Back in Citrus city, someone was hoping that Phoebe would drop dead wherever she was. The person was none other than Ruth. Having had a terrible night she laid in her bed, ignoring the bright rays of the sun pouring through her window.
Her thoughts were whirling, coming up with all sorts of plots on how to get Phoebe disowned because getting her out of the house wasn't going to be enough. She had realized that within the past few days that her family, with the exception of Collin had formed a strong bonds with Phoebe. Even for Collin, it was just a matter of time before he got swayed by Phoebe's charm.
How could they abandon her in the sickly condition she was in to help Phoebe out at the dastardly cafe? What pained her the most was that Collin had mentioned that David was at the cafe too, he had received the news from their mother who called to know about her state of health.
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