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77.77% In the Name of The Old Gods / Chapter 7: Chapter 6

Capítulo 7: Chapter 6

Although that impressive building boasted the greatest collection of cases and documentation related to them in the all Imperium, it didn't necessarily contain all the answers a person could, or want to look for. The huge room that housed the immense flood of books and parchments alike, which had been carved out of the basement that once served as a storage room, did indeed have a ledger on which were noted all the individual documentation to be filed; but the reality that quickly became apparent was that in that maze of shelves everything seemed to be swallowed up in an unnatural orderly chaos that didn't make that much of a difference in their search for knowledge.

At the beginning of that chaos, right behind the desk of the woman who was supposed to keep everything under scrutiny, there was a room. Inside it, right behind some thick iron bars, protected by traps and complex mechanisms, were stored the cases that were judged to be too…bloody to be put with the others.

If indeed there was anything to be gleaned from those cold, file-filled walls, it was certainly in there.

Nyle ventured inside the dimly lit room. He was searching for some cases that he vaguely remembered had some similarities with what he was facing right now.

Avron, who had remained silent since they had left room 35-A, was by his side, silently trying his best to offer any kind of support that Nyle might have needed. A good intention, certainly, but that it had served him little purpose, given how quickly and deftly Nyle juggled dozens and dozens of cases recorded in dubious handwriting. 

After consulting the ledger, a different one that was way smaller than the obnoxiously big that was used to records non-deadly cases, for quite some time, he was able to track down four cases that might shed some light upon what was going on. As they gather all the necessary files, which took a couple of hours to locate instead of a couple of minutes thanks to their misplacement, they sat down on the table near the entrance that was used as a sort of consultation spot. The rule was, in fact, that no file or parchments should leave that room. Anyone, as long as they belonged to the governing body and showed the appropriate documentation, was free to consult them for as long as the liked. But nothing was allowed to be taken outside. Too many risks were involved otherwise.

They were right in the middle of consulting the very first parchment of the second file when a sudden pang of hunger assaulted Avron, making his stomach grumble. It was in that moment the Nyle realized that he had not eaten anything since the night before. Maybe, even if his stomach was in a complete mess, it wouldn't be such a terrible idea to eat something to give him some well-earned energies.

Taking the files they had taken to consult to the near desk, they instructed the disinterested woman who was tasked to watch over the archive to conserve those for later, saying they would for sure be back after grabbing something to eat. A silent dead stare was the only thing they received as answer.

Shrugging, they ignored the woman, a sentiment that was clearly reciprocated judging by her face, and they began climbing the same stairs that had took them down there.

As they reappeared from underground, walking inside the giant entrance room that was now perfectly lit by the rays of the sun, Nyle saw his young companion following the direction of the cafeteria that were mounted on the walls. "Wait." said Nyle yawning.

 "What is it, Inquisitor?" asked Avron, who was now starting to show signs of tiredness on his face.

 "Let's have breakfast outside. The food of cafeteria is…not the best."

 "I thought that here, out of all the places I could think about, everything provided would be only of the best quality. Yet, you're telling me to eat outside. So, isn't it like that?"

Nyle shrugged. "It's not that it's bad or anything like that. I just know a place near that makes the best pastries in the whole Imperium. I always eat there when I have the chance, which sadly isn't every day."

In the following seconds Nyle launched himself on a lengthy description, praising the delicate fragrances of tea, coffee, sweet and savoury delicacies which came daily from that small, but constantly bustling with customers, place nestled between two huge buildings of a bygone era. After that colourful explanation, it didn't take long for Avron to begin to salivate at the mere thought of tasting any of that.

A quick nod, followed by a satisfied grin that Nyle tried his very best to hide, and off they went in their quest to quench the hunger that was raising by the minute.

Their steps resounded everywhere as they quickly marched on the lengthy hall. Their eyes could already see the shape of the entrance door growing bigger, and bigger. Only a hundred steps and the would-

A firm and unmistakable woman voice stopped them in their tracks. It was Giselle. "Hey. Stop there. You're not going anywhere unless you hand me the form I had given you this morning. Because you've compiled it, right?"

Damn it. After everything that had happened, not the least of which was the appearance of a high-ranking figure such as Grand Magister Ewin Mac Lorien, Avron had completely forgot to compile that damned thing. And by the glare that stern woman was throwing at them, they quickly understood that they wouldn't come out of that building until Avron had filled that out.

Shrugging in defeat, as any other option seemed utterly impossible or impractical to even consider, Nyle waited in complete silence as Avron went through every nook and cranny, compiling every single question without uttering a single word.

 "Thank you." said Giselle in a relaxed tone that seemed to be just a little warmer than before. It was something almost incredible how the small gesture of abiding to the bothersome paperwork could evoke such feelings from the woman. To Nyle it was utter madness to like paperwork. To Giselle, evidently not. "Now you can leave. But before you go, I ask you bring me a cup of coffee. You know, as compensation for having lied to me."

 "Oh! Sure! Black or-Wait a minute. How do you kn-"

 "Black, without sugar, and scalding hot." said Nyle as he yawned out loudly. "Right?"

 "I guess that head of yours isn't just for decoration. That is indeed how I like my breakfast."

 "Yeah, yeah. Whatever. You always order it like that. I've known you for years, since the time you worker right back at the station, and nothing has every changed."

 "I don't like changes if they work out just fine."

 "To each their own." said Nyle shrugging his shoulders.

Then he looked at Avron with a sudden urgency. His face was showing signs of extreme tiredness that had not been so evident before. His body, albeit tested by a night that had been anything but restorative and calm, desperately craved his daily dose of that black and muddy liquid that was part of his daily routine. Now, more than ever.

After a last glance towards Avron and Giselle, who had just began talking about something that was completely irrelevant to Nyle's priorities, he went outside, already anticipating the tasty mug of coffee he was going to slowly intake in mare minutes. That thing, that he had always wondered what made it so special, could make him salivate even during the worst days he had in his career. After all, that simple gesture was one of the few things in that line of work that was capable of making him genuinely smile and forget all the problems that he had in his life. But maybe it wasn't even the beverage that had that sort of power. Maybe it was just he relaxing atmosphere that surrounded the place where he bought that had that sort of effect on him. Who knew…

Descending the same steps he had waked before, Nyle's gaze wandered over the gigantic plaza that was in front of him. Its buildings, which scattered for the entirety of it, were some of the very best in terms of construction and size in the all capital, with some flowers and finishing touches that had some colour to the ambience as a whole. The epitome of that style of decoration was the small business that was nestled inside the small gap between an ancient villa owned by some count and the headquarters of a merchant company.

As they, for Avron had caught up with him, reached the richly decorated marble fountain that was in the perfect center, the wooden insignia of the shop slowly became visible. Its owner, a young dwarven woman who had strong arms and an even stronger personality, could be seen inside the ample windows, speaking animatedly with some costumers. By the giant smile she had on her face, and the merry atmosphere that was enveloping the whole room, it was evident she was having a good time. If she wasn't, her hands would have not been so relaxed.

Nyle still remembered that one time a customer, a certain human that had one of the blondest hairs he had ever seen, had entered inside that nice café and acted arrogantly, treating the two waiters horribly. Her usual calm and joyful demeanour had disappeared immediately when her eyes saw the treatment that unknow man had subjected her employees. To her those two girls, a teenage human and an elf of the equivalent age, were like family. And to insult, or subject to that kind of shit those two, was equal to highest offence. So she had gotten up from her comfy chair, had walked over to that bastard, and hit him with a punch that knock him out cold. That day Nyle finally understood why nobody ever tried to cause problems to that little woman.

When they reached the ornate front door, the sound of laughter and good vibes had only gotten stronger.

Stepping inside, Nyle ignored everything that was happening around him and directly went over to the counter where all the pastries and baked goods were carefully put on display. Even if the dwarven woman was calling his name over and over again, trying to catch his attention in any way possible, her words fell on deaf ears. And could it have been otherwise?

The source of that fragrant and delicious smell was right in front of him, with all its colourful and artist presentation that only contributed to making him desire it even more. Just that thought of biting that delicious cake he was seeing at the end of the counter was feeling him with an-

A light punch hit him right in the ribs, making him jolt in surprise.

 "Ehi, Nyle!" said the dwarven woman. It was her who had just punched him. "Why the hell you didn't greet me? Is it another of those days, huh?."

Then her face morphed into a mock compassion. "Poor Inquisitor."

At the sight of that, Nyle couldn't contain himself anymore and chuckled loudly. His dwarven friend was always a ray of happiness even in the worst of days. Something that he deeply appreciated.

 "…I could arrest you for that you know? My poor ribs…" said Nyle as he whined over dramatically. The smirk that was plastered over his face was betraying him however. He was pleased to see her after almost a week. "Anyway, don't you have anything better to do?"

 "I should be the one asking that, you fool!" said the woman smirking. "Aren't you the great Inquisitor Nyle? The vanquisher of evil? The hero of the poor and oppressed? The one and only that can restore order in this fucked up world?"

 "Ah…ah….ah. Very funny, Athiel. Very funny." he deadpanned.

Her contagious laughter quickly spread throughout the entire room, making all customers join in unison. Only when it began to quiet down was Nyle able to order and obtain the scalding hot cup of coffee that he was so desperately craving for. The fragrant pastry he also ordered only complimented the experience and bought back some life into his tired body. So much, in fact, that even his face, which was tired and slightly caved in from the tiring night he had just gone through, was looking a little better.

Meanwhile, Avron had introduced himself to the elven waitress that was going back and forth between the tables. In her hand she was skilfully carrying a silver plate that was full of things that the customers had ordered, such as a cup of coffee that was filled almost to the brim, a cup of black tea, a cup of green one, and a small plate of pastries. By their look and overall colour, they were made with almonds and apricots, some of the best-selling ones of the vast catalogue she offered in the store.

As Nyle quickly devoured the one he had ordered, which was made with blueberries from the northernmost regions and some other sweet fragrance that he had some difficulties identifying, his younger companion made sure to keep the deal he had made with Giselle. A thing he clearly didn't despise, given he had to talk with the elven girl that seemed to have attracted his undivided attention.

 "So…" said Athiel as she went behind the counter to prepare the next batch of pastries that was going to be baked into the giant oven in the back room. "What is going on? And I'm not talking about not seeing you for an entire week, even if that alone is strange enough."

Nyle's eyebrow shot up in confusion. What was she referring to? She couldn't have picked up the news about what had took place that night. It was impossible. The Ministry had made sure to keep everything, and everyone, under control. But then again, to Nyle's knowledge, Athiel was one of those people where one couldn't phantom how much they knew and what they were willing to share. More importantly, she also had a steady access to information, thanks to some kind of deal she had stipulated in the past with some powerful people that operated in the dark corners of the world.

He cursed inside his mind. Truthfully, he had not thought about it. His mind had been forced to process too many things in a hurry to consider all the options at his disposal. But perhaps, if he treated her with respect and honesty, as he had always done before, she would be willing to lend him a helping hand.

That in order to get it he had to break the vow of silence he that was religiously kept by every single member in his own Ministry, he did not care in the least.

 "…There is a situation at hand. Howev-"

 "Yeah. I knew that something was up the moment I saw you walking inside, Nyle."

Nyle blinked. "…Why did you ask me, then?"

The woman didn't even bother to look at him, preferring instead to keep on working with evident familiarity with the tools that were placed in the perfect position for her to work with. With one hand she grabbed some black coffee powder from the huge burlap sack on which the mark of a famous sailing ship had been imprinted with fire. With the other she actuated the fire arcanism engraved on the stone that was used as cooktop.

By choosing the correct stone, for multiple ones were required to cook with different temperatures, she placed a cast iron cauldron filled with water over it and waited patiently for it to reach a certain temperature.

 "So, what kind of thing was so grave that a whole sector had been placed under isolation?" she casually asked as she began to pour the fragrant black powder in it, making it rain over the now steaming water.

 "I can't tell you. Not here in the least. Too many eyes and ears…"

 "…It's that serious?"

 "As I've said, I can't tell you. There is much at stake, and I can't risk putting everything on the line."

Then Nyle sighed. "I'm already breaching the oath about secrecy with talking with you about such things, you know? It's not like I'm not riski-"

 "Oh, leave it!"


 "It's not like you're one of those who ever gave a damn about regulations. Am I right? So don't ever try to came up with a sorry ass excuse like that. That would only prove to me that you're lying to yourself."

Before Nyle had even the chance to reply, she quickly added some more powder as she stirred the pot with long wooden spoon. "And besides…" she looked him in the eyes. "I don't ever recall that being a problem in the past. Or has something changed?"

 "Oh, what the hell. I don't care anymore. You're right." Nyle nodded reaffirming his belief about that policy. He had always been the type of person that would confide what seemed like everything. To the person that had earned his trust, that is. And Athiel was one of the three person he trusted most in the entire world.

But if mentality and conviction had remained the same, his status as lone wolf had not. And that could be a problem.

 "But…I don't know if he'll share the same…view as mine on such things. He's a rookie, you know. They tend to be rather strict about following the rules and things like that."

 "…I see." she said side glancing at him. "Though I don't think that would be a problem."

A look of confusion appeared on Nyle's tired face. A look that transformed to surprise when his gaze followed what his dwarven friend was pointing to with a grin.

Standing near him, with his hands placed in a resting position over the wooden counter, there was Avron. He was talking about things that weren't supposed to be recounted to the elven waitress, perhaps in a clumsy attempt to catch her attention. Now, Nyle wasn't by any means whatsoever a good example to follow. But, dammit, he sure knew where to drew a line. What the fuck was he thinking?

Ready to verbally attack him, his attempt to rein in that young man was stopped by Athiel, who told him to leave them be. "It's not like he can do any harm, is it?"

 "Oh, he sure can. If he tells her the things we have seen this morning, I'm sure a revolt would be nothing in comparison. I swear, if I hear the wrong things coming from his mouth, I'll kill him."

 "Don't worry. Ella has a good head above her shoulders. She won't utter a thing to anybody. Katlyn is a little more easy-spirited, but she also know where to stop talking."

 "What about the other customers?"

 "…They shouldn't pose a problem. Look."

The dwarven woman turned her head in the direction of the busiest table, where a group of dwarven merchants were merrily gulping down some large bowls of coffee. It was a well-known fact that dwarfs enjoyed food as much as they enjoyed drinking alcohol beverages. Nyle knew that well. The last time he had a friendly match with Ebron, the dwarven master who owned one, if not the, most famous blacksmithing shop in the all capital, he had ended up with a hangover that had almost knocked him out.

Still, the first time he had seen such a scene, it came as a surprise. No one had ever told him that dwarfs also greatly enjoyed caffeine.

Anyway, Nyle noted that none of them were paying even the slightest attention to what was going on around them. Instead, they seemed focused on discussing some things that might have been related to their businesses, when they weren't busy eating some pastries from the large tray that had been prepared for them.

 "I guess-"

 "No guess, or ifs. It's like that. Trust me. I can discern people. You know that."

Nyle sighed one last time. That woman could be as hardheaded as they came. "Alright! Have it your way."

 "Good." she said smirking. Then, after finishing the last touches to the coffee she had just prepared, she walked towards her office, which was located near the back storage room. "Follow me."



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