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54.87% Roshidere : Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian / Chapter 45: Atmosphere and Appetite

Capítulo 45: Atmosphere and Appetite

One day, Alisa was standing in front of a certain ramen shop. Ominously written in red

on the wooden sign were the words The Cauldron of Hell, and it was the same ramen shop

she had eaten at with Masachika and Yuki a while back. She vividly recalled that the shop

lived up to its name by serving only the spiciest ramen, sending her straight to hell and back,

and yet for some reason, she was about to waltz into the lion's den once more. Why? Because

when she and Masachika went on a da—a…pretend practice date the other day so she could

teach the clueless teenager about women, he'd told her he liked spicy food.

It's not like I'm trying to understand what kind of food he likes, though!

She was making excuses to herself. There had to be some reason why someone would

love spicy food that much, and she wanted to know why. That was all. This was nothing

other than her trying to expand her culinary palate. If she managed to like not only sweets

but spicy food as well, then she would be able to enjoy eating twice as much. This challenge

was based on that simple thought process. And maybe it would have some side benefits, too?

Like maybe she was hoping that she could enjoy eating out with her friend more? Of course,

she was obviously referring to Yuki and not Masachika when she came to that conclusion.

"All right."

After making every excuse she could think of and preparing herself for what was about

to come, she opened the sliding door to the restaurant—


—and immediately, the spices in the air burned her eyes and the back of her nasal cavity.

Even though she was somewhat prepared for this, she reflexively narrowed her eyes and


"Welcome to The Cauldron of Hell!"

She blinked for a few moments at the chef's high-spirited voice, then shifted her gaze to

the hostess…where she saw a familiar face out of the corner of her eye and did a double take.

"Uh…? Ayano?"

"…? Oh."

Ayano, who was sitting at a table for two near the entrance, lifted her head from the book

she was reading, and her eyes widened slightly in surprise. After seeing them greeting each

other, the hostess approached and timidly asked:

"Uh… Will you two be eating together?"

"Oh, uh… Er… Yes," Alisa responded awkwardly, thanks to her absolute lack of life

experience in thisregard. The embarrassmentshe felt was almost physically painful, but there

was no way she could back down now after she claimed that they would be eating together.

"Hey, uh… Do you mind?" she asked Ayano apprehensively.

"Be my guest."

She then took a seat across from Ayano, who tucked her book away in her bag.



And then there was silence. Two beautiful women staring at each other. Saying nothing.


The indescribable awkward silence became too much for Alisa as she closed her halfopen mouth, unable to find the right words to say. She didn't have much experience initiating

small talk, and her relationship with Ayano…was still extremely uncertain.

Are we even friends…? We're not, are we? After all, we've hardly ever talked to each

other, especially not like this, and we've only spent time together as members of the student

council. To make matters worse, we're going to be running on opposing sides during the

election cycle, so while we're working together in the student council now, we're also

enemies. Wait. But…Yuki and I are friends, so…

Alisa was having difficulty putting her relationship with Ayano into words, but how she

was going to start the conversation depended on what kind of relationship they had. Of course,

she was not against the idea of being friends with Ayano, but Ayano had never asked to be her

friend, and she wasn't confident enough to claim they were friends without any confirmation,

either. It was a very common conundrum for people who were socially awkward or shy.

She even started hoping that Ayano would be the one to initiate conversation…but she gave

up the moment she looked into Ayano's eyes. Her eyes were unclouded without a hint of

embarrassment. Clearly, she wasn't feeling awkward as she sat straight up with her hands in

her lap as if to say, "Go ahead. I am ready to listen to whatever it is you have to say."

"Hello, I brought you some water. Please let me know when you're ready to order."

Their bizarre staring contest paused when the waitress came back with some water.

Alisa's eyes naturally shifted away from Ayano as she picked up the menu and perused the

disturbing names of the food with a bitter expression on her face. She then looked back at

Ayano and asked:

"What did you get?"

It took quite a bit of courage for Alisa to ask that.

"I got—"

But right as Ayano was about to reply, the waitress returned with a bowl of ramen on

a tray.

"Here you go. Spike Mountain Hell ramen. Enjoy your meal."

Inside the dark-red soup…were countless spikelike fine strips of long onion stacked to

make a small mountain. It was the second thing from the top on the menu, and one stage

hotter than the Blood Pond Hell ramen, which Alisa ate last time.



Alisa thought carefully for a few seconds after seeing the ramen the hostess brought. She

was originally planning on getting Blood Pond Hell again, but after seeing Ayano's spicier

choice, she suddenly began to doubt that getting the same thing would help her progress.

Plus, ordering the least spicy item on the menu would make her kind of feel like a loser. She

obviously knew this wasn't a competition, but…

"Excuse me, waitress? I'll have the same thing," she ordered, stopping the waitress on

her way back to the kitchen. She then faced Ayano once more.

"Oh, you don't need to wait for me. Go ahead," she urged.

"Thank you," replied Ayano before grabbing her chopsticks, submerging the mountain

of long onion into the soup, and pulling the chopsticks back out with some ramen. She then

began slurping her noodles in silence.




After freezing for a moment, Ayano slowly slurped until the noodles were completely

in her mouth. She wiped her lips with a napkin, then began to chew…and her expression

didn't change in the slightest.

I-incredible! She's eating what looks like super-spicy ramen without even raising an

eyebrow… Ayano must love spicy food, too…

Alisa's fear was accompanied by admiration and a faint sense of urgency. She could still

clearly remember how devastatingly hot the ramen she ordered last time was, and this was

going to be spicier. Would she really be able to eat it?

I-I'll be fine! They say you just have to get used to spicy food, and I had so much trouble

finishing last time because I ended up adding seasoning to make it spicier!

While trying to fire herself up, she glanced at one of the table corners and noticed the

seasoning the restaurant offered: soy sauce, pepper…and a suspicious-looking small

earthenware jar that stood out more than the rest. On the jar was the name Demon Tears—

an unbelievably spicy seasoning.

I'll be okay as long as I don't put any of that in my ramen… At least, I should be okay!

She said that to herself in an attempt to summon up enough courage to eat. Meanwhile,

Ayano continued to chew on the noodles of the second hottest ramen in the shop as she


It's spicy… So spicy…

Ayano was mentally on the verge of tears because she couldn't actually handle spicy

foods that well, either. There was a reason she went there alone that day, and it was because

she wanted to train herself to be able to eat spicy food, since the two people she adored

the most loved it. Unknown to anyone around her, she had been painstakingly training at

restaurants that specialized in spicy cuisine whenever she had a day off or some spare time.

Thanks to that, she had built quite a tolerance for spicy food compared with when she first

started training two years ago…but even then, this spicy ramen was hard to handle.

It's hot and spicy… My mouth feels like it's on fire…

The spiciness only got worse after the first bite, as if little bits of the spicy elements

remained in her mouth, ignited by the boiling-hot noodles before exploding like dynamite.

It got to the point where Ayano could no longer tell if the ramen was burning hot or if it

was just really spicy.

Ngh… Too…hot…

She honestly wanted to open her mouth wide to breathe and get some ventilation going,

but she was a proud maid, and that was bad manners. If she was alone, then maybe, but Alisa

was sitting right in front of her. She couldn't allow herself to show such shameful behavior

in front of Yuki's beautiful rival and schoolmate.

"…! Hff."

After managing to swallow the food in her mouth while keeping a straight face, she let

out a brief sigh. Of course, her instincts were telling her to guzzle as much water as she could,

but she knew through experience that doing so wasn't that effective, especially since it added

pressure on the stomach, so she decided to simply bear the pain. Instead, she chose to use the

long onion shavings, which were relatively safe, to escape from the heat.

There was less soup on the long onions compared with the noodles…which should give

her some time to breathe and relax.

That was her hypothesis when she shoveled some long onion shavings into her mouth…

and then immediately regretted it. Once she started chewing, the onions' own unique flavor

made it feel like her tongue was being pierced by spikes.


Ayano's eyes rolled back due to how surprisingly spicy these long onion shavings were.

It was clear there was something different about them. The heat was nothing like hot peppers.

Instead, it felt like she was being stabbed. In basic chemical terms, it wasn't like the spiciness

of capsaicin. It was aniline that contributed to the onions' piercingly burning sensation. If

these types of spiciness were magic types, then they would be fire and wind. They were

completely different magic types, exploding in her mouth and causing so much pain that she

almost wanted to cry.

I-interesting… So this is the Spike Mountain part of hell…

The conflicting types of spicy flavors didn't cancel each other out. Instead, they came

after her and attacked from both sides. That was the moment she realized that this double

whammy was the core of the dish. She closed her eyes, tightly squeezing her tear glands to

shut off the impending waterworks while nodding a few times as if she was actually enjoying

the flavor. After eventually swallowing, she slowly reached for her cup, took a big sip of

water, and exhaled, feeling instant relief from having her mouth cleaned out.

"It's really good. The exquisite savory flavors of the vegetables and ground beef stand

out thanks to the spiciness of the soup."

Incidentally, Ayano wasn't telling a fib. She could taste the umami that went beyond

the spiciness of the dish thanks to her years of hard training, so she wasn't lying. She simply

didn't disclose the fact that she had no time to enjoy these flavors because of how spicy the

ramen was. Nevertheless, Alisa was oblivious to how Ayano was feeling.

"Oh… Really? I can't wait," said Alisa with an awkward smile as she felt a shiver go

down her spine.

H-how can she continue eating that like it's nothing? Ayano must love spicy food…

Alisa was gradually becoming more worried as she watched Ayano quietly resume

eating. She thought that maybe they could bond over a common enemy like spicy ramen,

saying things like "Mmph… This is hot" and "Yeah, it is," but this glimmer of hope she

once had swiftly came crumbling down like a house made of straw in the wind. Ayano was

a seasoned warrior who had no need for a comrade in arms. The only rookie soldier there

was Alisa.


She started to regret sitting with Ayano, although it was already far too late for that.

Crying now about how spicy the ramen was would only make a veteran like Ayano glare

at her as if to say, "Why are you even here, then?" The best-case scenario would be Alisa's

order arriving at the table after Ayano had finished eating and left…but of course, life was

never that easy.

"Sorry for the wait. Spike Mountain Hell ramen. Enjoy."

Ayano had finished about half her ramen when Alisa's food arrived. There was no way

for Alisa to run away now, so she steeled herself for battle while grabbing her disposable

chopsticks like a soldier heading into war with a rifle in hand.

"Oh, great. It's finally here."

Her first contact with the ramen was going to be crucial, and this first bite was going

to let her know that—

"…?! Gfff?!"

The instant she slurped up the noodles, her throat was doused with capsaicin, and she

began to violently cough. While she managed to keep the food down, albeit barely, she

couldn't stop coughing.

"…! Mn! Gff!"

The coughs were relentless, and having food in her mouth made it worse. Once Alisa

finally managed to stop coughing, she carefully used her chopsticks to get the rest of the

noodles in her mouth…where she was in unbelievable pain. Although she kept quiet, it felt

as if the inside of her mouth was on fire.


It was spicy and boiling hot, and her mouth hurt. What kind of fools made this

monstrosity? And how dumb did you have to be to order it?

I guess that means…I'm dumb…too…!

It was so spicy that she could hardly even think straight as she furiously began wiping

her lips with a napkin. At any rate, first contact with the ramen…went poorly.

Th-there's no way I'm going to be able to eat all this…

Overcome with utter despair, Alisa swallowed her first bite as Ayano watched.

"Are you okay? You were coughing quite a bit a second ago…," asked Ayano with


"I-I'm fine." Alisa reflexively retorted to feign strength. "Some of the soup went down

the wrong pipe. That's all. I guess I was a little too aggressive with my slurping."

"Oh, I know what you mean. That happens a lot to me if I'm not careful." Ayano nodded

as if she could relate. Alisa responded to the admission with an awkward smile, then looked

down at her bowl of ramen…and felt almost hopeless. The road to finishing the entire bowl

of ramen was a long one and a task so daunting that the hand holding her chopsticks was

frozen. Ayano, on the other hand, seemed to have a good appetite.

I—I guess I'll try eating the long onions in between…

Alisa's thought process led her to the same conclusion Ayano had reached. In other

words, she fell for the same exact trap. A-ack! Th-that's hot! Hot, hot, hot! Hff!

Alisa may have had a poker face, butshe wasstruggling due to the spiciness of the onions

directly attacking her tear ducts. It was sheer willpower alone that allowed her to maintain

her dignified expression, but she soon realized that the more she chewed, the spicier it got.

After doing the minimum amount of chewing necessary, she forced the food down with some

water. But for some reason, mixing the cold water with the piercing spiciness of the onion

made her mouth feel oddly refreshed.

I don't have any other choice…!

She knew that this refreshing feeling was a sham, but even if it was all in her head, there

was no way she was going to be able to finish her ramen otherwise. Once she came to this

conclusion, Alisa started to blow on the hot noodles to cool them down while removing as

much of the soup as she could. She ate as quickly as she could. The goal was to defeat as

much of her foe as possible before her deceitful powers of invincibility wore off.

Ayano's eyes widened slightly as she watched Alisa's chopsticks move diligently.

H-how can she continue eating like that? Incredible… Alisa must really love spicy food.

It was a mutual misunderstanding born from two people who couldn't be honest with

each other.

I can't let her show me up…!

Seeing the way herschoolmate ate ended up motivating Ayano, and her chopsticks began

moving tirelessly, as if she was trying not to be outdone. And once Alisa saw this…

She's shoving down all that ramen like it's nothing… I have to work even harder!

It was a scene from hell. Since each of them believed the other wasn't having any trouble,

the idea of giving up wasn't an option for them anymore. All they could do now was move

forward through pure stubbornness and pride until they could escape thistorment. And before


"…! Phew… That was good."

Ayano had finally conquered the Spike Mountain Hell. The sense of accomplishment

was so great that she almost wanted to raise a flag to celebrate as she gulped down her glass

of ice water and basked in victory.

Ayano looks…really satisfied for some reason. D-did she like it that much? I don't get

it…but I've only got a few more bites to go!

Seeing Ayano's victory encouraged Alisa to make the final push, sticking her chopsticks

into the small clump of remaining noodles, when—


The ominous sensation made Alisa freeze in place. It was a classic beginner's mistake.

While eating, she hadn't stirred her ramen even once, so all the hot peppers and minced meat

had sunk and gathered at the bottom of the bowl.

…? What's this?

And since she was but an amateur,she made another grave mistake. She curiously moved

the noodles out of the way and peeked into the depths of hell.

Wh-what…?! What is that?!

The lump of spiciness, which had hardened a bit after sinking to the bottom of the bowl,

began to crumble, and the horde of demons who had been sealed away in the deepest pit

of hell were freed. The lack of soup itself further contributed to the high concentration of

spiciness, making the dish become something far more sinister than when she started. Alisa

tried to pull up the noodles in a fluster, but it was already too late. The noodles were covered

with flakes of red-hot pepper and black specks to the point that no amount of blowing or

shaking could get enough off.

…! Am I really going to eat this?

Alisa felt as if she were standing right before the crater of a volcano in the middle of an

eruption, but she couldn't keep staring at her food all day. The finish line was right in front

of her, and Ayano was already waiting for her at the summit.

I won't lose. I will finish every last bite. I will finish…every last bite…

She glared at the noodles with an almost ghastly expression as she tried to drum up

courage for battle. Giving up now would mean that she went through hell for nothing. And

for what? Why was she even doing this in the first place? Because of some sort of rivalry

with Ayano? Because she was stubborn? No…

I want to be able to enjoy eating out with Masachika!

In the deepest pit of the netherworld, Alisa admitted her true feelings, and with that

determination in her heart, she brought the ramen to her lips, and—

"…! …?"

When she opened her eyes,she wassitting on a vaguely familiar park bench. She blinked

repeatedly, looking around, and noticed that Ayano was sitting right next to her, appearing


"…Are you okay?"

"Huh? Uh… I…"

She began tracing her memories to uncover the mystery of how she'd gotten there, but

her head was so foggy that she couldn't remember a thing. While she knitted her brow and

curiously tilted her head, Ayano timidly explained:

"Ahem… The moment you finished your ramen…it was like your soul had left your


"What? O-oh…"

Overcome with embarrassment, she leaned forward, head hanging under the pressure of

the indescribable awkwardness in the air, then looked back up at Ayano.

"Hey, uh… Thank you. You brought me here, right…? Ah! I didn't pay! I still haven't

paid for my—"

"Oh, I…I paid for you…"

"I'm so sorry! Let me pay you back! How much was it?"

They continued to chat as Alisa got her money together… Ayano hesitantly asked:

"Hey, uh… You don't really like spicy food, do you?"


Despite wanting to immediately deny it, Alisa had no way to pretend to be tough after

essentially losing consciousness. Her eyes wandered for a while until she finally decided to

admit it.

"I'm…not really a big fan of spicy food…"


Alisa hung her head low and waited to be asked why she would even go to such a

restaurant, but what she heard next was something she never expected to hear in a million


"I actually don't like spicy food, either."


"I've been trying to build a tolerance so that I can eat spicy food with Ms. Yuki and M

—ahem—maybe enjoy myself more when we eat out…but I still can't get used to it."

Ayano revealed that they shared the exact same motive and opinion, which made Alisa

instantly feel a connection between them. She felt as if she had been walking through the

depths of the underworld, where only demons gleefully played, and had finally found another

living, breathing human.

"I—I was actually doing it for the very same reason. I wanted to build a tolerance to

spicy food so I could enjoy the same foods as Yuki…"


Ayano's eyes glowed with delight. They were the eyes of a lone warrior on the battlefield

who had finally found an ally. After all that, it appeared that honesty really was the best

policy when it came to building a relationship.

"Then if you want…maybe we could start training and eating spicy food together from

now on?"


Alisa froze the instant she heard the suggestion, since she was genuinely in no condition

to be thinking about what she was going to do next.

"Like… I feel like it would be a lot less intimidating if we did it together, and we could

really help each other as well…"

But there was no way she could say no after seeing Ayano timidly lower her gaze and

speak so hesitantly.

It looks like I might have made a new friend…

She might have had a tiny ulterior motive as well.

"Yes, sure. Let's train together. I'm really looking forward to it, Ayano."

"…! Me too!"

Alisa agreed to the proposal without really giving it much thought. It was the beginning

of a long, agonizing journey that neither girl was even remotely prepared for…but that was

another story.

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