts aside as I sit up on my bed and glance at the time, noticing that only 6 hours have passed since I went to sleep. It was now 1:30 pm and it was quite the cozy day. The rain outside hit the window and the clouds covered the city, giving it a morbid and eerie vibe as its advertisements and holograms became hazy and distorted through the rain. 

Now that I think about it and take in the view, this reminds me a lot of a game I used to play back on earth. Cyberpunk 2077. If I'm being honest, this world is like a mixture of Cyberpunk 2077 and Titanfall 2 with mechs straight out of Gundam animes. It was like a dream come true, except that I was perfectly happy, no, exhilarated with the way my life was going back on Earth. I had some money, I had finally gotten a date, and I was happy. And here comes God who throws a fucking curveball at my ass.

I rub my temple and stare out the window a little while longer before I get up from my bed and leave my room. As soon as I walk out, I see that Ghost is already awake and having breakfast on the table.

"Sleep alright, princess?" he joked as I entered the living room. I've noticed that after telling him the truth he no longer treats me with that reverence he had shown after I summoned him. Maybe it could be because of his pre-existing relationship with this universe's Aspen, who treated him fairly well, like family. Honestly, he treated all his men like family, but I guess a stray dog gets more attached than one who's bounced from house to house.

"Yeah, not really. I got a visit from your friend's soul last night, or whatever was left of it." I reply to his question as I fix myself some breakfast. I notice Ghost stop mid-sip from his coffee and put his mug down on the table as he looks toward me.

"Did he have anything to say to you? Anything about his men?" he asked me, his tone turning serious, opposite of the jovial and joking tone he just had. 

I put some sugar in my coffee and stir it as I walk over to the window and look out to the city again. I see the hustle and bustle of people and vehicles on the street. Some flying vehicles here and there in the distance and take in a deep breath before sighing. "Not really, he just wanted me to make sure that Ajax would suffer. He just wanted me to carry out his revenge. Something I didn't really get much of a choice in doing from the beginning because his feelings were overwhelming mine."

Ghost nodded at my words, "Hmm, that makes sense. Someone takes over your body and now you have to watch from afar and hope he follows through. But the feelings part, how was that?"

I didn't say anything for a minute, knowing that before I took over this body it had been damaged beyond repair and the commander Aspen Del Santo had died along with it. I take a sip of my coffee and just continue to look out the window into the city. I stared at the skyscrapers, admiring the architecture as I saw them rise in height the further they were from me through the fog, their neon lights a beacon to guide my gaze. I heard Ghost shuffle behind me as he put his dishes into the dishwasher, which immediately starts washing any dishes as soon as they are put into it. 

I could tell just how much war had affected this universe just from the dishwasher. It was a technology not much more advanced than that of Earth's, as were many of the household appliances. There was more emphasis put on education, something that seemed only available for the super-rich with the exorbitant prices. 

Then there were the energy sources. Sure the fusion reactors of this universe are leaps and bounds better than any prototype that exists on Earth, but they didn't appear to care about making those leaps to the grid. 

They had been militarized to make mechs, weapons of massive destruction, spaceships, and the sort. Most things in the military sector had advanced far more than the civilian sector, as it always has throughout human history, but this time it had completely left the civilian sector in the dust by generations. However, there were still conventional weapons like the M107 I had used last night, but that too was far more powerful than its counterpart on Earth, having more penetrating power while maintaining the same bullet velocity. 

All in all, it was pretty clear to me that wars between planets and wars between corporations had forced people to focus on survival rather than comfort. There were tons of people out in the wilderness of this planet alone, not to mention, every city had its walls and perimeter armed to the teeth for whatever arose.

My thoughts stopped rambling on as I noticed Ghost standing next to me and looking out the window as well. "So, you're not going to answer?"

I sigh as I take another sip of my coffee. "It was rough in the beginning, I had no control over what I felt, his wife was identical in appearance and name to this girl I had just started dating back on my world, and I would act on impulse a lot. Driven by foreign feelings I was confused about. Then I learned to accept that he was just another version of me, his soul a part of mine, his life my life. I felt myself regaining control over my feelings, but they would still flare at times."

I paused and took another sip of my coffee. "I now have regained full control over them, they no longer have any influence in me. When I forgave Kai, forgave my enemy and a man who had a hand in killing his- my family, I became free of it all. The burden I carried no longer weighted on me. I will still carry out this revenge, but not out of impusle anymore. Its more like something I want to do because it has to be done."

I turn and look Ghost in the eye, "When I forgave him, I didn't do so because I wanted to, I struggled, I wanted to pull the trigger, I wanted to end him, but the Archangel Michael intervened, and told me that God had ordered me to forgive him. At that moment, I fought with my feelings and relied on my faith instead. So I walked away. I regained control because I forgave him, but you killing him was a way of God reminding me of things."

"I didn't come to this universe to be Jesus, to forgive my enemy, to turn the other cheek. I came here with strict orders to erase, to annihilate evil. But I would have to be the one to decide who was evil, who deserved death, who deserved mercy. I am only a man with a task to be a Reaper for God. I do God's will, I carry out God's will, and I will kill because it is God's will."

Ghost stayed quiet for a while, staring out of the window as if in thought. "So that's what your god is like… This isn't much like your home universe, is it?"

I chuckle at his words and take another sip of my coffee. "Well, what I just said would mark me as a hypocrite, because God is Love, that's what the outside world believes. They fail to read the rest where it also says that God is wrath and consuming fire. I'm the one enacting his wrath and consuming fire on this universe because of everything wrong in it."

"And, well, if you consider the skyscrapers, there are a lot of cities that have them. Not to the extent of having full-blown holograms on every single one of them and having corporations rule cities, but they are similar. If I'm being honest this isn't all that. It's maybe, what, 50, maybe 100 years more advanced than cities on Earth." I take my mug and put it in the dishwasher and then turn back around to face Ghost.

"Alright, I remember that you said you had something you wanted to show me last night," he said.

"Ah, yeah, let me just brush my teeth first, I'll meet you at the basement. You can wait in that one room next to the reactor room, I think it should be big enough." I said as I walked in the direction of the bathroom, my mind filled with the things I had just told Ghost. 

After I finished, I headed downstairs to the basement level and there I found Ghost standing outside of the reactor room and looking into the room through the glass on the door.

"That's going to become obsolete once I start using the money we generate to make either a more refurbished version or a more advanced version of it. One that's not held together by gum and chicken wire," I said, which caused him to very slightly shift as if he had been caught off-guard and scared. It was very slight, but my perception stat was high enough for me to discern such small movements.

Ghost glanced back at me before walking into the room that was right next to the reactor room. "So, what is it that you wanted to show me?" he asks as I walk in behind him.

I don't say anything as I will my inventory in front of my eyes and select the Quad Simulator Pod which has now changed slightly in appearance. It now bore a cyan hue on the centerpiece, which I can only guess is where the battery from the enhancement is located. "Step back a bit and stand next to me," I ordered as I didn't know if summoning this thing would crush Ghost to some pink paste of guts and bones.

He did so without questions and then I summoned the Quad Simmulator Pod. It appeared in front of us, taking up the vast majority of the room all the way up to the 12-foot tall ceiling. Ghost's mouth hung slightly agape as he analyzed what had just materialized in front of us. 

"Is… is that a simulator pod?" he asked. "I have never seen something like it…. Why is it so… big?" 

I couldn't stop myself as I heard his last questions and immediately said, "That's what she said." Ghost ignored what I said as he got closer to the Quad Simulator Pod reaching his hand out as if it was an alien object that could take his life at any moment. "That, my friend, is a Quad Simulator Pod. A product of the power you make fun of, granted to me by my God. Up to four people can use it at a time, with this version of it being enhanced and allowing us to use it without having to connect it to an external energy source."

Ghost just kept on examining the simulator pod as I explained things. "It has a 1:100 ratio time dilation and unlike the most advanced simulator pods from this universe, this has a 50% boost on your learning, meaning you can master things much faster here than on anything else. It has an inbuilt AI that automatically adjusts the difficulty to ensure that the pilots training in it will always be challenged and on edge, pushing the pilots to their maximum potential while gaining a deep understanding of combat techniques, tactics, and maneuvers in mechs of all classes."

I paused for a second, catching my breath as Ghost continued to examine it. He managed to open the door that led inside to four chairs that looked like they came straight out of those reclining beds that were used by Netrunners in Cyberpunk 2077. 

"Of course, as long as you can pilot it with your pilot level. Not like you can get into a Tier 7 mech while being an Epsilon-level pilot. Its restrictions are also not like the normal pods, which universally cap all pilots, no matter their pilot level, at 15 hours of use per week. However, this one is slightly different and you can use it for different times depending on your pilot level. 10 hours a week if you're at Epsilon, 12 for Delta, 15 for Gamma, 19 for Beta, 24 for Alpha, and lastly, 30 hours a week for Omega-level pilots. The process of reawakening starts 5 minutes before your hours are up and unlike the normal pods, you won't suffer any disorientation after awakening."

"Now I know that the hours are initially less than they are for normal simulator pods, but when you take into account the time dilation, you can gain up to 1000 hours of experience within a single dive as an Epsilon-level pilot. That means that in just 3 weeks worth of using the simulator pod, you can accumulate enough hours and experience to have your pilot level elevated to Delta."

Ghost snapped back from his fascination as I finished explaining. "You're telling me that you can get promoted from Epsilon to Delta in just 3 weeks compared to the 20 it would take using the most advanced simulator pod? You mind introducing this god of yours to me again?"

I chuckle at his words. "Yeah, that's what I said, as for God, he doesn't just take in anyone who wants benefits from Him. I'll lend you the Bible and you'll see that only those with a Humble and Contrite spirit and the broken-hearted are the ones He opens his ears to. As long as you seek Him just for the sake that He's the creator of it all and you actually want to follow Him and get to know Him, then He will show you His love and mercy."

"Tsk, I guess I'll think about it." He said. He then motioned to the simulator pod. "How about we get some simulations going on? Maybe we can participate in one together."

"Yeah, this also has the ability to take its 4 occupants into a single closed-off simulated environment that can't be joined by other simulator pods unless they all get wired together just like normal pods. They can also be split into individual simulations. So we can do that too if we want." I reply as I walk into the simulator pod. I take off my shirt and lay on one of the beds as Ghost does the same. The door then closed and its interior was momentarily dark before lighting up in a dark red hue.

"Analyzing users. Users are detected to be at Epsilon level with 0 hours of mech piloting experience. Users were detected as not having had their neural link surgery. Neural Links are required. To commence neural link surgery, please insert your neural links in the slot by your chair," the AI voice called out.

At its prompt, I needed neural links, so I opened up the system shop and asked Jarvis to show me available neural links. He then showed me a list that expanded far beyond what I thought would be possible.

"Host, the system shop offers enhanced neural links that can all reach over 100% synchronization rate. Although they have the ability to reach such synchronization rates, it all comes down to the Pilot's synchronization aptitude on if they can ever reach this synchronization rate within days, weeks, months, years, or if they will take decades to do so. Included here are Neural Links for those who have up to a Omega Level potential with prices reaching up to 850,000 CSP, and even a limited stock of 3 Godlinks for a selected 3 to reach the mythical Abyssal level with a price of 17,500,000 CSP. Would you like me to narrow them down instead to neural links that would best match Ghost and his skills?

"Yes, it would be great if you can, thank you, Jarvis," I say in my head.

"It is my pleasure, Host. Here are the top 3 best options given your budget too.

Synapse MK-I 

Price: 1500 CSP 

Synchronization Rate: 103% 

Description: Reliable for advanced pilots, offering boosted reaction speeds without destabilization risks. Provides smooth neural feedback for precise control. 

Titan Neural Link N-4

Price: 1750 CSP 

Synchronization Rate: 105% 

Description: Highly stable, ideal for extended missions requiring a steady link. Strong cognitive mapping for enhanced decision-making and response time.

Phantom X-7 Link

Price: 1250 CSP 

Synchronization Rate: 101% 

Description: Balanced for agility and stealth, the X-7 offers improved responsiveness with a lower profile. Comes with stealth interface compatibility for covert operations."

I stare at the remaining 14 CSP in my balance after I confirm the purchase of the Titan Neural Link N-4. I chose it for obvious reasons since it has the best sync rate and it would also allow for extended operations without having to disconnect from the mech to rest. The N4 then materialized in my hands, a small black chip about 2 inches long and half an inch wide, and I turned to pass it to Ghost who was running his hands across his back and neck.

"What are you feeling for?" I ask him.

"Well, you know, both of us were pilots before, so we obviously should have the surgery. But I never took the time to notice until now that neither you nor I have the ports installed for the neural links or to jack into the mechs." He says, the surprise palpable in his words.

"Yeah, both our bodies were reconstructed after all, you can't expect to have everything you had before dying now, can you?" I say as I hand him his neural link. "This is the Titan N-4, optimized with up to 105% sync rate and made to last longer times connected to your mech." 

He stares at it in awe for a second, "105%? Holy shit, do you know just how valuable this is right here? Not even the best Neural links can reach over 100% sync rate, let alone 105%. This thing is probably worth millions of credits."

"Really? It was amongst the cheapest options I could find," I say, mocking his amusement. I then summon my Godlink from my inventory as I see Ghost insert his into the slot and in my hands is a rectangular chip that's about three-quarters of an inch wide and 3 and a half inches long. It's matte black with a dark matter space pattern of different dark purple and dark blue hues that was everchanging as if I was staring into space itself. I then place it into the slot and prepare for the surgery.

"Neural links inserted. Godlink neural link detected, initiating pod lockdown until surgery is complete." As the AI finished speaking, an extra door that had been hidden came down in front of the main one and a bunch of composite panels slid into place all around us, ensuring that we were safe and nothing could get in or out until the surgery was done. 

We then had some straps wrapped around our legs, shins, arms, torso, and forehead. I don't know how, but I could tell that they were made of the same metal they use for Space Battleships yet somehow flexible. Then some syringes were lowered from the ceiling and at the same time I felt multiple parts of my back be pierced. There were about 7 things piercing my spine and 2 more on my lower back. I clenched my fists in pain and felt them become warm as I could tell my blood was starting to seep from them. Ghost wasn't fairing any better, as I could hear him huffing and panting in his chair.

"Administering sedatives…" Those were the last words I heard from the AI before I started to black out. When I came to Ghost was already conscious and sitting down on his chair.

"How long have I been out for?" I asked.

"Don't know, I just know that I woke up four hours ago and you were still being operated on. Also, I'm hungry as shit," he replied.

"Your surgery lasted 13 hours and it ended 2 hours, 39 minutes, and 12 seconds ago. Both surgeries have been a success, deactivating lockdown procedure." The AI answered my question as it started to unlock everything.

I looked at the energy reserves for the simulator pod and noticed that half of it was used up to operate us. I ran my hand across my back and felt 9 barely noticeable bumps of cold metal running up my spine and lower back. I then put my hand on my nape where my neural port is supposed to be and I can feel some metallic edges and then the smooth edge of my Godlink. It rests inserted 3 quarters of an inch into my nape at an angle so that it wouldn't ever come into contact with my vertical vertebra… hopefully.

"Huh, so this is what it's like to be a mech pilot," I say.

"No! Not at fucking all. This surgery is the gate of hell in comparison to what it actually is. Apart from the pain I experienced before being out cold, we don't have this many seamless intrusions into our back like this, we only have one under our Neural Link to directly connect to the mech." Ghost replied.

"Huh, interesting," was all I could muster to say as I put my shirt back on. 'Maybe this many intrusions is to help divert the stress of piloting a mech through multiple places rather than just one,' I thought to myself. My stomach then grumbled as an insatiable hunger overtook me. "Let's go for a bite."

We both leave the basement room and lock the door with a building-owner code which is the same for the Reactor room. We go up 2 floors and reach the underground garage, open the MRAP's back doors, grab our half-face oni masks and our pistols, lock up, and decide to go for a walk to a nearby store that is open 24/7. 

The store has it all, it's pretty much a fast-food restaurant mixed with a supermarket. We grab a ton of snacks, meat, vegetables, and soft drinks, and head to the counter. At the counter, the cashier is a young girl, about 19, with platinum blonde hair and gray eyes. She was quite attractive if I'm being honest, not even close to Autumn, but attractive nonetheless. We ordered 4 boxes of pizza, 2 buckets of 20-piece fried chicken, and 2 orders of supreme cheese fries which came in a 12-inch long, 8-inch wide, and 6-inch tall container. Needless to say, the girl looked at us wide-eyed.

We paid and left the store with me carrying the pizza, chicken, and fries while Ghost carried multiple bags with all the things we bought. We get back into the building, go up to our apartment, and go straight to feasting after organizing all of the food into the refrigerator and cabinets.

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