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81.25% Trailblazers & Lunatics [Slice of life-Dramedy-Cultivation-Litrpg] / Chapter 13: 1.1.12-Beware magical eye collectors

Capítulo 13: 1.1.12-Beware magical eye collectors

1.1.12-Beware magical eye collectors

4/1/5/4353 M.A.C - Great Western Rainforest- Late Evening


"Woah. This is bigger and better built than I expected..."

After being kicked out of Majusculus's cabin, Emi had expected to find a bunch of shoddy huts, built haphazardly between trees, but that wasn't what was waiting for her. From the looks of it, the monkeys had made a large clearing, in what had once been a dense part of the forest, and had repurposed the wood into lumber used to construct the imposing log cabins. The windows were not glass-paned but were covered with simple wooden shutters, aside from that, these cabins wouldn't lose against some of the better mountain shelters she had seen back on Earth. Looking toward the edge of the village, Emi was surprised to see that the monkeys had filled up the space between the trees with a log wall surrounding the entire perimeter.

Man, that wall must be nearly twenty feet tall...Don't think much can jump over that. They even have rope bridges between the trees they incorporated into the wall to act as causeways.

Emi flew to one of the causeways to get a better view. The village seemed to consist of a ring of cabins nearly identical to the one Emi had just left. The ring of cabins surrounded a much larger barrack-like cabin and a big communal fire. It reminded Emi of the Obon festivals she had attended while growing up. A series of different storehouses-like buildings and workshops filled the space between the ring of Cabins and the outer wall, as if to add another buffer between the living quarters and the wilderness outside.

I wonder how many of them live here. Might be more than a hundred if the cabins average out to two a piece. Gotta say though, I love these eyes. Even though the sun set a while back, I can see clearly across to the opposite walls. I can even make out the individual ropes as if I were just a few feet away. Let's try my last eye trick.

[Wave vision]

Suddenly, three-dimensional ripples started appearing in some areas, gradually becoming less visible as the distance between them and their source increased. Quieter sounds, like leaves falling to the ground, left quickly fading barely visible ripples. A wooden shutter slammed closed in one of the surrounding buildings, leaving the largest ripples that Emi had spotted thus far. Emi reactivated Empathy to test something out.

As I thought...Turns out that, unlike a certain Kryptonian, I can't see through walls.

Emi had confirmed that she could activate both Abilities simultaneously, but both seemed impeded by walls. She could see ripples leaving some of the building's windows, and she could see the emotional aura of the monkeys who were out in the open, but physical obstacles seemed to block both to varying extents. While looking around, she noticed an aura of mixed greys and bright sun-like yellows closing in on her position.

Oh? Seems I've got company. They seem...tired and...full of conviction? Determined? Stubborn maybe?

"Good evening. What can I do for you?"

The armored monkey, who was currently climbing a rope ladder attached to the closest tree, was visibly startled by Emi's question. To be fair to him, the sun had set and his fur had shifted to match the color and pattern of the tree he was climbing. He had probably assumed he was as good as invisible. One of the drawbacks of sign language was that it made it rather hard to carry out a conversation while climbing a tall ladder. Unless one was fine with that conversation being rather brief and possibly ending with their death, or at the very least some injuries. The armored monkey calmly continued making his way to Emi as she drifted off into her own world.

I might have brittle bones, but with these Abilities and my flight, it's going to be hard to sneak and close in on me. Although, now that I've grown bigger, I'm probably less nimble in the air and make for a much better arrow target...In D&D terms, low HP, low AC, low Con, low Str, and middling Dex, but high mental stats with all my skill points in perception and charisma-based skills...

It's like I went full caster but my only spells are [Ghost Sound], [Sense Emotion], and [Comprehend Languages]. I hope Choices don't rely on combat XP or else this build might be doomed.

"Hello. Leader say you understand and speak good now. Sorry attack before. I quick act bad thought. Complicated. Have time talk?"

Huh? Seems like Majusculus is indeed quite smart for his kind. I guess the difference is that he learned languages that used complex grammar. I reckon this guy is probably only fluent in their sign language. That would explain why [Communicative Intent] is making him sound like a stereotypical caveman. Maybe he is learning a language from Majusculus though. There seems to be a bit more than just the words he seems to be signing. His aura doesn't feel aggressive... guess I'll give him a chance for now.

Emi nodded and the armored monkey approached before sitting down, cross-legged, beside her.

"If we are going to have a conversation, it might be easier if you introduce yourself first. As you know, I am Emi."

"Only leader have Empire name in tribe now. If no learn write no can use with hands so no need. I tribe name strong armor spear. Number two in tribe. Leader more smart. More strong before. Now me number one strong maybe but smart still become big. When learn write over I have Empire name."

"Oh, so you are the next in line to be leader?"

"No.Yes. Other become more strong more smart before leader die no. Leader die now yes. Me not ready. Good leader live more long. Me wait good. Better leader born good. Tribe good me good."

"Understood. So, Strong Armor Spear, what did you want to talk about? I am quite new to this situation, so I am not sure what I could help you with."

Strong Armor Spear seemed to think over his reply carefully as he sat still, a faraway look in his eyes, for over a minute.

Okay, you've built up the tension, now spit it out already. Too much suspense is bad for your heart.

"You stay here much time?"

That's his question? There has to be more to it after all the time he spent thinking.

"I don't know. This place is better than the forest but I want to head to the Empire Majusculus told me about."

"Forest is Empire. Tribe is Empire because leader big smart. Trade with human outside forest."

"Oh. In that case, I will probably only stay a little while and ask the humans who come trade if I can go with them."

"Human come tribe rare. Forest danger human no know. Die easy. Tribe send things out forest come back with other thing. Journey often. When want leave you follow. Stay ok. Eat tribe food be useful. No eat do what want. You good eyes. Look night danger useful."

"That's fine, I can keep an eye out and try to make myself useful while I'm here. I have a feeling that isn't what you wanted to ask me though."

"I favor ask you. Want become tribe then no can do. You leave can do favor."

"Ok, that makes sense. I'll most probably end up leaving eventually, so I can at least hear you out. What kind of favor are you seeking from me."

"Before answer have question. How you feel about small one?"

Wait, is he gonna propose!? I'm not ready to be a mother. Also, I'm pretty sure my current species reproduces via eggs. If this guy tries to fertilize my egg, will it turn to stone and birth a monkey god? Wait no, he said I could only do the favor if I left, so that can't be it.

"Small one? Do you mean children?"

"No. Small one find you in forest."

"Oh, you mean Arctic."

The aura around Strong Armor Spear started growing red, little whisps of black peeking through here and there.

Anger and hate? Did I seek death by accident?

"No name. Small one no big. No big no name. When big choose name if good at skill. Empire name only when smart grow big. This small one no deserve."

Ok, I see what I did. At least the emotions don't seem to be directed at me.

"I was alone, sad, and scared. The small one found me and tried to cheer me up. He then risked the dangerous forest all night to help get me to the safety of your tribe. So if you ask how I feel about him, then I've got to say that I like him a hell of a lot better than you, after the way I've seen you treat him. In fact, if the favor you want from me is something that would go against his best interest, then my answer will be no."


Emi blinked for a handful of seconds. That last word had thrown her mind for a loop.

Good? Well, he is not sticking to the script I imagined. I thought he saw how smart Arctic is and wanted me to help eliminate the competition. Maybe he is a better guy than I gave him credit for.

"When leave tribe. Please you take small one. Small one leave more good him. More good tribe."

My faith in humanity just took ten damage. Or should it be Monkeynity? Monkeyhood?

"Hey buddy, the small one is one of your tribe members, even if you don't like him, don't try to say you want to banish him for his own good. Or did you mean that as a threat? If that is the way you are going to treat your tribe members then you definitely should not be a leader!"

Oh shit...Got too heated and forgot my filter again. This was a short adventure. I wonder if I'll keep my memories next time. I don't remember what my first death felt like, but hopefully it's one of those things that hurt less the second time around...

Oh...? I'm still alive?

Emi had closed her eyes as she braced herself to welcome death anew, but after still being alive a few seconds later, she tentatively opened them to see what was taking so long.

Why isn't he all black and red?

Strong Armor Spear's aura had shifted after her outburst, but it had become varying shades of greys and blues instead of the crimson Emi had expected.

Different shades of sadness with a dash of exhaustion?

"You right. I no ready be good leader. Now dead big brother ready before. He most strong. Most smart. Most kind. Leader say he become greater than leader and replace soon. Not die before big brother make tribe best tribe in world. All tribe love big brother."

"Okay...So your big brother was a great guy, maybe the greatest to ever come from your tribe. He sounds great, but what does that have to do with you and the small one."

"Problem no me only. Small one problem many. Long before big brother watch danger. Normal day all small one inside wall practice and learn. One small one go sneak out wall. Big brother watch danger hear loud animal see small one outside wall. Go save but noise big panther. Fight complicated. Big brother save small one kill panther but big scratch on stomach. Day after scratch bad blood. Big brother feel no good. Try tribe cure. Scratch worse. Bad blood grow. I go trade human cure. Slow. When home big brother dead."

"So you are saying that your big brother died saving the small one I met. That big brother was truly loved by the whole tribe, and so you all started blaming the small one for his loss...I'm not sure how long ago this was, but he was still a kid, and it was because your brother was a kind guy that he risked death to save him. It wasn't the small one's fault. The panther killed your brother, not him."

"Understand here. Here no change. Try but fail."

Strong Armor Spear first pointed at his head then at his heart before continuing.

"I think Brother die small one try hard replace brother. After brother die small one hide still break rule. No practice skill. Just sneak forest eat fruit come night. Also big one fault. When other small one see big one not like small one they stay away. Problem grow bad. Small one stay alone. Tribe but no really tribe. Normal when grow big send other tribe no problem. Small one no work no try but good smart. Maybe one day smart grow more big me. Small one become leader tribe heart not accept. Many go. Tribe split become weak and danger. Maybe war. If small one die big brother die for nothing. If tribe see small one bad act but become leader heart hurt big. Small one die, heart hurt. Answer small one grow happy outside forest. Tribe no see. Small one forget tribe have more good life. Tribe no see small one remember big brother die less. Tribe sad less. Me no see small one heart grow kind less walls. Me want become kind like big brother but small one action make bad thought grow heart hurt. Please take small one when leave for all more good."

"Okay, I think I get the gist of it. You understand that the way you and others have been treating the small one isn't right, but even after trying to forgive him, you guys had already entered a vicious cycle. He got more rebellious as he felt left out, which caused your negative feelings to keep growing. You want him to have a happy life elsewhere because otherwise, your brother's death would have been a waste. Worse he showed he had potential, and you are scared that the tribe might break apart if he turns out good enough to be the next leader since you, and others who loved your big brother, can't accept him. It would be so much easier if you were just a bad guy scheming for the leader position, but this situation is more complicated than it first seemed."

"What I say before...Also you owe small one. He help you when feel alone sad. He life is alone sad. You help small one help tribe. Tribe owe you after. I owe you after. Need talk with leader and small one before answer. Please no think me much bad. Me try be better. One day maybe heart more strong can forgive. Favor and apology make maybe."

Emi found herself not knowing what her best course of action was. She thought that it would have been best if they could just forgive Arctic, but it appeared that wasn't going to happen. The negative feelings had festered so long that they poisoned the proverbial well. She wasn't even sure whether Arctic would be willing to forgive them for having been made into a pariah for all these years. She decided that she could not make a decision rashly and that she should first talk with Arctic since it would affect his life.

"I'll think it over after talking to the small one and your leader. If the small one wants to follow me, and your leader accepts, I might accept."

"Thank you."

Strong Armored Spear gave Emi a small bow and left for what Emi assumed would be his bed, as his aura was now close to entirely grey.

This conversation seems to have taken quite its toll on him. Honestly, it would be so much easier if I could just hate him, but after all this, I can somehow understand his situation. Arctic could return one day after he's grown up in a better environment, but if he stays here, it doesn't look like things will get better. Poor kid, his situation really sucks...

The conversation also had quite a draining effect on Emi. She stood silently on the causeway, looking out into the night, peering through the shadows cast by the towering trees. Even with her new eyes, the amount of moonlight the canopy let through didn't allow her to see as if in broad daylight. Still, between the faint light emitted by the fire at the center of the village, and the clearing in the canopy above, there was enough light for her to make out the exterior perimeter of the village fairly well. The density of the vegetation proved to be more of an obstacle to her than the low-light conditions, as there was no angle from which she could see anything past a hundred feet away without some section of the foliage obstructing her sight.

I imagine it is past midnight at this point, better talk to Arctic in the morning as he is probably asleep. Also, I'm not sure I'm up for a second heavy conversation right away. Now that that's done, time to resume practice.

HPlow HPlow

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