David's eyes fluttered around, slightly lost. Most women found his act of emptying out an entire restaurant for them romantic. In fact Phoebe loved it in their past life, she delighted in it. So, why is it that she was disappointed in this one.
Think David, think....., he urged his brain. If this date wasn't up to her taste anymore then he had to cut it short and move to plan B.
"What? Why would you think that I would do such a thing? I only came here to pick up something. We are going to the other branch of the restaurant."
He lied quickly but she saw through it of course. It made Phoebe fold her lips because she wanted to let out a guffaw.
David pulled the manager aside and whatever he told him left the man distraught.
"Why Mr. Saxon, is something wrong? What don't you like, the decorations, band, flowers, rose scented candles?" He asked. He seemed worried because the rich man was canceling and he thought that they would be asked to make a refund.
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