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72.72% Danmachi: Goliath / Chapter 16: Chapter 16: Stupid Plan

Capítulo 16: Chapter 16: Stupid Plan

"Hmmm..." As I was eating the food I got from my summoning, a little voice in my head told me something. Two things, actually. 

The first one is that my plan to get Loki in debt to me was stupid. Extremely. I can't even believe I thought this would fucking work.


First, even if the two days pass and the contract is valid. Loki can simply return me the sword to null it, pay me the price for the little girl using my sword for a day, and then they could make another contract with me to buy the sword. 

Well, I could ask for more money for the sword like 700 million or something, but then what would be the point of spending two whole days in the dungeon? Yeah, I don't see a reason.

A second thing is the existence of "Nuh-uh." 

There was no written or physical contract, just me and a little girl shaking hands. The Loki familia could simply deny the existence of said contract and keep the sword. If I take them to court and fight, it would be the words of a random bald black human against the second strongest and one of the most reputable Familia in Orario. 

Even a dumbass can figure who would win that, but I guess I didn't when I planned that bullshit out.

Though, I would admit. This plan would work if gods could tell when a mortal is lying, and a god is the judge. They would see I am not lying about the contract, but alas, I doubt gods have that ability since they sealed all their power.

Now, what should I do? I looked down at my rice bowl. "I guess I should leave."

Now, you might be asking. How did I summon food? The Item banner gave them, and with 50 of my 50 basic summoning tickets I got from completing my first day mission, I had summoned from it.

In total, I got 19 elixirs, 12 MP potions, a Supreme elixir, a Hefty Fly Pot, 12 different foods, an electric blitz abrasive, eight different drinks, a Grimoire, a golden pocket watch, a sunwarmth stone, a skill stone, forager brood cookbook, rotten pine resin, antidote powder, and finally, enough Valis to bring my total owned Valis to 1,983,888.

Yeah, I am not short of money one bit.

And from what I noticed, the item banner only gives 'consumable' items and things that could be used repeatedly aren't summoned from it. From the items I got from the fifty draw, I recognized all of them except one.

Yeah, I put them in my game and, yes, I copied other games' consumable items because I have almost no imagination and thought they were nice. It's not like I was going to publish the game so no one could claim copyright. 

Now, the one I didn't recognize was the Grimoire, so I had to look at its status to know what it did.


Grimoire (Random Magic)

Consumable Item

Item Uses: Once

A spellbook that unlocks the reader's unique magical potential simply by reading it. Unlike [Grimoire (Written Magic)], the magic gained is based on the reader's potential, desires, and personality. Once read, the book turns to ash.

*Requires Falna. If two people read it simultaneously, only one will gain magic.


It turns out it was an item from this world which grants magic to those blessed by the gods. If it turns out to be useless to me, I can just sell it. Though, it's probably a cheap item seeing as it gives random magic. 'Maybe I can sell it for one million valis.' That's around seven thousand USD. Sounds reasonable.

Well, with that out of the way, I stood up. Putting my empty rice bowl into the 55 slot in my inventory, before bringing out the sack of magic stone I had in there, bringing the number of items in my inventory down to 54.

The sack was full to the brim, with about two thousand five hundred magic stones in there and hundreds of drop items. It would give me at least five hundred thousand valis at checkout, but I suspect about 25% will go to tax, seeing as this is a medieval world. 

Now, time to leave this dungeon.

And that I did. 

It was about 11 in the morning, so Babel's lobby was busy with adventures, and I noticed a lot of eyes on me. Well, not me but my sack, so I assume it isn't public yet about my contract with little level four.

'Little level four?' I had been calling her that a lot that I forgot her actual name. 'Aisha? Aislyn? Aisabell?' I know It's something along that line, but I can't put my finger on it. 

Well, whatever. Let's go to the guild and get my money. Setting the waypoint in the map, I selected the shortest path and followed it. This path didn't take the main road and followed a lot of back roads, but I doubt anyone would come after me.

"Wait," Can't adventures sense Falna? Yeah, that's a problem. How can I act strong when they can tell I am not blessed? 'Eh, I have a nuke.' If they have a high enough instinct, just selecting the nuke can put them on guard.

"..." Why is the map taking me through this ally? The buildings are so close together that I can barely fit, and It's filled with cobwebs. 'Well, I did pick the shortest path.' Let's take a detour.

Entering another ally, I noticed two kids, one leaning against the wall with his arm folded and the other one squatting. And they were looking at me. 'Aww~' They look like little gangsters.

What, want to rob me? Laughable. 

*Ptooey* The squatting redhead boy spat on the grin, a scowl on his face. "Hand over your bag, old man."

"KAHAHAHA!" I couldn't hold back my laughter and actually laughed. But that was only for a second, and I regained my self-control. "No."

"Do what she said," The blond haired boy said, his arm folded across his chest as he stared at me from the side of his eyes. "Or I will break all your limbs."

She? No, that's not the problem. 

'They seem oddly cocky???' I mean, I understand that kids can be gangster, but why the actual FUCK would children try to rob a 7'11" 586 pounds man? Ok, they might not know my weight, but who would be stupid enough to try to rob me?

'Unless...' I went to the map and click on the dot representing the blond haired boy, 

[Finn Deimne of Loki, 37, Rank 6]

"Hmm..." I see. I definitely see. So this is Finn. Definitely not how I expected the captain to look.

"What's taking you so long, old man?" The red haired boy stood as he placed his hands in his pocket. "Too scared to talk?" He started walking towards me.

And who might you be? 

[God Loki of the Loki Familia]


A god?

I am in the presence of a fucking god!?

'I am cooked.'

"Eh?" The little boy, Loki, Looked around as he sensed my eyes, before turning his attention back on me.

"I didn't realize I was in the presence of a god." I am not stupid enough not to be respectful to a god. 

Especially not Loki. 

"Have your morning been good, Your Grace?" I did not extend my hand as a greeting. That might be seen as a sign of disrespect in this world. 'How dare a mortal touch a god.' They might be thinking

He stared at me and then sighed, "Boring."

'???' The fuck did I do? "Have I done something wrong?" I spoke to him as I will speak to my boss back on earth. Noticing him looking up at me, like the mortal I am, I dropped to one knee, bending my head in reverence. "If so, how can I fix that?" Wait, is he a psychopath?

"Should I cut off my pinky finger and offer it to her as a sign of apology?" He blinked. "My hand?" He didn't respond.

What the fuck? He wants my whole arm? 

Well, whatever. I can regrow it with my Supreme elixir, so let's just cut it off.

"I will give you my arm—"

"Ok!" Finn suddenly clapped. "How about 'we' have a talk?"

~~~~~3rd person POV~~~~~

Finn stared at the man he could only describe as a giant. More muscular than anyone he has ever seen, even Ottar, and so tall that his head barely reaches his upper thigh. This forces him to look up at the taller man for their eyes to meet, so he had to stay a few feet away to avoid bending his neck at an awkward angle.

'And he didn't recognize us, but after his 'eyes' lost focus, he suddenly knew who we were.' And he did not forget the strange feeling he got, like something crawling up his back. The disgusting feeling he gets when Freya looks at him. 'Magic?'

'No, he has Falna.' Finn shook his head. 'Someone else must have looked at us.' He turned to Babel. 'Freya?'

"Boring." Loki sighed. She had suspected that since he was new, he wouldn't know the faces of the Loki Familia. However, he recognized them after a while. 'What a shame.'

"Have I done something wrong?" The man spoke, sounding...panicked? The goddess looked, but he suddenly dropped to one knee, a fist on the ground and his head bowed. "If so, how can I fix that? Should I cut off my pinky finger and offer it to her as a sign of apology?"

'Wait, what?' Finn was taken aback by this question. 'Why would someone even do that?!'

'Ho?' Even Loki was a bit surprised.

"My hand?" The man asked, not even looking up, with Loki and Finn glancing at each other. 

The captain noticed the mischievous grin of his goddess growing, so he decided it was time to end this. 

"I will give you my arm—"

"Ok!" Finn stepped forward with a clap. "How about 'we' have a talk?"

"You're boring, Finn." The goddess groaned. "I wanted to see how far he will go~"

'Yes, I noticed.' The Pallum sighed, "Your name is..."

"Noah." The man replied, not even raising his head. 

"You can stand, you know..." Finn started.

"No!" Loki suddenly went behind him and sat on his back. "I have been walking all day, would you mind being my stool?"

"Of course not," The man quickly replied, which caused Loki to grin at Finn who rubbed the bridge of his nose. "You can use my body however you like."

"Oh, really~" Loki laid on his back, her eyes opening slightly. "Why don't you—"

"The contract!" Finn's voice cut through the goddess. He didn't know what she was going to say, but he knew it wouldn't be good. 

"How dare you!" Loki gasped in mock offense at her captain's words. "To cut off a goddess like that?" Finn blinked at the grinning goddess who stood from the man's back and pointed. "Noah, kill him!"

Finn sighed, waiting for the man to attack him, but he suddenly said, "I am sorry, but I will be unable to complete that request." 

'Eh?' That was a surprise. Seeing how he had been respectful, obedient, they thought he would immediately attack.

"You see, it's simply impossible for me to kill him as he is stronger than I am." The man finished.

'Makes sense.' Finn nodded. 'Wait, no!' He cleared his throat, "Please, Loki." He shot a flat look at her, causing a shiver from the goddess.

"Ok, ok." She patted the giant's head. "I don't know who the god was in the place you came from, but you don't have to act like that in the presence of most Gods in Orario." She walked towards Finn, "Most of us wouldn't force you to cut off your arm because you didn't recognize us."

"Be respectful, that's all." Finn added, and the man nodded and stood, looking down at them. Literally.

"I will keep that in mind." He said, his crimson, blood-like pupil glancing between the two of them. "I see you came to talk about the contract. How about we go someplace more private?"

"That's it!" Loki stuck up a thumb. "More relaxing, isn't it?"

He glanced at her and was silent for a few seconds. "Yes, sir." He gave a smile that would be beautiful in someone else's face but terrifying on his. "It is more relaxing."

"Sir?" Loki blinked, and Finn cleared his throat to cover his laugh. "I am a woman." She cupped her flat chest. "A. Woman."

"Yes, indeed, you can be a woman." He nodded. "I will address you as 'ma'am,' then."

For some reason, Loki felt like he was interpreting her words, but Finn spoke before she could say anything. "Do you have a place in mind for our conversation?"

"No, I do not." He replied as he picked up his sack.

"How about your home?" Loki asked, rubbing her jaw as she inspected the man's body. "I am curious what the home of a man your size will look like."

"I only entered the city 2 days ago, and most of my time has been spent in the dungeon." He explained, "I haven't settled."

"Oh, really~" Loki grinned, and Finn knew what was coming. This man was too 'unique' for Loki not to like him. "How about you come join our Familia?" 

"Ah, I am not ready to join a familia." He declined, much to their surprise.

"Eh?" This was a first. 

Normally, when she asks someone to join they would instantly say yes, however Finn will then tell them he will put them the same entrance exam everyone else goes through which would make most think otherwise. 

"It's not that I do not like your familia, Ma'am," The man seemed to have noticed their reaction and spoke, "But I've simply not reached the 'human' limit of my body to require a blessing from a god to continue growing stronger."

"Oh, you haven't reached your limit?" Loki leaned closer, outstretching her hand to touch his abs through his clothes. Rock solid. "Hehehe~"

The man dropped the bag he was holding, "I may look like this." He suddenly performed a double biceps spread, his muscles bulging under his unusual long-sleeve shirt. "But this is only about 51% of my true potential."

"Oh, really~" Loki's eyes glittered as he performed a side chest pose. 

"Yes." He changed to a side triceps pose. "Yes, we have a high growth potential. Unlike Pallum."

There was a small twitch of Finn's shoulders with that last statement, and the man quickly said, "No shades."

'Shade?' He didn't understand that term but decided to let it slide. "We should go somewhere." The ally they were in was secluded, but it wasn't private enough. "How about you come to the Twilight Manor?"

"I will be honored," He stopped posing for Loki and picked up his sack once more. "Please, lead the way."

~~~~~~~~Author's Note~~~~~~~~~~

Finished this chapter pretty quickly so just decided to post it. If its bad will delete it and rewrite it. Give me your opinions fellows.

IdontHaveaName IdontHaveaName

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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