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1.36% One Piece : Descent / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Tranquility
One Piece : Descent One Piece : Descent original

One Piece : Descent

Autor: Hakuja

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Chapter 1: Tranquility

The dense amount of palm trees, swayed gently in the steady breeze of the wind. The tropical island was as beautiful as ever, she reflected. Sitting on her porch, she thought to herself that it was a peaceful day. Clouds floated high into the sky, the temperature was perfect, the sun was beaming and the chirping of the birds, rang steadily through her ears.

Yes, she decided, it was a peaceful day… too peaceful.

No sooner did that thought leave her head, did she faintly hear footsteps, that were steadily getting louder, approaching her location. Accompanied by those footsteps, was an even louder voice that excitedly cheered "MAMAAAA!".

A tiny figure burst through the dense trees, charging her at full speed. Brown eyes amusedly watched in slow motion, as the charging figure promptly tripped on their feet, lay there for 30 seconds, slowly pick themself up, calmly brush the dust off their legs and burst into tears.

The woman stretched her arms out and, in a matter of seconds, the child crashed into her bosom, crying their eyes out at their own clumsiness. Strawberry-blond hair jostled, as the woman shook her head in amusement. "This is why I tell you to slow down, my little Rose. You somehow manage to trip every time without fail. I would think you'd have learned by now," she chided in faux exasperation.

Large tear streaked eyes, shining a striking shade of purple, looked up at her and, with wobbling lips, managed to say, "B-but Mama, I missed you."

Her heart melted at the adorable sight and she beckoned him to climb higher, which he gladly did. He carefully avoided her flat stomach so that he could nuzzle his face into her freckled cheek. It only took a few more seconds for his cries to settle down and soon, a happy expression quickly overtook his features.

Portgas D. Rouge couldn't help but laugh at how quickly it took her son to get back to his cheerful disposition. Trying to control her laughter, after seeing the look of indignation on her sons face, Rouge asked, "Did you have fun today on your adventure, my little Rose?"

Quickly forgetting his mothers transgressions, Portgas D. Rosan grinned up at her, small sharp fangs gleaming in anticipation, and said "You bet Mama! It was so fun!"

At just four years old, he was a skinny boy who stood at 3'2 (96cm). His skin was a natural bronze hue and he wore a plain black tee with red shorts and black sandals. Perhaps his most distinctive features, were his shoulder length brilliant crimson locks that spiked down in every direction of his head and his blinding purple eyes that seemed to always shine in excitement. He was an adorable, wild ball of energy with an infectious sunny disposition and Rouge loved him with all her heart.

Rosan was practically buzzing with excitement at his mother's curiosity. "Oh! Well Mama first I…"

As Rosan began listing off his mighty adventures, Rouge allowed herself to get a bit lost in her thoughts. Despite not being her actual son, the freckled woman didn't allow that to deter her and showered Rosan with all the love a mother could give a son.

She had been taking an evening stroll one day, when a noise of distress alerted her to another presence in the area. Thinking someone was in trouble, Rouge had quickly gone to the source of the noise and gasped in shock at what she saw.

Wrapped firmly in a blue blanket inside of a basket, a wailing infant, who couldn't be more then a couple weeks old, rested there. Rouge looked around slightly and confirmed that it was only her and the child there. Had... Had this poor baby been abandoned by it's parents?

How awful! Why would anyone do that to this poor infant?

"Who would leave such a young child out here alone?" Rouge thought to herself and, as if sensing that someone was there, the infant began to cry even louder.

Crouching down to get a closer look inside the basket, Rouge's heart melted at the sight. A tuft of red adorned the top of their head and they were covered in blue blankets. As they stared at Rouge she couldn't help but be mesmerized at how bright and expressive their purple eyes were. The baby's eyes seemed to glow in the night light and she found herself confused at the odd sight. She had never quite seen a child's eyes glowing but there were much stranger things in this world so she didn't allow herself to be bothered.

The crying abated a bit, as the baby caught sight of her, Rouge knelt closer and saw something scribbled on the blankets. She smoothed out the babies blanket to get a better look at the writing.

"_ DRosan" it read.

Rouge's eyes widened as she saw his name. It couldn't be... the infant had the D initial? The babies parent had thought to hide his surname but not the D? Was it out of ignorance? It was a good thing she had found him first, it could have been disastrous if someone else managed to grab this baby.

The baby had stopped crying by then to observe her and began giggling as she smoothed out their blankets, inadvertently tickling them in the process.

It warmed her heart seeing how happy he looked and Rouge couldn't help but let out a light laugh herself as she continued to play with the child. This continued for a few more minutes, before Rouge realized that it was not normal to be playing with an abandoned infant in the forest. He was placed safely in between a tree's branch so it was clear that this was intentional.

"At least they put him in, as somewhat of, a safe position as one could be in the forest," she thought to herself.

As she bit her lip in contemplation, Rouge double checked again to make sure that this baby was truly left alone. "I can't imagine what someone would do if they knew this child was a D,the woman thought, grateful that she was the one to run into the boy. She couldn't, in good conscience, leave an infant who did not look older than two weeks alone. Who knows what they would do to him, especially considering if they happened to know the meaning behind his initial.

The small amount of time spent with the child had already left her quite attached to him and, seeing that he had no parents in sight, the decision was easy for Rouge.

Mind made up, Rouge picked up the basket with the baby inside and began to walk back home. "At the very least, if this baby has not been abandoned I can watch over them until their guardian comes," she thought to herself, but doubt filled her mind that anyone would come back for them.

Rouge wondered just who could abandon such an adorable child and what the story behind it was. As she glanced down to look at the child, a fierce sense of protectiveness began to overtake her. No child deserved to grow up fending for themselves in such a cruel world. If she hadn't found the child, who knows just how long they would have remained out here? They would almost surely die.

She would raise this child herself if she had to.

"Don't you worry my little Rose, everything will be alright. You're safe with me now," Rouge said to the child as she made her way back home. The woman smiled to herself as the baby gurgled happily.

She had always wanted a child.

That had been four years ago and, true to her words, Rouge had raised little Portgas D. Rosan as if he were her actual son. It had not taken her long to identify that the baby was in fact a boy and he was very needy for attention. She had plenty of sleepless nights due to the boy missing her presence and letting her know he did (quite loudly in fact).

Rouge had adjusted to the lifestyle of raising a newborn very quickly though and not once did she regret her decision. Rosan was a little ray of sunshine that shone wherever he went. He didn't have many friends because there were not much… children on Baterilla and that thought made Rouge shudder protectively.

Due to reports of the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger, saying he acted like a man in love on Baterilla, the World Government had seen it fit to kill any newborn infant in hopes of ending the legendary man's bloodline before they could fully grow into a problem like him.

Rouge absentmindedly rubbed her belly as she remembered that time. Luckily, due to the fact that he was a budding toddler, older then what the reports suggested with a unique appearance that looked nothing like Roger, Rosan had managed to evade the World Governments eyes and he was, thankfully, still alive.

Rouge was abruptly snapped out of her musings as Rosan kept regaling her with his adventure and she caught something.


What did he just say?

"Rosan, sweetie? Mama is sorry but can you repeat what you just said?" Rouge asked. She could swear he had said something about a fruit and she felt a nervous feeling pooling in her stomach at the realization of what it could be.

Rosan's eyes scrunched cutely in confusion at her request, before his eyes lit up and he exclaimed, "Ah! I found a really pretty rock but I lost it when I was running back home." He looked forlornly behind him at where the rock probably was and it desperately looked like he wanted to get back up to go find it again.

It was a really awesome rock.

Rouge let out an amused sigh and she said, "No, not that my little Rose. What did you say after, about a fruit I think?"

It finally dawned on Rosan what she was talking about and the sheer disgust that quickly took over his features, would have made her laugh if she wasn't already filled with such dread.

The redhead, sensing something was wrong but not letting it deter him said, "Ohhhh Mama, it was so bad! So, so, listen to this! After I lost my special rock right? I got really sad and tried looking for it everywhere," At this Rosan's eyes went downcast as he continued ,"But I couldn't find it anywhere….I searched for so long but I never saw it! When I finally gave up I saw a really weird fruit in a bush..." Rouge felt a pit in her stomach as he continued with his story.

"Oh no."


Rosan was not having a good day. In fact, this might have been the WORST day he ever had!

The four year old might have been exaggerating a little bit, but he felt justified in feeling like this! After all, he had found the coolest rock ever and he was so excited to show it off to Mama but somehow, he had managed to lose the rock!

Him! Rosan! Losing something! The very thought was inconceivable to the boy who had never lost anything! He was perfectly responsible, you could even ask Mama!

Asking Rouge in question, would lead to the woman vehemently disagreeing with that notion.

After searching for hours (5 minutes in reality), Rosan had given up and began to sulk back home. Pushing through the dense shrubbery, the four year old paused as something caught his eye. Kneeling down to get a closer look, his eyes sparkled in curiosity as he saw the strangest looking thing.

Lying on the shrubbery, was a cubical white fruit covered with thick swirls. A weird letter M formed the stem of the fruit that made Rosan think of the word mayonnaise (it was a big word and he was a smart boy!). As he picked up the odd fruit, the redhead observed that it would just barely fit perfectly into an adults hand. That of course, meant that it was too large for Rosan's, much tinier, palms so he had to use both hands to hold it.

"Wow, so cool! I wonder what type of fruit this is?"

Rosan regarded it in wonder. "It looks so good!" He exclaimed aloud. Allowing his curiosity to get the better of him, the boy held the fruit closer to his face to get a whiff of it and after deeming it suitable, took a large bite without any hesitation. The boy couldn't resist! He loved fruits, they were much better then vegetables.

He really hoped it didn't taste like a pear though, Rosan hated pears.

As he swallowed the bite, Rosan's face immediately shifted into one of regret, as the most rancid taste ever filled his mouth. The boy was not exaggerating this time, when he declared this the most disgusting thing he had ever had the displeasure of eating.

Definitely not a pear, pears were at least edible. Pears only made him cry when Mama was keeping the apples away from him.

Rosan spat out the remains of the fruit and clawed at his tongue in hopes of getting the taste out of his mouth but it was all for naught. Tears pricked the corner of his eyes at how horrible it tasted. The boy finally understood what his Mama had meant, when she said not to just stick anything in his mouth.

If this was the result, then he'd listen to everything she had to say!

"Ugh ewww not good, so not good," Rosan moaned pitifully. What had he been thinking?! Oh right... he hadn't been thinking at all.

After taking a few seconds (10 minutes) to compose himself. Rosan stood back up from the hunched over position he hadn't known he'd took, glanced at the fruit he bit into, and summarily tossed it deep into the bushes surrounding the forest he was in. "Man that tasted so bad, I can still feel it in my mouth" he said miserably.

"My apologies Rosan. Would you like the taste to go away?" An androgynous voice suddenly asked.

"Mm! Yes!" he immediately responded before remembering his manners and adding a, "Please it tastes so bad," and soon after, the taste from his mouth vanished.

Rosan marveled as the taste disappeared, "Wow it's just... gone! That's... so... cooool!" and then realization hit him. Looking around rapidly, the boy asked "Waaait a minute...who are you?"

After a moment, the voice he heard spoke up politely. "Hello, I am Modification," it introduced itself. "I am the aforementioned "nasty fruit" you have just eaten, if you have any questions you are free to ask."

Rosan blinked in confusion before adopting a look of horror. "W-Wait a sec, did I…did I EAT YOU?! OH NO, I'M SO SORRY! PLEASE DON'T TELL MAMA I MIGHT GET IN TROUBLE!"

Hysterically, Rosan began to think about what his mother would do to him once she realized he ate someone. Oh god how could he even begin to explain that he ate a person?! "I didn't know people could transform into fruits!" the little child exclaimed in terror. "No wonder you tasted so gross! Humans are nasty!"

As Rosan's panic delved into a mumbled mess, Modification felt a sweat drop forming and thought to their self, "…Just what exactly did I get myself into?"

"Sooo you're somethin called a Mod Mod No Mi?"


"What I ate was a Devil Fruit and that's why you're in my head?"


"And now I have powers?"

"That is correct."

… After bombarding Modification with questions, Rosan finally took the time to process what he had heard from the Devil Fruit.

Modification was pleasantly surprised that he had understood everything they had said. The Devil Fruit had thought they would need to explain a lot more but after only one explanation, the boy was nodding along in understanding.

Modification had to give him credit where it was due. He was far smarter then he looked. Far, far smarter.

Rosan's eyes shined and he started shaking in excitement. "Wow that's so cool! What can I do with it. Can I make unlimited ice cream? Can I turn into a dragon and breathe fire? That would be so awesome! Oh oh! Maybe I can make myself big so Mama doesn't say I'm too young to do stuff anymore…"

His eyes went wide and Rosan had to cut himself off as he said "Ah wait! I gotta get back home and tell Mama all about this."

Completely forgetting that Modification was in his head, he said, "Sorry Mod-chan let's talk later. I gotta go!" And he ran off without a second thought.

Sweat drop fully forming, Modification decided that he was not as smart as he looked. No in fact, he was probably the opposite.


Rouge couldn't possibly understand how someone as bright as her little Rose could be so stupid at the same time.

She sat there with increasing amounts of horror as Rosan retold his tale of how he had eaten a Devil Fruit of all things. Had he seriously, without any hesitation, eaten an unknown fruit? Without even thinking of the consequences? Just because it looked good?

Had Rouge known that her son had no sense of self preservation, she would have been much more assertive on telling him what to be careful of.

The freckled woman hadn't felt the need to tell Rosan about devil fruits just yet. He was only 4 years old after all and it was rare to see one of the elusive fruits in the Blue Sea. She had been saving the warning for what they did, when he was older and could decide on his own if he wanted one without being blinded by his fantasies.

Seems like that option was thrown out of the window now.

Something he said though had managed to catch her attention. "Rosan, you said your Devil Fruit is a she?"

Rosan snapped out of his expert storytelling mode and nodded his head enthusiastically. "Mm... she sounds like one so I think so! Her name is uh… Modification!" The redhead was grinning widely at his successful pronunciation of his, newly acquired, Devil Fruits name. "She's so cool, Mama! The fruit was nasty and then she said "Do you want the bad taste to go away?" so then I was like "Yea" and then it was like fwoosh and then the taste was gone!"

Rouge felt that familiar fond exasperation well up inside of her as her son rambled on and on. "Oh my little Rose, you're so hopeless," She sighed softly, a smile adorning her features.

Rosan's eyes furrowed and his tiny nose scrunched up, as he said, "What?" The genuine confusion on his adorable face would have made anyone squeal at the sight and Rouge was no exception as she hugged Rosan close to her. The boy flailed in her grip but she ignored it.

Rouge didn't know much about Devil Fruits but she had never heard someone refer to them so specifically. Roger had told her about the fruits and he never mentioned it...

She filed that information away for later. She wasn't nearly as upset as she should probably be, but Rosan didn't have to know that. The boy hadn't been seriously injured and at worst, she would just have to be careful bathing him now. In fact, depending on the Devil Fruit eaten, Rosan would have an extra layer of protection!

That didn't mean he wasn't in trouble though. The fruit could have been poisonous for all he knew and he ate it regardless.

No, he was definitely going to be punished for being so reckless.

"Mamaaaaa, you're crushing me," Rosan whined and Rouge just hugged him harder.

"Consider this punishment for doing something so dumb, Rosan." Rosan froze as he realized his mother was using his actual name and it finally dawned on him, that maybe what he did wasn't the smartest thing ever. Rouge laughed as he wisely kept his mouth shut and allowed her to hug him.

"He really is hopeless," Rouge mused as she continued to laugh.

Despite seemingly laughing at him and her general cheerfulness, Rouge was in fact not happy with what he had done and her wrath had been swift.

"Being on punishment sucks", Rosan decided. It sucked so much that he would never, ever, ever do anything bad again. Nope, he was a changed boy now! He definitely wasn't changing his ways of life because his sweet Mama terrified him.

Rosan shuddered at the look in her eyes, when he had tried to argue against the idea of being punished. One look from his mother had completely shut down all arguments and Rosan had, rather meekly, said, "Alright Mama."

His Mama was scary when she wanted to be. Really scary.

The redhead idly bobbed his head in time with his mother's humming and he glanced up at her from where he was seated. The pregnant woman, who expertly ignored the afternoon heat, was preparing dinner for the both of them with a small smile on her face.

Rosan quickly closed the book he had been reading (A fairy tale about dragons) and ran up to his mother, excitement clear on his features.

"Mama, lemme help please!" The boy excitedly called her as he practically jumped in spot. He loved spending time with his Mama! She was his most favorite person in the world after all!

Rouge looked down and contemplated his request. The freckled woman was a little suspicious that he was trying to get out of trouble but, she immediately dismissed that thought.

Rosan was far too honest to ever scheme against her. She had taught him the importance of not lying to her and the boy had quickly taken it to heart. He was innately honest as well, so that helped tremendously.

With that thought out the way, Rouge smiled down at him, all traces of her being upset gone due to his genuineness and said, "Of course my little Rose! Can you do this for me?"

As mother and son worked on dinner in peaceful silence, Rosan allowed himself to get lulled by the peace of it all. He really did love his Mama more then anything in the world and he cherished moments like this. The redhead didn't have many friends because there weren't that much kids on the island around his age. The few children on the island were rather put off by the way he acted too.

Rosan shrugged. Their loss, he was awesome.

He did have one friend his age named Shizuka but she was weird. She always mentioned weird things such as "getting married" and "being together" but Rosan didn't know what that stuff was. When he asked his mother, she let out an uncharacteristically hearty laugh and explained it to him in a way that his childish mind could understand.

The look of horror he had shot her, had made her laugh even harder. Rosan wanted no part of that!

He was only 4 for crying out loud!

It didn't really matter though, Shizuka hadn't spoken to him for a while! He was completely fine with it but he had been a little bummed out at first.

She was the only kid he liked.

Though that did remind him... "Mama!" he called looking over at the strawberry-blonde woman.

Rouge raised a brow at Rosan, beckoning for him to continue.

Rosan's eyes gleamed in anticipation but before he spoke, he remembered that what he was saying was supposed to be a secret and he was good at keeping those!

With that knowledge at the forefront, the redhead lowered his voice to a considerable degree and asked, "When will I get to meet Ace?" Causing Rouge's eyes to widen. "The seagull guys have been disappearing and ya said that's why we can't meet him yet!" He finished in excitement.

Rouge pondered his question. She had told Rosan a simplified version about her pregnancy and how the marines didn't want Ace/Ann to be born. Her son caught on quickly that the World Government was bad news and made sure to avoid them whenever he could.

Truthfully, the redhead was right. The WG had progressively slowed down their rather frequent trips to Baterilla. Maybe she could finally just allow the child to be born.

The freckled woman quickly banished that thought. No, as long as there was a chance they were here she could— no would not allow her baby to be killed.

She couldn't bear the thought of losing her child.

"Soon, my little Rose," Rouge assured him gently, rubbing his soft spikes in the process. "Don't worry about me, I'm fine," she finished, hoping it would placate him, but she knew it wouldn't be enough.

Rosan had an innate talent at reading people and it was a skill that he abused, particularly on her, with glee. She watched, with a frown on her pretty face, as his eyes went downcast at the news and his lips began wobbling.

Was he really that upset that she wouldn't be giving birth yet? No there had to be another reason for it. "Rosan? What's wrong? Why are you so upset?" Rouge asked and she knelt towards her oldest child.

Rosan glared up at his mother and she slightly reeled in surprise. "Why d-do you k-keep lying to me?! I-I never lie to you because you'd be mad, so why shouldn't I be mad?!"

Oh dear. Rouge looked away in guilt at his truthful words. She had really done it now and it didn't look like her son was finished.

Rosan, through shaky breaths, said "Y-you keep saying you're fine but your not; I know you can't be when you're in so much pain at night!" The sheer frustration painted clearly across his face, made it clear that this had been bothering him for a while.

Rouge froze, as an overwhelming guilt overcame her.

H-had he noticed that?

"Of course he noticed," she chided herself. Rosan could be very astute when it came to a person he cared about.

Her attempts to hide the agony that came with prolonging her pregnancy, had no doubt been noticed by him. If the look in his eyes meant anything, then it was from the start. The strawberry-blonde didn't want Rosan to know how bad it affected her, so she tried to mask the pain as a way of not worrying him.

Masking it, had only made him that much more aware of the issue though.

Rosan stared expectantly at her, practically demanding an explanation with his expression alone, and the pregnant woman couldn't help the resigned expression that appeared on her face.

Rouge felt a wave of exhaustion hit her as tears began to form. She was just so tired. The freckled woman wanted nothing more then to give birth to her child, but how could she in the circumstances that she was currently in?

Small arms wrapped tightly around her and a watery smile formed as she gratefully hugged her son back. She looked down and felt utterly overwhelmed by how understanding Rosan's, similarly, tear streaked gaze was.

Despite how selfish she had been for not noticing how much pain her son was in, he still cared more about her own well-being, then how mad he currently was for being kept in the dark.

She didn't deserve his kindness at all and that thought removed any doubt in her mind. Seeing the pain it caused him, and how caring he was despite that, it was only right she confided in her fears to him.

It was the least he deserved.

Steeling herself, Rouge shakily said "I'm... so scared Rosan. I want nothing more then to have this child, I want to raise them, shower them in the same motherly love that I've showered you with but… I can't Rosan. Not yet."

Her breath hitched as the tears began to pour and the four year old hugged her tighter as she continued. "The world government will stop at nothing to have this baby killed Rosan. My baby. They've been here for 2 years killing any newborn they can get their hand on." Rosan just listened in shocked silence and Rouge took that as her chance to keep speaking.

"Roger has been dead for so long already…" she said forlornly and she let out a choked sob at the thought of the man she fell in love with. Rosan had long since joined her in crying and the two found solace in each other.

Despite this, Rouge had already committed to telling her son everything and she couldn't stop now. "I miss him so much Rose but, I have to be strong for you and for our unborn child. Roger, I can't… no, I won't let our child die, Rosan. I-it wont happen. I refuse to let it happen."

Rouge began hyperventilating just at the thought that something bad could happen to her child. Her child didn't deserve to be killed before they had even had a chance to live. No one deserved to die for the sins of their parent. The thought was enough to send her into a panicked frenzy.

Two hands clapped firmly onto her freckled cheeks. She had closed her eyes in the panic and as she opened them, she saw a tear-streaked gaze filled with nothing but concern and understanding. "Mama, it's okay. I know it's hard but if we do it together, it will be much better!" Rosan reassured her and she slowly but surely calmed down at how genuine he sounded.

"I hate seeing you so sad. It makes me really sad, then we're both sad, then we'll probably cry a lot but then, I'm a big boy and I'm not 'posed to cry and —"

Rouge couldn't help it and she let out a delighted laugh as her son rambled. She grabbed Rosan and began to nuzzle him, much to his displeasure. Handily ignoring his protests, Rouge only hugged him tighter.

There were moments when Rosan seemed so much older then his age and he showed such maturity and then, he would instantly revert back into his childish ways that filled her with so much joy. She was truly blessed to have found such a sweet little boy.

Wiping her tears away, Rouge affectionately said, "Oh my little Rose, you're absolutely right." Gently rubbing a spot on his hair that always turned him into putty, she asked, "Just what would I do without you?"

Rosan snuggled deep into her and cockily replied, "Nuthin Mama, cuz I'm the best!"

The freckled woman laughed in fond exasperation and said, "Of course Rosan! Of course."

Mother and son stayed their for what felt like hours in the comfort of each other, until Rosan's stomach let out an embarrassingly loud gurgle.

Blushing slightly at his mothers amused expression Rosan tried to defend himself by saying, "Don't laugh at me Mama, I'm hungry!"

His indignation only got worse, as her bell like laughter got louder. "I'm sorry, my little Rose," Rouge didn't sound apologetic whatsoever and Rosan puffed out his cheeks. "Lets finish dinner so we can eat, okay?" she told her precious son, who forgot his outrage at the prospect of food.

Nodding his head furiously, Rosan replied, "Mm! I'll help so we can make it 500 times faster!" And wiggled out of her grip. She cooed at the adorable sight.

They both stood up in preparation to continue making food. The duo were in high spirits, despite the sadness they felt earlier.

Rosan sobered up quickly and looked over at his Mama to ask her a question. "Hey, Mama?" he nearly whispered and at her questioning glance, he continued, "Do ya promise that after all this, the pain will go away and the 3 of us can be together?"

Rouge smiled down at Rosan and replied earnestly, "I promise my little Rose."

Character Sheet: Portgas D. Rosan

Summary: Found and raised by Portgas D. Rouge as a newborn, Rosan is a young boy full of boundless amounts of energy. Not much is known about his origins but, he has the D initial in his name. At only 4 years old, he is equipped with a larger then life personality and has more curiosity then what is probably good for him. Empathetic and observant, the boy is smarter then he looks.

Devil Fruit: Mod Mod no Mi (Modification Fruit)

Type: Paramecia.

Description: Turns Rosan into a computer man. With this Devil Fruit, Rosan is allowed to modify whatever he sees fit. Whats interesting, is that this Devil Fruit seems to have a voice that Rosan has affectionately began to call Mod-chan. The nature of this fruit is unknown.

Appearance: Tan, nearly bronze skin

Height: 3'2 (96 cm)

Hair: Spiky shoulder length red hair that's soft to touch

Eyes: 2 bright, shining purple eyes that seem to glow.

Outfit: A simple black tee with red shorts and black sandals

Likes: Rouge, Mod-chan, getting stronger, adventuring, sweets (he loves candy), meat and fruits (strawberries and mangoes are his favorite)

Dislikes: Lizards (They make his skin crawl), World Government, Zombies (he doesn't care that they aren't real they creep him out), The taste of a Devil Fruit and anything nasty.

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